The Power Of Video Ads: How They Can Boost Social Media

Did you know those video ads on social media have a 23x higher view rate than standard image ads? Content marketing is an excellent way to build trust and brand awareness. But you might feel like your content marketing efforts are not reaching the right audience.

This leaves you wondering if there’s another effective way to promote your content. Social media has become the primary channel for companies to reach their target audience and drive brand awareness.

While this offers marketers another opportunity to grow their content marketing strategy, it also means being forced to create and upload images instead of videos. So, what are marketers to do?

Fortunately, we live in a world where there are no boundaries when it comes to innovation. Content marketers can take advantage of video ads on social media as a means of growing their content marketing strategy even further.

video ads
Learn how to make and use video ads on social media to boost your content marketing.

Different Types of Video Advertisements On Social Media

Video ads are short, branded videos that appear on social media timelines and websites. Depending on the social platform, video ads can appear in pre-roll, mid-roll, in-feed, or click-to-play formats.

With the growing popularity of social media, video ads are an excellent way for brands to connect with their customers, drive awareness and increase sales. Video ads have a higher click-through rate (CTR) than static images or text posts because they are more appealing to the eye.

They’re also more likely to get you more likes, comments, and shares. When it comes to social media, video ads are purchased, created, and managed within a platform’s ad management interface.

There are different types of video ads available such as promoted posts and video discovery ads. Without further ado, here are ways how to grow your content marketing using video ads on social media.

Plan The Video Ads Production

Before you dive into the actual production of your video, it’s important to decide what your video is trying to achieve. Having a clear set of goals will make the production process much easier, and will also help you to know what type of video format to use.

If you’re new to video production, it’s best to start small and simple. A lot of companies make the mistake of trying to create a full-blown TV commercial for their first video, only to end up frustrated at the end of the day.

video production
Start small and simple with your video production.

Use tools such as Creatopy’s video advertisement creator and keep the video short and simple. Use a simple storyboard and you’ll be on the right track.

Set Goals for Video Marketing

Before you dive into creating your first video, it’s important to set goals for your video marketing. This will help you to stay focused and give you something to go back to when you feel stuck.

It will also help you to determine the type of video format you need to use. There are a few different types of video marketing goals you could have, such as driving website traffic, increasing email sign-ups, or lead generation.

Depending on your goals, you may want to use a different format. For example, if you want to drive traffic to your website, then it makes sense to create an explainer video.

Create Short Video Ads With Human Touch

It’s easy to get carried away with the visual nature of the video. However, it’s important to remember that a video is a form of audio-visual content, which means that it’s primarily a verbal medium.

For your video to be effective, it’s important to ensure that you’re saying something that your audience will care about. Remember, people don’t care about your product, they care about solving their problems.

When creating your video, it’s important to remember that you’re speaking to an audience, not to cameras. Keep your language simple, use metaphors and analogies, and make sure you’re delivering a human-to-human message.

Optimize Your Videos

Video is an awesome medium, but if you don’t optimize it correctly, you might find your campaigns falling flat. There are a few things you can do to make sure your video is as effective as possible.

  • Write a script – Your script is the foundation of your video, so you’ll want to spend the time to write a script that’s engaging and compelling. Make sure your script answers the questions your audience has and is short, sweet, and to the point.
  • Choose the right video length – There’s no hard rule for the perfect length of a video. However, most studies suggest that you should keep your video under 2 minutes, if possible. Remember that people are attention-deficit, so if you go over 2 minutes, you might lose your audience.
  • Create a branded aesthetic – People will be watching your video on a social feed, so make sure you stand out from the rest of the crowd. Make sure that your video has a consistent look and feel while remaining authentic to your brand.

Select Your Video Ad Types

Depending on your business goals, you might want to try different video types. The video ad types that we’ve discussed above are the most common, but there are also a few others you could try.

  • Vertical Videos – Vertical videos are best for Instagram, where users are scrolling vertically. Vertical videos are usually shorter than horizontal videos, which makes them perfect for social media reels.
  • Long-form Videos – Long-form videos are great for brand awareness and building trust. They’re usually not aimed at getting clicks or driving traffic to your site, but they’re great for staying top of mind.
  • GIFs – GIFs are a bit different than other types of videos. They’re usually short and intended to be used as visuals in your text posts instead of as standalone posts.

Schedule And Promote The Videos

The best thing about video ads is that they’re completely automated once you set them up. This means that you can set them and forget them while they bring you leads and traffic on autopilot.

When scheduling your ads, make sure you’re following the rules of each social media platform. For example, for the most optimal results, you should be scheduling your ads for off-hours.

promote your social media videos
Also, promote your ads videos on social media to extend the reach of your videos.

It’s also important to promote your video ads so that your target audience can see them. You can do this by scheduling posts that include a link back to your video and tagging relevant pages.

Select Your Platforms Such as YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter

As mentioned above, you’ll need to create video ads that are specific to each platform. This means creating video ads for YouTube, Rumble, Tiktok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Once you’ve created ads for each platform, you can start scheduling them to run at certain times.

The best times to publish your video ads depends on the type of video ad you’re creating.

YouTube Videos

YouTube is a video-sharing network that is used by YouTube to create videos. The most common types of videos that are made on YouTube are short, short clips for advertisements.

These are short clips that you share with other people on YouTube or pay for to be shown as an ad. This is great if you want to reach a huge number of people since the platform has over 2 billion active users.

However, make sure you use a tool to help you produce the best video with SEO in mind to beat the competition on this network.

Rumble Videos

Rumble videos on the Rumble video network are a captivating and engaging form of content that is gaining immense popularity among viewers and creators alike. These videos offer a unique and diverse range of content, including viral clips, heartwarming stories, breaking news, and much more.

Rumble videos provide an excellent platform for creators to showcase their talent and for viewers to stay updated and entertained. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of topics, Rumble video network is an ideal choice for those seeking high-quality and engaging video content.

Not only that but creators can make money on this alternative video platform.

TikTok videos

TikTok is a video-sharing website that uses Google AdSense to monetize its videos. This social media network has over 2 million ad groups and over 1 billion views per month. That is a huge number to take advantage of and create short videos known as shorts.

They can monetize their videos by using Google AdSense for them to make money from advertising on their site.

Understand and Analyze Video Ad Metrics

One of the best ways to understand and analyze your video metrics is with social media video analytics tools. With these tools, you can track views, watch time, shares, likes, and more.

You can also use social media platforms to track your video performance. Or, you can go to your Facebook or Instagram account and look at the Insights or Analytics pages. You can also use social media management tools like Agorapulse to track your video performance.

With these tools, you track things like views, watch time, shares, likes, and comments. You also use these tools to schedule your video posts and make sure you’re posting during the best times.

Summary of Video Ads on Social Media

Video ads are an excellent way to promote your content and increase traffic to your website. However, you need to make sure your video ads are high-quality so that they stand out from the crowd. To create high-quality video ads, make sure you start with a clear set of goals, write a script, create a branded aesthetic, and optimize your video.

Once you’ve created your video ads, you need to schedule and promote them so that they show up in front of your target audience. With the help of video ads, you can boost the reach of your content, drive more traffic to your website, and increase the visibility of your brand.

Have you tried video ads on any social platform? I’d love to hear about your experience with it in the comments below.

Lisa Sicard

2 thoughts on “The Power Of Video Ads: How They Can Boost Social Media”

  1. Hello Lisa,
    Video Consumption is growing at a rapid pace. People now focusing more on videos to look out for their solutions and other information. Short Videos are one of the best marketing startegies by companies and they are really making some decent profit from that. Thanks for sharing this awesome post.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

    1. Hi Vishwajeet, you are right: video consumption is growing at a rapid pace. I like that short videos rank well now. Thanks for your input and have a great day.

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