3 Digital Marketing Methods To Put You Ahead Of Your Competitors

Are you feeling like your digital marketing methods are lagging behind your competitors? Do you need to find some way of getting ahead?

Are you coming to grips with actionable, digital marketing but are not quite sure where to start?

It is very easy to feel like this as a small business owner. You do not have the manpower or the resources to hire a team of marketers who are on top of all of the latest tips when it comes to digital marketing strategies.

digital marketing methods
Learn some digital marketing methods to keep you ahead of the crowd.

However, that does not mean that you can’t become a superpower all on your own and leap ahead of your competitors. Knowledge is a fantastic tool.

So, if you can spend some time brushing up and finding out the latest tricks, you can pick up your digital tools and use them against your competitors.

Here, I look at some of the best digital marketing methods to help you get ahead of your competitors.

Don’t Try To Do Too Much At Once

It can be tempting to go all in and try and do everything. After all, you are trying to reach as many people as possible, right? So, you have set up pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google.

Then, you have profiles on all of the social media platforms. Next, you have started working on your search engine optimization, and creating content and are in the process of setting up an email newsletter.

You are also exhausted and spreading your efforts too thinly.

Rather than trying to do everything, choose one or two digital marketing methods at a time to concentrate on. This way, not only will you not burn yourself out, but you will have a better idea of what is working and what isn’t.

Consistency is what you are aiming for with your digital marketing methods.

What Are Digital Marketing Strategies?

Digital marketing methods and strategies are essential for business owners who want to have their business visibility in the digital world. Furthermore, effectively utilizing these digital strategies can result in significantly improved business growth and success.

Digital marketing techniques include activities like running advertisements through search engines, optimizing business websites and social media profiles. As well as engaging with customers through networking platforms, working with bloggers and influencers, managing email campaigns, and more.

Knowing how to effectively select the right combination of tactics from the immense range of available options can make all the difference for a business owner looking to succeed.

Don’t Be Afraid of AI

Don’t shy away from using AI in your digital marketing strategies. AI can handle data analysis in seconds, giving you insights you’d miss otherwise.

It helps you target the right audience more precisely, leading to better engagement and higher conversion rates. Automation tools can save you time on tasks like email marketing and social media posting.

Plus, AI-driven chatbots improve customer service by providing instant responses. Embracing AI isn’t just smart; it’s essential for staying competitive.

Find Your Spot on Social Media for Your Digital Marketing Methods

Social media isn’t going anywhere; that’s for sure. In 2024, 4.9 billion users had a presence on 6.7 social media platforms, so if you are not active there, you are going to fall flat.

However, going from nowhere to being everywhere is equally ineffective.

You need to spend some time thinking about your target demographic, and which social media network they are likely to be more present on, and aim for there, to begin with.

To help you pick out your social media channel:


  • 44% of Facebook users are female and 56% are male.
  • 25-35-year-olds only make up a quarter of it’s users. Most are older than 35 years of age.
  • 77% of users spend a minimum of 20 minutes a day there.
  • 90% of active users come from outside the United States.
  • Facebook has the highest income demographic of all social networks though users have dropped over the past 2 years and moved to other social networks like TikTok.

Twitter X

  • 56% of Twitters X users are male, and 44% of users are female.
  • 25-34 year-olds are the biggest Twitter demographic.
  • Users spend an average of 3.7 minutes on the Twitter app a day.
  • Twitter is known for tracking news and is the #1 source of news.
  • Others are finding their Twitter accounts suspended, some temporarily or permanently even after Elon Musk purchased the social network.


  • 48% of Instagram users are female and 52% are male users.
  • 90% are under the age of 34.
  • 53% of Instagram users follow brands.
  • Users are spending 30 minutes a day on this social network. Instagram users are spending more time this year than ever before on this visual social network.
  • This network is considered by many the “happier” social network today.


  • 77% of Pinterest users are female and 23% are men.
  • The age group for this Pinterest is older at 50-64 years of age.
  • Home decor and cooking are huge categories on this female-dominated social media network.
  • Users can make purchases right from pins today. 10% of users make over 125K per year on this social network.


  • 78% of internet users aged 18-24 use Snapchat.
  • 90% of these users are 13-24 years old.
  • Roughly 61% of Snapchat users are female and 38% are male.
  • Time on this network averages out to 28 minutes per day.


  • TikTok is one of the newer social networks founded in 2016 and consists of video formats.
  • 41% of TikTok users are aged between 16 and 24.
  • 56% of TikTok users are male and 44% are female.
  • Users are spending as much as 52 minutes a day on this app.
  • Several states have banned the use of TikTok on government phones and a full ban may hit the United States in 2024.


  • YouTube is the 2nd largest social media network and search engine.
  • According to Sprout Social: YouTube’s biggest gender segments are males aged between 25-34 (12.2%), and males aged between 35-44 (9.6%) (based on available gender data).
  • Visits: 90% of visits come from mobile today to YouTube.
  • 90% of kids watch YouTube videos. 84% claim it’s their only source for video content.
parental control on YouTube

Parler: Alternative Digital Marketing Methods

One of the first alternative social media networks that claimed it did not censor and had many conservative people leaving Twitter to go to this alternative network along with Gettr, Truth, Gab, and MeWe.

A few years ago millions of people fled to Parler from Twitter. Parler had over 10 million users as of November 2020.  But then it was shut down by the Amazon servers hosting the social media website.

Censorship had begun.

There is rumors that the Parler app may reappear later this year in 2024.

Social Media Digital Marketing Methods That Matter

People between the ages of 55 and 64 are more than twice as likely to engage with a brand’s content on all social media today. Even younger people are influenced by social media influencers.

Don’t bother wasting your time and efforts on a social media platform if your audience simply isn’t there. There are other digital marketing methods that can put you over the top.

Influencer Marketing And Digital Marketing Methods

In the grand scheme of digital marketing, influencer marketing is one of the newer strategies.

However, it can be one of the most powerful.

Instead of directly marketing to your target audience, you pay or inspire influential people in your niche to spread the word about you and your brand.

You can join Webinfluential to hire influencers or be paid to become one today.

Final: Your Thoughts on Digital Marketing Methods

Digital marketing isn’t just a trend. It’s the key to boosting your business. From SEO to social media, the right strategy can elevate your brand.

Implement these methods, track your results, and tweak your approach. Watch your business grow.

What digital marketing strategies are you using today? Have you left any of them behind in 2024? I’d love to know more in the comments below.

3 Digital Marketing Methods To Put You Ahead Of Your Competitors Share on X
Lisa Sicard

4 thoughts on “3 Digital Marketing Methods To Put You Ahead Of Your Competitors”

  1. Love the tips here Lisa,
    especially the one of not spreading yourself too thin. This one is especially valuable because nearly everyone else is trying too many things at once.
    And failing at it royally.

    Laser-sharp focus can be your biggest advantage over your competitors.

    So pick what works for you and stick to it till success.

    1. Hi Nikola, nice to see you back here. That is the best one and spreading yourself too thin is too easy to do today on digital marketing. Which method are you focusing on these days yourself? Thanks for coming by and a have a great day Nikola.

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