Benefits Of Twitter For Business: Using It For Your Online Biz

Do you ever wonder why you should be using Twitter now? Often, I get asked by folks who don’t use Twitter why I do. They often don’t understand the benefits of Twitter for Business.

“What’s in it for me to use Twitter now”? They then say “Isn’t Twitter Going Away?” Of course, they read many stories in the media about the negativity taking over Twitter. However, you can avoid this by having effective Twitter lists.

“I don’t get it, why do people tweet?” “What will Twitter do for my business?” Lots of reasons I answer. Be careful, you’ll really get me going if asked why you should use Twitter now.

benefits of Twitter for business
Learn how Twitter can help your business grow.

Twitter For Biz – Your Business

As a business owner, you are always looking for new ways to reach your target market and promote your product or service. Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms today, and it can be a great tool for marketing your business.

Twitter allows you to connect with potential and existing customers in a quick and easy way. With over 320 million active users, there is a good chance that your target market is using Twitter.

There are many benefits of using Twitter for business. Twitter can help you to:

  • Reach a large audience with your message
  • Connect with potential and existing customers
  • Increase brand awareness and exposure
  • Drive traffic to your website or blog
  • Generate leads and sales for your business or for real estate agents

If you are not using Twitter for business, you are missing out on a great opportunity to reach more people with your message and promote your product or service.

1. The Seo Benefits of Using Twitter

Neil Patel explains this one very well in a past blog post. “Take Twitter, for instance, which gets impressive over a billion queries per day! That’s not far behind Google.”

Therefore, if you are tweeting and using hashtags they could be found via search right on Twitter. (Tweets can also be found on Google search now as well!) When they click on the links to your website or blog it helps your website’s/blog’s SEO as well.

According to Twitter:

Keep in mind that the words you write in your Twitter profile or public Tweets may be indexed by Google and other search engines, and cause your profile or Tweets to come up in a search for those terms.

As Neil went on to mention you can get more followers thus driving more traffic to your website. Finally, it can quickly multiply over time. Therefore, this is an awesome reason to be using Twitter now.

2. Benefits of Using Twitter For Your Business – Meeting New People

On Facebook and LinkedIn you must know people first. That is not the case with Twitter! You can meet like-minded people on Twitter. Follow and tweet them. Naturally, they may interact.

This will form a relationship with others. Therefore, you can tweet out to anyone even if they are NOT following you.

Hence, I always tell the story of how I met several local women on Twitter when there was an earthquake in RI. (A very unusual event) and ever since we get together every few months for lunch.

It was wonderful. These ladies were the first to send me flowers when I was in a bad snowmobile accident over 6 years ago.

My boyfriend (husband now) asked who are these flowers from. He looked at me funny when I said the Twitter Girls.

I’m sad to say we have lost touch after these girls left X Twitter platform a few years ago. I heard from one via LinkedIn last year and she dropped using all social media.

3. Keeping Up With The News Using Twitter

Twitter is great and known for breaking news. When news breaks, Twitter is the place to go and see what’s happening as it’s happening.

You may be watching the news on TV or hearing on the radio and Twitter will be referred to often. They will quote who tweeted this or who tweeted that.

Of course, be sure to follow trusted news sources as you are checking out a major news story.

However, there can be some misinformation being tweeted too. (Fake news.) Mostly, I do follow weather news, with impending storms like the impending hurricane headed for the east coast a few years ago or major snowstorms heading our way.

4. Become An Authority Using Twitter: Part of the Benefits of Using Twitter For Business

Sharing info about your niche can help make you become an authority. Be someone that others will follow and trust on the network. They know you are not just tweeting your own “stuff” if you use the 80/20 rule with 80% being others’ “stuff”.

People then will spread your tweets into Twitterland and beyond. Use a tool like Agorapulse to schedule other tweets along with your own. Be sure each tweet offers something of value to someone who follows you.

It’s okay to reveal a little about yourself too in a tweet. People want to get to know you better and it builds more trust.

Don’t just tweet out daily what you eat though. People will get tired of it real soon unless you are a restaurant reviewer.

5. Increase Sales Using Twitter X

People can sell products via Twitter. Tweet the links in a clever fashion so people will click on a product. And that may lead to a buy. Yes, even automobiles have been sold via Twitter.

Nissan sold a car has sold a new car exclusively through Twitter. It was the first time in Europe a car was sold via Twitter. It was from a Twitter user that created a challenge via hashtags. The post tweet was from Raul Escolano.

Escolano sent out a number of tweets using the hashtag #compraruncocheportwitter (translation: he wanted to “buy a car on Twitter’). Antamotor reps tweeted back that they’d like to help Escolano, as did several other auto dealerships.

sell cars on X

What set Antamotor apart, was its use of Twitter features like the live-streaming app, Periscope, which Antamotor used to create a thoroughly personalized walkthrough of the X-Trail crossover.

Nice, right? After viewing them and others from other auto dealers Esolano polled Twitter users on which car to purchase. The Nissan X-Trail received 43 percent of the votes. His poll received 2.6 million views!

In 6 days the vehicle was purchased from the first tweet to the sale becoming completed online. Imagine what you could sell via Twitter if automobile dealers can sell cars via Twitter. (Today, more and more businesses are making sales from Twitter.)

6. Increase Readers To Your Blog or Website

Finally, Twitter does generate traffic to your blog or website with the use of many tweets. It does take time. Therefore, it will not happen overnight if you are new to Twitter or to blogging.

Twitter has always outranked Facebook for traffic to my blog.  It’s been my #1 source of traffic for years. It’s the easiest way to get your blog content out there and shared.

Twitter traffic

Some Last Tips for Benefits of Using Twitter for Business

  • Try to keep your tweets on your main niche topic but share other topics that your audience is interested in.
  • Be sure that your Twitter followers are interested in those topics too! Otherwise, they may mute you on Twitter.
  • People on Twitter will get to know you better through what you tweet about.
  • Use a good Twitter profile – don’t let that area be empty!
  • Pin a tweet for your profile. It gets the most attention from new followers. Change it up from time to time.
  • You won’t just be constantly tweeting about one thing only and bore your followers.
  • Finally, be yourself. You will then get genuine followers and engagement. That’s what it is all about on Twitter – being yourself and engaging with others.

Your Turn

If you are tweeting – how are you using Twitter now? Or, if not do you have more reasons to use Twitter now? Let’s discuss this in the comments below.

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Lisa Sicard

62 thoughts on “Benefits Of Twitter For Business: Using It For Your Online Biz”

  1. Hi Lisa! Thanks for sharing these benefits. As you know I am a big Twitter fan too. In addition to what you mentioned I enjoy using Twitter Spaces for great conversations to participate in or just listen to. Also, are you using Twitter Communities yet? They are another great benefit for using Twitter.

    1. Hi Ileane, me too! I haven’t done much with the Twitter spaces but I’m in 2 communities. However, neither community is very active. Are your communities more active? I was thinking of starting one too. Thanks for your input Ileane and have a great weekend ahead.

      1. Yes! My favorite Twitter Communities are @CreatorCommunity and Twitter Spaces community. Both of them are active.

  2. Hi Ajay, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Have you not used Twitter for your blog? It’s a fabulous way to generate traffic and network with others. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  3. Thank you Lisa!

    I’ve always felt that Facebook is for kids, Twitter for adults. Naturally there are benefits to both but Twitter is a fantastic way to build a laser-targeted audience by “having effective Twitter lists.” – Dynamite suggestion.

    We all know there is a lot of political and cultural rambling going on right now with Mr Musk attempting to buy the platform – exciting times indeed.

    I only started using Twitter seriously for my affiliate marketing business fairly recently but have already seen the potential. The Nissan story above is incredibly inspiring.

    Thank you again! I look forward to reading more of your excellent content!

    1. Hi Martin, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. That is funny as Facebook has the oldest audience and Twitter is one of the youngest behind TikTok. I find Twitter works great for the blog here, Facebook- not so much but it can’t be ignored as it’s still the biggest of all the social networks. Though they did lose 1 million active users last year. It will get very interesting with Elon Musk and Twitter, either way, there will be changes I believe. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  4. Hi Raul, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Yes, it can be a great tool for businesses if used right. You are most welcome and I’m glad you found it helpful. Have a great day.

  5. Hi Adam, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Thank you. Twitter is really awesome. Do you spend a lot more time on Instagram? Sometimes the network you spend the most of your time becomes your best source. I’d love to know how it goes after you re-evaulate your Twitter engagement. Thanks for coming by and for your input. Have a great day Adam.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    When I first signed up for Twitter I thought it was rather silly! But soon after I started my first blog in 2009 I realized just how wonderful Twitter is as a social network and as a source of traffic. I use it everyday and (unlike Facebook) I actually look forward to logging in to Twitter and seeing what’s going on around the globe.
    Thanks for writing such an uplifting post when it seems like a lot of people are being down on Twitter these days!

    1. Hi Ileane, nice to see you back here. Oh yes, I love it too more than Facebook. That is exactly why I did write it – was tired of seeing and reading negative stuff about Twitter. I believe Twitter is alive and well. They have been doing more since this post that I believe will keep them in the game for a long time. Thank you for coming by Ileane and catch you back on Twitter of course! Have a great day and Mother’s Day ahead.

  7. Hello Lisa,

    Twitter is indeed a good and effective marketing tool for businesses, both the big and small ones. There are really lots of benefits attached to it once you understands and know how to make proper use of it.

    For me, the simplest been that it connects you with lots of wonderful people that you can later mastermind with for a better business relationship. Most of the people I’m doing business with today, i met them via Twitter.

    Interestingly, search engines now uses social media activities as one of their ranking factors and like you said, Twitter is not left out in the game. If you’re getting good engagements on your Tweets, and also properly utilizing other SEO ranking factors then, you will be able to rank higher in the SERPS. It’s not a magic.

    Overall, everyone should start getting used to Twitter as it really helps.



    1. Hi Anil, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Yes, I have met so many great people via Twitter and some you have helped me tremendously with my blogging here. I really thought it was magic ranking in the serps. It feels like it somedays….
      Twitter is not going away as people are predicting. They have just signed new deals with video this week and things are looking up for them. I don’t know why many small businesses are still not using Twitter today. Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful day.

  8. Hi Lisa
    Thanks for sharing a wonderful post with us.
    Twitter is indeed a great way to interact with your audience. There are 2-3 blog posts on my blog where 60-70% visitors are coming from Twitter only. It can take the time to completely understanding the twitosphere but once you got to know about it, you can play big games on that.

    1. Hi Jayant, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. You are welcome. Most of my visitors do come from Twitter. It takes time to get to that point though. But once you start to it can really snowball with results. I know we can’t really just on one social network but I would be crushed without Twitter. Thanks for coming by and have a great day Jayant.

  9. I’m use Twitter often, but mostly because it’s so easy to communicate and easy to use. I never do it to stay updated and I don’t use it for the SEO benefits, even though I should. Once in a while, when something interesting happen and I want to know about it quickly, I use Twitter to get the latest trends.
    Thanks for sharing this information.

  10. Lisa,
    I had been lurking here for a few weeks, and i believe this will be my first official “Hello” …. Nice to virtually meet you.
    I couldn’t help but be drawn to this, as Twitter is such an interesting little tool to learn and leverage. I think it’s easy to pick up, yet relatively hard to master…..

    Given its micro-blogging nature (and the fact that you can use hash tags) this creates an excellent opportunity for you, but also for everyone else. This effectively forces you to stand out and rise above the noise somehow.

    Luckily, this is where effective communication comes in, such as starting interesting discussions, asking questions, using the occasional humor, and just being relatable and a human being in general. Variety is key.

    I think too many of us (myself included) use Twitter and other networks primarily to drop links, and this may be hurting us more than it’s helping. Needless to say, I am slowly falling in love with Twitter as I continue to learn everything about it. Then I shall embrace other social channels and practice similar methods accordingly.

    Thanks for the quick, yet very intriguing read!

    1. Hi Elvis, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Glad to have you hear and that you said hello. You make some good points, it is easy to leverage but hard to master for manner. You must be human there and network and engage with others reguarly. Just dropping links won’t do a thing! How long have you been using Twitter Elvis? It does take time to grow once you begin engaging daily. What is your 2nd favorite network? Thanks for coming by and have a great day and rest of the weekend!

      1. Oh i’ve been a member for years, but only started taking it more seriously not long ago (still honing that craft).
        My second fave would be LinkedIn, as your connections are perhaps the most serious you could find… all searching for tangible and reliable opportunities. But of course, this varies widely by niche, as you already know,

        Enjoy your day!

        1. Thanks Elvis for coming back to answer that one. I really liked LinkedIn too. It’s very much a professioanal type site.

  11. I have a tech blog and already try to brand it using Google Plus and Facebook. But I was contemplating about getting on with Twitter as well as it takes quite a bit of hard work to gain a required amount of followers to see benefits to my blog on Twitter. But now, after seeing the numerous benefits Twitter offers to posts, I find this to be a quite important requirement when it comes to making a blog rank well. Thanks Lisa!

    1. Hi Adhip, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Oh yes, do get on Twitter. I could not imagine blogging with Twitter and of course Triberr. Just give it time to work Adhip. Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  12. Love that you mentioned Sam, Lisa. He is one of the ultimate examples of how to do Twitter right. Between engaging, helping, responding and networking like a champion the guy gets Twitter and lifts the Twitter-Sphere up with his glowing example. What inspired search numbers too. Neil is right; T is not too far behind the Big G. That’s why I spend a lotta time on Twitter building friendships and sharing value. Excellent post.


    1. Hi Ryan. Oh yes, he is the ultimate on Twitter, LinkedIn, and more. I would also say Ryan you are also right there beside him in that arena.
      I was happy to read yesterday that Twitter growth was better in Q1 – I shared it a few times out there since they are so many naysayers.
      Thanks for taking the time to come by Ryan and enjoy your day there. Don’t get bit by any of those creatures there!

  13. Hi Lisa, I have always used Facebook but now after reading your blog i will set up a twitter account to connect to my website.
    I have just signed up to Instagram and just starting to get my head around that.

    Graham Smith

    1. Hi Graham, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Great that you are starting on Twitter for your business Graham. It takes time to build up and generate traffic so have a lot of patience! Once it takes off it will snowball.
      Instagram is a little trickery but awesome as well. I am there but not overly active. Enough to know how it works, Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  14. Hi Liza

    People say Twitter is a time consuming social media but I think it is so for those who don’t have specific objectives to work on it. One can waste huge time working aimlessly on it but those who are focused to achieve their goals working for 15 minutes daily is more than enough.

    The benefits you mentioned are widely acclaimed and one can easily expand his outreach by exploiting this one of the most popular social media platform equally beneficial for both personal and business promotion.

    Many thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Mi Muba, You really hit the nail on the head with that first sentence. I probably spend at least 15 minutes a day, sometimes 30 as it’s my #1 traffic driver and favorite social network. I like it for both personnal and professional reasons. For me it’s quick and easy. You are welcome and I appreciate your coming by Mi Muba to contribute to this one. Have a great rest of the week there.

  15. LISA!

    Thanks for a wonderfully-informative piece explaining the many benefits of Twitter (which is the #1 social network, in my opinion)!

    The platform can bring so, so much value and inbound business — It just takes some time to truly understand.

    Unfortunately, many don’t seem to have the patience to do so…

    Cheers for the mention, my friend!
    Sam =)

    1. Hi Sam, you are welcome. I believe you hit the nail on the head – people don’t have the patience to give it a chance to work as it takes time and much work. But once it does it can snowball. Most people want things to come quick and easy but that rarely happens with anything in life.
      Thanks for being such a great example Sam.
      Have a wonderful Monday and new week.

  16. Hi Lisa,

    Absolutely, Twitter has been absolutely huge for me.

    I really think people don’t understand Twitter because they don’t spend any time on it.

    Several years ago I know I didn’t understand Twitter and I refuse to use it. But since I got really active on it I figured out list and I get added to them all of the time.

    I now get a lot of traffic to my website as well as new clients every week just from Twitter. In fact what’s really cool our Twitter chats. I’ve met some really cool people there a few niche conversations and it’s and it’s a great tool.

    Great conversation Lisa I appreciate your post.

    I hope you have a great into your weekend!

    ~ Don Purdum

    1. Hi Don, that is good to hear. Yes – you are absolutely right, they don’t take the time to understand Twitter and how it can be beneficiail. I have to get going on some Twitter chats, which ones are you doing and when? Glad you liked the post and that you have a great new week ahead Don. The weekend was good and sure flew by as usual! Thanks for coming by and for your input.

  17. I agree with you. Twitter can help to get much more traffic. I read many articles about twitter. But you explained them in short and nice words.
    Well i am new to twitter and learning it slowly. Anyway thanks for the great post and keep posting.

  18. Theodore Nwangene

    Great post Lisa,
    And i agreed with your points. Twitter is really a very good and affordable marketing tool and if used very well, it can give you lots of traffic and leads.

    And yes, i also read that post by Neil explaining how Twitter impacts ranking. Like you mentioned, its also helpful in connecting you with so many friends that will also help to grow your business.

    1. Hi Theodore, thank you. Yes is certainly is. Twitter is my all time favorite of the social media networks. It can really grow your network and your business. Thanks for coming by and have a great new week ahead.

  19. Hi Lisa. Oh, my gosh, we would be going to funerals every day of the week if all the rumors were true. Blogging, email marketing, Facebook, PPC, Twitter, Google+ have all been declared dead.

    I agree with you that Twitter is very much alive, and it’s a great way to put yourself in front of a lot of people. Frankly, it’s only dead to people who don’t use it or use it the wrong way.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

    All the best,

    1. Hi Leslie, Welcome to Inspire to Thrive. LOL, that is too funny but true indeed. It is a great way to put yourself in front of a lot of people. Thank you for coming by and taking the time to comment too. Have a great rest of the week Leslie.

  20. Hey Lisa,

    This was a great post.

    Interestingly enough I never bothered to use twitter until 2 years ago. I thought it was foolish in the early goings but quickly realized that it’s an excellent way to connect with people.

    I still don’t use Twitter as effectively as I should be using it. I need to find and participate in chats more … But twitter is a great to connect with people. Hopefully people don’t make the mistakes I did and wait to get on it.

    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew, thank you! Wow, really? IT took you that long to join or to use it? It really is an excellent way to connect with people. I am in that boat too, I haven’t done chats like I should at all of late. I’ll have to find some great ones and maybe even start one. You got me inspired for that now Andrew. Thank you and thanks for coming by and commenting today. Have a great rest of the week.

  21. Hi Lisa,

    You are so on point, Twitter is a place for meeting like minds. The benefit of twitter can’t be underestimated when it comes to SEO and meeting people as I’ve met some amazing people on twitter.

    I use twitter to search for post to read about and I share less of my post and more of others.

    Thanks for sharing this great post.

    Have a great day

    1. Hi Kore, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. It sure is and that’s my fav thing about Twitter – meeting like minds. I like using the 80/20 ratio with sharing 80% of others and 20% of mine. Though sometimes I only do like 10% of my own. I have to ramp that up a little now and then. You are welcome and I hope you have a great rest of the week there Kore.

  22. Hey Lisa,

    You are right about meeting new people on twitter. I met quite a few serious bloggers in similar niches and we have been helping supporting each other with our bligs.

    I also like the fact that you can find tweets on search engines. For a lot of us twitter can be convoluted with a bunch of tweets and one way to find the topics you desire is through search engines.

    Besides that I also lately have been doing search in twitter itself to find topics to read about. Twitter is definitely a great source to use if you’re putting out content or looking for specific content!

    Thanks for sharing Lisa! Have a great week!

    1. Hi Sherman, thank you. Yes, that’s a wonderful thing about Twitter, meeting new people. The search on Twitter is awesome too, thanks for that addition Sherman. It’s great to network and keep in touch as well like you and I have done over time there. You are welcome and have a great rest of the week also.

  23. Hi Lisa,

    For a long time I wasn’t using Twitter. I was focused on other things and just didn’t get the point. Lately, I would say the past few months, I’ve stepped into it and find it is amazing. At first I had the attitude “What’s the use…my tweet goes away in a few seconds.” Boy was I wrong.

    Re-evaluating, I am now using it wisely. Stepping into it slowly and getting so much from it.

    Thanks Lisa for keeping me on my toes.


    1. Hi Donna, really? I’m so glad to hear you are now using it more wisely and getting a lot from it. It does take time to see that happen, it doesn’t happen instantly. Just like blogging, right? Good to see you back here Donna and thanks for your input. Have a great rest of the week.

  24. I have to agree. Twitter is a social media platform enabling brands or marketers become known by people that have an interest in knowing them more. Tweeting dissimilar topics would help and won’t bore their followers.

    Yes, Twitter in breaking news is apparently advantageous and helpful. It gives people around the world a fresh news of what is currently happening to certain places.

    Meeting new people and SEO benefits are two undeniably two of the best benefits using Twitter.

    Sad to know, many are inactive and don’t have an account.

    1. Hi Metz, you got that right- sad to know many are inactive or don’t have an account yet. But that means there is room for growth, right? I truly believe it and that it could surpass Facebook some day. Time will surely tell. Thank you for your input on this one Metz and enjoy the rest of your week!

  25. Hi Lisa,
    The use of Twitter provides very many benefits. I wonder why someone will still be asking of the benefits when it is glaring that Twitter Trend ( if not for anything) is used in breaking news to keep us in the know. For the average blogger, Twitter has SEO and branding benefits.

    We must exploit this platform now to enjoy all the benefits shared. Twitter is social media platform where which we can utilize to create and share value!

    I left the above comment in as well

    1. Hi Sunday, LOL I know but many people are not into blogging or website management so they don’t understand it. I agree it’s an awesome platform even for those folks not into blogging, etc because they can follow their interests, news and much more. Thanks for coming by Sunday and taking the time to comment today. Have a great rest of the week.

  26. I really appreciate your points on the value of Twitter. I think it is uniquely good for communicating and making new contacts. It also keeps me up-to-date on news topics when they are trending. I wish I liked FB as much as I like Twitter.

    Patricia Haag

    1. Hi Patricia, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. LOL, I am the same way, I prefer Twitter over Facebook anyday of the week. The only thing I like more is seeing pics or videos of my new granddaughter on FB. Other than that Twitter rules! Thanks for coming by and commenting Patricia. I hope you have a great week there!

  27. Hi Lisa,

    Yeah, Twitter can be a very powerful platform and still to this day I have blogging friends of mine who aren’t using it mainly because they find it too confusing. They haven’t taken the time to understand how it can benefit them. Granted now, not everyone’s target audience may be on Twitter but that’s up to them to do the research first. It’s like any other social media platform out there today. It won’t do you any good unless your audience loves it as well.

    I’ve met some amazing people through Twitter. Wish I’d met some to have lunch with often, that’s actually pretty cool. I’m not surprised though, you are a Twitter superstar obviously. You keep us in the know my dear and I want to thank you for that.

    I don’t really use Twitter in a lot of the ways that you’ve mentioned here like being updated with the latest news of what’s happening. Honestly, everywhere I turn I’m being hit with that whether I like it or not but you’re right, it’s a great place to be informed.

    Thanks for this share Lisa and I hope your Monday started off well and you enjoy your week.


    1. Hi Adrienne, Isn’t that amazing that some are STILL not using it? If they only took a few minutes to learn it. It can really be help in so many ways – business and personal. It’s great meeting like minded people there Adrienne and then you connect later on Facebook or other networks if you want or go to lunch.
      Yes, when news breaks I usually check my local media news feed or weather feed. I was doing a lot of that last week but thankfully that hurricane stayed offshore and we ended up with some beautiful fall weather here.
      You are welcome and so far so good this week, I hope your week is great too! Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment.

  28. Hi Lisa,

    I love Twitter, it’s my preferred social media platform. It’s so easy to connect with people and I’ve connected with brands and local celebrities here in Houston. What’s more is those folks reply back instantly whereas on Facebook, it could be days before someone replies, if they do at all.

    I did not know Tweets are not showing up on Google search. That is another good reason to use appropriate hashtags. I’m going to read Neil’s post too…thanks for the link.

    As always you remain the Twiiter Queen! Have a great new week my dear. See you in the socialverse!


    1. Hi Corina, Oh yes! Interesting the difference in response time – Twitter vs. Facebook. Excellent point Corina. Thank you Corina for coming by and taking the time to comment. Yes, see you back on the socialverse. Have a great week!

  29. Jens-Petter Berget

    Hi Lisa,

    I’m using Twitter daily, but mostly because it’s so easy to communicate and very easy to use. I don’t do it to stay updated and I don’t use it for the SEO benefits, even though I should. Once in a while, when something new happens and I want to know about it fast, I use Twitter to get the latest news.

    1. Hi Jens, I agree about it being so easy but those that don’t use it, don’t see it that way. That’s why I had to write about this one. Twitter is great for finding out breaking news = I use a list just for local news for that reason. Thanks for coming by Jens and have a great new week!

  30. Hi Lisa,

    Good to be back, and over to your blog after my break.

    You are right about all that you mentioned and the best being the wonderful connections you make through Twitter. Speaking of myself, thanks to Twitter and Triberr, there are many new friend’s who join the community and visit the blog.

    Yes, all the latest news I think first comes onto Twitter than any other social platforms, and Hastags are what really make Twitter run like wildfire to spread the news.

    Loved the tips you shared in the end, especially tweeting a variety and not boring your followers!

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead.

    1. Hi Harleena, nice to see you back! Oh yes, gotta love Triberr too for blogging, I know I do still. Yes, those hashtags are quite powerful in many ways. You are welcome and have yourself a great week too Harleena!

  31. Hi Brenda, Oh yes, I did on Saturday actually. I decided when it’s done and I have time, do it! Me too – I would be devasted if Twitter disappeared! I haven’t been on G+ much at all. I’ve been meeting more and more people that don’t understand or use Twitter so I had to write about it. Thanks for coming by Brenda and I hope you had a fab weekend!

  32. Hi Adrian, I’m glad you clarified may get better results elsewhere instead of not working. I’m not so sold on G+ and haven’t been on it in a while. It seemed to get baron over there. Twitter is still my fav and I get most results from it but as it should since I spend more time there developing leads and nurturting relationships. Thanks for coming by Adrian, I hope you had a great weekend and a good new week ahead!

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