ChatGPT AI Writer: 6 Ways To Update & Repackage Old Content

Generative AI is quickly making its way into our lives. In fact, this pace is pretty unbelievable. There’s a new ChatGPT AI writing technology or big announcement (or both) popping up daily.

If you are not looking for ways to utilize AI technology in your blogging routine, you are losing lots of new opportunities to promote your blog with ChatGPT prompts.

While I am all for using AI for blogging productivity, I am not a fan of using it for actually writing content for my blog (or my clients’ blogs). My perspective on that is pretty straightforward: Using AI to generate content adds nothing new to the web.

It is simply repurposing someone else’s content, and Google understands this too

Technology For Blogging

Note that I am talking about creative or expert-driven blogging here. I do believe there’s a place for AI-generated copy for ecommerce inventory descriptions, social media captions, or large database sites.

But blogging is all about expressing your unique expertise or creativity (or that of your team). And you cannot be unique by generating AI content.

However, there’s a huge potential in using AI to improve your current blog content, especially when it comes to old content that has started losing its organic search visibility and isn’t shared as much because it went deep down the blog’s archive.

Here’s how you can utilize generative AI to update and repurpose your old content:

1. Ask ChatGPT AI How Your Old Article Can Be Improved

ChatGPT AI is great for text analysis. Moreover, it uses AI technology which is most likely a driving force behind Google’s algorithm itself.

Using it to analyze and improve your content (especially if it’s an article losing rankings) is a good way to learn to think like Google, i.e. look at your content as Google is looking at it.

So any time you see one of your articles losing rankings, copy-paste the content and ask ChatGPT:

How Can I Make This Article Better With Machine Learning Writer?

Yes, I’d like to start with a broader question here to give its analysis as much freedom as possible. This way I can go from what it suggests doing. For example, here’s the list of suggestions from the AI writer:

ai chatgpt writing tool

This is where I can follow up with follow-up prompts from an AI writer:

  • How would you improve the introduction and the conclusion?
  • Break this article into sections based on the segmentation you suggested
  • Generate pros and cons for each platform
  • Create a FAQ section based on my content

Here’s a pretty unbelievably great “Pros and Cons” section the tool generated using its AI magic:

ai writing prompts

You can (edit and) add every section as AI ChatGPT writing as it generates it without changing your content. ChatGPT will be repurposing your content, not someone else’s, so it will still rely on your research, experience, and/or expertise.

For creating optimized FAQ sections, use Text Optimizer which combines semantic analysis with generative AI capabilities. This will help you optimize your updated content for terms you previously missed:

text optimizer

2. Collect Expert Quotes and Ask ChatGPT To Create Content Around Those

If your old article relied on trends and stats, that is something that may be pretty outdated. While I still do my research online (ChatGPT and other generative AI tools have pretty outdated knowledge bases), one trick to update old content with new insights is to ask for niche experts’ input.

This is also a great influencer relationship-building tactic, as well as a promotion trick (those participating influencers will likely share your updated content featuring them).

Once you collect those quotes, copy-paste them into ChatGPT (together with the influencers’ names and Twitter handles) and ask it to write a few sentences introducing each insight):

This is the quote from NAME @twitterhandle that I am going to add to my article. Please create an engaging intro to lead into the quote. The intro should be a value-add to my article: “TEXT”

This is the content you can instantly copy-paste to make your article more up-to-date.

You can also generate tweetable quotes using ChatGPT to encourage your readers to share and tag each insight on Twitter.

database for tweets

3. Prompt the ChatGPT AI to Turn Your Old Article Into a Video/Podcast Script

Creating a video to embed into your old article is a great value add, and it is much more doable these days as you don’t have any fancy software. Depending on your article content, this could be a screencast, a quick animation, or even a photo slideshow (for travel blogs, for example).

All you need is a video script to create a voiceover, and that’s where chatGPT can be a great help. Simply use the following prompt:

This is my article “TEXT”. Create a script I can use as a voiceover for my video based on this content.

4. Add Takeaways and Table Summaries to Your Content

Summarizing content has one great SEO benefit: It gives Google more on-page content to generate concise search snippets. It can help you get featured more. You can ask ChatGPT to summarize your content in several ways:

  • Create a conclusion
  • Generate takeaways
  • Create a summary or comparison table
text structure

Quick tip: To summarize content, try which creates better summaries, in my experience. They actually even pass AI detection checks as well.

5. Re-word Your Updated Content for Syndication Purposes

Once you update your old content with your own research and help of ChatGPT, you may want to give it new life by syndicating it a few platforms for more exposure. I like using these:

  • Medium
  • Linkedin publishing

While SEO is a great traffic source, maintaining an active presence on long-form publishing platforms is a great way to create more traffic sources which is always a good idea. On Medium, you can add a canonical tag pointing to your URL to point Google to the original source of content (and direct all signals there).

On LinkedIn, there’s no such option, so to avoid any cross-site duplicate content issues, use ChatGPT AI writing the content.

Use the following prompt:

Here’s my article “TEXT”. Generate unique content using its data and key points I can use on Linkedin. Create a CTA to point to my original article. Word it the way people want to click the link to read the original.

6. Generate Social Media Posts with AI Writer to Promote Content on Social Media

Finally, with ChatGPT you don’t need to write social media posts from scratch. Use ChatGPT artificial intelligence to:

ChatGPT for tweets

ChatGPT will automatically create hashtags and include emojis, so you don’t have to spend time writing those.

Conclusion of AI ChatGPT Writing Tools

AI technology is changing nearly every industry and it will impact our lives and careers in ways we cannot yet fathom. This includes every area of our professional lives – from customer support (IVR, intelligent triage, etc.) to workspaces and cybersecurity.

As generative AI develops further, there will be more and more ways to utilize it for your content strategy. Keep an eye on the new technology and instead of feeling threatened by it, find ways to embrace it.

Have you used chapGPT for any of these reasons? We would love to hear about your experiences with it in the comments below.

Ann Smarty
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