Blogging Names Ideas Generator Tool For Your Blogging Name To Shine

Sometimes you have a great idea for a blog, but you can never get it off the ground because you can’t come up with blogging names ideas. Blogs that gain followers and catch people’s attention have one thing in common: they all have catchy and memorable names. You can use a blogging name generator tool called Namify to get your blog name started and drive traffic to your blog.

If you find yourself struggling with naming your blog, then take a moment to check out the Namify blogging name generator tool. Starting a blog today is not easy but naming your blog is a giant first step in getting started.

A Blogging Name Idea Maker: An Easy To Use Tool

The Namify blog name generator tool takes all the guesswork out of choosing a vibrant and innovative name for your blog. It is incredibly user-friendly, and it only takes seconds to generate a list of names that are unique, creative, and highly usable for your blog niche.

To start, you only need to prove the tool with a couple of keywords related to your blog topic. You will then choose a category for your blog. You can hit the button to generate names, or you can adjust the filters that let you customize the results further.

The filter options allow you to decide if you want names that are only one word, two words, or multiple words. It also lets you choose the style: prefix, suffix, and rhyming.

Finally, you can set the length in characters, up to more than 15 characters. The default settings select all options and set the character limit at 15+.

Namify Blog Name Generator

The Results Of Blogging Names Ideas by Namify

Once you hit the generate button, you will find a list of at least 25 names. These blog names will combine the information you provided to give you some interesting and optimized choices that match up with the focus of your blog.

You can adjust the filters, keywords, and categories to alter the results if you want more options.

Next, check the search engines for other similar blog names to know what your competition is going to be in the search results.

Keyword Choices

One of the most important aspects of the blogging name generator tool is entering the keywords. Choosing the right keywords and entering them in the tool will provide you with the best name options since the tool uses the keywords you enter to create the names.

You only need to enter two keywords, but you can add more. The more information you give to the tool, the more variety you will get with your results.

Choosing good keywords isn’t always easy, but you can start by simply brainstorming. Make a list of words that come to mind when you think of your blog.

You can also list things people might search for if they were looking for a blog like yours. Look for the search volume of your keywords as well.

CommonPlaces suggests that you also take a look at your competition. Visit their sites and see what keywords they use. Do some sample searches and see if the keywords on your list would provide results for blogs similar to your blog.

You can then adjust and optimize your keyword list based on what you find out during your research. You may even find additional words to use.

Then you can get started by creating blog posts mentioning your new blog name.

Blogging Names Ideas That Inspire

Once you get the list from the tool, you will have a lot of options. The chances are that there will be more than one name that speaks to you.

So, how do you choose the right one from the blogging name generator tool? One that will inspire others to read your blog?

Growth Badger explains that good blog names help to brand your blog, so you want to choose something you can live with for a long time and that fairly represents what your blog is about.

Also, make sure that you don’t choose a name that sounds too similar to a popular name or brand.

The correct name will speak to the personality of your blog and give people a solid idea of what to expect when they visit.

Finally, your blog name needs to be something that people will remember, so don’t choose something too complex.

blog names ideas by Namify

Examples of Great Blog Names

Notice what these above blog names represent?

You can picture in your mind what the blogs will be about by their blog names. The blog content matches their names and makes it easier to come up with organic traffic.

Shareable Blogs

Having a great blog name also makes your blog content more shareable on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MeWe, Minds, Instagram, and other social media networking sites.

A memorable name will make it easy for readers to share your content on their favorite channels or forums like Reddit or Quora.

They will know it by heart and not have to look it up online.

Name That Blog With The Namify Blogging Name Generator

Now that you know how the Namify blog name generator works and how to get the most out of it, there’s nothing left to do but try it out yourself.

You’re sure to find the perfect name for your blog in minutes. (If you ever had a personal name change, do check out how to maneuver that name online!)

Conclusion: Naming Your Blog

So, take your time, do your research, and choose a blog name that you can grow with. Your blog’s name is the cornerstone of your online presence, so make it count.

With a strong and SEO-optimized blog name, you’re one step closer to building a successful and recognizable brand in the vast digital landscape.

Are you looking to start a new blog or another blog in the near future? Are you thinking of changing your blog name? I’d love to know more in the comments below from you.

Blogging Names Ideas Generator Tool For Your Blogging Name To Shine Share on X
Lisa Sicard

22 thoughts on “Blogging Names Ideas Generator Tool For Your Blogging Name To Shine”

  1. Great article, Lisa!

    I agree that it’s definitely important to have a catchy and memorable name for a blog. I was wondering if there are any specific industries or niches that the tool works best for? Or is it versatile enough to work for any type of blog, I’m thinking it will be.

    Thanks again,
    Gary Francis

    1. Hi Gary, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. It should work well with any industry. It’s all about the names. Thanks for coming by and have a great day. I’d love to hear how you make out with it Gary after you use it.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    I really enjoyed reading your post about the Namify blogging name generator tool. I agree that choosing a catchy and memorable name for a blog is very important for attracting readers and building a brand. I liked how you explained the features and benefits of the tool, and how you gave some examples of great blog names that it generated. I also appreciated the tips on how to choose the right keywords and check the search engines for competition.

    I have been thinking about starting a blog on gardening, but I was stuck on finding a good name. After reading your post, I decided to give Namify a try and I was amazed by the results. I found some really creative and unique names that matched my niche and style.

    Thank you for sharing this awesome tool with us. It really made blog naming simple and fun.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you Amin. Welcome to Inspire To Thrive. I’m so glad to hear Namify worked well for you. Gardening blogs are pretty hot today. Good luck with the new blog and come back once it’s up so we can read it. Have a great day.

  3. Hi Lisa,
    I came to know about this awesome tool right now. The tool is in my checklist before deciding on a name for my next blog.
    Thanks for sharing such an informational article.

    Nitin Dabas

    1. Hi Nitin, you are most welcome. I wish I had known about this tool years ago for my blogs. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  4. Hey Lisa,

    After reading this i got to know that there is a great name generator for my blog. It’s true that a striking name is very important for a blog, with this i can save my time from thinking about a new name for my next blog.



    1. Hi John, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Yes, it can certainly save you a lot of time. I see you are on Medium too. So if you are looking to start your own place this tool will be very handy for you. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  5. Hey Lisa,

    Coming up with a good blog name provides a nice mind satisfaction. I made a list of almost 100 names during purchasing my domain. At that time, If I knew about this tool, it’d be easy for me.

    Thank you for letting us know about the tool. It’ll be helpful for many.


    1. Hi Liton, I agree, I think this will be very helpful to many new bloggers out there. And those that may start a 2nd or 3rd blog along the way. Thanks for coming by and have a great day and weekend ahead there.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    I really didn’t give much thought when I started my first blog. I just picked a random name and started the blog.
    I will definitely follow these tips while starting my next blog. The name generator is really useful. Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece of article.


    1. Hi Dipanjan, I hear you. I wish this tool was around when I started mine years ago. I love that it gives you so many to choose from as well. So many ways at looking at the naming of a blog. Thanks for coming by and commenting on this one, have a wonderful day.

  7. Hey Lisa,

    Rijhu this side. Many thanks for sharing this informative piece of article. Yes completely agree with you Lisa a correct, noticeable and impressive blog name is very important and required too. This name generator tool is really very impressive and helpful. Thanks for sharing this amazing post as it will definitely going to help many of the newbies.

    Have a nice week ahead!

    Thanks & Regards,

    1. Hi Rijhi, You are most welcome. I wish this tool was around when I started my blogs years ago. I love how it gives you 25 options to choose from. I hope it helps many new bloggers today find their blog name. Enjoy the rest of your week there Rijhu.

  8. Hey Lisa mam ,

    Excellent post with good information. I truly appreciate your research. I really like an idea of using this amazing Namify a blog
    name generator tool. I don’t have any idea regarding this tool and never heard as well, so kindly thanks for making me aware and
    providing in-depth information.

    It seems that this tool is user-friendly and easy to use. I was searching for such kind of blog name generator tool from very
    beginning and finally found a perfect one. I really like its features and one thing that i like the most about this tool is that it
    provide options of 25 blog names to use. As we know that our blog name is the first thing on which readers generally focus and blog name helps in understanding that what the blog is all about. This tool is also helpful in deciding the right keywords also.

    According to my opinion & beliefs this tool is really a great helping hand for several blogger & writers and undoubtedly helps
    them in generating a perfect blog name. I will surely give it a try. After going through this complete guide i really gain ideas and i am sure that this post will surely help lots of people.

    Eventually thanks for sharing your knowledge and such an informative post.


    1. Hi Aadarsh, You are most welcome. Always something new to learn here. I love that it provides you with 25 names! Plenty to choose from after that. I know this will save people a lot of time and help them to be more successful with their blogs. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  9. Lisa this is a beyond cool idea. Absolutely love it. Smart, clever, and cuts through much confusion. I was stunned Blogging From Paradise was available for like 14 bucks. Timing thing because an Aussie travel blogger literally emailed me a few hours after I bought it, asking me when I purchased it. He assumed I owned it for years, and was shocked when I had owned it for a few hours LOL.


    1. Hi Ryan. LOL, I know, I wish it was around years ago. That’s really cool how you purchased your blog name for so little. How did you come up with it?

  10. Hi Lisa,
    If I knew then, what I know now, especially after reading this amazing post….I would have a nifty name for my blog. I named it (my name + tribe) because when I started I was greatly influenced by Seth Godin, “Tribes” and how much sense it made. I do feel like its dated now, but after ten years of sticking to my name, I feel that if I changed it, I would be in trouble lol. However, I am planning to start a new blog for network marketing and this post will be such a help to me.
    Thanks Lisa,

    1. Hi Donna, a very interesting tidbit from you. I had no idea that is where you got your blog name from! I have his latest book here too, This Is Marketing.) Good luck with the 2nd blog and can’t wait to see it. My 2nd one is almost 2 years and just starting to take off. That sounds like an exciting time Donna and I hope we catch up with each other this winter! Have a great week.

  11. Hello Lisa,

    First of all thanks so much for mentioning my blog name in this post. It means a lot to me. You are right! Choosing a correct and eye-catching blog name is very important. A blog name is definitely the first thing people will what type of content are you providing. You have mentioned some amazing and helpful tips to find and choose a simple name for your blog.

    Vishwajeet Kumar

    1. Hi Vishwajeet, you are most welcome! Your name explains what your blog is about. I love this new tool and if I ever run another blog would surely use it. It would save so much time. Thanks for coming by Vishwajeet and enjoy the rest of your week.

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