5 Essential Ways To Increase Your Website Sales

Blogging has changed a lot over the past few years and there are new essential ways to increase your website sales.

Gone are the days when you can depend on platforms like AdSense to make money as a blogger.

Affiliate marketing, selling your own courses, offering services – there are a ton of excellent passive income sources that you can use to make more profits from your site.

How To Increase Your Website Sales

If you’re someone who is looking to increase your website sales without being too pushy, this guest post is exclusively for you where you’ll discover 5 amazing ways to increase your sales.

Essential Ways How To Increase Your Website Sales As A Blogger [Without Being Salesy]

1. Give Top Priority To Your Email List

There’s a reason why experts like Brian Dean (from Backlinko) include an email opt-in form above the fold. That’s the first thing his website visitors see when they arrive on his blog.

Why do so many top bloggers give huge priority to their email lists?

They know email marketing produces the highest ROI.

backlinko example

Whether you know it or not, for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can get $40 in ROI. That’s a big number, right?

Email marketing has a ton of other benefits including;

  • Build trust with your audience
  • Educate about your products and services
  • Build strong rapport
  • Grow your traffic, sales, and conversions

Above all, when you’re building an email list, you own the list. If you’re running a Facebook group or YouTube channel, you don’t own them (Facebook and Google own them).

They can take down your groups, pages, or YouTube channels anytime they want (once they find that you’re violating any of their rules).

But when you’re building and growing an email list, you own it. You have 100% control over your email subscribers. You’re the ultimate boss.

So what’s stopping you to build an email list?

That being said, here are some of the proven ways to grow your email list to ultimately increase your website sales.

Provide incentives: One of the fastest ways to grow your email list is to offer incentives or freebies. They can be anything including;

  • Cheatsheets
  • eBooks
  • Video tutorials
  • Email courses
  • Content upgrades
  • Giving free access to the tools you own

Place email opt-in forms at prominent places: Another best way to boost your email list is to use as many appealing opt-in forms as possible at the right locations on your website. You can include them above the fold, on your about page, sidebar, footer section, and so on.

Write guest posts: If you’re looking to build a targeted email list, start writing guest posts for top blogs in your industry. Spend quality time crafting highly informative guest posts and make sure to add a relevant call to action to grow your email lists.

You can also create a dedicated landing page to collect emails (so you can link to those pages while guest posting).

Do you notice Ryan Biddulph from Blogging From Paradise everywhere on blogs today doing guest and contributor posts? Not only does he become recognizable but it also helps build up his email list at the same time.

2. Create Unbiased Product Reviews

When it comes to monetizing a website, affiliate marketing is possibly the best way to earn passive income.

You recommend great products to your audience and in return, you earn a commission whenever they purchase through your affiliate referral links. Don’t be afraid to promote affiliate products.

After all, you need to survive and make money to be able to run your blog or website in the long run.

Did you know that we generate over $100,000 from our site Bloggers Passion in the last year i.e 2018? The majority of that income came from affiliate marketing.

One thing that helped us make more affiliate sales is this: “product reviews that are genuine”. So if you’re running a website and already promoting affiliate products, make sure to create unbiased product reviews.

Here are some of the tips to write honest reviews around the products you promote to increase your website sales.

Be honest: You can’t ignore this tip. You should be honest while promoting your affiliate products. Don’t write product reviews just for the sake of increasing your sales. Only promote those products that offer real value to your target audience.

Write comprehensive posts: Before you write any product review, it’s so important to get your hands on any product that you want to cover. You should get a feel of the affiliate products you recommend. Then, you can easily list out the pros, cons, features, pricing, and so on.

Show alternatives: Every product review becomes unbiased if it shows better (or cheaper) alternatives to it. For instance, if you’re writing any hosting-related reviews such as Bluehost’s black Friday sale, you should also mention its competitors along with their pros and cons. Let your audience decide what’s right for them.

3. Essential ways To Increase Your Website Sales With Landing Pages

Do you want to know the fastest way to turn random website visitors into customers? Use landing pages. They provide minimal distraction and give you an opportunity to promote your products in a better way.

You can use landing pages for the following pages;

  • Resources (where you can mention all the tools and products you use at your blog – include affiliate links)
  • About us page
  • Specific products (where there’s a huge potential to increase sales)
  • Product reviews
  • Services page and so on

If you’re looking for ideas on how to use landing pages to increase your overall website sales without being salesy, here are a few of them.

Give fewer choices: One of the golden rules of marketing is “less is more”. When you give too many options and choices to your audience, they choose none. So give fewer choices and your landing pages give you better results.

Create a sense of urgency: Why should any bought stuff from you RIGHT now instead of tomorrow? Create a sense of urgency. Use countdown timers. Offer them extra discounts. It works like a charm.

As a side note, we increased our WPX hosting-related product sales once we started providing a 50% discount on their first month’s hosting plans. So yes, offering extra deals and discounts by creating a sense of urgency works great.

Address everything: While creating landing pages, answer everything that your target audience might be asking. If possible, try to include a FAQ section at the end for better conversions.

Invest in appealing design: Landing pages should load fast and look really good if you want to turn random visitors into sales. So invest money in high-quality images and landing page builders if you want to increase your sales.

essential ways to increase your website sales

4. People Love Free Stuff

Everyone loves free stuff, right? “Free” is a powerful marketing term. If you want to make your site popular or boost your site’s overall online exposure, you should give away as much free stuff as you can.

Here’s a list of ideas that you can try to provide free yet valuable stuff to your website audience to ultimately increase your sales.

Free eBooks: eBooks are easy to create. You can either create one on trending and popular topics related to your niche from scratch. Or you can even compile some of your best articles and turn them into eBooks and offer them for free.

Free blogging courses: If you’re into the marketing niche, you can offer free blogging courses as they work like a charm. You can use email broadcasts to offer your blogging courses and create dedicated landing pages to collect emails.

Video courses: Video marketing is growing rapidly. People always love watching videos. If you can create informative videos around the popular topics in your industry, you can definitely get more leads that you can ultimately use to increase your website sales.

Note: The above-mentioned ideas can be used anywhere (from growing your email lists to running giveaways, increasing your online presence, and so on).

5. Calls To Action At The End Of Blog Posts

A call to action (CTA) as its name implies, is created to persuade your blog audience to take some action.

A CTA can be anything including;

  • Asking for social shares
  • Nudging people to leave a comment
  • Inviting people to join your email list
  • Asking someone to buy your products or try your services
  • And the list goes on

Make sure to include a CTA at the end of each and every blog post you write if you want to increase your conversion rates and sales. The key here is to use just one call to action per page if you want better results (less is always more).

Here are some powerful ways to use a call to action to boost your conversions and website sales.

Stop using vague CTAs: Stop using ordinary phrases like “Subscribe now”, “Join now” etc won’t work as they sound generic and don’t persuade people to take action.

You should use powerful and compelling phrases like “Get it today”, “download your free copy NOW” etc.

Analyze the top sites in your industry to get more ideas.

Experiment with buttons: Your CTA buttons play a key role in essential ways to increase your website sales. So experiment with button colors, text, size, and so on.

Analyze the different courses you find on Udemy, and check out your competitors’ sites, and big sites like Amazon to come up with creative and engaging ideas.

Over To You: Essential Ways To Increase Your Websites Sales

You need to learn the art of converting visitors into buyers. You should build trust with your content and marketing efforts.

Only when you drive your website audience to take action, you’ll be able to make profits from your blog. Grow an email list, build rapport with your audience, and analyze your competitors.

Did you like the post on the essential ways to increase your website’s sales? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

We’d love to know if you using any of these 5 methods to increase website sales.

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FAQ: 5 Essential Ways To Increase Your Website Sales

1. How can I improve my website’s user experience?

Focus on speed and simplicity. Make sure your site loads fast and is easy to navigate. Use clear calls-to-action and ensure your design is mobile-friendly.

2. What role does content play in boosting sales?

Quality content builds trust and authority. Write blog posts, guides, and product descriptions that address your audience’s needs. Use strong headlines and visuals to keep visitors engaged.

3. Why is social proof important?

People trust reviews and testimonials from other customers. Display positive reviews, ratings, and case studies prominently. This encourages new visitors to buy from you.

4. How can I use email marketing to increase sales?

Segment your email list to target specific groups. Send personalized offers, follow-up emails, and reminders about abandoned carts. Consistent, relevant emails keep customers coming back.

5. What is the impact of A/B testing on sales?

A/B testing helps you find what works best for your audience. Test different headlines, images, and calls-to-action. Use data from these tests to optimize your site for better conversions.

Anil Agarwal

21 thoughts on “5 Essential Ways To Increase Your Website Sales”

  1. Hi, Anil and Lisa,
    great tips here. I enjoyed reading the post. I would like to add a small tip about using CTA’s to boost sales. And the tip is: have only one CTA per end of article.
    Because if you have more people won’t know what to do, and then they’ll do none of what you want.

    1. Hi Nikola, thank you. Interesting point, I know you may be right: if people are given too many choices they will do nothing. Thank you for your input on this one and I’ll have to check mine out now. I went from having none to having more than one. It’s like going into a store where there are rows and rows of a product with all different brands, it can be overwhelming!

  2. These are great tips, though will a CTA you need to use words that get people to want to take instant action that will relieve them of their pain points

    1. Hi Alison, thank you. Oh yes, those words to get them there are key. Relieve of pain and time are key points. Thanks for coming by and welcome to Inspire To Thrive. (I recognized you via Twitter but do you have a gravatar as well? )

  3. This is a great post and certainly something I’ve struggled with on our travel website. I know that I want readers to take action but I don’t like pushing things on people. I generally offer an ebook to get folks onto the email list.

    1. Thanks Charlie, Welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Anil did a great job here. I hear you on the pushing part but we have to be proactive more, or who else will, right? I hope you find ways to use more CTA’s in your content going forward. Thanks for coming by Charlie and have a great day!

  4. Philip Verghese Ariel

    Hi Lisa,
    Good to see our friend Anil on your esteemed platform with an informative piece।

    I fully agree with all the tips and information shared except one about Bluehost hosting platform।
    In my experience it is one of the worst hosting platforms available in the market।

    There are a lot of hidden agendas with this platform, once you join you have to face lot of issues like, speed, service, security etc।

    This I mentioned it some of the worst experience I encountered with them।

    Thanks for sharing।

    Best Regards
    ~ Philip

    1. Thank you Philip. I’m so sorry to hear about your experience with Blue Host. Did you you contact them and were they able to help you? Have a nice day and great week ahead Philip.

  5. Hello Anil & Lisa,

    Creating high quality content should be on the top of your list because that’s the only thing that you can do to hook viewers and please Google at the same time.

    By producing quality content, you’re expected to come up with something absolutely unique, valuable and interesting.

    Tests have shown adding video usually increases sales by on average. This works because videos keep people more engaged, keeping them on your website longer and give you more time to convince them to purchase.

    Eventually, thanks for sharing your informative ideas with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

  6. Hi Anil & Lisa,

    Your tips are practical and helpful. For instance, a call-to-action lets users know what action you want them to take. It directs visitors to other pages on your site to the conversion funnel. However, I also want to add that being honest in your copy is essential to your business growth. Not only does it help you build trust, but it also promotes your brand reputation. A solid reputation can assist in increasing sales dramatically.
    So be truthful in your copy – create a viable business environment that will attract more customers.

    1. Hi Moss,

      A CTA is must if you want to boost your conversions and user engagement. And yes, being honest always works well online. You need to add value, be honest, be consistent and the results will show up.

  7. Great list. I actually really enjoy guest posting, so things such as this seem like an obtainable way to improve some of the income from my own site. I want to start my own email list but I just worry people will soon lose interest. Perhaps I need more confidence and just see how things go. I have also been telling myself to include calls to action, but then I fear being too pushing or full on. I have a lot to think about clearly, after reading this post.

    1. Hi Keiran,

      The best part about guest posting is not just building links but it can be helpful for building relationships (as well as increasing your exposure to new audience). Glad you like the tips.

  8. Hi Anil,

    These are practical insights to make more sales from a website. I feel that product reviews are great way to make money online because of two great reasons 1) Audience love you and listen to you when you honestly recommend a product 2) After all, product reviews doesn’t sound like sales-pushy.

    Also, I liked the idea of creating landing pages for the resources. I am gonna create one to recommend my one and only eBook to my audience.

    Overall, Loved this article!

    1. Hi Mudassir,

      Product reviews always help you generate more affiliate sales. The key here is to write genuinely. Show alternatives and offer any discounts to increase sales.

  9. I had never considered using guest posting as a way to grow sales – great idea! I absolutely love to write reviews and have definitely found that they have given me a really good ROI in the end. Great post!

    1. Hi Sasha, oh yes, it can work but it does take time. Pick out some places you’d love to be and start engaging with them before asking to post. Sometimes, you will be invited that way as well too Sasha. Welcome to Inspire To Thrive and have a great day.

    2. Hi Sasha, guest posting can be helpful for growing your audience (which ultimately results in increasing your sales). It also gets you relevant links, TADA!

  10. Anil, super advice and thanks so much for the shout out. The more I make friends by helping people and expecting nothing, the more easily sales flow to me and I never feel sales-y, because my friends loves my stuff. You are Guest Posting Master; I see you routinely on top blogging tips blogs and respected blogs like Lisa’s. Simple way to drive sales, to make friends and to help folks, guest posting is.


    1. Thanks Ryan for coming by on this one. I thought of you immediately when Anil mentioned guest posting. You appear everywhere today. Have a great day and weekend ahead.

    2. Hi Ryan, always glad to see your comments and it’s a pleasure to mention you in my posts. Glad you found it useful. Thanks so much for the kind words.

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