24 Best Places To Promote Your Blog To Drive Traffic In 2024

Do you want to learn the 24 best places to promote your blog ? It can be tough to keep up the momentum when sales slow down and new followers disappear.

Well, I’ve got some bad news: it seems like people just don’t care as much anymore. But that doesn’t mean you should stop promoting.

In fact, quite the opposite really because if we believe this trend will reverse itself soon enough then there are still ways of getting more eyes on our work without spending any money (or wasting time).

Learn how to promote your blog to drive up your momentum.

How To Promote For Free

A client recently after me how to promote his blog to increase traffic. In the past, promoting your blog was as easy and straightforward as posting on social media.

You would just share some content from your site with a link back to them. That’s no longer the case.

After all, I’m sure this one client, whom I’ll call Jack, means others like you are wondering the same thing today.

The one thing I did tell Jack is that you either pay for it promoting your blog in TIME or MONEY. You can’t get around that.

There is no EASY way to promote your blog or website in 2024 for free. (However, it can be done with a little time on blog promotion sites.)

Now, there are so many blogs out there, and many excellent ones.

1. Video – Video Here, There, And Everywhere!

Today, video has become a must to survive online with your business. Video on every social network today is generating more views than posts with images or text only.

You can also produce videos for your blog and/or your YouTube Channel. These videos can help you come up closer to page one in the search engines as well. You can even use AI to create your videos quickly.

Today, Canva makes it easy to make your own videos from images or you could hire someone to do videos for you. 

According to Forbes recently, Among millennial audiences, two-thirds of social media users reported engaging with a brand after watching a video posted on social media. The video has matured and is here to stay.

However, many clients of mine are shy to do a video. I did one recently on Twitter to inspire others to get in front of the camera. Oftentimes, I will ask them to do a video of them talking and showing something to start and take away a little of the fear.

Now, you can add Rumble Video to your video mix. You can share the same videos on both video networks.

2. Podcasting To Promote Your Blog

Podcasting and live streaming both have become very big in 2019 and will continue to do so in 2024 and through the next decade. You may have remembered the piece I wrote here about Ms. Ileane Smith and her podcasting advice to all. 

More and more people are listening to podcasts as they are readily available on many devices such as Alexa, iTunes, and Google Home.

More people have these devices in their homes, offices, and during their drive time. To learn more about podcast lengths follow this question on Quora. 

3. Triberr To Promote Your Blog

Triberr is still a good way to generate traffic to your blog. It is one of the blog promotion sites out there that you can use for FREE. It takes time and patience to set up. They do offer a premium paid version.

I’ve been using the paid version (Lite) for years now. They have changed their rates but after you use it for FREE to start, I do recommend upgrading to this one.

The Triberr set-up can go automatic for you or you can pick and choose what to share and where to share as I do. You put in your own RSS feed so others can share your latest post.  You can read more using Triberr on an instructional piece I did a while back.

how to use triberr for content creation
Tribber is a great way to promote your blog and generate more traffic to it.

Traffic does not come quickly with Tribber but once it does, it’s great. It was my main driver for Twitter traffic for years. Traffic has come down in the past few years but I still recommend this blogging tool. (It’s also great for networking with other bloggers!) 

However, I have not been able to use Triberr for several months due to the API changes over on Twitter X.

4. BizSugar Community

Another one of the places to promote your blog is Biz Sugar. This is an article-sharing platform for small businesses. I always go there after publishing a new post to share it. If I find another blogger who has great content and is not on Biz Sugar I’ll share it there as well.

Sometimes, your blog posts may be shared with other business communities from this website, so I highly recommend it. They just recently revamped their look and it’s looking great.

They also have a Biz Sugar community site that was launched a while back. My friend Gail Gardner from Grow Map is a coordinator there and a major contributor.

Not only do you share on this network but you can engage there. People’s posts are upvoted and those with the most votes usually end up on the front page.

Oftentimes, I’ll leave some comments on posts I find interesting. I’ve met more like-minded people there on that network.

5. Viral Content Bee

This is another place to share your posts and other bloggers’ content. It can be time-consuming to go there daily but you could pay for points and let it ride on its own.

With Viral Content Bee, you can share on Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumbler, or Mix. A nice combo of sites to share with it! (However, beware of sharing too much with Tumbler as my account was taken down because of it.) 

Remember, it’s time or money people, you can’t have it without one or the other.

This is another site that was hit by the Twitter X API and you have to pay $20/month now to use it with X.

6. Listly For Your Blog

Listly is an oldie but a goodie. I like it because your lists can show up in Google searches. You must be sure to optimize your lists and add things to them.

You can read an updated post I did on Listly recently.

7. Wakelet Curating

Thanks to Dexter at InfoBunny for encouraging me to use this network. It’s a content-curating site that took the place of Storify. (if you remember that one).

It’s easy to set up but it takes time to figure out the ins and outs. You can invite people to collaborate on your boards and wakes as they call them there.

8. Reddit

Once you crack this nut, they say you can generate a lot of traffic. I’m in the starting phases to see how it will pan out for you. I’m earning my Karma before I post anything with links. I’ve gained about 500 Karma points to date. You can also have your own page on Reddit.

You can also have your own community as I do for Inspire to Thrive over on Reddit. It’s like a Facebook page for your business.

use reddit to promote your blog

It’s a great place to meet other bloggers though. You can have conversations just like on Facebook groups, Quora, and chat rooms. I’ve learned a lot and participated in many chats on Reddit for the past few years.

You can post your own blog posts in your community and if you are consistent you will generate traffic.

9. Quora Questions and Answers

One of my favorite places to generate new traffic but it took a long time. It had to become a habit before traffic followed. I did a post last week about how Quora can help grow your business. 

And recently I’ve learned you can make some money from this site as well.  That too takes a lot of time to generate some dollars but once you get going it flows in.

Thanks again to Dexter for that info. He shares about their Quora Partner Program here, though it has changed a bit over the past year and there is little money to be made as compared to before.

10. Flipboard To Promote Your Blog

Flipboard does drive traffic but be aware of the possible high bounce rate. It’s my go-to site for news after Twitter if I’m bored which isn’t often by the way. But, if I’m standing in line, not often since I shop online more these days, it’s a great way to pass some time.

The traffic from Flipboard has popped back up in the past year and the bounce rate decreased, nice! It’s a great free content-sharing website. The mobile app is easy to use too. 

You can pick your areas of interest and see stories about them quickly and easily. You can follow others and share others’ pieces there which I recommend you do! It’s that old 80/20 sharing rule.

Again, I did a piece on this on Curatti on how to use Flipboard. 

11. Facebook Pages To Promote Your Blog

The Big and almighty Facebook. There are so many ways to promote your blog on this social network.

Facebook groups are ruling it today and of course Facebook Live. You know my friends Ryan and Donna are rocking it with Facebook Live.

I do recommend having a Facebook page, it’s the only way you can really do marketing and ads on Facebook. It gives your business a professional presence too. Feel free to give my Facebook page a like here too! 

People today do search on Facebook and they have search ads you can purchase as well.

If you have time you could invest it in managing a Facebook group. They seem to be gaining traction along with the stories feature.

I do recommend to all my clients a Facebook ad budget to boost posts along the way. There are many ways and combos of how to boost today. You have a lot of options to choose from to target better.

And of course, as I mentioned up top, videos do very well on Facebook as well as tagging others when relevant. Since Facebook is the biggest social media network it remains one of the best places to promote your blog.

12. Twitter X: One Of The Best Places To Promote Your Blog For Free

My old favorite and traffic driver. It amazes me how many people I came across locally don’t understand Twitter and just have automation tools to throw out content against the wall.

You know what I think of that, right? Sorry, my friends and clients. You must engage on Twitter. That’s the secret behind it. Take 10 minutes a day to increase your Twitterness. 

Earlier this year I saw a drip in traffic but it came back this month. However, I’ve been experimenting with the Twitter Blue subscription. (Stay tuned!) It remains the number one source of traffic here on Inspire To Thrive.

One note: The ads on Twitter X are very inexpensive and do drive traffic and some sales. They are much cheaper than the other social network ads.

Twiter traffic
Why I remain on Twitter as it’s the #1 source of social traffic to the blog.

13. LinkedIn To Promote Your Blog

A great one for business folks. You can take your long posts on the blog and make a 300+ word condensed version to share on LinkedIn and link back to your blog.  I understand if you do this consistently it will drive traffic.

I’ve done it here and there, but not consistently, and did receive some traffic. Imagine consistency? Ravi explains here how he drives traffic from Linkedin Pulse.

Again, video on this social network is growing and those that do it say it does drive them more engagement on the network which leads to more traffic and customers. 

14. Pinterest

Wow, this one social networking site has become complicated today, but Pinterest traffic does come once you master a few things like group boards and Tailwind. As you are generating blog posts think of images and use Canva to tailor them to Pinterest.

Pinterest business profile
This is an example of my business Pinterest account.

I invested in Tailwind for the past 2 years and my presence there really grew and some traffic came to the blog from it. At the end of 2020, the Pinterest algorithm changed and the traffic dropped. I no longer use Tailwind as it got complicated and expensive. 

Now, Pinterest has made many changes but with a little engagement and using the right-sized vertical images, you can drive more traffic to your blog site. I love the new video features on Pinterest.

It’s become one of the top best places to promote your blog today.

You may want to try their ad platform on Pinterest as it’s easy to use and is not expensive as Facebook. I’ve used it a few times in the past few months here.

15. How To Promote My Blog On Instagram

Who doesn’t know about Instagram today? But did you know you can change the URL in your bio often to drive a little traffic to your website or blog? And today, they are allowing up to 5 links in your Instagram bio. 

However, now the Instagram stories features have link buttons you can use to share your latest blog posts. LOVE IT!

I don’t recommend using those Linktrees for your Instagram links many others recommend. Why? Because having one link in your Instagram bio drives traffic to that link.

If you have a Linktree in your Instagram bio it gives people many choices to go to different links thus limiting your traffic. Sometimes, when people have too many choices they choose nothing. So be careful with the new 5 links and how many you use. I’ve chosen 3 for now.

Instagram like Twitter does need engagement to drive traffic for you. Stories and reels are what can drive it for you as well as sharing stories to your closest friends.

People on this network follow and unfollow quicker than you and I change our underwear. So, don’t get discouraged on Instagram. Comment often, post no more than 1-2 daily, and do a few behind-the-scenes Instagram stories.

16. Gab Groups

Gab is an alternative social network that has many groups you can participate in. It’s a great source of traffic if you are in the right groups. I’m in a few business groups that are a fabulous way to connect with others and generate some traffic.

I do have to use a custom campaign builder to track the traffic as it’s not shared by Google or supported by the app stores like other alternative social networks. 

Gab also offers videos and a GAB TV channel for users that subscribe to the social network. It’s one of the best places to promote your blog that’s not talked about often.

17. Bloglovin

This is an “old set and forgets about it” place. I did until I checked my stats for this post today. It still generates traffic. Now I would recommend you check after time how you set yourself up.

Do check that your bio is still valid as you know how things may have changed since the last time you looked.

18. Nuzzel

Another set-it-and-forget-it type of place. Do it once and a little traffic dribbles to your blog. It’s a content-creation type of site. They send out emails often with news items.

A great way to promote your blog is if you are featured there.

19. RSS Feeds

Remember Feedburner was going away for years? Well, it finally did in 2021!

Yes, Feedburner from Google is no longer working. I’ve switched over to follow.it – here on Inspire To Thrives blog.  

Having an RSS feed is still one of the ways best ways to promote your blog for Free. However, most RSS feeds now offer a premium version too. 

20. DoSplash

I set it and forgot it! Inspire To Thrive does get minimal traffic each month from there. Hence, I did go back and see there are several paid programs and ways to vote and comment there.

There was a great review by my friend Erik from No Passive Income. A place to definitely check out for your blog.

21. PushEngage To Promote Your Blog

Loving it! I set it and forgot until I checked out my stats one day for subscribers. I had more coming via push notifications vs. email! Not sure if that is really a good or bad thing but it generates traffic. You can read more about them over on Curate Blog. 

This year I disabled it as it was slowing down the website and I switched to Convert box. I’m still testing with ConvertBox, but so far I’m liking it as I can promote several different things at once for FREE.

However, at the end of last year, I dropped it as I didn’t like the reader experience of pop-ups.

22. Email: Still One Of The Best Places To Promote Your Blog

Email today still rocks too. People do check it through the younger set less often and most likely won’t reply that way. They prefer text and FB messenger by far.

There are many ways to do email with free and paid versions. Some industries use drip campaigns and others just email weekly or monthly.

A great way to get new sign-ups for email is to give something of value away.

23. Blog Engage

I use Blog Engage to promote my blog from time to time. You can choose the $5 or $15 option for Blog Engage to promote your blog.  This blog network allows you to submit your blog article(s) that will be reviewed by them and promoted by Blog Engage or to visitors on their main page.

I love the traffic from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn and the promotional options provided for the blog post I promote. 

24. 3 Bonus Tips: Best Places To Promote Your Blog and Generate Traffic 

Google My Business. (Now called Google Business Profile)This is one you can do for free. But you must update with small blog posts weekly to generate some traffic for you. The more you post, the quicker you will see results. However, be careful not to be spammy there.

It will take time to see results on Google Business Profiles, so be patient. Furthermore, if you are a home-based business you can use it without your address now.

Blog Commenting – Leaving meaningful comments on other blogs with an Avatar is another great way to send traffic back to your own blog. However, be authentic in your comments and add value to the post you leave comments on.  (If you do create an avatar and start a 2nd or 3rd blog be sure to change the avatar as well.) 

Blogger Outreach – Another way is to reach out to other bloggers for guest posting on their blogs and having others post on your blog. This way you double your efforts, generate new readers and connect with others in your blogging niche. A win-win scenario.

Your Turn- The Best Places To Promote Your Blog

Are you tired after reading all the best places you can promote your blog here? Are you wondering how to do it all? Of course, having the right blogging tools does help.

I’d love to know in the comments below what methods you are using to promote your blog now. What other tactics would you recommend to my client Jack?

blogging AI tool
Over 60 AI tools in one for you, from writing to seo to social media and more.
Lisa Sicard

73 thoughts on “24 Best Places To Promote Your Blog To Drive Traffic In 2024”

  1. Thank you for sharing this insightful article on promoting a blog! The tips and strategies you’ve provided are invaluable for bloggers who want to expand their reach and attract a larger audience.

    I appreciate how you emphasized the importance of promoting blog content beyond just publishing it. Simply hitting the “publish” button is not enough; proactive promotion is essential for gaining visibility and driving traffic. Your suggestions to leverage social media platforms, engage with influencers, and participate in relevant online communities are all excellent ways to amplify the reach of blog posts.

    The section on utilizing visual content is particularly compelling. Incorporating eye-catching images, infographics, and videos can make a significant difference in capturing readers’ attention and encouraging social sharing. Your advice on optimizing images for search engines and including compelling descriptions demonstrates a thoughtful approach to maximizing the impact of visual content.

    I also found your suggestion to repurpose blog content to be highly valuable. Transforming blog posts into different formats, such as podcasts, videos, or slideshows, allows for reaching new audiences and catering to different learning preferences. This not only extends the lifespan of the content but also increases its discoverability across various platforms.

    Additionally, your emphasis on networking and building relationships within the blogging community is spot on. Collaborating with other bloggers, guest posting, and participating in interviews or roundups are effective ways to expand one’s reach and tap into new audiences. Your practical tips on reaching out to influencers and nurturing those connections are invaluable for bloggers looking to establish mutually beneficial relationships.

  2. Hello Lisa, Thankyou for this valuable article. I have recently started my blogging journey and certainly this information have gave me a lot of information. keep creating such wonderful articles.
    Romil Rambhad

    1. Hi Romil, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. You are most welcome and I’m glad you found it informative. I will be updating this piece as well from time to time as things change rapidly. Have a great day.

  3. SharlaAnn Matyjanka

    Hi Lisa,
    There are so many ways to promote your blog. I think that is part of the problem! It is easy to spread yourself thin especially when you are just starting out and trying to see what works best for you.

    I seem to have a hard time being consistent with anything other than Twitter. I go through phases with Triberr and Quora but nothing consistent.

    My favorite way of promoting is blog commenting hands down.


    1. Hi SharlaAnn, oh yes, that can be part of the challenge, having so many places to be. Once you get a system going it helps a lot. I love blog commenting and I have to keep a better list to do it more consistently like the other things I do. I used to have the rule to leave 5 comments per day on different blogs. It’s been a while since I have stuck to it, but it was a good way to get it done. Thanks for your comment SharlaAnn and have a wonderful day ahead.

  4. Hey Lisa,

    Blogging is an extremely challenging task and nowadays it becomes tougher because every blogger wants to get more exposure to work and expect more reach to relevant audience.

    Podcasts are affordable and convenient sources to explore your opinion with world pertaining to learning.

    Podcasts are a great way to communicate with your audience through intimately delivered content.

    Viral Content Bee drives massive organic web traffic to your blog by sharing links on social media.

    Eventually, thanks for exploring your informative ideas with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

  5. Hi Cheryl, You will see immediate results with Viral Content Bee but the others will take some time and effort. It takes time to build a tribe on Triberr and to have others share your content. But it’s worth it! Love to know how you make out with these.

  6. Wow! This is insane – loads to look at and consider. I only just started using linktree so I will monitor that. I take your point on board.

    1. Hi Rob, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Where do you use the linktree on? Thanks for coming by and I’d love to know which of these places you will try. Have a great day!

  7. Wow! Thank you for providing this article. I’ve got a lot of work to do the next few weeks. I manage UltimateWeeklyPlanner.com and we sell weekly planners. For years we relied on Amazon instead of our website to sell products. As Amazon sales have dipped we’ve transitioned to prioritize selling direct from our website instead.

    The tips provided in this article are very valuable and I can’t wait to get started.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Reuben, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. You are most welcome. Why have the sales from Amazon dropped? Has it become oversatured there? I’d love to hear back and see how you are coming along with these tips Reuben. Have a great day!

      1. Hey Lisa, the market is more saturated but something I’ve noticed (and did incorrectly in hindsight) is that many of our competitors are reusing the same listing from year to year instead of creating new listings for the next year of the planner. By keeping the same listing they are able to retain the reviews from previous years.

        We aren’t giving up on selling on Amazon but we are going to begin reusing listings from year to year. The reason I wasn’t inclined to do that is so that we could sell the 2 planners at the same. And another reason was that our planner changed a little from year to year based on customer feedback. I was worried about questions and reviews that mention things that was true about the previous planner but no the current planner being sold on the Amazon listing.

        Thanks again for the article and for taking the time to respond.

        1. Hi Reubun, thanks for clarifying that here. That makes a lot of sense about creating new ones. Good luck and love to know how it progresses there on Amazon.

  8. Hi Shane, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Oh yes, you have to put those links in the comments some of the time to fool the algorithm. I don’t do it all the time because I keep the audience’s needs in mind as well. Commenting does rank higher and if you do it it helps you to see others posts in the future as well. Thanks for coming by on this one and have a wonderful day Shane.

  9. Hi Owen, Welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Thank you. What will your new blog be about? Glad you are doing some homework before you dive in. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  10. Hey Lisa,
    This is definitely a great article and a big help for me and for other bloggers as well. However, I knew most of them but a few like Zest Extension, Wakelet Curating, Nuzzel, and PushEngage are new to me. I will surely try them out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks Mila, welcome to Inspire To Thrive! Of those Zest is my favorite. Let me know if you have any questions using it. Have a great day and thanks for coming by on this one Mila.

  11. I only knew Quora, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest platforms. The remaining you mentioned is new to me and going to try. Thank you for talking about this, Lisa. It helps, bookmarking this guide.

    1. Hi Mudassir, Those are the big ones for sure! I’m glad you have found some new ones to try out. I think you will really like them. Be careful not to sign up for too many at a time. Go slowly and gradual to build up. Otherwise you could get yourself overwhelmed. Been there and done that! Thanks for the input on this Mudassir and I appreciate your shares too. Have a great rest of the weekend there.

  12. Nice post – promotion is key! Lots of great options here to market any blog. I also think video will continue to help content producer make impact. Thanks for sharing Lisa!

    1. Hi Jemma, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Yes, I don’t recommend trying them all at once but you are right that video on any of them does help! Thanks for coming by and have a great day and a new year ahead! Hope to see you back here.

  13. Great info, Lisa.
    I’ll admit I don’t use most of these. I LOVE to create, marketing is another animal in itself.
    I’ll have to check these out. I’m familiar with most of the popular social media channels, but I’m aware there are so many other ways to go about it.

    Thanks for putting this list together.

    1. Hi Dana, Take a look at a couple and start with 2-3 only. Give them time. Too many people quit before they have success with any. Pick ones you will enjoy working on and with. You are most welcome Dana. Happy Monday and new week and season. It still feels like Summer up here in the Northeast.

    1. Hi Alice, you are most welcome. Welcome to Inspire To Thrive. I’d love to know which ones you will be trying. Have a wonderful day and hope to see you here again.

  14. Hi Loretta, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. You are most welcome. Which method are you going to try out first? I’d love to know how you make out with it Loretta. Have a great week ahead!

  15. Hi Lisa,

    Great post as ever. I e-met you on your blog a while ago when I commented on a guest post by Prosper. Haven’t been back since then, but this fantastic post has just shown me what I’ve been missing.

    Driving quality traffic is the holy grail of blogging, and anything that helps to supercharge our blog traffic is always welcome.

    I love Jon Morrow’s take on the best traffic generation strategies.

    According to Jon, “there are 5 different traffic strategies. Jon calls them:

    1. The mafia method. This is where you woo the big players in your niche.
    2. The rocky technique. The is where you provide killer content that pulls in the readers like magnet.
    3. The fan base formula. This is where you discover where your fans hang out online and get them to drive traffic to your blog.
    4. The traffic short cut. Getting traffic through lead magnet, an op-tin page that converts like crazy, targeted ads, optimising your email list.
    5. The infiltration game. Leveraging the power of Pinterest, Reddit and Stumbleupon.”

    Although there are five different traffic strategies, the odds are, only one or two of them will work in each specific situation. Our role as bloggers is to find that one strategy and master it.

    Thanks again for sharing.

    Best regards,

    Pedro Okoro

    1. Hi Pedro, Thank you, how have you been? I love your line that “as bloggers it is our role to find the one that works for us.” Excellent point.
      What works for others may not work as well for you – depending on the niche. Great to see you again Pedro, I hope Propser is doing well, haven’t seen him around in a while. Have a great day!

  16. Hi lisa!

    I dont find other social media that is much easier than facebook, I promote my blog on facebook and i get good results, but its slightly pain in the pocket but it’s worth it.

    1. Hi Paul, I still generate more from Twitter but that’s me. It does take time. Facebook ads are good and not too expensive YET. I’m sure they will be going up as more and more use them. Have you tried their new search ads on Facebook? Thanks for coming by Paul and welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Have a wonderful day!

      1. No not yet, i only have tried is facebook pixel which is retargeting audience who has visited my website. Thanks for replying Lisa!

  17. Hey Lisa

    Thanks for sharing this amazing list of platforms to promote blogs and drive traffic to the website.

    I preferred social media website, Quora, and Reddit. These are some powerful platform which drives traffic to your website and blog as well.

    Really appreciate the way you have written and explained.

    I am really gonna apply these new platforms for the future. Worth reading it.

    Thanks for sharing it with us.

    Good work..!!

    1. Hi Lisa, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. You almost ended up in spam without a gravatar. I hope you consider getting one soon. I knew your comment was genuine by the way you wrote it.
      Have you had success with Reddit? I’ve just started over there slowly. Quora has been great but you must particpate often. When I don’t traffic does go down from it. I like it though – fun to answer a few questions daily. Let me know which you try out Lisa. Thanks for coming by and have a great day and rest of the week!

  18. Hi Lisa mam,

    it’s really a big list, thanks for sharing these platforms to promote our blog post. Let me add my favorites – worldofwp[dot[com and managewp[dot]org, bloggers who write on WordPress niche can promote on these platforms.

    1. Hi Shrinivas, you are most welcome. Thanks for your tip with the WordPress ones. That’s the Free version correct? Have a great day and appreciate your input here.

  19. Hi Lisa

    Well this is a great checklist of places to promote your blog.

    I’ll definitely share this with my clients who are always asking me… where? when? how?

    This is a handy little list with some instructive commentary too.

    PS: thanks for mentioning me in connection with Facebook Live … it’s certainly been one of my favorite places to promote my brand.


    1. Hi Donna, thank you. It took some time putting it together as you would imagine. Maybe I’ll do a follow-up with 10 more. You are most welcome Donna, Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of days! Have a great day ahead and stay warm there.

  20. Hi Lisa,

    This article is timely as I also began testing with Scoop.it/ The only way to get the traffic is to go premium and be consistent on the platform. I have also created an account on Flipboard. I so love your post because we all want more traffic. And getting to know these traffic generating sites priceless.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Moss, awesome – thanks for letting me know. I’ll have to hook up with you on Scoop.it I did go premium, just been a few weeks though. Thanks for your input on these here Moss and you are most welcome. I hope you have a great day:)

  21. Amazingggggggg and thanks, Lisa <3

    You made the whole Zesteam feel sooo happy.

    Yam Regev
    Co-Founder & CEO

    1. Hi Yam, so glad to be of service. Seriously Zest is tops with driving traffic and providing quality content. Thanks for all the team does there and have a wonderful day!

  22. Hi Lisa.

    This post is a bomb. A very big list of all the important stuff. I haven’t heard of many things in this.
    Pushengage is very important of them all. You can gather mobile users, and send custom notifications.
    Keep up the good work Lisa.

    1. Hi Bhanu, Thank you. Which of these are you going to try out? I love push engage, I just have to remember to shut it off when I do updates to correct any errors. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  23. Hi Bren, I sure as heck did not realize it when I started out years ago! I may not have dipped into it. I LOVE triberr and I do often change up my tribes and such – good advice!
    Thanks for your shares Brenda and I hope your week is going well there. You know how mine has started out

  24. Lisa: Thanks for mentioning BizSugar! I will start to use Quora during this year for my tea interest. I will look into Reddit and see if I can get a hang of it.

  25. Hi Lisa,

    I am using these social channels. I believe that one cannot grow without building social connections. It is really important to build strong social connections to get maximum out of these social sites to promote your blog.


  26. I am much active on Triberr, Viralcontentbee, Sccopit, Linkedin, twitter, Bizsugar, and Flipboard and found much effective. I will definitely try other sites to increase my blog traffic.

    Very helpful. Love it, thanks.

  27. Hey Lisa,

    This is an awesome list you put together. There are some that I’m using and some that are new to me that I need to check out like PushEngage and Nuzzel.

    Thanks for sharing this Lisa. You know I’m sharing this one.


  28. Hey Lisa, great list!
    I think using just one of these platforms but to it’s fullest, can bring in wonderful returns
    Of course,knowing me, I’m going to try and incorporate all, or at least most of them into my promotion routine.
    We’ll see how it pans out, but one thing is certain- there’s a lot of work ahead.

    I’m excited…

    1. Hi Nikola, thank you. Oh yes, I try to use 3-5 to the fullest – it’s a lot of WORK. But worth it over time. Which is your favorite of them? Thanks for coming by and have a great day. I’ll get back to your email later – on vacation and trying not to be online for long periods of time.

      1. I like Twitter the best. Because I used to think it’s a huge waste of time. But I was wrong. It’s great for connecting with like-minded people and other aspiring bloggers.

        1. Hi Nikola, Thanks for coming back to answer that one. You are not alone in that thinking, so many do until they use it for a while. I hope you have a great day!

  29. Firstly, i want to say thank you to Enstine Muki to broadcasting this post through his Mailing List, this is proof that Email (included in the list) still working to promote your blog.

    To Lisa, author of this post thanks for sharing this 21 places to promote your blog or website, as a social media manager these are another places to promote my clients blog or website. I only using LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Google Plus, Tumblr.

    I will definitely add more places from your list.


    Tola Korede

    1. Hi Tola, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. That was awesome of Enstine to do that! I’m loving how bloggers help other bloggers along the way. Email and push notifications are great to share your posts with your readers. Let me know if you have any questions about the places you will explore in this list. Have a great day!

  30. Thanks for the mention, Lisa. We’re just getting started ramping up the new BizSugar and hope all your readers will join. There are some fun free tools to use which I am featuring tomorrow, a forum where people can get their questions answered, and we’ll have weekly events, AMAs (ask me anythings) and of course, you can still share your content.

    Viral Content Bee works best for me and I use it the most consistently. I need to hear more from the Triberr users about what it costs, which tribes are best, and how you use it. Do you have a post about it?

    1. Hi Gail, you are most welcome. I’ve loving the new Biz Sugar! I’m not as active this week with vacation but when I get back I will be. The forum is great. I do have a post about Triberr here. You can read more here about it: http://inspiretothrive.com/triberr-how-to-use/
      Thank you for coming by Gail and have a great day! I appreciate all your quick shares on Twitter btw.

  31. Hi Lisa,

    Great share here, in fact, I am following most of the platforms mentioned here out of this I spend more time on LinkedIn, twitter, fb, and BizSugar etc.
    Of course these days I am active on Instagram after reading a post on Enstine Muki. I need to improve more there as that too fetch more traffic.

    In fact, as you mentioned about BizSugar, after the involvement/relaunch by our friend Gail Gardner, the look and action at BizSugar is totally changed and now it is an amazing platform to roam around with our posts and others too!

    I am so glad to say that this amazing post I curated on the pages of this platform. https://share.bizsugar.com/Resources/22-places-to-promote-your-blog-in-2019-to-drive-traffic-and-engagement/

    Happy to say that one of my recent posts is now a trending one on Bizsugar, in short, it fetched 43 Sugars (Likes) I think and heard from few other too that, it is a great achievement as most others very seldom go beyond 36 or so. I am so glad to mention this here.

    Thanks, Lisa for your up-vote too for that achievement.

    I appreciate your valuable time.

    Keep writing.
    Keep sharing.
    Best Regards
    ~ Phil

    1. Hi Phil, thank you so much for sharing this over on Biz Sugar as I’m away on vacation and it started with an accident. Amazing how blogging friends help each other out from across the world! Thank YOU!
      Biz Sugar is awesome and I’ve had several featured and met others via them and got more traffic as well. I love what they are doing there now too with their community. Thanks so much Phil and have a a wonderful day!

      1. Philip Verghese Ariel

        Hey Lisa,
        I was just going thru some of my LinkedIn posts and I found gain this post and am back here again.
        I shared this on LinkedIn too.
        Growthhacking platform too is a great place to curate your contents.
        Keep sharing.

        1. Thank you Philip, I just logged in on vacation this a.m. as I could not sleep 🙂 Thanks for coming by on this one. It’s one of my favorite posts from this year! Have a great rest of the week.

  32. Goodness me, so many places to promote your blog that I’ve never heard of before. I must have been living under that proverbial rock! Must go and investigate some of these. I do need more traffic to my blogs and if I can do it without cost (apart from time of course) so much the better. Great article Lisa.

    1. Thanks Sandy, welcome to Inspire To Thrive! Oh yes, there are so many places Sandy today to promote your blog. I hope you find these very useful and do ask me if you have any questions about them. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

    1. Hi Renard, yes, I would agree. I miss you over on Twitter though! Are you with Triberr anymore? I can’t imagine blogging without that one!

  33. I love Triberr, Lisa! Over there right now, with it opened up, reading posts and publishing genuine blog comments. Plus I do love my Facebook Live videos. Thanks for the shout out. We have endless ways to promote blogs and to reach new folks. Keep sharing, keep promoting other bloggers and your success grows. Awesome post!

    1. Hi Ryan, Me too! I’ve get to do more of those this year. I may be visiting Donna on our way home next week. I hope we can all meet up one day as well when you are back on the East Coast. You certainly do promote others Ryan. Thank you for everything and have a wonderful day.

  34. Hi Lisa, thanks for the mention. Yeah Wakelet is a really good option and everyone joining currently has the opportunity to shape how it develops by joining their email community.

    Quora is my latest social addiction.
    It really does tick all the boxes for me.
    Masses of traffic, the chance to prove authority, a place to blog and the very cool Partner Program.

    Sharing this everywhere.
    Regards Dexter

    1. Hi Dexter, you are most welcome. I hope to look at Wakelet more after my vacation. I see they have made so upgrades and it looks good! I love Quora too. I got an apology from them yesterday – I got mixed up in spam bots, amazing. I’d love to get in their partner program this year. Thanks Dexter for everything and have a wonderful rest of the week.

  35. Hey Lisa,
    With all these traffic tools and platform, it’s still difficult for most to get referral and Social Media traffic.

    Recently as you know, I have been focusing on Pinterest. There is a lot of work creating those pins but once you get your hands on it, you will always find it going smoothly.

    Some of these platforms are easy to use. I think Bizsugar is one that requires less time. But I often recommend not just posting on these platforms. If you create time to engage with other members, you are going to see traffic and connections.

    Create less, promote more!

    1. Hi Enstine, yes, you are correct, it takes time to get referral and traffic. Engaging with others is key on all of them Enstine. We can’t just throw things out there and expect results. Thanks for coming by on this one and have a great rest of the week there.

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