12 thoughts on “How To Stop Instagram Spam Comments Fast: Quick Fixes”

  1. Eevn though I’m not an active user of IG, I have realised the increase of spam comments on the platform.

    Social media networks should do their possible best to get rid of this problem. Spam comments are everywhere and we should all do our best to stop them.

    Christopher, I like this post.

    In fact, it’s deep

    1. Christopher Iwundu

      I agree.
      Getting rid of these Instagram spam comments will significantly increase the experience while using Instagram.
      Thanks, Foster.

  2. Hi Christopher,
    Thank you for providing these detailed instructions. It will be highly beneficial for both persons with these issues and others who are unaware of them. since I also experienced this kind of spam and negative remarks in the early stages of my career. Keep sharing your tips.

    1. Hi Sathish, Christopher did a great job on this blog post for sure. I see these often on the Instagram network and I tend to ignore them at first. Thanks for coming by Inspire To THrive by and have a great day!

    1. You are welcome Fidel. That works too but I use it as a last resort. Thanks for coming by and welcome to Inspire To Thrive Fidel.

  3. Hello Christopher,
    Instagram is a great place for influencers but the main drawback is getting spam and vulgar comments. You have described and elaborated on each step to counter spam comments on Instagram. People can implement these simple steps and prevent spam comments. Thanks for sharing it with us

    Vishwajeet Kumar

    1. Christopher Iwundu

      I agree with you, Vishwajeet.

      These Instagram spam comments, followers, etc., can be a menace and contribute to some business account owners ignoring their business accounts on the platform.

      These tips sure help in eliminating these spamming.

      You’re welcome, mate.

  4. Good to know Christopher. I have all but abandoned Instagram because I am too busy working other more meaningful channels. IG mainly drew spam comments to my profile even when I networked genuinely. With that being said, following your tips can help me handle inevitable spam that besieges my infrequent updates.

    1. Christopher Iwundu

      Hello Ryan. Nice of you to engage. I understand your situation. Instagram spam comments can be annoying and demoralizing. Handle the spam comments and give IG another try.

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