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Benefits Of Twitter For Business: Using It For Your Online Biz

Do you ever wonder why you should be using Twitter now? Often, I get asked by folks who don’t use Twitter why I do. They often don’t understand the benefits of Twitter for Business.

“What’s in it for me to use Twitter now”? They then say “Isn’t Twitter Going Away?” Of course, they read many stories in the media about the negativity taking over Twitter. However, you can avoid this by having effective Twitter lists.

“I don’t get it, why do people tweet?” “What will Twitter do for my business?” Lots of reasons I answer. Be careful, you’ll really get me going if asked why you should use Twitter now.

Learn how Twitter can help your business grow.

Twitter For Biz – Your Business

As a business owner, you are always looking for new ways to reach your target market and promote your product or service. Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms today, and it can be a great tool for marketing your business.

Twitter allows you to connect with potential and existing customers in a quick and easy way. With over 320 million active users, there is a good chance that your target market is using Twitter.

There are many benefits of using Twitter for business. Twitter can help you to:

If you are not using Twitter for business, you are missing out on a great opportunity to reach more people with your message and promote your product or service.

1. The Seo Benefits of Using Twitter

Neil Patel explains this one very well in a past blog post. “Take Twitter, for instance, which gets impressive over a billion queries per day! That’s not far behind Google.”

Therefore, if you are tweeting and using hashtags they could be found via search right on Twitter. (Tweets can also be found on Google search now as well!) When they click on the links to your website or blog it helps your website’s/blog’s SEO as well.

According to Twitter:

Keep in mind that the words you write in your Twitter profile or public Tweets may be indexed by Google and other search engines, and cause your profile or Tweets to come up in a search for those terms.

As Neil went on to mention you can get more followers thus driving more traffic to your website. Finally, it can quickly multiply over time. Therefore, this is an awesome reason to be using Twitter now.

2. Benefits of Using Twitter For Your Business – Meeting New People

On Facebook and LinkedIn you must know people first. That is not the case with Twitter! You can meet like-minded people on Twitter. Follow and tweet them. Naturally, they may interact.

This will form a relationship with others. Therefore, you can tweet out to anyone even if they are NOT following you.

Hence, I always tell the story of how I met several local women on Twitter when there was an earthquake in RI. (A very unusual event) and ever since we get together every few months for lunch.

It was wonderful. These ladies were the first to send me flowers when I was in a bad snowmobile accident over 6 years ago.

My boyfriend (husband now) asked who are these flowers from. He looked at me funny when I said the Twitter Girls.

I’m sad to say we have lost touch after these girls left X Twitter platform a few years ago. I heard from one via LinkedIn last year and she dropped using all social media.

3. Keeping Up With The News Using Twitter

Twitter is great and known for breaking news. When news breaks, Twitter is the place to go and see what’s happening as it’s happening.

You may be watching the news on TV or hearing on the radio and Twitter will be referred to often. They will quote who tweeted this or who tweeted that.

Of course, be sure to follow trusted news sources as you are checking out a major news story.

However, there can be some misinformation being tweeted too. (Fake news.) Mostly, I do follow weather news, with impending storms like the impending hurricane headed for the east coast a few years ago or major snowstorms heading our way.

4. Become An Authority Using Twitter: Part of the Benefits of Using Twitter For Business

Sharing info about your niche can help make you become an authority. Be someone that others will follow and trust on the network. They know you are not just tweeting your own “stuff” if you use the 80/20 rule with 80% being others’ “stuff”.

People then will spread your tweets into Twitterland and beyond. Use a tool like Agorapulse to schedule other tweets along with your own. Be sure each tweet offers something of value to someone who follows you.

It’s okay to reveal a little about yourself too in a tweet. People want to get to know you better and it builds more trust.

Don’t just tweet out daily what you eat though. People will get tired of it real soon unless you are a restaurant reviewer.

5. Increase Sales Using Twitter X

People can sell products via Twitter. Tweet the links in a clever fashion so people will click on a product. And that may lead to a buy. Yes, even automobiles have been sold via Twitter.

Nissan sold a car has sold a new car exclusively through Twitter. It was the first time in Europe a car was sold via Twitter. It was from a Twitter user that created a challenge via hashtags. The post tweet was from Raul Escolano.

Escolano sent out a number of tweets using the hashtag #compraruncocheportwitter (translation: he wanted to “buy a car on Twitter’). Antamotor reps tweeted back that they’d like to help Escolano, as did several other auto dealerships.

What set Antamotor apart, was its use of Twitter features like the live-streaming app, Periscope, which Antamotor used to create a thoroughly personalized walkthrough of the X-Trail crossover.

Nice, right? After viewing them and others from other auto dealers Esolano polled Twitter users on which car to purchase. The Nissan X-Trail received 43 percent of the votes. His poll received 2.6 million views!

In 6 days the vehicle was purchased from the first tweet to the sale becoming completed online. Imagine what you could sell via Twitter if automobile dealers can sell cars via Twitter. (Today, more and more businesses are making sales from Twitter.)

6. Increase Readers To Your Blog or Website

Finally, Twitter does generate traffic to your blog or website with the use of many tweets. It does take time. Therefore, it will not happen overnight if you are new to Twitter or to blogging.

Twitter has always outranked Facebook for traffic to my blog.  It’s been my #1 source of traffic for years. It’s the easiest way to get your blog content out there and shared.

Some Last Tips for Benefits of Using Twitter for Business

Your Turn

If you are tweeting – how are you using Twitter now? Or, if not do you have more reasons to use Twitter now? Let’s discuss this in the comments below.

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