Why Every Blogger & Content Creator Should Be Using Triberr

Bloggers and content creators are always looking for new ways to grow their audience. One of the best ways to do this is using social media automation tools like Triberr. Learn now how to use Triberr to grow your blog.

These tools allow you to share your blog posts on autopilot, which means that you can spend more time creating content instead of sharing it.

Social media automation tools like Triberr make it easy for bloggers and content creators like you to automate the process of sharing your latest blog posts.

You can share with a group of people who already follow you on social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn or Pinterest.

This way you don’t have to manually share each post individually across all these different platforms every time you publish something new.

In this post, I’ll show you the benefits of using Triberr & also guide you on how to set it up for your blog’s success.

But first, let’s answer:

Why Do I Recommend Triberr?

I was inspired by Adrienne Smith’s post many years ago now.

So after months of working in the beginning back in 2012, I was part of 6 tribes, ruler of 1 tribe with 125 tribemates.

As you can see below I’ve >increased the tribemates and reach over the years and eliminated some tribes ⬇⬇

triberr reach

It had increased my traffic 2x on 2 of my blogs over the years. Would you like to double your blog’s traffic?

Have you tried out Triberr? If you are a blogger I highly recommend you do.

You must be quite excited by now by seeing my results. Now, let’s discover:

What Is Triberr?

According to Triberr themselves, they are a blog amplification and content discovery platform. Brands can use Triberr to Influence Marketing campaigns.

Presently they send over 2 million monthly visits to its members. They have over 50,000 tribes (groups of bloggers).

This awesome network always gets my latest blog posts shared out on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube.

Of course, I share many other relevant posts to my niche as well.

Still, we can’t forget that all-important 80/20 rule on content curation and social sharing.

Next, don’t get on Triberr when you are baking or you may burn the brownies as I did years ago.

A Little Triberr History

Now, a lot has changed since 2012 including the ownership of this blog-sharing tool called Triberr. Actually, in February 2016, it was sold to Charlie Patel of 99 Robots from New Jersey in the United States. (I wonder if any relation to Neal Patel?)

The network was originally founded by Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo. Then in 2023 the Twitter API caused more changes to use Twitter with Triberr.

My Awesome Experience With This Blog Tool

Triberr has been around for almost a decade now and I’ve used it for that long. This original blog post was originally published in 2012 on Inspire To Thrive.

Moreover, I decided to from time to time purchase some “boosts” for $5 and $15 and get more involved on Triberr.

After a few weeks, I noticed the blog traffic increased 2X! That is double the traffic.

Triberr’s mission is right on their home page “To empower groups of bloggers to effectively generate traffic, exchange content, and build engagement around their blog.” 

I would admit they have done this. (Ownership has changed since I first started with Triberr, too).

Of course, you can’t be successful on Triberr if you are not on it or use it daily.

It does take some work. Don’t all good things take time or money?

It’s another great way to find other bloggers in your niche and connect with them on your favorite social network.I have been using Triberr more recently with LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Twitter.

Why Use Triberr?

Triberr is a must-have blogging tool if you are a blogger today.

No doubt it’s the best way to generate shares of your latest blog posts.

For Youtubers: Triberr can be used to share your YouTube feed too. Of course, it’s a great way to find other bloggers or YouTubers in your niche.

Above all Triberr’s a sharing cycle, social network, and newsfeed all in one.

It is considered to be a networking & influence marketing platform for bloggers. I got started on Triberr back in 2012.

Step-By-Step Guide To Get Started On Triberr

Follow this 9-step guide to get easily onboarded on Triberr.

#1. Your Blog Feed

Be sure to link your blog’s RSS feed.

Since Feedburner is no longer around I use follow.it is now for RSS feeds.

You will need your RSS feed linked to get yourself started on Triberr so others can share your latest posts.

#2. Profile Picture

  • The profile picture here is 162 px wide by 162 px high in jpg or png.
  • It is a square shape.
  • Be sure to use your photo and not an object
  • People like to connect with other people

#3. Background Picture

  • Your background photo can represent you or your brand
  • It is a horizontal shape.
  • The size is 770 px wide by 320 px high
  • It can be a jpg or png image

#4. Detailed Profile

  • Do fill this section out completely
  • Include links to your blog and other places you may write for
  • People want to know about you and why they should join your tribe

Know Beforehand What will your tribe do for them today?

#5. Decide Which Blogs You Want to Promote

  • If you have more than 1 blog you can add them too
  • Triberr allows you to use up to 3 blogs.
  • You will need the feed’s URL to put it into your settings on Triberr. (You may include Medium as one of your blogs.)

#6. Connect Your Social Media Profiles On Triberr

You can connect up to 3 social network accounts on the free version and more on the paid version.

One can have up to 7 social networks on Prime Lite and 21 different social networks on Prime Yearly.

They let you go into your settings and choose which networks you will share each tribe from. You can pick and choose depending on your plan.

Consequently, it’s a great way to use different social networks for different posts.

The schedule can be changed at any time.

how to use the Triberr settings

As you can see I have to choose one from one of the tribes above.

It’s good to go in and check these out every so often.

#7. Add Some Of Your Friends To Get The Conversation Started

Next, you can invite some friends to Triberr.

Comment on others’ posts in a tribe.

Once your comment is seen, you will be noticed more on Triberr.

Start sharing others’ blog posts. This is a must.

Who wants to share with someone that never shares with you?

Read some of the posts first.

If you know the blogger you may feel comfortable sharing all their posts.

#9. Join Triberr Tribes or Create One For Yourself

You can start your own tribe or join another tribe in just 3-4 clicks.

Few Triberr Terminologies You Need To Be Aware Of

Triberr Promote

You can also promote your posts to be shown on the top of the feed.

You can spend $5 or $15. $5 is just for your tribe’s feed and $15 spreads out further.

$5 is the basic boost – A basic boost will display the promoted post in the stream of Triberr members who follow you or Tribemates who are members and followers in a Tribe you are a member of.

For $15 the Tribe is an amplified promotion.

A Tribe boost will also display the promoted post in the stream of Triberr members who follow you as well asin the Tribes relevant to the post’s category.

For example, if the category of your post is “Business” this promoted post will display in the Tribe activity of Tribes with a business category.

You may use your credit card or Paypal right through Triberr. I’ve done both and they do work well!

Triberr Stats

You can view your Triberr stats under your account, and then profile.

Not only can you see how many shares your posts got, but from where the clicks came from geographically.

For example, see my last post below on how to pick your domain name. See how it shows you these awesome stats?

How To Use Triberr Queue

The Triberr queue is where all your shares show if they have been shared yet or scheduled. This is crucial if you get out of hand with your sharing.

You can always clear your queue stream and start over. I had to do this when I added my Facebook Page as it was posting every 2 hours there.

Consequently, that is way too much posting on Facebook! So I cleared the queue and started over.

If you have trouble doing any of this on Triberr try it out with Internet Explorer.

For some reason, many things work better on that browser than on Chrome when using it. (Adding images to your posts is something I must do on IE vs Chrome.)

Furthermore, Triberr support is always there for you and they usually answer by email within 24 hours.

There is a contact button on the button right-hand corner of the Triberr website – fill it out there and they will respond by email.

Triberr how to use the queue

Which Tribes to Join?

Pick tribes that are relevant to your own niche.

There are many different niches available on the Triberr network. You don’t want to be sharing anything just to share something.

Be selective with your sharing.

When starting out you can start your own tribe too.

My Great List of Tribermates Includes:

(You can click on the images below to follow or invite them to your tribes. )

Mike Allton – Mike is from the Social Media Hat and has been around in this business for some time now. He is a Content Marketing Practitioner. No doubt he has quite the reach on Triberr with 362 million!

Mike Allton

Lilach Bullock – She is around many places online too such as Quora and on her own blog. She is listed as Forbes’ top 20 women social media influencers! No doubt Lilach is one to follow.

Lilach Bullock

Erik Emanuelli – Erik is known around the social networks and for his travel and skydiving adventures. He has lots of experience online and off 🙂 Ultimately you can find him at No Passive Income with great tips for all internet marketers.

Erik Emmanuel

Jan Gordon – Jan is the CEO of Curatti. She is very engaging over on the Twitter network too. I love our daily Twitter chats 🙂 I met her through the Triberr network. (Ironically I have been a contributor to her blog).

Jan Gordon

David Hartshorne – David is from Byte of Data helping others build their business online. David is new to me in the past year or so but he provides a lot of info on his blog. He is engaged on Twitter as well.

David Hartshorne

Laura Hill – Laura Hill owns Breezy Hill Marketing where she specializes in internet marketing and is based out of Virginia. Furthermore, I also met Laura on the Triberr network and we chat on Twitter weekly.

Laura Hill

Some More of the Great Triberr Folks

Pam Moore – She is the CEO of Marketing Nuzz and founder of Social Profit Factory Social Media Training Academy. She is a top 5 Forbes Social Media Power Influencer.

Pam Moore

Finally- A Few More Great Triberr Folks

Neal Schaeffer – Neal is known to many on social networks as he is very active and is the author of Maximize Your Social. Above all Neal is known as a global keynote speaker on the subject. He was recently in Japan. Of course, I saw some of his pictures from Japan on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Neal Schaffer

Ron Sela – Ron is a Growth Marketing Consultant and Blogger.  He is a very active blogger and social media enthusiast. You can also find him over on the Medium network.  As a matter of fact, he is the editor of Medium.

Ron Sela

Ileane Smith – Who doesn’t know Ileane Smith from Basic Blog Tips? She is the YouTube Queen and has been around for quite some time now. In addition, she was one of my first blogging mentors. At any rate, you will never have to worry when sharing her content!

Ileane Smith

Kevin Ocasio- Kevin is from the Grind Boss and always has very good informational tips on his newer blog. If you are looking for tips on writing, blogging, and social media Kevin has some tips to pass on.  I see Kevin grinding away with his blog with new content all the time.

the daily grind new Triberr member

Janice Wald – She has a very active blog with great information on blogging. Not only that, she is a school teacher as well. Still, like many bloggers, I don’t know how she does it all!

Janice Wald

Patricia Weber – Patricia has great content to share out with your networks. She is an Introvert Awareness Champion. Of course, if you are shy be sure to read her content.

Patricia WEBER on Triberr

Common FAQs Regarding Triberr People Often Ask

Which Tribes to Start Or Join?

Start your own with like-minded individuals. All different kinds of people will ask to be in your tribe but you don’t have to let them in if they do not have relevant content. Have some fun naming your tribes.

Ultimately these names will get noticed and others will want to join your tribes.

After a few months be sure to clean out your tribe. Those that don’t share in months don’t deserve to be in your tribe1

Can I Mute Anyone on Triberr?

Yes, you may mute others on Triberr if they are not sharing relevant content in a tribe that you are on.

It’s easy to do and you can see how in this video:

Does Triberr Offer A FREE Plan?

There is a FREE version and a premium version. I have been using the Premium version for almost the entire decade.

Furthermore, I have been grandfathered at the $125/year rate many years ago.

The Triberr free plan is for 1 blog and tribe only. The lite plan is $20 per month and includes 7 tribes.

Lastly, the prime plan is $50 per month and includes 21 tribes with up to 50 members.

Which Plan Should I Choose? Free, PrimeLite, or Prime?

How to use Triberr plans

I used the free version for most of the years I’ve been on their platform.

The FREE version worked well for years. I recently went with Prime Lite to try it out and kick things up a notch here at Inspire to Thrive

However, you can also incorporate more blogs when the paid versions if you have multiple blogs.

I like having the ability to share on other social networks like on your Facebook Page – something I missed when I used to use Copromote.

Is Triberr A Great Alternative To The Old CoPromote?

When CoPromote went down and out, many users were wondering what else to use.

They asked the question on Twitter.

Actually, many of them were authors and musicians. There are niches there for them too on Triberr.

Which Is More Efficient And Offers More Valnue For Money: Dlvr.it or Triberr?

Regarding price, both these tools compete for neck-to-neck, but one extra added feature that I love about Triberr is that:

When you share their articles it tags the authors so they know you have shared it.

DLVR.it does not – see the example below.

What Are Triberr Premium Versions?

You can form more tribes with the paid versions and have a lot more members per your tribes.They let you connect more social networks with the paid version.
Then it also allows you to post to your Facebook page and post a lot more too.>

Furthermore, if you like they allow you to have members of your tribes on auto-share. (I always like to approve content before sharing it with anyone).
On the other hand, be wary of sharing with anyone as some folks do get off topics on their blog posts.

There are some members who do not produce quality posts all the time. Ultimately you will know after months of using Triberr whose posts you can share without any fear.

Triberr Conclusion

Triberr is an awesome way to meet new people and share quality content from different niches.It’s also a great way to find helpful information from other bloggers on anything you need help with.

I would urge anyone who is interested in joining Triberr, to try out the TRIBERR FREE TRIBES for a month or two, before deciding on which plan is best for you. Since I joined Tribber more than 10 years ago, the site has grown in many ways.

Furthermore, I’ve made friends and connections that go way beyond just bloggers.

You have no idea how much of a difference this has made in my blogging life.

If you’ve been on Tribber for a while, I’d love to get your thoughts. So, how do you like Triberr? Let me know here in the comments below!

Lisa Sicard

70 thoughts on “Why Every Blogger & Content Creator Should Be Using Triberr”

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Triberr is amazing and I’ve been using it for years! Not to mention being listed first, sharing each other’s stuff just makes it even better! I have to try the premium version – the free one is great too. Liked your short video – way to go!
    Thanks for sharing the information.

    1. Hi Rakesh, Welcome to Inspire To Thrive. What is your blog? I’m glad you enjoyed the video and found it helpful. Nice to see others there still using the services they provide. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  2. SharlaAnn Matyjanka

    Hi Lisa,
    I can’t wait to check this out. Thank you for all the information on how Triberr works. It will help keep me from floundering around when I get there. Also thanks for the great introductions to more great people to connect with. I learn so much about using social media effectively and what works and what doesn’t from you. I really appreciate it.

    1. Hi SharlaAnn, I’m so glad you will check it out. Give it some time too, results do take time! Many bloggers get frustrated and give up before they reach success with Triberr and many other things too I may add. Thanks for coming by and let me know if you have any questions about Triberr. Make it a great day!

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Thank you so much for including me! I especially appreciate the kind words about my work ethic and blog. Tweeted and shared on LinkedIn!
    Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.

    1. You are very welcome Janice. It’s a nice group over there on Triberr and I hope more bloggers will join in. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for sharing this detailed review about Triberr. I have joined Triberr a week ago and was totally lost. This helped understand Triberr and how I am supposed to use it. Thanks again.

    1. You are most welcome Qaism. I hope you give it time to work for you as well. It does take time but once it works, it really works!!

  5. Hey Lisa, Found this post and really enjoyed it. I need to get back into Twitter. I have left it dormant for way too long. I need to ‘relearn’ the best ways to use it, so I’m very glad I found you! 🙂

    1. Hi Lynne, Oh my goodness – Twitter is awesome for bloggers and marketing. (I also use it for personal things like recent weather, etc). Did you ever use Triberr? Thanks for coming by Lynne and have a fabulous day!

  6. There is a problem I regularly face with Triberr. If you update a content already posted before, that amended or updating is not carried forward to your post reflecting on triberr. In fact, it shows the very first version that Triberr got when we published the post.

    1. Hi Barnaliray, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Yes but once you click on the link from Triberr your post should appear updated. You can always go in an edit your Triberr post too. I find I must do it from Internet Explorer – It doesn’t work on Google Chrome.
      I’ve contacted them several times before writing this post about a few issues and they responded quickly and attended to them. You can also reach out to them here: http://help.triberr.com/contact-us/
      I hope that helps and please let me know how you make out. It’s such a valuable tool for bloggers.

  7. Hey Lisa,

    Thanks for this amazing guide on Triberr. I am new to Triberr but as with your guidance and help I’am doing quite good with Triberr.

    I’m glad that you helped me out on some points in Triberr.

    Thanks again. Stay connected.


    1. Hi Alok, you are welcome. I’ve been on it for some time now and it’s awesome. It was great when I was on vacation because I could still easily share away. I hope you find it more helpful as time goes on. Too many people quit with it before they find success. You are welcome, anytime Alok, you helped me the other day. Take care and have a great rest of the week.

      1. Thanks for this Lisa. I need to bookmark this post. Triberr is a beast that I can’t wait too devour.

        Although I noticed a lot of influencers don’t login as often as they used to. Triberr shows you their last login date.

        It seems like they have migrated to Pinterest now and are using Triberr on autopilot.

        What do you think?

        1. Hi Empowee, Welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Triberr a great tool to have your recent posts shared and it gives you content to share as well. You just have to join tribes in your niche. Yes, but most users do log in at least weekly.
          Triberr and Pinterest are like comparing apples to oranges. They are very different platform with different objectives.
          Don’t get me wrong, Pinterest is fun and a great way to generate some traffic but it’s not the same as Triberr. Triberr helps you with Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Stumble Upon, Facebook and even Pinterest. You can have them share to those as well.
          Thanks for coming by and have a great weekend ahead!

  8. Wow, that nice video!
    You are my Triberr inspiration!
    I so love Triberr, because it is a great medium to get my articles promoted.
    Once again thank you very much!

    1. Hi Linh, welcome to Insipre to Thrive. How long have you been using Triberr? It really is a great way to get articles promoted but also to network with others. You are welcome and thanks for popping by. Have a fabulous day!

  9. Andrew M. Warner

    You know what?

    I stopped using Triberr when they changed ownership. Haven’t used it since that time. But I’ll have to definitely give it another look after this post, Lisa. I see so many benefits here and I’m certain that I could use more sources for traffic. Who am I kidding — I definitely could use more sources for traffic.

    Great video as well.

    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew, I hope you do check it out. It’s really a great platform and I can’t imagine blogging without it. I get so many shares from it and I’ve met other bloggers who have become contributors at mine or I have at theirs. It’s a great networking place for bloggers as well. I’ll add you to some of my tribes. Thanks for coming by Andrew and have a great new week ahead.

  10. Hello Lisa,

    This one is very informative post to have at the end of the week.

    Triberr looks very promising and surely when professionals recommends about anything, it surely a shot to deserve.
    This look very promising in increasing our reach and establishing more and more relationship with the others.

    WOW! those are some quite famous names in that list and they have manages it to the the millions.
    It’s always good to take inspiration from you guys.

    Thanks for the share.


    1. Hi Shantanu, thank you. It is a wonderful platform and I cannot imagine blogging without it. I’ve gotten so many shares and visits from #Triberr. I also met a lot of wonderful bloggers and have done guests posts at their place and vice versa over the years. I can’t recommend it enough. I just upped it with Prime Lite about 6 months ago and am glad I did. Once it starts to work for you it begins to snowball. But it does take time like I said in the video, don’t give up too quickly! Many make that mistakes.
      Thanks for your comment and have a great day Shantanu. (Thanks for all your shares too!).

  11. Hi there,
    Thank you for including me in this awesome group of bloggers and Triberr users. I am always on the lookout for new tribes to join, so I hope people with tribes relevant to blogging, marketing, and social media send me an invitation.
    Thank you again. Although I already know many bloggers here, I look forward to connecting with anyone I don’t already know.

    1. Hi Janice, you are most welcome. I do like the Prime Lite as I can have more members in my tribes, I can share more and get more shares and even add blogs if I wanted to. I use it daily (most of the time!). I cannot imagine blogging without the help of Triberr. Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful weekend Janice.

  12. hey lisa you are doing great and the tribber is just awesome thanks for sharing this to bloggers like us .can you just share any other tools like tribber

    1. Hi Bhanu, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. You are welcome. How long have you been on Triberr yourself? Thanks for coming by on this one.

  13. Hi Lisa,

    Nice Post!

    Every day, thousands upon thousands of interesting, creative, and newsworthy stories are written by bloggers from around the world.

    But with so much content circulating in the blogosphere, often times those wonderful stories get buried in the archives, ceasing to reach the great potential they’re capable of achieving.

    Fortunately, there’s a social networking secret weapon that can help you take your blogging power to all new heights: Triberr.

    As an automated Twitter sharing tool, Triberr is all about driving more traffic for the user.

    I will tweet your post.

    1. Hi Manish, thank you. Yes, you are right, there are thousands from all over the world on Triberr. And so many categories. I’ve probably only known 1/2 of the people there too. I wonder how many new folks sign up each week? Have you been on there long Manish? Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful day.

  14. Hi Lisa,
    This tool seems good and promising though I’m hearing of it for the first time. I would definitely give it a try!

    1. Hi Prosp, oh yes if you haven’t used Triberr for your blog you are missing out! Let me know how you like it and if you have any questions. It takes time to get around it and get used of it. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  15. WOWZA, Lisa!!! Another unexpected mention … You are awesome!!!

    What a great collection of peeps listed here! :-O And of course, a somewhat much-needed explanation of how to use Triberr effectively! I have picked up some tips here … The reach metrics of the giants are INSANE.

    Thrilled to be included, and I’m always smiling whenever you consider me for your website!! #Legend

    I can’t thank you enough for your write-up … I’m smiling like I have a banana in my mouth, sideways!


    P.S. Nice vid, too! Love the accent! Hehehe

    1. Hi Sam, thank you. I had been getting questions from other bloggers here and they’re asking me about Triberr. I felt it was necessary to help them out by doing a post to explain everything.
      Awww, you are welcome Sam. Enjoy that banana and the rest of your day.

  16. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for the mention. Here’s one more problem for Mayura to solve: I can hear you but I can’t see you. Other commenters can also see you though, so the problem may be at my end, I don’t know…

    1. Hi Adrian, you are welcome. I think you are the only one that could not hear it so the problem maybe on your end. Have a great day!

      1. 1) I never said I can’t hear you. Where did you take that from? I said that I can’t see you.

        2) There’s absolutely no way for you to know that I am the only one that cannot see you in that video.

        3) While it’s possible to be a problem at my end, remember the fact that there were times when no one told you anything but me. For example, do you remember the time when I was the only one (yeah, sure!) who wasn’t able to properly see your blog? The problem wasn’t at my end. Mayura fixed it.

        The fact that no one tells you about a problem doesn’t mean that the problem isn’t there. Some people will not tell you about negative things considering that it’s the proper way to help you or the proper way to behave. Not my case, I’m a jerk, everyone knows it. Other people don’t care about you and won’t waste their time to warn you. That’s life. And you should know it.

        (There are also other categories of visitors: the people who don’t notice the problem, the people who don’t face the problem due to various reasons, etc)
        That’s why I suggested that you check the problem. The choice is yours of course. You made your choice. That’s fine with me.

        1. Hi Adrian, 1. You are right, no one should assume. I assumed your didn’t hear it as well as see it.
          Your 2nd point – you are absolutely right.
          3. People do tell me a lot Adrian but NOT publicly, they send me emails and messages on social media if they see something that is not right. I do make mistakes, I am human afterall .
          I do appreciate your feedback Adrian. You make a good point about those that care do express concerns. I find that in my day job in sales. The customers that say nothing may never return but those that speak do because they want something to change and continue to do business with you. (If you listen and can do something for them.)
          Thanks for coming by Adrian and watching out for me.
          Now, my question to you is: Did you not see me on desktop or mobile and which browser?

          1. Lisa, I don’t know why you’re talking about your mistakes. I didn’t refer to any mistake. There are tons of various devices and systems out there and they are different. That’s why sometimes what you see is different from what I see. But it doesn’t mean that you made a mistake. You cannot verify every little thing – even if you want to or try to. And sometimes it’s impossible to fix everything, even if you find out about an issue.

            Nothing to be embarrassed of. Nothing to be hidden from public’s eye and sent via private messages. At least in my culture. If you, guys, have a different view/approach there, let me know – publicly or in private, both of them are fine to me. Making you feel bad isn’t the goal of my life. So I can make some changes easily.

            The answer to your question:

            – I can see and hear you on desktop, Chrome & Microsoft Edge
            – I can hear you but I can’t see you on desktop, Firefox 54.0.1.

          2. Hi Adrian, thanks Adrian for reminding me it can be impossible to fix everything. I know you mean well Adrian. You love to help people.
            I checked my Firefox and it was fine there though I refreshed my Firefox browser as I haven’t used it in ages. I will check which version I have.
            Thank you Adrian and have a great day!

  17. That away List! You knocked it out of the park with that one. Love using Triberr and if I am correct that is how we met. From us sharing each others content. Awesome tool.

    1. Hi Bryan, thank you for that. Yes, it is how we met too. Triberr is a fantastic way to meet other bloggers out there. Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful day Bryan.

  18. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks so much for the mention, always appreciated. Great article for anyone who wants to get started on Triberr and a few reminders for old timers too.

    You and I have had great chats on Twitter and Linkedin and I love having you as a contributor on Curatti! This is as you said, all because of Triberr.

    Keep up the good work, see you online.


    1. Hi Jan, You are most welcome. Yes we did meet on Triberr as well. You’ve always had great content for me to share. I didn’t realize now how many folks I’ve met because of Triberr but it’s true. Most likely I would not have known them just from Twitter alone.
      Thanks Jan and I appreciate your coming by. Have a great day ahead!

  19. David Hartshorne

    Hey Lisa! Good to see and hear your video. Isn’t strange when you hear someone for the first time after following them for so long:)
    Thanks for mentioning me in your tutorial and I love chatting with you on Twitter, too!
    Have a great week!
    – David

    1. Hi David, thank you. Yes, it is strange for the first time.
      You are welcome on the mention, you always have great informativee content at your place. So it’s easy to share from Triberr. Enjoy the rest of your week David.

  20. Hi Lisa,

    How awesome that you did your video! I’m working up the courage to do mine and I might take a page out of your book and start with small ones like the one you did.

    This is a great post about Triberr. I’ve been a member for some time now and it’s a great traffic driver. Not to mention, I’ve met some awesome bloggers in the tribes.

    Thanks for sharing your list of bloggers to follow on Triberr. There are some familiar faces on here and others I’ve haven’t met. I’ll by by there tribe to pay them a visit.

    Passing this one on for sure!


    1. LOL, Thanks Cori. I’m still not a fan of it but I will continue to do some video. Yes – starting small really helps!
      I have met many folks over at Triberr and it’s a great way to read and share content.

      You are welcome Cori. Invite some to your tribes and extend your reach.
      Thanks for coming by and have a great rest of your day there.

  21. Hi Lisa,
    I loved your video – so nice to meet the person behind the photo. You are a natural – but I get it, I shy away from video, too.
    Triberr is an awesome place to network – I think it is where I met you!
    Thanks so much for including me in this awesome list. I’m looking forward to connecting with others on the list as well.

    1. Hi Neena, thank you. I still don’t like it but have to get over the fear. No better way to get over a fear than to do just it!
      I love it and yes, I met you there too. I love your content and it is easy to share over the various networks.
      You are welcome Neena and I’m glad you have met – I’ve learned quite a few things from you already!

  22. Thanks for the shout Lisa! Great to see you on video too! Loved it.

    Wow, Mike is aiming for 1 billion reach soon it seems. Amazing how he has grown to epic proportions on that network. I learned from him, from you and all the other rocking Tribe mates on that list how all Triberr and online success occurs one connection at a time, 1 to 1. Through comments, social shares, all that good stuff.

    This is a sensational guide Lisa. Thanks for rocking it out for all Triberr members.

    1. Hi Ryan, you are welcome. You and Donna really encouraged me to do video NOW. I did. Thanks.
      Yes, he is amazing out there connecting here, there and everywhere. You are right, it’s one connection at a time!
      Thanks for the compliment Ryan.
      You are welcome and have a great rest of your day!

  23. Hey Lisa! Holy cow! Is that have you say Triberr? I’ve been saying it wrong for years!

    Great to see you putting yourself out there for a bit of video action! Love it!

    I really do like Triberr. Not only because I get to engage with others, but because I get to read a variety of content. I know you’ve been using it as your reader and I really need to start doing that too.

    Thanks for the shoutout too! You rock gf!


    1. Hi Bren. LOL, I think so. Thanks. I still am not comfortable with being on video but I’ll get over it.
      Yes, I love seeing content from there and there is a lot of great content along with some not so great content that you must sift through.
      You are welcome Bren. You are rocking it out there too!

  24. Hey Lisa,

    I have been using the free version of Triberr for a few years now and It has done wonders for meeting new people and building relationships. I did not know that it had been sold. I had noticed a change in design and layout, so that would make sense as well.

    Lisa, this article is such a good introduction to Triberr for beginners, like I was a few years ago, and would have saved me a lot of time had I knew this then.

    Great video as well. Video seems to be the new thing to do these days and I definitely need to get started on that.

    Great list of tribe members as well, I met a few of these myself on Triberr.

    Lisa thanks for sharing this post with us and I hope you have a great week!


    1. Hi Rob, yes I had been using the free for 5 years until recently when I went with Prime. I love that I can share with more networks – and a Facebook page which is not available in the Free version. You also can have bigger tribes which means a bigger reach.
      Thank you Rob. I hope it does help some beginners out there.
      I have gotten some thank you emails and comments as many could not add their images to the posts. You have to use I/E in many cases.
      I don’t like seeing myself on photos or video but I knew it was time to start with it.
      You are welcome Rob and have a great rest of the week.

  25. Hi Lisa

    It is so great to see you on camera. Keep it up because you are a natural. You look amazing and you get the message across so well.
    Back to Triberr…..You were and still are my inspiration when it comes to Twitter in any shape or form. I’ve been away from Triberr but this surely gave me the push to get back on track with it. I know how powerful it is.

    Thanks for the mention and keep up your amazing work.


    1. Hi Donna, aww – thank you. I still do not like seeing myself in videos or photos but I know we have to show ourselves in photos and videos to succeed. You and Ryan recently pointed that out to all of us with data to back it.
      I hope you do come back and check Triberr out – join some of the tribes here or invite some of these great tribemates to yours.
      Thanks again Donna and have a great day!

      1. Hi Lisa,

        To this day I shoot a video and/or webinar and then walk away. I just listen to it or look at something else while it renders. I don’t like looking at myself either. Maybe its a gal thing?
        I may just jump back into Triberr – it was always working well for me. But with time constraints I had to back down for a while doing product creation.

        1. Hi Donna, it could be. The younger girls seem to like it as they are always posting selfies and video.
          Yes, Triberr is awesome Donna. You will love it and you can do it just once a week. I try to get there daily except on weekends. Let me know if you need any help with it.
          Thanks for coming back to explain Donna. Have a great evening. Still raining and thundering here tonight!

  26. Hi Lisa,

    Happy Monday

    Oh yes! Triberr IS wonderful and I have been using it for years now! Not to mention being listed earlier, and of course, all of the above mentioned are tribemates already, as we share many tribes, so sharing each others content is what makes it all the more better!

    I have yet to try the premium version – the free one is pretty good as well. Loved your little video – way to go!

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Hi Harleena, another Monday already…
      It is amazing to see how many tribes there are. Have you been changing yours up with your new niches?
      I do love the added features with the prime – almost makes me want to have a 2nd blog.
      Thanks for coming by Harleena, have a great week too!

  27. Hi Lisa – Thank you for the wonderful shout out and write-up. Always appreciated and welcome to Triberr!!! Let me or the team know how we can help or if you have any suggestions to make the platform better. We’re listening.

    Charlie Patel (no relation to Neil.

    1. Hi Charlie, you are welcome. So glad you took over after Dino, you had big shoes to fill.
      My only suggestion is make things better when using chrome. We cannot change some settings or add images via that popular browser.
      Thanks for letting us know you are not related:)
      Appreciate your coming by to comment Charlie.

      1. I got the Chrome issue logged now and we’re on it. May reach out to you to get verification that it’s working as intended for you once we identify the cause and make a fix. Thank you.

        1. Hi Charlie, thank you so much. I know it will save me and probably others a lot of time when we are on Triberr..

  28. [ Smiles ] I love Triberr, because it is a great medium to get my articles promoted.

    Honestly, I don’t have a niche (I deal with miscellaneous topics on my blog).

    Also, I enjoy it when people send me invitations to join their tribe.

    Bloggers love Triberr and it comes highly recommended!

    1. Hi Renard, I met you there too on Triberr. How long have been with them?
      I surely love their services. Thanks for coming by today and have a great day!

  29. Hello, Lisa!

    Wow! That’s the nice video!

    And I am so loving the Triberr!

    Reach wise and by anything; it is the best.

    And I can totally relate that it is the best alternative to the CoPromote as well.

    Good knowing the great peeps using up Triberr! Would love to follow them and grow my reach.

    Thanks for the great post!

    ~ Adeel

    1. Hi Adeel, thank you. I’ve been scared of doing video. Not my favorite thing but video now rules so we must adjust, right? I’ve been noticing you more on Triberr, how long have you been on the network? You are welcome. Have a marvelous Monday!

  30. Hi Lisa!
    I’m so excited to see you getting in front of the camera! You are a natural and I bet you will be starting your own live streaming show soon. Let me know if you need anything.
    I LOVE Triberr and I’m so glad the new owner came in and kept the site going.
    Thanks for the shout out.

    1. Hi Ileane,
      Thank you so much. I really do not like seeing myself on video or in pictures but I knew the time has come to move forward with video. Live streaming really scares me but I’m sure I’ll be doing it at some point in the near future too.
      Me too, I am so glad they took it over and are keeping Triberr going. I really cannot imagine blogging with their services.
      Thanks for coming by Ileane and have a wonderful day ahead.

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