4 thoughts on “4 Tips To Help You Run A Social Media Marketing Campaign”

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I am new to blogging and am being tutored by Glenn Shepherd who suggested that I take a look at your blog.
    I have read your post here about successful social media campaigns which delivered some great information as I have been struggling a bit with this in the past.
    I have particularly taken onboard your information around spreading the campaigns over several social media platforms as in the past I have only been using one at a time.

    Regards, Peter

    1. Hi Peter, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. How nice of Glenn to recommend me to you. We bloggers do help each other out. Yes, especially today with the fluctuations of the algorithms of the social networks. What network were you using? Thanks for coming by and have a great weekend.

  2. SEO is big Lisa because social media traffic and profits can be quite volatile, really fickle, even if you are a credible social media manager. Even if you engage frequently on Facebook, Twitter and IG, their algorithms seem hard to predict as far as being a reliable traffic source that keeps increasing. Google traffic feels more steady and reliable as you become skilled at optimizing blog posts for search. Drive social media traffic when running a campaign but never ignore Google traffic. Super tips in this post.


    1. Hi Ryan, I agree with you on SEO. Not just Google but Bingo and DuckDuckGo as well. I’ve noticed traffic from those search engines more this year than ever before. Thanks for your input on this one and have a great weekend down there in paradise Ryan!

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