A Facebook page for business will make you look professional even today in 2024. They are a must for any business now. Have you ever researched a company on Facebook itself to find out they don’t have a Facebook or Meta business page?
That’s why you need to create a Facebook page for business today.
How did that make you feel about that company that was not on Facebook? Did you wonder “Why haven’t they invested a little time or money to have a professional page on Facebook?”
Table of Contents
A Business Page Will Help You Look More Professional
Facebook is a place where people spend an average of an hour per day on their network. There are 2.79 billion daily active users (as of June, 2024.) That’s a LOT of active users and time spent on Facebook. It’s where your business needs to be today.
However, you don’t need to spend all your time there as you should have more than 1 social media account as Facebook has been unpublishing pages and removing access for some users recently.

What Are Facebook Business Pages?
Every day I meet with clients that do not understand the difference between a Facebook business page vs. their personal Facebook profile. Many realtors promote their business via their personal Facebook profiles and not with Facebook Pages.
But remember, Facebook Pages are for businesses, brands, and organizations to share their stories and connect with people. They are used differently than a personal Facebook profile.
You can not friend a Facebook page. You must like a Facebook page. Liking a page doesn’t guarantee you’ll see every post that page puts out.
When a user LIKES a Facebook Page, they can start seeing updates from that Page in their news feed. When someone likes or comments on a Page post, that activity may be shared with their friends, increasing Page’s exposure and reach. (at no cost.)
Violating The Code On Facebook?
Many real estate agents have Facebook business profiles that note their role as real estate professionals and the company they work for. That generally satisfies the requirement of Article 12, Standard of Practice 12-5, that REALTORS® must clearly identify themselves and their company when advertising online.
But your personal Facebook profile may not include such details, and if you post listings or other advertorial material on that page, you could be violating the Code.
Lastly, there have been rumors that Facebook will be cracking down on this as many social media sharing tools no longer allow sharing content on your personal Facebook page. (This came about when HUD sued Facebook earlier this year.)
You must have a business Facebook page to use these tools, such as Missing Lettr, Buffer, Agorapulse, Hootsuite, etc. Facebook could ban you from using Facebook if they start to enforce this rule.
That’s why if you haven’t now is the time to create a Facebook page for business.
New Meta Business Page Updates

Yes, every so often Facebook makes changes to its pages. Either the layout, the rules, or how you use the page for your business.
Therefore, you have to stay on top of the changes all the time. That is unless you have someone managing a page for you, such managing comments on the page as well.
The rules are changing again for 2024 so be sure to check them out. I’ve had several accounts and blogger friends lose access to their pages recently over them. Of course, Meta will not tell you exactly why either.
If you need help with that, contact me as I recently was able to get an account’s page back up and running.

Algorithm Changes
Many people who had Facebook pages years ago got tired of not generating any results. Back then, the only way to see any type of results was to do Facebook ads.
The Facebook algorithm worked better on personal Facebook profiles. Today, that is all changed. (And stay tuned, as it changes quickly!)
Now, even with your personal profile, not everyone can see your Facebook posts. You will see posts from people that interact and engage with you.
If you have friends that never engage on Facebook you will not see their posts unless you make it a point to search for them.
Sadly, the Facebook list feature is gone. That was an easy and quick way to see who was doing what on Facebook. I hope they do bring it back. I’ve always loved the infamous Twitter X lists to stay focused on that social network.
You could join groups where more posts are seen but even in groups, things are changing as Meta needs to make money. Lastly, the same goes for Facebook pages. As a page, you can engage with other pages and like their pages.
This helps to spread your Facebook page’s reach and engagement level. The more people see your Facebook page the more branding opportunity you have.
Using Less Links In Posts On Facebook
You may notice when you post on your page with links you may get less engagement. That’s because Facebook wants people to stay on their network and not go elsewhere.
You can get around this a little bit by posting the link in the comments section of your Facebook post.
It’s not only Meta but on other social media platforms as well, the algorithms are making it harder to post links to your own website. You can but they will be seen as much as posts without the links.
5 Reasons Meta Business Pages Will Make You Look Professional
People search for people, places, and businesses right on Facebook now. If they see your business has a well-thought-out Facebook page, they will presume you are a professional. You must take time to create a Facebook page for business that looks professional.
Many people access Facebook now via their mobile devices. More Facebook users are viewing from their mobile devices today vs. desktops or tablets. Therefore, with professional Facebook pages, you can be easily called, emailed, or found on a map instantly.
Having easy access to a business makes your business appear more professional.
A business Facebook page with activity and likes will give the perception again that you are an authority in your niche. It shows you have a community and a brand that people like and engage with.
Keeps You Current
A Facebook Page can keep your business looking current. You can post your recent events, projects, etc. This method keeps your brand current in your niche and to your potential clients. Restaurants use it to post their updated menu’s.
Brand Recognition
When you have a Facebook Page with your website it gives your brand more recognition. People will begin to recognize your logo, your name, etc.
Tools To Help You Manage Your Own Business Page
If you are a single-owner business I’d recommend using MissingLttr to schedule your posts in advance. They use AI to change up the headlines for each of your posts and you can use different graphics as well.
It’s FREE to use for one social network or $9 a month for more networks. However, if you are an agency managing multiple accounts I do recommend Agorapulse for that. You can manage up to 26 social media accounts along with a lot of bells and whistles for clients.
What Else Can Professional Facebook Pages Do For YOUR Business?
Search Engine Optimization Benefit
A business Facebook or Meta page is indexed well on Google and gives your website an added SEO benefit. My own business’s Facebook Page comes up #3 in search under Inspire to Thrive. (Notice, all the orange stars for ratings.)

If you do have a Facebook Page check out yours in a Google search. Big Tip – Make sure you verify your Facebook page. So many businesses do not. You may find this in your Facebook page settings area. (It disappeared for new pages now.)
However, Meta now charges for these verified accounts. It is $27/per month if you want it for your desktop and mobile account.
Only a Facebook Page comes with Insights. These insights will give you a better understanding of what your customers like about your page posts or not. Insights will help you post better content for your readers in the future and when the best time and day to post.
However, these insights have changed recently with the new business Facebook page update. If you use a tool like Agorapulse you will still have insights available.
Response Rate
If you respond fast to Facebook page inquiries Facebook used to give your response rate to people that message you via Facebook. A great referral if you respond quickly to inquiries.
I love using a Pages App on my mobile to respond quickly to Facebook pages. However, they no longer do it though it is considered a ranking factor for your page. However, clients will love your fast response rate.
You can now create offers right from your page. This is a paid Facebook service. When people click on your offer, they can either go to your website to start shopping or read more details about your offer.
Your offer is saved to people’s offers bookmarked in case they want to use it later. They’ll get Facebook notifications about your offer before it expires. Of course, you can target offers to a specific demographic too.
Generate Leads
Another great reason to create a Facebook page for business is to generate leads from it. You can advertise your Facebook Page to generate leads and promote offers.
However, there are countless ways you can advertise via Facebook today.
Boosted Facebook Posts For Facebook Pages
Years ago, I would have told you not to use boosted posts. But, today they have come a long way. I highly recommend you use them. They offer so much more now.
You can boost your post to people who like your page and their friends. You could choose a look-alike audience of your own audience to really extend your reach.
Once you do this, their friends may like your post. Then, Facebook will let you know they liked your post but not your page and ask you if you want to invite them.
Boosting your Facebook posts is a great way to expand your reach and your page likes for little money.
See here how to get your Facebook posts boosted quickly. There is also a tip on how to edit a post after you have boosted it. You can surely learn from my mistakes on Inspire To Thrive.
Do Not Sell Every Time You Post
Always remember this: On social media people do not want to see ads everywhere. They don’t get paid to watch ads.
They want to be entertained and to be social with others. It’s the old 80/20 rule that should be applied.
Therefore, only use your sales pitches 20% of the time on social media. If you must use a sales pitch on social media do it in a subtle way. Show the benefits of your product or service and what’s in it for your fans.
One of my favorite retail Facebook pages is Origins. They offer skincare and a cosmetic line. Even as a major retailer they don’t push their promotions on every post. Notice that they do Facebook ads for that.
They have over 1.9 million Facebook fans. Sometimes it’s good to see what a major company is doing with its Facebook page. Origins often share the benefits of their products without links, etc. Just the benefits!
Please do not push your products or services on your followers. That is one of the quickest ways to lose followers as well as posting too often to your Facebook page.
Tip For Making Professional Facebook Pages For Business Better
Let your customers know they can adjust their Facebook feed to see your page’s posts first. I would offer this tip on your Facebook page each month if you are getting new people to like your page so they may adjust their settings.
It’s under the following tab as shown below:

Will These Business Pages Will Make You Look More Professional?
Do you have a Meta Business Page for your business? If not, why not? If so, how are you using it? Or do you manage several professional Meta business pages?
I’d love to know more about your Meta (Facebook) Page in the comments below or if you are going to create a Facebook page for business in the new year.
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Facebook pages are great way to promote our business online.
We can get some follower base on the page and get the organic traffic to our products and website.
We must have facebook page to run the Facebook Ads.
Thank you Lisa mam for this awesome blog post.
I come to know some new points regarding Facebook Page.
Keep bring such awesome content here.
Hi Venkat, Yes it takes time and usually some money for the ads too. So many people start a page not realizing that and think they will get instant business. Thanks for your input and have a great day.
Thanks heaps for the link my friend. These are smart tips. Social media, from Facebook to Twitter, can be a powerful way to potentially connected with a quarter of humanity. Good deal. But we want to keep blogging in order to spend most time and energy of real estate that we own because we set the rules on our blogs, not social. With that noted, your reasons for using a FB Page are powerful for the exposure and credibility potential. Excellent blog post.
You are welcome, Ryan. I had been banned on all of them from time to time, sometimes the bots and other times, who really knows? But yes, staying where we own the property to make the best of that is of utmost importance now more than ever before. Thanks for the comment and inspiration to update this post, Ryan.
Hi Lisa,
Good to know the benefits of having a Facebook page. I have FB page already and although my traction hasn’t grown much, I see the potential of using your FB page to grow your business. A fellow blogger once told me, or rather advice me not to setup a FB page. Her point is that it will be hard for me to get traction. That was when I wanted to setup my FB page. However, I went ahead and set it up anyway.
That page has helped me connect with people I never thought I would. I have also discovered that to reach a massive audience, you’ll have to spend on ads campaigns.
Hi Moss, and yes now Facebook could ban you if you use your personal page for business. But you are correct, to grow your page you need to invest in some boosts and ads. Funny thing – I’m been doing it for customers with success so I started doing it for myself and noticed a big difference for just a few bucks. Well worth it now!
Like most of the social networks today it can get complicated so we must stay on top of the changes as they happen so quick today. Between algorithms and rules and changes to their sites. I miss their Facebook friend list feature a lot! I hope they bring it back.
Thanks for coming by on this Moss and have yourself a wonderful day ahead.
Another outstanding post on Facebook page, Lisa.
I enjoyed learning, but it seems Instagram is so hot and even businesses not so visual oriented are jumping on there. Meanwhile, what I keep hearing about Facebook is how reach is declining, things like that. But like I said, it’s great to be able to keep myself updated about Facebook on your blog. Thanks!
Hi Taka, Oh yes Instagram is HOT with the younger audience but Facebook still rules with the older audience. Funny how that all came about over the years. Facebook does offer great advertising programs and features and Instagram is starting to do the same as they are owned by Facebook too. Thanks for coming by Taka on this and have a wonderful day ahead.
Hello, Lisa!
Great read as always! ?
I do have a FaceBook page for my own blog but not using it since months. You may say reach that was the source for me to not actively use it. But I think I should give it some thrust again to see if it happens to help me. ?
Hi Mansoor, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Thank you. You’ve gone months without using it? I’d love to know how you make out once you start up again using it Mansoor. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!
Hello Lisa:
Great post! All those great points will definitely enhance one’s Facebook page. I liked that infographic and the helpful information. Also you explaining the benefits of having a business Facebook page will definitely inspire me to use mine more.
I generally use Twitter more because it seems more interactive for me, but I’m definitely going to make it a point to become more active on my Facebook page. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Darrell, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Thank you. I hope it does inspire you to use it more.You may need to spend a little to advertise there as well on Facebook with all their algorithm changes going on. I’m with you on Twitter though, it’s my alltime favorite place to network. Have a great week and thanks for coming by Darrell.
Hi Lisa,
Facebook is the leading social media with almost 1.55 Billion active monthly users’ worldwide (updated stats).
This opens a great platform for the marketers to showcase their skills and attract huge customers for their business.
Amazon, Samsung and Red Bull are the top companies that have used face book pages effectively and got Millions of customers.
When I looked in their pages closely I found their pattern same. These include regular interaction with audience, they regularly come with perks and discount offers and they provide help and support to their viewers.
You have outlined some of important and profitable strategy that is worth following.
With regards,
Hi Saurav, That is a lot of users for sure! Oh yes interaction is key but getting it started may not always be so easy for less known brands and people. It takes time, patience and a little money too to build up a Facebook page. Thanks for coming by and for your input on this one Saurav. Have yourself a wonderful day there!
Hello, Lisa!
Great read as always!
Emmmm I do have a FaceBook page for my own blog but not using it since months.
You may say reach that was the source for me to not actively use it.
But I tink I should give it some thrust again to see if it happens to help me.
Thanks for putting up this useful content for us!
See me often!
~ Adeel
Thanks Adeel, I would try it again. Be sure to also interact with other pages, that tends to help as well. You can try some FB marketing, it’s pretty inexpensive and can give you some more “juice” going forward. Good luck with it and I’d love to know how it goes a few months from now. Have a great new month!
Hey Lisa, Such a great guideline to design a perfect and professional look of Facebook pages.
Before reading your post, I hadn’t such interest to make Facebook page but reading your post, I am interested to design a new Facebook page for my new upcoming site.
You have represented very well through wonderful info-graphic. I like these tip and really unknown before such necessary information of creating Facebook page. Specially, I love the idea of adding a call to Action button. Also, staying on top of comments is wonderful.
I’m a huge fan of using Facebook and it will help me to look better and professional. I am really interested about creating
Facebook page due to reading your tip. I have bookmarked this page for designing time.
– Ravi.
Hi Ravi, thank you. Yes, I think it’s important that you do. People search on Facebook now more than ever and if they can’t find you or your “keywords” you won’t be found there. You got me thinking – I’d love to know the percentage people search there vs. Google and/or Twitter too today.
Staying on top of comments on your page is easy if you use the mobile Facebook pages app – it notifies you when they come in so you can respond quickly. People don’t want or like to wait for answers anymore. Thanks for coming by Ravi and have a great day and weekend ahead.
Yes, Is really a very helpful platform for your every business, Today no one can business without face book fan page. It will be the one of the most profitable business & social platform for every business. If you make it active with some of this blog tips & information, then we will get more benefits from face book fan page sure.
Thanks for sharing ! Keep sharing !!
Hi Karthik, Welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment on this one. Keeping it ACTIVE is surely the key point. Too many people give up before they see results. You are welcome and have a great day.
Happy Saturday, Lisa!
Despite how much Facebook tries to make it difficult for our pages to be seen, I find my page to be very valuable. My business page that is. It’s great to spread a wealth of knowledge, promote others, as well as yourself. I do find, however, more interaction in Groups but it doesn’t have Insights.
Having a business page, as well as, a website is KEY imo. With Facebook’s ever growing popularity, those who don’t have brand pages are missing out.
I appreciate you sharing the importance of Facebook pages with us and the shout-out for my design work.
Have a great weekend gf!
Hi Brenda. Yes, that is true with the algorithm changes over on Facebook. Even though it is hard to get posts seen at times from those pages they are still very valueable for people searching on Facebook for your business and for the SEO boosts to a website as well. Thanks for the images Brenda, love them…..Enjoy the rest of your Sunday Brenda.
Hey Lisa,
Such an amazing post.:)
No doubt that Facebook has become one of the biggest social platforms to grow the business. For bloggers, marketers, solopreneuers, Facebook is the place to promote their business.
I like how you have described of the response rate and all the other important aspect of a great Facebook business page.
People are going to love it.
Thanks for sharing this article.
Have a great weekend.:)
Hi Ravi, thank you. It’s really important for folks to know the differences between a business page and their personal profiles. If one is not in social media they sometimes do not grasp it, and understanably. They are working on their own businesses. You are welcome and I appreciate your coming by to comment Ravi, enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Hey Lisa,
That’s some great stuff put together about Facebook Pages.
I remember in the past, I was search for coupon code to buy from one shop online. Curiously, the first entry on Google was a Facebook page, belonging to an affiliate who promoted that platform. I used his coupon from his Facebook page and I’m sure he got the commission;
People whose websites and blogs don’t rank well on Google can get that extra SEO boost through the Facebook pages as you put it.
Interesting infographics to illustrate your points and thanks for shooting this to my mail this weekend.
Hi Enstine, thank you. Very interesting that the company Facebook page came up before their actual website. Facebook Page’s do rank well on Google. That is a great benefit for many small businesses indeed. Thanks Enstine for coming by and taking the time to comment this weekend. You are welcome and enjoy the rest of your day there!