How To Find Inactive Twitter Followers – 3 Easy Ways To Remove

Are you looking to find Inactive Twitter followers?. No matter the season, the Twitter X cleaning continues. Why follow peeps who have not tweeted in weeks or months? Learn how you can check and remove idle Twitter followers here on Inspire To Thrive.

Learn how to find inactive Twitter followers to clean up your account. There are several reasons to remove inactive Twitter followers from your Twitter account.

If peeps are not active on the social networking service, it is time to say Goodbye to your lifeless Twitter followers! However, now with Elon Musk in charge, he may get rid of these OLD inactive Twitter accounts.

He was talking about giving the old inactive Twitter users 30 days to decide whether to stay or go via email. Time will tell as he makes massive changes to this social network with each passing day.

To this day it still not has happened as old Twitter accounts remain on the rebranded X platform.

Idle Peeps On Twitter X

For one reason or another, some Twitter users decide to no longer tweet. Or maybe they were suspended by Twitter and decided not to log back in.

Other Twitter users may only log in to read tweets and not send any tweets out. For whatever reason, these people remain inactive on Twitter.

How do you find these inactive Twitter followers? Or those that you followed who have turned inactive on Twitter?

3 Great Ways To Find Inactive Twitter Followers

There are some great tools you can use to who are your inactive Twitter followers. These are the ones that are no longer following you and view how long it has been since they last tweeted. They may have been fake or old bot accounts.

Why waste your Twitter stream with folks that are lifeless and/or irrelevant to your tweets?

inactive twitter followers

Most of these Twitter tools below have a FREE and a paid version to check for inactive Twitter followers. The paid versions of these Twitter tools have a lot of bells and whistles for you to grow your Twitter account.

With the recent changes in the API, most of these services had to charge more.

How To Delete Inactive Twitter Followers With 2 Tools

CircleBloom For Twitter Management

Circlebloom – Users can directly see and filter inactive Twitter accounts with Circleboom.

They offer various Twitter services such as: Twitter Followers Insights, Follower Tracking, Account Analytics, Advanced Twitter Search and Delete Tweet services.

Fedica (Formerly) TweepsMap – An Oldie Revised

Fedica – You can have emails sent daily or weekly. Then, you set up how often to receive them. Finally, you can find the users quickly on Twitter and unfollow if they have recently unfollowed you.

However, if they have value in their tweets I will continue to follow them. (Like I still follow Neil Patel as you see in an example further below.)

I do not recommend going right directly from the email to Twitter to unfollow inactive Twitter followers.

Twitter does not like 3rd party apps for following and unfollowing and could lock you out. (Although it hasn’t happened to me.)

The New Twitter Layout Shows Who Follows You or Not Now

When Twitter changed its layout a few years back they gave us a new feature right on the Twitter stream.

As you can see in the example below Neil Patel is not following me back on Twitter. Do note as well, that you can see who else is following from your Twitter account that you follow.

inactive twitter followers

But as you can see below Bad Red Head Media is following me back and notice how you can see who else is following back:

following back on Twitter

This is a much better way to see who follows you or unfollows you. In addition, it will keep you from being locked out of Twitter as Twitter doesn’t like those 3rd party apps! (However, it does take longer to find these unfollowers than the Twitter tools above.)

And then there is a newer service for Twitter that Ileane Smith tweeted about a few years back: (She always has the latest on cool new and older tools.)

Followers – How Many Can You Unfollow On Twitter X?

Twitter has rules about how many you can follow and unfollow in a day. You must be careful not to be seen as churning spam, particularly by automated means.

If you are one to follow and unfollow daily you may get noticed by Twitter and could be a cause for concern.

Today you can follow up to 400 people per day. But, if your Twitter account is verified that number climbs to 1,000 people that you may follow.

In addition, every Twitter account can follow up to 5,000 accounts. Once you reach that number, you may need to wait until your account has more followers before you can follow additional accounts.

This number is different for each account and is automatically calculated based on your unique ratio of followers to following accounts according to Twitter. It sounds like a secret recipe. Maybe Elon will share the secret and change this outdated Twitter rule.

So be careful not to constantly follow and unfollow. You must also read my eBook so you don’t end up in Twitter jail – it really exists!

6 Reasons To Find and Remove Idle Twitter Followers

  1. They haven’t tweeted in weeks or months.
  2. People don’t tweet in your areas of interest, why continue to follow them?
  3. They do not interact with you when you tweet or retweet them.
  4. Other accounts don’t have a face or icon associated with their account – why did you follow in the first place?
  5. No profile pictures. What are these Twitter peeps about? What is their purpose for being on Twitter? Be sure to fill out your bio completely if you want to be followed.
  6. Lastly, they tweet constantly. They fill up your stream with not-so-great content. Maybe they should use Aograpulse to schedule their tweets.  

Your Turn on How to Remove Inactive Twitter Followers

Have you been able to find your idle Twitter followers and those who you follow who are inactive on Twitter? If you still want to keep tabs on some of these folks on Twitter you can easily put them on a Twitter list. 

I’d love to know more in the comments below on how you go about unfollowing others on Twitter X.

How to Find Inactive Twitter Followers – 3 Easy Ways To Remove Them Today Share on X
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Lisa Sicard

104 thoughts on “How To Find Inactive Twitter Followers – 3 Easy Ways To Remove”

  1. Thanks Lisa for letting us know about this useful information. I have tried Tweetsmap today and find that It’s quick and easy to use. So this seems perfect for me. Great work you really do here…

    1. Hi Romio, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. You are most welcome. I love the tool and may upgrade someday as well. Have a great day.

  2. Hello Lisa,
    I am also figuring out to find inactive followers on my Twitter profile. A few months back I removed some manually but it is definitely a time-consuming job when you have thousands of followers. Thanks for sharing these helpful tools.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

    1. Hi Vishwajeet, I love that tool as it saves me a lot of time. If you go with the premium version I believe you can unfollow more as well. Thanks for coming by and have a great day there Vishwajeet.

  3. This is the second article I read today on your blog, I must say you do really amazing work here…
    I am gonna give “Tweetsmap” a try, thanks for sharing such an amazing article.

    1. Thanks Ravi, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. I love that tool, just got it in my email this morning. They also have a browser extension you can use too. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

    1. Thanks, Erik, good to know! I see lots of fluctuations lately with people coming and going on the network since Elon took over.

  4. Hey Lisa,

    Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post.

    Being very honest I don’t check my lists to remove people who are not tweeting but yes, I too believe we have to keep an eye on our followers and why we follow them who are not tweeting much any longer.

    I didn’t know about these follow and unfollow rules and terms and conditions in so depth but there are many strange followers who don’t have even full profiles and are inactive too. Hope this helps me lot. Thanks for sharing your awesome idea.

    Thanks & Regards,

    1. You are most welcome Rijhu. Welcome to Inspire to Thrive. I rarely follow anyone who doesn’t have a photo unless I know them personally and anyone that does not have a profile. Having a full profile is so important today on Twitter. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  5. Hi Lisa,

    I’m glad you updated this post. A lot of tools that I gave access to my Twitter account no longer exist.

    Btw – in that tweet when I mentioned an app called Tweet Drip – I was not implying that I used it. I was asking to see if anyone else was. Turned out you guys said no so I completed forgot about it and haven’t seen anyone talking about it since back in November 2019 ? They were not on my list of tools that I need to revoke access to from Twitter.

    Thanks Lisa!

    1. Hi Ileane, Oh yes, every once in a while we have to look at this Twitter apps we gave access to. It is an easy thing to forget there with so many other things to do. I see Tweet Drip is still around. Would be interesting to see if anyone does use it. Thanks for coming by and explaning this one to us here. Have a great day and be safe with the impending tropical storm!

  6. Philip Verghese Ariel

    Thanks, Lisa for sharing this wonderful post.
    Yes, we need to do a follow up on our followers.
    Yes, why do we need to follow the dead woods!
    The 6 Reasons To Stop Following Old Twitter Followers are worth notable and need to do an exercise here, why to keep or follow such followers.
    Thanks for the insight and the tools links shared in this regard, I need to do a clean-up service in this regard on my twitter page.
    Keep sharing
    Season’s Greetings you and all your readers.
    ~ Phil
    PS; You have been mentioned in one of my recently updated posts.

    1. Hi Philip, You are most welcome. I try to check mine at least monthly on Twitter and I also follow new people as well. Good to keep the flow going there. I’ll have to check your article out Philip, thanks for letting me know. I hope you have a great season there as well and enjoy your weekend ahead.

  7. Truthfully, I don’t go through my list all that often to remove people who aren’t tweeting much any longer. I used to have an app that told me about those folks but it died out. I use Tweetmap, but it only tells us who we’re no longer connected to as far as I can tell.

    I tend to believe it’s more important not to go for the counts grab and only follow people you’re interested in. It’ll make Twitter a better experience for everyone.

    1. Hi Mitch, You can also tell right on Twitter itself now. If someone is following you it will show right next to their bio. I agree on following those you are interested in for sure. I keep unfollowing those I followed years ago that I am no longer interested in. But if someone hasn’t tweeted in months or a year why still follow, right? Thanks for coming by Mitch and I hope you are staying warm in this winter storm.

  8. Hi Lisa, there is excellent value in sweeping tweeps who are not active on the platform. If not for anything, it allows a person to create more space for new users and grow your followers. I use Untweeps to sweep them away.

    1. Hi Moss, Thanks, I agree. I have not heard of untweeps yet. Is is a 3rd party tool? I’m so leary of those now with Twitter suspensions but I like how I can see right on Twitter and or on my Agorapulse dashboard of who follows or not anymore. Thanks for your input and have a great day Moss.

  9. Hi Lisa,

    Inactive twitter followers do not add any value to your business. It is always wise to bury them for the sake of better analytic reports. Focus more on building connection with like minded professionals on Twitter.


    1. Hi Gaurav, I would agree with you on that one! I don’t follow back if they are inactive or I’ll unfollow if they never engage along the way. Thanks for your input and have a great week ahead.

  10. Super guide Lisa.
    I see great value in having as many Twitter followers as possible, and following many in return to promote a sense of community. But why follow someone who spams you, or send irrelevant tweets too often; or doesn’t have their profile set-up. There’s no value in that, but there is in removing those peeps. Less clutter.

    1. Hi Nikola, I’d agree as long as you are communicating with them and not just following for the sake of following. Though I understand it’s hard to communicate with that many people. That’s why I love using Twitter Lists. It really helps me to keep organized and in touch with more peeps. Thanks for coming by on this one Nikola and have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Hello Lisa,

    Twitter is removing millions of inactive accounts in a step to clean the Twitter platform and make it more engaging.

    Twitter rules clearly state that if a Twitter account has shown prolonged inactivity, it can be removed from Twitter.

    As a Twitter user, you would want to follow those Twitter accounts that are active and contribute well to your Twitter feed.

    Circleboom is a complete Twitter management tool that helps you with cleaning your Twitter account by unfollowing inactive, fake and spam twitter accounts – currently I’m using it.

    Eventually, thanks for exploring your ideas with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

    1. Thanks Amar. They are removing them yes, but I still have many followers that haven’t tweeted in months or even years. I use Agorapulse and a few others I mentioned in the post but I only unfollow and follow in the stream as Twitter is playing too friendly with many 3rd party tools today. You are welcome and have a great weekend Amar.

  12. I really impressed from this post. Twitter is really a great social networking website. Having more followers can helps to make a new engaged community. And there is a twitter tool named Tweepdash which helps to remove followers who are not following you back. I think you know about this lisa. right??? I appreciate with you. Actually I have also written a post related to twitter followers recently so I think why not to check others post and came across to your post. Thanks once again for sharing.

    1. Thanks Chetan, I do spend most of my social time on Twitter. It’s truly the BEST. I do like your tool that you introduced too, nice one! Thanks for coming by and sharing here too. Catch you back on Twitter!

  13. James McAllister

    Nobody likes inactive Twitter users, which is why I try to be as active on it as possible. If you can’t be active on it, I always recommend using something like Buffer which will help space out your tweets. It’s also helpful if you’re article surfing or something and you want to share with your followers, but you don’t want to annoy them by tweeting them all out at once.

    1. James, I LOVE the Buffer app. I may go pro with it in the future. I agree and sometimes I can be guilty of it as I get a little zealous over on Twitter. Thanks for your comment and input on this one.

  14. Hi,

    Thank you for taking the time to write about Twitter. I’m a big fan of Twitter. Everything related to Twitter is important to me. I clean my account from time to time. Not regularly. During my first month on Twitter I had no idea that I need to make some cleaning.
    I liked very much the idea of connecting people, being polite, making relationships etc. I used DM a lot. It was so nice to say thank you to people for following me. One day I said thank you to a person then I checked him and realized he is not a real person. It was a fake follower. I said “thank you” to a ghost.
    I was so embarrassed and pissed off that I immediately decided to check my account for any other ghosts. I found a lot of eggs, people who buy followers etc. From that day I gave up sending DM’s to thank people. I do this only for those people who are real and I respect, admire etc..
    Then I realized it is not so easy to clean my account so I searched for a software to help me do that more efficiently. Now I’m using MangeFlitter and it works fine.

    Thank you for your time and have a nice day

    1. Hi Silviu, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. I love Twitter myself. My favorite online place to be. I don’t use the DM’s anymore for thanking followers. I find them a little silly now. I’d rather interact via the stream with new followers, etc. Only if it’s a personal message with I use DM or to help someone out if I found a mistake and I didn’t want the world to know. I’ve used ManageFlitter too and had forgotten about it as I signed in a few weeks ago after others mentioned here in the comments too. There are so many ways or apps for Twitter it boogles my mind! Thanks for coming by and for your input on this subject Silviu, have a great weekend!

  15. I really find it annoying when I have so many followers who are not beneficial to me. I’d rather have few who gives relevant information to me than have tons which are useless anyway.

    1. Jeremy, I agree with you on that one. I’ve been weeding through mine. Thanks for coming by and for your input.

  16. Savvy Working Gal

    Speaking of twitter jail, I follow Rosanne Cash and she has been in twitter jail a few times. A couple of weeks ago I did a good twitter clean up, then the next day noticed I lost about 25 followers. Now, I try to un-follow only those who are truly annoying or are not following me.

    1. Hi Savvy, yes I don’t unfollow a lot but recently some were banned and I lost some followers. Just read about it this a.m. from a few bloggers who recently got banned. Not sure of the reasoning yet. I’m sure we will hear more on it soon.

  17. Hi Lisa,

    Spring is in the air, I’ve been getting back into work by having a spring clean on my blog and removing old dead links etc.

    When i first started on Twitter I was following a course that told us to auto follow to gain followers fast. Little did I know at the time what a mistake that was, I had all sorts of clowns following me that I automatically followed back.

    I saw an unsavoury tweet on my stream and thought “What….. People will think i’m into that crap” and quickly put it right.

    I followed a post by Mayura last year about Tweepi so ran my account through it…. Boy oh boy was I surprised by the amount of fake and flat followers.

    I did do a mass unfollow and luckily got away with it, but now I know about Twitter Jail I’ll be more careful in future.

    Thanks Lisa, great tips on twitter.

    1. Hi Barry, so far I like Tweepi the best of all the tools I’ve tried. Yes, I do remember that one from Mayura – fake followers.I like how it shows the last time someone was active and if they are fake too. It still amazes me as to how many tools they are out there for this function with Twitter. It’s nice to see you back online Barry, I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday.

  18. I have not thought to unfollow inactive twitter fans because I sometimes am not as active as I should be. I’m trying to improve but life happens outside social media. I am looking forward to being more active on twitter. Takes a while but I get there eventually.
    Thanks for sharing this.
    Its always good to know.

    1. Hi Yetunde, Yes, it sure does! How often do you get to Twitter generally? Welcome to Inspire to Thrive.

  19. Hi Lisa,

    Out of the 3 tools you have mentioned, I’ve been using Tweepi. I like the options it has and easy to use tool too. I’ve seen folks tweeting “I’ve unfollowed with JustUnfollow” too. It’s preference, right?

    However it’s not essential if you ask me as I don’t have much to unfollow lol… I follow as I get to know and very rare I unfollow someone too.

    As I think if someone don’t tweet for 6 months or long, we can safely remove them, no? AND it’s really important mentioning about following and unfollowing too much, as Twitter doesn’t like it. Well, that’s how tools work.

    I really like the reasons you have mentioned there Lisa. Especially the 6th one. Ha ha… Of course they need Buffer, HootSuite or something similar to schedule. My vote goes for Buffer though.

    One more thing though. When someone intrudes a conversation with links and/or shows off spammy behavior, I tend to unfollow ’em too. Twitter is not all about promotion. no?

    Hope I haven’t been unfollowed for not tweeting much lately, lol…

    You have a wonderful weekend with lovely Spring flowers Lisa.


    1. Hi Mayura, it sounds like you are on the same page with me on this on about Twitter and unfollowing. I like Tweepi the best too now over just unfollow and you know how much I love the Buffer, it’s not a good day unless my buffers are filled up. I agree on the spammy behavior too, great point. You seem to be on Twitter almost daily do I would not worry about being unfollowed. I hope your projects are going well there. Enjoy the rest of your day.

  20. Hello Lisa, I use a number of site to help my social media, Managerflitter is one another one is Just Unfollow.

    Thanks so much for a great share Lisa.

    1. Hi Rob, you are another with Manageflitter. I must check it out as well. Just Unfollow is good for a quick check too. Thanks and enjoy the rest of your weeekend Rob.

  21. I son’t use Twitter that much, but I have few tweets in my account but they are not mine. Is someone else tweeting on my behalf? How can I resolve it?

    1. Rahul, it sounds like your account might have been hacked. Check out their help center and I’d tweet them too. @Support is their handle. Good luck and love to know how you make out Rahul. To prevent it in the future I guess you may want to change your password more often.

  22. Hi Lisa

    I was unfollowing people every once in a while but what Ted mentions above has got me thinking.

    I’m not sure now whether to unfollow them or not. My Twitter feed is far too active for me to keep up with and maybe it’s the more active Tweeters that I need to unfollow?!

    1. LOL Tim, wow you are going the other way on this one. Interesting – looks like we need a follow up post on that one or one with the different point of view, Thanks for your input and let me know what you end up deciding on Tim. Enjoy the weekend.

  23. Hi Lisa, thanks for the post. To be honest, the people I like to unfollow the most are those that tweet too much. Ironically, they are people heralded as mavens of social media.

    1. Hi Andrew, interesting, I have at times too. It depends what they tweet too. It all depends on how many you have in your feed. The more people following etc the less you mind the ones that tweet a lot. I notice if new people follow me they unfollow me in a week probably due to that. Thanks for your input on it Andrew. Have a great weekend.

  24. Mitch Mitchell

    I see no one mentioned the one I use (that seems to happen often lol) which is It’s pretty simple and works okay. I miss my old one though.

    1. Hi Mitch, another one I haven’t used. There must be 100’s of them out there that do this. Amazing, wonder how they all make money. Thanks for coming by Mitch and adding another one to the list. Enjoy your weekend there.

  25. Hi Lisa,
    I unfollow users about once a month. I can’t remember which tool sends me a monthly list of people who have unfollowed me. (It may be Twellow.) That always motivates me to want to unfollow them back (if I am following them). My favorite tool to do this is After it checks your Twitter account, it returns all sorts of interesting views that you can use to determine who you want to unfollow.

    In addition to identifying those who aren’t following you, it also identifies fake followers, followers without profile pics, inactive, quiet etc. The free version fits my needs.

    1. Hi Sherryl, another one that uses managerflitter. I must check it out as well. There are so many Twitter tools it really is amazing. Oh yes, I’ve used Twellow too but not to check the followers – so many to chosse from. Thanks for coming by Sherryl and for your input on this. Enjoy the weekend.

  26. Always a good tip Lisa and I keep mine pretty clean. I’ll check every once in a while to see who hasn’t tweeted in awhile but I’m never following anyone really who just doesn’t tweet. I also don’t have any faceless connections or totally inactive friends. That’s why I’m not following as many people that are following me. A lot of them are probably going after the numbers where I’m going after awesome people.

    I use ManagerFlitter to clean up my account, been using that one for years now and they keep improving their service. It works beautifully.

    Great reminder, thanks!


    1. Hi Adrienne, I have not heard of ManageFilter, there are so many Twitter tools out there, it really is amazing. I don’t like to follow any faceless people either unless it’s a business I know. I agree – quality over quantity anytime. Thanks for coming by and commenting. Enjoy your weekend Adrienne!

  27. I honestly don’t have a clue how many followers I have that are inactive or don’t tweet something very often. I used to do a pretty good job keeping up with that stuff, but I guess I have been putting off doing so. I have used Tweepi, but it has been months since I logged into it. I am almost afraid to look now because I know I will most likely have more than I thought to go through. I probably have a few egg heads too. Anyway thanks for the reminder.

    1. Ray, yes, those egg heads really must go. Unless it’s their first day or week on Twitter then I’ll excuse them for the egghead. But not for months like that. I do like Teeepi since it shows their last activity. Thanks for coming by Ray and enjoy the weekend ahead.

  28. Hi Lisa
    Sorry I have not been around much but I am back now….
    I use free JustUnfollow and and find them useful, I have not heard of Tweepi so I will check it out and see if I like it.
    I tend to have a clear our every week, what is the use of keeping these people if they do not Tweet or engage with others?
    Thanks for sharing hope you enjoy your day Lisa

    1. Hi Pauline, I hope all is okay. Yes Tweepi lets you check more out for FREE. You are very good to check weekly. Glad to see you back Pauline and hope you have a nice upcoming weekend.

  29. Hi Lisa; Thanks for the info. I use the free JustUnfollow as well and find it pretty good. is something I just discovered, but, haven’t really explored in detail. Must take the time to do some spring cleaning at Twitter, for sure! Have been busy doing that with the blog. Didn’t know you could go to Twitter Jail. Yikes!

    1. Hi Debbie, yes I use that pretty regularly and then with FREE you can only check so many so I used Tweepi which tells you last time they tweeted, etc which I found even more useful. will tell you that as well. Thanks for coming by and for your input. I really loved your post today by the way! Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

  30. I am using the tool TweetAdder for doing this and earlier I used a good site for doing the same but can’t remember the name exactly. I think removing such user is a good idea but make sure that you don’t unfollow too many twitter followers in a single day, otherwise your account might get the risk of being banned Lisa.

    1. Yes Taswir that is what I referred in the post – you could end up in Twitter Jail. I’ve heard of TweetAdder but to be honest people I know that use it are not very “engaged” so I’m not so sure about it. And it is not FREE. Do you see a big benefit from it yourself? I’m always curious of course. Thanks for coming by Taswir on this one and enjoy your day.

      1. Hi Lisa, frankly speaking I am getting benefit from TweetAdder for unfollow and auto tweet. You are thinking to bulk unfollow while using TweetAdder I normally unfollow 100 of people every day which has reduced my task. I have also scheduled some of my best posts in auto posting, which is also helpful. Actually tweetadder has all the tools which a twitter user generally do.
        TweetAdder has recently released version 4 and I have heard from somewhere else that they are going to change the pricing plan to monthly instead of current lifetime license, though I am not 100% sure on this point.

        1. Hi Taswir, thanks for the info on TweetAdder. Do you find engagement as well with it? Wow, that’s a lot to unfollow on a daily basis – what is the criteria for that? I use buffer for auto posting myself. Interesting that they are going to monthly plan as well. Enjoy the rest of your day Taswir.

          1. Yap Lisa I am somehow enjoying it and using everyday. Though I have see many people are getting the most of out it, but I am not that much aggressive though the result is not bad too. Buffer is a great app but I am using There is 3 options for unfollow in my Tweet Adder current version 3.0.
            I can unfollow people who hasn’t followed back to me ever
            I can unfollow only them whom I added trough TweetAdder but hasn’t followed back to me
            I can unfollow all people in my list except the whitelist.
            But I didn’t test version 4.0 yet. Have a great day mate!

  31. Hey Lisa!

    Well this post sure helped me out! I’m pretty new at using the Twitter platform. Have stayed away from it until I learned the power of it from our dear friend Adrienne Smith on a mastermind group.

    I’m on Triberr and using it carefully. I don’t like to have too many followers that are inactive. I like quality rather than quantity. Each day I get new followers and scrutinize them before I accept them. I want to do some Spring Cleaning on my Twitter and I must thank you for introducing me to Tweepi.

    Just went over to check it out and will sign in after I finish this comment.

    As always, wonderful info my friend,

    1. Hi Donna – yes it is extremely powerful when used right. I agree quality is better than quantity. I liked Tweepi the best and had not used it in some time. Glad you liked it as well. Enjoy the rest of your day Donna and really enjoyed your post yesterday. Made me think a lot!

  32. Cendrine Marrouat

    Hello Lisa,

    These are great reminders. Also, a nice list of tools! Thank you!

    1. You are welcome Cendrine, what do you think of the lurkers that Ted brought up? It’s an interesting point and another point of view. Thanks for coming by and commenting Cendrine.

  33. Very helpful in situation where one is just following all the followers. Following inactive followers just caps your limit to follow other people. As twitter rule says you cannot follow more then 10% of your total followers. Sometimes I do hit that limit and I have to clear out some trash.

    1. Hi Keral, I think that stops after you reach a certain amount of followers. But in the beginning that is a pain. Thanks for coming by and for your input on this. You just added another dimension to the topic.

  34. Hi Lisa -Thanks for the Twitter tool tips. I didn’t know about the Twitter follow and unfollow rules. But it makes sense that any above the radar activity would upset Twitter. I also never understood why someone would create a Twitter account and then be antisocial by not personalizing their profile. Twitter is one of the most social, social networks.

    Everyone should read your Twitter eBook. It’s a great resource.

    1. Thanks Lauren, oh yes Twitter has rules. And if you are not careful you could end up in Twitter jail. So far I’ve not ended up there:) I agree, why set up account and not do anything? Although you do see that with some even on Facebook. Interesting, isn’t it? Have a great day Lauren and enjoy the rest of the week. I hope your weather is just as great as mine this week here.

  35. valentine belonwu

    Hi Lisa,
    I sincerely agree with you on this, i think its of no use following people that are inactive on twitter, its just a waste of time. The reasons you gave above are really same thing that will also make me to unfollow someone.

    The truth is that i can’t even remember the last time i did that but, you’ve just reminded me of what i should do immediately.

    I know and have used and i really love the features. But, I haven’t used the other ones before, will have to check them out.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. You are welcome Valentine. Yes, only allowed like 60 to see that unfollow so that’s why I went to use the other services too. Let me know how you like the other services as well. Thanks for coming by today and enjoy the rest of your week.

  36. HI Lisa,

    Great set of tool shared!

    Tweepi is what I like the most and I do the cleaning on regular basis. But haven’t done that for quite sometime now, a great reminder though. I don’t have any rule of removing anyone but yes at time I accept anonymous users, I try to find the most inactive amongst them and remove them.

    Thanks Lisa and have a great week ahead.

    1. Thanks Sapna. I hadn’t use Tweepi in a while and I really liked it. I liked seeing the activity and profiles all in one place too. I hope to do it at least quarterly. You too, enjoy the rest of your week Sapna. I miss your creative posts there.

  37. I just used the justunfollow one last week to get rid of those that don’t tweet. I also do it with my instagram account too. I hate to get rid of people but twitter is about connecting and talking .

    1. Hi Kita, I haven’t done it with Instragram. I don’t follow a lot of folks there yet and use it more for fun like Facebook. Thanks for the tidbit though on it, interesting. Enjoy the rest of your day and week Kita!

  38. I’ve been tempted to put my accounts on protected, especially MGP’s twitter. I get the strangest followers that are very inactive and don’t have full profiles. Constantly blocking them. Why follow me if you’re not going to interact or at least, tweet something? Very odd. I use the Unfollow but will also look at that Tweet Attack. I like it’s name.

    1. I never understood why people protect their accounts Bren unless they have something to hide? Almost like why be on Twitter? No? Do tell! They are lurkers if you read Ted’s comment. Not sure if I agree with him but he made an interesting point. I will be researching more on it. Tweet Attack – you find the most interesting stuff GF! Thanks for coming by and providing more insight on this topic Bren.

      1. I think some ppl do protect their accounts like I did in the beginning, because I didn’t want my employer or coworkers finding me

  39. Hi Lisa

    Before reading this article I was un-following Twitter followers manually but thanks to the programs you tell I will now use these surly.

    1. Hi Mohsin, please do look them over before you unfollow even with these tools. Don’t just unfollow because they unfollow you – but check profiles and activity too. Thanks for coming by today and commenting.

  40. I totally disagree with this post. Twitter lurkers have so much value and there is no way to know which of those not tweeting are using Twitter for what most use twitter for… searching, learning, and reading content. just because someone does not interact does not mean they do not have value, and IMHO many of them are way more valuable than those who do tweet.

    I suggest reconsidering this approach. This comment box will not allow me to include a link to my post in Mashable about Twitter Lurkers so I suggest checking it out if you have the time… Why You Should Embrace Twitter Lurkers.

    1. Ted, that’s the spice of life – disagreement. Very interesting conversation we all had on Twitter- thanks. I will definately check it out Ted and get back to you on it. I don’t agree at first glance on the ones that don’t interact but you are making me think. There are many people on Facebook that don’t post or like anything but they are still my friends. But they are 2 diferent platforms. Very interesting Ted, thanks!

  41. Another great post, Lisa! You’re two for two today.
    I regularly clean out those I follow, usually based solely on inactivity (I look for several weeks to a month of inactivity; some people just don’t have the time/need to Tweet daily, or even weekly, and I totally appreciate that.)
    I have called out several people who pull the same-day follow/unfollow thing. I had a minister (a minister!) do that to me three times in a row over the course of several days. I respectfully called her out on her game-playing, and blocked her.
    I don’t ever automatically follow those who follow me. I check out their profiles, and read their feed back over at least a few days (unless they’re aggressive tweeters, in which case one day is plenty) to get a sense of what they tweet. If I’m not interested, I just don’t follow.
    Have a great day!

    1. Thanks Ellen. Glad to hear you do it regularly. I agree, I give them at least a month because you never know of life situations that come up. (Though if I wasn’t on Twitter for a day people would probably call the police). Glad you came by Ellen and gave your input on this one today. It sounds like you are on the right track with Twitter Ellen. Enjoy the rest of your day and week ahead.

  42. This is a great reminder Lisa.

    I have to go in and do some spring cleaning myself and thank goodness there are tools to help otherwise I’d sitting there all day doing it manually.I haven’t signed in to my CommunIt account in a while but it looks like I’ll be using it more often.

    I’ve had the same thing happen to me as Babanature where I’d follow back and get unfollowed right afterward so I’m on to ’em now.

    And you’re right we should all be taking time to read the person’s profile and get a sense of what they’re all about. I’ve read some doozies let me tell ya.

    Have a great day Lisa!

    1. Corina, is a great tool for Twitter. I agree, read what they are about, take the time before deciding. Then once a month do a check or at least quarterly. Enjoy the rest of your day Corina and thanks for coming by with your input.

  43. Thanks Lisa for the all the important information about Twitter cleanup and I agree that we do not need social associations that are not active. Twitter has some different value and not like personal Facebook profile where we have friends that do nothing but stay as friends.

    1. You are welcome Kumar. Correct, they is a difference between the two like you describe. I hope you like some of the services I suggested. Thanks for coming by and commenting. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  44. Hello Lisa,
    I have not thought of unfollowing my inactive twitter friends. For them to be inactive, it might be for some reasons so unfollowing them while they are in that crises might be a cruel thing to do. At times i see people follow me and when i follow them back, they’ll unfollow me. Now i am wiser and i am taking action and unfollow those who are not following me, but i am doing this manually. I Hope one of these tools can show me people that are not following me anymore? If yes! i should try one. Thanks

  45. Good set of tools, thanks. i was always wondering if its possible to check the followers or not.

    1. You are welcome Evan. Yes you sure can check. It’s not so much if they are following but how long since they have been on Twitter or tweeted last. I found some that some followers were not on for a year! That’s a long time not be on Twitter.

  46. Hi Lisa,

    You are so right there – it IS spring time and everything, including our Twitter followers need cleaning.

    I’ve been using Tweepi for a while and it’s pretty good, though you do need to take out time and check out who the real people are who have been sitting quiet for long. It’s still either to send them a message before unfollowing them, but that’s about it – after that I do unfollow them too.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Thanks Harleena, I really do like some of the features in Tweepi. Nice idea to send message too Harleena. Enjoy the rest of your day.q

  47. Hey Lisa,
    I’m using Just Unfollow free too. I do use TweetAttack to unfollow accounts that are inactive for over 5 days. Sometimes, I kick off accounts that are idea for 72hrs and above.

    1. Hi Enstine, I don’t think I’ve used TweetAttack, I’ll have to check that one out too. Thanks! Just 5 days huh? I try to give them more time in case of illness, etc. But if it’s weeks they are usually swept away. Thanks for coming by and for the suggestion too. Have a great day!

    2. I think five days is a on the low side, Enstine.

      Be generous and allow people more time to deal with their offline life.

      Thanks for the Tweet Attack mention. Looks good…

      1. Hi Yeeremi, I agree, I try to go a few months on most. You never know if they may have health issues, etc. Have you checked yours recently? Have a great day and thanks for stopping by Yeremi.

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