Comment Rules

6 Comment Rules

There seems to be some confusion on comments and backlinks therefore I wanted to try to make it clearer for you.
Here are the comment rules at Inspire to Thrive.

  1. You must leave your real name. No fake names or company names only. This is a must for comment rules.
  2. You must have a gravatar or at least a photo of yourself. No icons or images in place of a photo. (Unless I truly know you – there are some bloggers who have been leaving comments for years like that).
  3. Gravatars are images that follow you from site to site appearing beside your name when you leave comments or post on a blog, forum, or website. They are very easy to set up, so if you haven’t – get yours today.
  4. If your comment has nothing to do with the post or page it will get considered spam and treated as such.
  5. If you link to a product or sales page your comment will be considered spam
  6. NO short comments like “great post” or “thank you” and that’s it. This is one of the comment rules that can surely have yours ending up in the spam folder quickly.
  7. No longer will there be links on the comments.

The Comment Rules

That’s it – Pretty plain and simple. Comments should be written to add to the conversation, to add to the topic, and to answer or ask questions. Comments are the lifeline of a blog and I surely welcome them. Commenting helps us all to become better, learn about each other, learn new things, and interact. I’ve gotten to know many wonderful people via blogging and commenting.

So be sure to drop a comment on a post that inspires you to do so. I look forward to hearing from you. (A special thank you goes out to Adrian Jock of for his persistence and for inspiring me to create this page.)

This blog uses now uses our theme comments. We no longer use CommentLuv Premium. as the owner hasn’t updated the plugin in years due to illness. Recently, though I heard someone has purchased it. However, I am sticking with the theme comments for now on Inspire To Thrive.

Lisa of Inspire To Thrive

26 thoughts on “Comment Rules at Inspire to Thrive’s Blog”

  1. Hi
    I am a new blogger and I don’t know really the method of comments. this page is very important and interesting for me about writing a comment. another thing I learn about the gravatar. I have got my gravater

  2. Hi Lisa

    Nice comment policies.
    After reading your comment polices, i just created my gravatar.
    I realized that a gravatar would further help me in branding of my blog.
    Thanks mentioning gravatar as a must thing to comment.

    1. Hi Atul, having a clown image is NOT good. You really need to your photo. If you don’t change I will put the comment in spam.

      1. Hi Lisa .

        I have edited my gravatar and added my real pic in some different style and I am giving a good pose in sitting style.

        Hope you will like it and will approve all of my comments that I have added on few of the articles on your blog. Thanks

        1. Awesome Atul. Much better. This will help you comment elsewhere too now.
          Yes, the ones I have in spam I will approve. Thank you.

    2. You are welcmce Atul, glad you had it done. It will work for you elsewhere now as people will take you more seriously than a clown image.

  3. Thanks for sharing rules. After reading this post I have made account on gravatar and add my picture. Great comments rules, This is exactly post, that I am really looking for my website.
    Thank you for sharing information. Keep it up the work.


    1. Hi Amit, glad you got that gravatar. That is very important when you go commenting around the blogosphere. You are most welcome and have a great day.

  4. Ali Najam Siddiqui

    Thanks for sharing rules. After reading this post I have made account on gravatar and add my picture. This is my first comment after adding my pic.

  5. Great comments rules, This is exactly post, that I am really looking for my website.
    Thank you for sharing information. Keep it up the work.

  6. Comments are really a great means to exchange our thoughts …

    Lisa , you are right with your comments rules .

    In fact I found most of these comment rules are helpful for the person who comments !!!!

    Yes .. Like name and gravater , It looks professional when some use his Real name and use Real image of self …

    For few words comments it is just a waste of time and efforts as “Thank you” and “nice article ” never explain what you really want to say in appreciation of that particular article ..

    So I suggest all commenters to follow these rules for their own benefits as well …

    and more I am also going to make a comments policy for my blog ..

    Thanks for sharing a nice post …

  7. Thanks Lisa,

    This is a really nice and helpful post. Excellent guide on comment policy. All the listed guidelines are very clear. I was looking for such information on blog commenting. I will follow all the steps on my blog to improve my traffic.

  8. Hi Lisa,

    Absolutely love that you’ve given the rules on ‘commenting.’ As a matter of fact, I plan to implement some of those rules. I like the one in particular about they have to comment 3 times before receiving a backlink. Very cool.

    Great post. Short, sweet, important and to the point.


  9. [Lisa, I’m not looking for a new backlink. I just figured out one more tip. You could delete this comment and add it as a PS to the first one. You decide what you think it’s best.]


    P.S. If you decide to follow my tip, each page of the blog will have a link to the Comment Rules page. Therefore the Comment Rules page will become very important in Google’s eyes. In my opinion, it shouldn’t be THAT important. That’s why I suggest that you add the code rel=nofollow to the links that point to this page.

      1. You’re welcome, Lisa. I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t think that the sidebar placement is the best idea. Here’s why…

        That policy isn’t for you to read it, but for your visitors and especially for commenters. Right? Forget that you’re the owner of the blog, and try to place yourself in reader’s shoes. Now use a smartphone (this is important), visit one of your blog posts and then decide to submit a comment. You’ll see what I mean… There’s no commenting policy under your nose… The sidebar isn’t really there anymore .

  10. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for the shout out. It doesn’t matter whether someone agrees or not with your rules, but the fact is that your rules are perfectly fine.

    If I may, I would suggest one more thing: place a link to the rules at the bottom of the comment area. This suggestion comes from practice… I checked right now one of your blog posts, pretending that I’m a visitor who just landed on your blog… I didn’t notice any commenting rules other than the original CL rule you already had in place.
    Finally, your action proves that partially I misjudged you. It may sound strange, but I’m happy that I was wrong.

    1. Thank you Adrian, I appreciate your suggestion and will consider that one too. I appreciate your coming by again on this one.

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