
Twitter Resources For You – All About Tweeting

Learn To Tweet and Love It! Grab the Latest eBook

Learn to Tweet and Thrive on Twitter now at Amazon!

how to tweet and thrive

New to Twitter ResourcesTwitter Profile Cheat Sheet – Learn how to set up your Twitter Profile to gain the maximum exposure for your Twitter account profile.

This will help to benefit your Twitter account overall.

Twitter is the best social media network to use today for your blog! 

Next, I offer Twitter Training – If you need help with Twitter or would like your staff to be trained to tweet smarter, contact me today.

Posts All About Twitter

How to Use the New Twitter Layout to Your Advantage to Secretly Rock Twitter
One of the things I really got excited about was finding out where people were grabbing my content to share on Twitter. Yes! August 13, 2019.

Twitter Rules for Dummies Now Short and Sweet Like a Tweet for You – Twitter seemed to come down harder on peeps this past year than ever before. I often wondered what was happening. June 8, 2019.

New Twitter Camera and other features for you to use when you tweet away! April 25, 2019.

The Ultimate Twitter Ads Checklist to Supercharge Your Conversions when you use Twitter ads. January 15, 2019.

2018 Posts to Help You Tweet Better

Does the Twitter Like Button make it too easy for us to like a tweet and not engage there? November 5, 2018.

Has Twitter Become a Pay to Play Network Like Facebook? My guest post at Write Mix For Business, August 27, 2018.

How Long Does a Twitter Suspension Last & How To Avoid One! Updated July, 2018.

Do you know how many tweets in a day you can tweet and NOT be a Twitter pest? June, 2018.

Read these 20 Valuable Twitter Marketing Tips To Make You Awesome on Twitter Today.  May, 2018.

Learn how to mix your tweets up for the new Twitter Rules and still tweet effectively! April, 2018.

The Secret of How to Share Tweets in Different Places – Learn ways to share tweets to extend their life and bring more traffic to your blog or website. March, 2018.

How to Tweet Properly for Increased Traffic – Featured on Huffington Post! January, 2018.

More Twitter Resources and Tips From Last Year

How to get influential Twitter follows by Contributor Simon Zaku. Packed with Twitter tips! December 19, 2017.

280 Character Count is Now Available to All on Twitter – November 8, 2017.

Inspire to Thrive Twitter Chat – For Your Small Business or Blog, October, 2017. (More coming!)

Learn how to make a Tweetstorm on Twitter.  September, 2017.

Be more effective on Twitter with Tailored Tweets!  July, 2017.

Check out my Twitter post on ProvenSeo’s blog – Does Twitter carry SEO juice in all top search engines? 

Triberr – How to use this awesome blogging tool that gives you shares on Twitter and more! If you are a blogger Triberr is a MUST!  July, 2017.

6 Valuable Ways You Will Benefit From Using Twitter Today. April, 2017.

sign up today

Twitter Resources For Your Learning

Learn to Read Your Twitter Analytics Like A Dummy. April, 2017.

How To Sweeten Your Twitter Lists to Gain More Followerson Donna Merrill’s Tribe. March, 2017.

Love Him or Hate Him ~  9 Ways President Donald Trump Will Teach You to Tweet Smarter Today February, 2017.

Twitter Edits May Be Coming In 2017 – Will Twitter Edits Make You Happy? January, 2017.

9 Real Estate Agents Who Get Twitter Right – Learn How You Can Too!  December, 2016.

Avoid Getting the Mute on Twitter Now – Yourself or Your Words – Updated Nov 2016.

Getting Verified On Twitter May Be Valuable But Not So Easy! November, 2016.

Longer Tweets Are Finally Here – Read About Longer Tweets Today. September, 2016.

Learn How To Make Your Twitterness More Fantastic. September, 2016.

How to Make Fun Twitter GIFS to Make You More Tweetable. August, 2016.

Twitter Stickers – How To Spotlight Your Photos with These New Twitter Stickers. August, 2016.

And there is more!

See How Realtors Can Absolutely Benefit From Using Twitter Today. May, 2016.

What Happened to Your Twitter Timeline? Learn how to see your best tweets first! May, 2016.

Learn How to Use  7 Twitter Tools to Make You See Awesome Results Today. April, 2016.

Why Do Social Realtors Protect Their Valuable Tweets? February, 2016.

Twitter Is More Valuable As Chat – Not As An Essay. January, 2016.

More Twitter ResourcesTwitter tips

Ways Does Your Age Make Your Tweet Absolutely More Awesome?

Is Twitter Absolutely More Boring to Non-Users?

20 Valuable Twitter Marketing Tips to Make You Awesome!

How Twitter Has Improved and Made Itself More Simple to Use.

More Twitter Followers – Does Having More Twitter Followers Make You More Useful or Powerful?

How to Get More Social Shares Today with a Magic Number.

Do you know your Social Media Etiquette Today? Learn how with 5 social media networks including Twitter.

Oh, No Twitter, Not The Hashtags and Other Twitter Changes Like Mobile Updates, Photo Tagging, and Much More.

Can Twitter Make You Happy When You Are Feeling Down?

Why I Won’t Use Shareaholic to Share Your Posts.

Popular Twitter Hashtags That Trend and Can Rock Your Posts.

Using Twitter for Customer Service – The Right Way!

Why Having Many Twitter Followers Can Be Beneficial.

Be Awesome and Buffer It Til The Cows Come Home.

And More Twitter Resources

Got Stuck in Twitter Jail? Learn how to get out of Twitter Jail and avoid it!

How to Check on Old Twitter Followers – Unfollow or not.

Tweeting During Extraordinary Events – A yes or a no. Join the discussion here!

Tweet SeatsCan your Tweet Seat event cause a social buzz? 

3 Stats  – Want to know how effective your tweets are? Check out these Twitter stats. (My guest post on Mayura4Ever)

What Can A Twitter Chat Do For You? – Have you been on a Chat? Learn why it’s helpful to you and your business.

Oldies but Still Goodies – Twitter Resources and Tips

Curious about #FF? How to Use Follow Friday(My second Slideshare).

Twitter Tips for Business By request tips for businesses.

Twitter Lists – A way to work faster and smarter on the social network site.

Tweriod – Helps you determine the best time to tweet.

Twellow – A directory of users – A great place to put your profile in.

The Buffer App – A must-have app that sends out tweets timed out over a 24- hour period. (My favorite app – it’s not a good day unless the Buffer is filled!)

Tweetcaster – A great way to stay connected with your peeps on the go. (And you can manage several Twitter accounts with this one!)

Follow me for the latest Twitter updates!

Finally, don’t forget to follow me on my personal Twitter Account (varied tweets of my many interests and more active) or my other Inspire to Thrive Twitter Account – (Much less active since the Twitter rules changed in early 2018.)


6 thoughts on “Twitter”

  1. Hello Lisa,

    You are always in the back of my mind, when anything related to Twitter comes up. The content of this page is proof of why you are the go to person.

    Awesome collection and links for some of the best resources for twitter and tweeting. Thanks for the share.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    This is amazing. You know by now you are my go to gal when it comes to Twitter. There is a plethora of information you have and here all in one place…whoo hoo.

    I’m bookmarking this one and getting my Twitter education from you.

    Thanks bunches,


    1. Hi Donna, thank you 🙂 I’m working on that 3rd eBook too. I hope to have it completed within the month. So much is changing with Twitter quickly these days.For quite some time they were stagnant. It just gives me more to write about, right? Have a great day Donna.

  3. A great list of resources. Other than using the app, the BufferApp blog has some awesome articles about social media best practices. I also noted that you haven’t added an article about increasing Twitter followers or did I just missed it.

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