Bloggers, do you ever wonder how you will get everything done each day and stress less? Do you feel like there is never enough time to do it all? Many of you out there have other businesses online or offline. Even the best bloggers post often on their blogs and it’s a wonder how they get it all done in a 24-hour day.
The best blogger’s lifestyle may have something to do with it.
Some of you also have full-time jobs and a family. Many of you do not blog full time and if you do it’s still a lot of work to do daily.
From the writing to the technical difficulties that crop up either in WordPress or via your hosting – there is always something that needs to be done.
It can be quite a challenge not to get stressed over it all.
For example, having all your work lost after writing a long blog post can mess with your nerves.
Table of Contents
How To Get More Accomplished
Bloggers get more done today than ever before with many tools and they tend to be more focused. They are always looking for ways to get more done as blogging can take up a lot of time.
Therefore, most bloggers walk around with a to-do list that helps them stress less. It’s part of the blogger’s lifestyle today.
In this day and age, it is not easy to find time for blogging. With so many distractions everywhere we go from our phones or laptops with notifications constantly going off all the time ( myself included!), how will bloggers ever get anything done?
The answer lies in one word: focus! If you really want your work/life balance in check then set limits on what can distract you- turn them OFF when working instead of allowing yourself to be consumed by Slack conversations about why someone had an epic fail at something else entirely 10 times.
It is no wonder more bloggers struggle to get more done as they try to post long-form blog posts today.
Check Out These 6 Steps to Get More Done Today Like The Best Bloggers:
1. Write It Down
By writing your tasks down you will hold yourself accountable to get them done and check them off. There is no better feeling in the day than to check things off that to-do list!
Not only writing down your to-do list but also content ideas is the key to blogging. Finding new content ideas and keeping them written down assures you will blog about them.
Finally, be sure to write down these on your task list:
- what you NEED to do,
- WANT to do, and
- LIKE to do.
This list can of course include personal activities throughout the day to organize a well-rounded day and give you needed ideas.
2. Categorize Your Tasks To Be More Productive
By categorizing your blogging tasks you can break them up into smaller to-do’s. This helps you proceed quicker and easier throughout the day.
Therefore if you are a morning person like me, you may want to schedule your writing first, then SEO, and then your social media scheduling.
Save your less “thinking” tasks for later in the day unless you are a night owl.
Now if you are a blogger that does not like SEO, my old friend Donna has some great blogging SEO tips for you to make it easier! Her tips will help you stress less.
The Best Bloggers Get More Done By Setting Up Categories Such As:
- Brainstorming
- Writing
- Finding and Making Graphics
- Social Media Posting
- Responding to Comments and Social Media
- Cleaning Up Your Blog Website
- Checking Results with Google Analytics
3. Assign The Time to Get Things Done
Next, plan out what time you will do throughout the day. Assign each task a time limit. Make sure to leave time for breaks and lunch.
If you sit for long hours, schedule time for a walk or yoga. You don’t want to injure your body by sitting too long and having to go to physical therapy. Been there, done that!
That time and injury can really set your blogging tasks way behind. Without your health you can’t write the best blog posts or get much done.

You don’t want to wear yourself out each and every day mentally either. If you get sick that will set you back in time. Your brain needs a rest as well.
Most bloggers work long hours so this is a priority for bloggers to get things done.
4. Prioritize Your Blogging Post Tasks
Then, be sure to prioritize what needs to be done each day. By knowing what is most important to do, you can be sure they remain high on your timeline. You can assign each task with:
- Good
- Better and
- Best
Oftentimes, you need time to revamp old posts, work on links, and comment on others’ blogs. This can take up a huge chunk of time unless you set a limit. See my tip on revamping old posts below along with the video above :

Put these blogging tasks in order and be sure to assign how much time each one will take you. Be sure the time limit is reasonable.
Prioritizing these tasks with the right tools can help bloggers get more done quickly.
5. The Best Bloggers Take Their List With Them
It is said that when you carry your list around with you, it will help keep things in perspective. You know for certain what needs to be completed next and won’t forget about anything on the go-go’s life!
It also makes sure no task falls through the cracks because they didn’t see themselves doing them until later down the line anyway (and trust me – there are always plenty). Writing things down such as due dates helps you keep track of everything.
If something doesn’t belong on any of these to do lists then just leave ’em out—saving precious time.
Furthermore, having a place to write things down helps bloggers get more done when they come up with new ideas for blog posts. Sometimes your best ideas come when you are away from your computer.
As bloggers are stressed less when they have time away, they become more creative.
6. The Best Bloggers Outsource Tasks
Yes, you heard me right, often outsourcing will help bloggers post often and get more done. By having others do some of the mundane tasks for you, you can concentrate on the tasks you love and you will get more done quicker.
Bloggers stress less when they do more of what they love and less of what they dislike.
Outsourcing could include writing, social media posts, marketing, SEO, or accounting for your blog business. These tasks will make your blog more manageable for you as you grow your blog.
It’s great to have others helping you as you grow your blog. The best bloggers can no longer go it alone with the amount of competition and things that need to be done compared to a decade ago.
In Conclusion: How The Best Bloggers Post Often & Get More Done
Are you doing any or all of these 6 steps from bloggers who get more done and stress less? Are you still stressed often trying to get it all done with your blog? Have you outsourced any tasks?
I would love to know more about it in the comments below.
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- IG Follower Export Tool: Free and Easy To Use For IG Growth - February 3, 2025
- Let Fliki AI Streamline Video Creation For Your Blog or Biz - February 3, 2025
Great tips, Lisa!
Using AI tools has made life a bit simpler for bloggers, but only a little. All the human aspects of SEO, keyword research, and writing the content in your own words still need to be done. No wonder it feels like there’s always so much to do. But I feel breaking up the tasks into mini tasks make me more productive. Like I set aside different times for writing and editing optimizing my posts. Hardly ever do both at the same time. That also makes my content better for both humans and SEO.
Thank you Poulomi. I love breaking up any big tasks into little ones. I guess SEO could be done in the same way. I like that you do them separately. I used to but lately I seem to try to do it all at once, probably not good! Thanks for the tips and suggestions on this comment Poulomi. Have a great rest of the day there.
I’ve halved my content creation process these days. I’m using Jasper and ChatGPT to generate title ideas and use the same tools to create the subheadings. That in itself takes away the time I wasted most. When I’ve got the structure ready, it’s all about research and less about thinking. So, I procrastinate less.
Hi William, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Excellent point about using these tools. I love Jasper and it helps me get started which is huge. It’s such a time saver and procrastination avoidance tool. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!
Hi Lisa,
Prioritizing tasks and making a to-do list are helpful for me. I always make a list of tasks that I’m going to do the next day and mark them as completed every time. I also a technique named ‘Pomodoro’, this is a great technique to maximize the work without feeling tired. I set a time of 30 minutes and take a break of 5 minutes after every minute, it helps me to work for long hours without feeling tired In those gaps I drink water, listen to my favorite song, or do some little exercise to get quick energy.
Thanks Lisa for sharing these effective tips.
Ayush Mishra
Hi Ayush, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. I love doing those to-do list tasks – especially the night before. I haven’t tried that Pomodoro technique though. It sounds interesting! Thanks for your input on this one and have a wonderful day.
Hi Lisa,
Making a prioritized list and setting a timer to complete tasks is something I try to do regularly. I set my timer for one hour. When it goes off I get up, deal with kid/husband issues, have a snack, do laundry, then I go back and set it for another hour. Otherwise, I will sit in front of the computer for hours on end not being as productive as I should be.
Having a specific time frame to get a task done helps me stay focused.
Hi SharlaAnn, that’s a good idea too with the timer. I love my lists. I can really stay focused when I glance down at it. I walk away to let the dog out and do laundry and take a daily walk or snow-shoe around the area to get away for a while. It’s not healthy to sit for so long. I’ve had issues with that before, so beware. Then you will accomplish nothing if you are in pain.Take care and make it a great day Sharla Ann.
What’s funny is that I’ve never had any issues with writing blog posts. However, these days I’m having trouble writing articles for my membership site, which is a larger extension of a blog. What I’m finding is that I have to change my language from conversational to instructional. In this case I’m the authority and the expert; that puts more pressure into writing all the content, along with the tutorial for how to get things accomplished.
This must be what it’s like for many bloggers, the yearn for getting it done correctly. My head hurts daily! lol
Wow Mitch, you are probably the first or 2nd blogger after Ryan Biddulph to hear that from. So many bloggers struggle after a while with what to write. You could try Jarvis AI to help you with that. I’m loving the tool for writing. Do you also do videos for your membership site Mitch? Take care and have a good day. Thanks for coming by.
Yes, there will be videos for the membership as well, some already created that I’m going to make private, others I’ll leave open since they’ve done well.
Hey Lisa,
Despite all the tools available, it’s still so hard to find time blogging. But for those of us who know that blogging — as a part of content strategy — is the way to go, it’s inevitable. That’s when your insights in this post make sense.
What I do is simple: I use the week for all the actual writing, videos, course videos, live streams, etc. On weekends, I spend some time trying to tweak the website — from a marketing standpoint.
For me, it’s not stressful. But I know I walk a thin line.
You are writing about stuff that does matter (unfortunately, we don’t realize “stress management” until it’s a little too late).
Hi Ash, oh yes I’m responding to your comment here on a Sunday. I do love the tools that save time like AI for writing with Jarvis, it really has helped me and using social media management tools like Missinger Ltrr and Agorapulse. However, you still have to put some time into anything including tools. But the more you use the tools you can save time in the long run with them. They still can’t replace us though and that’s probably a good thing, right Ash? Have a great day and thanks for coming by!
You are right. We must prepare a plan for everything, even for a small thing. So that we get a clear idea about when it should start and stop. Planning and prioritizing works lead us to success. Perhaps, we cannot do everything according to the plan. But we can achieve our target effectively and easily by making some small changes in the plan. Thank you Lisa, for sharing this. I’ll surely follow these steps. Wish me a best of luck for my success
I have the “to do list” sticked to my monitor – the old fashion way on paper.
I will keep adding stickies till there’s no more space around the PC. Ha – Ha – Ha!
Hi Daniel, I do that sometimes too. Those post-its really work don’t they? I had an app for them on my phone too but don’t use it often. Thanks for coming by and have a great new week.
Hi Lisa,
Such a wonderful post written by you.
It’s always amazing to read such type of interesting posts which relate to me. As I am a person who doesn’t follow any fix time regulation and routines. Though it is necessary to maintain a routine for the work but still it’s hard for me.
The tips you have adviced are really helpful. But you know sometimes it’s hard to spend much time at our work.
But we are required to manage it. We can give us more time for our work only if we try and we want to.
Thanks for giving these tips. I wish I could follow one of these.
Hi Lisa,
Ah, tips to get more done with less stress? Perfect help for everyone online, and a welcome article for me, and an info graphic? I am SUCH a visual learner, so this is perfect!
In my opinion, a shift in habit requires a mindset change. Love the idea of good, better, best system. Yep, I write down the top three things that must get done the next day in order to push my business forward, as in making money…Not just the busy tasks, but also include them. Life/work, all of it.
Assigning the time and prioritizing (love this idea) takes time, but PLANNING is a key missing element in most entrepreneur’s lives.
This is a cool info graphic, and it really helps to simplify the process, Lisa, thanks so much for sharing.
Take Care,
Carol Amato
Hi Carol, Glad you liked it. I like visuals too, they really help to understand things. Oh yes planning is essential and if you are making changes try only 1 at a time or you may become overwhelmed, I know that’s the case for me. Thanks for taking the time to comment on this one Carol and I hope you are enjoying the weekend. You are welcome.
I love infographics and this one is great.
I think I am going to try this system. I have a system that is somewhat like this but I never seem to be able to get everything done. Maybe this will help some.
The major problem I have is there are just way to many people who think I am there to help them whenever they need it. Some times I do need to be there for them but other I just need to say “no”. It is just hard when these people are my kids. The older they are the more they seem to need me. My teenager thinks he can do it all on his own and does not think he needs me at all. The older they get though the more they seem to realize that Mom knows something and come to me for help which then takes my time.
It is nice when kids start thinking you know something but then it takes up time.
Great post.
Dee Ann
Hi Dee Ann, I thought so too. It sounds like you need to set up somen boundaries Dee Ann with your time. Maybe set up certain times they cannot ask for help and set the time so you can accomplish other things. I know sometimes it is hard as they say “life happens”. Good luck with it Dee Ann and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hello Ms. Lisa
I trust you are well!
Love the infographic.
You know Lisa,I write down my tasks, but some of them I have to carry them over to another list. I do not need more time,ni just need less to do.
lisa it’s been a while have visited your blog. And am grateful I stopped by.
Great infographic, no doubt there is need to focus on the most efficient task while selectively ignoring those things that we can do without.
One thing have discovered is that timing ourselves to do a specific task makes us more productive.
Thanks once again for sharing
Hi Lisa,
Love this infographic! Funny thing is yesterday on Facebook I posted something about Good better best, never let it rest, til the good is better and the better is best. Something I learned in 8th grade so I thought it was funny today when I read your post. True if we follow this we can become successful. Your tips, writing it down in particular, is the thing that helps me. Always…can’t do without it. I’ve even become very proficient at putting it in my iphone.
Thanks for the great reminders of how to do better in blogging.
Great job.
Thank you Barbara. I like that analogy / quote. Writing it down is my favorite too. Now just to do better with the rest. Thanks for coming by and for your input Barbara, enjoy the weekend ahead.
Hi Lisa
Once a person was sitting in his office very happy and satisfied. His colleagues asked him why he was so happy. He told them a perfect schedule of his whole day in office with minute to minute planning. His entire schedule was so great that one of his colleague asked him how long he had been following that schedule. He replied very innocently this was his first to act upon it.
What I mean to say is there is no problem to develop a perfect schedule but to truly act upon it is the heck of the task. That is why it is wise to start making a easy plan and act upon it easily and then gradually make it tough with account of every single minute to available every minute for your blogging success.
The way you told how to make a daily plan and act upon it avoid stress is equally awesome. But work on it gradually will be quite better for those especially who are not habitual of working hard and tough that too in limited time.
Once again thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful post that is really a great post on time management especially for bloggers community.
Hi Mi Muba, welcome to Inspire To Thrive! You make an excellent point! I find myself doing that – writing the list but then not following it all as I often get sidetracked. I must try it more gradually, good idea. It reminds me of dieting – you can’t change your diet completely overnight but take away just 1 thing or make 1 change at a time. It must be like that with any habit – change it gradually. Thanks for adding to this post Mi Muba and have a great rest of your week there.
Hi Lisa,
I just loved your infographic! I too take my good old pen and paper around with me. Sometimes when I’m out and about I get an idea. It would get lost in the universe if I didn’t write it down.
Organization and prioritizing is the key to get things done. I have found the more workload I take on, the more free time I do spend. This was born through prioritizing. Get what is the most important thing done First! Stick to a plan and commit doing so.
Because I work together with my husband, we do use our whiteboard so we can share and prioritize our ideas. He has his bits of paper and I have my notepad (a paper one lol) Together we do start the day with a plan. After a while, it becomes a habit.
Even our free time became habitual. Following the above, will surely give more free time and the balance we do need.
Thank you Donna. I still use those Post its for lists too. My issue is I don’t always stick to a plan and get sidetracked. I don’t like to plan all my FREE time because then it doesn’t seem like FREE time to me – it’s just a mindset I believe. Thanks for your input on this topic Donna – you bring some interesting things to the discussion here. Enjoy the rest of the week there too.
Hi Lisa,
Being organized always helps being less stressed to be sure. I’m not always the most organized person, but when I am I feel that things runs so much more smoothly.
Writing it down, prioritizing and giving it a time frame, really works.
Thanks you for sharing this.
Hi Sylviane, oh yes, that is for sure. Otherwise you keep having to think about what is next and how to accomplish it. I find that writing it down saves me a bunch of stress too. You are welcome and have a great day there Sylviane.
Hey Lisa,
I think we can all benefit from the Good, Better, Best system! A lot of us lead busy day to day lives and yet it’s disorganized. This system is a great way to get ourselves organized and prioritize the tasks that need to be done in order to keep moving forward. I’ve gotten into the habit of using Evernote more often, and believe me, it helps a lot! I will definitely keep this sytem in my for my future endeavors. Thanks for sharing the incredible infograph! Take Care!
Hi Sherman, so true about many being disorganized. I haven’t tried Evernote but have heard it is a great system too. I will have to try it out very soon. You are welcome and what else do you do from the 5 steps Sherman? Thanks for coming by and taking the time to give your input.
Hey Lisa,
What a cool infographic so thanks for the share.
Okay, so I do write down what I need to do for the day but not exactly like this. Like I don’t write everything down outside of my work for the day. But I do check it off when I’ve completed it but I can see if you have a large family and a lot of other things going on in your life then this really is something that may need prioritizing more. I know for me writing things down just helps remind me of what needs to be accomplished.
Love this share and thank you again. Very well said…
Hey, have a great week my friend and may your allergies remain calm! LOL!!!
You are welcome Adrienne, I thought it was very well done. I love writing things down, it takes the stress out of my head and feels good when you can check things off too. I need to work on time as well – I don’t always start a post because I think I will run out of time. I should just START, right?
Allergies getting better past 2 days – hope it continues. Enjoy the rest of your week there Adrienne and thanks for taking the time to comment on this post.
Hi Lisa,
Yes, it IS tough to be everywhere and do everything ALL the time and your productivity certainly takes a dip.
That’s one reason I am taking a long summer break to rejuvenate myself and have a nice time away, which will enhance my productivity once I am back again. Nice infographic and I saw it earlier on Triberr too. Planning your work, writing it down, and scheduling it helps you save time and you are more focused when you start working. If you remember, I’d written a post sometime back on productivity and how to remain focused, covering all these points and much more. These are the things that work.
Thanks for sharing, and happy holidays, from my side at least for a few days, Have a nice weekend as well.
Hi Harleena, that’s for sure! That is excellent that you can do that this year Harleena and can’t wait to hear about it when complete. I think you will be pleasantly surprised too. Do enjoy it! Thanks for taking the time to come by and comment Harleena, you are one of the queens of comments.
Love this Lisa!
I pretty much have everything down (I’m forever writing things down) but timing it is my problem. I get caught up in the projects that I lose track of time. I’ve been using my Outlook and scheduling my projects like an hour for blog hop, research things like that. That way the ding for the reminder will snap me out of it so to speak :).
Thanks for sharing this Lisa! I hope you had a great day! Have a fabulous weekend! See ya in the socialverse!
Hi Corina, thank you! Me too timing is an issue- like I mentioned to Brenda I sometimes think I don’t have enough time and don’t get started – I’m working on that one now. Using a timer is helpful – great idea Corina.
You are welcome, weekend was good and looking forward to the next one. Enjoy the rest of this week and yes see you in the socialverse my friend!
Fabulous tips Lisa however I’m not using any of them. Maybe that’s why I struggle with family, FT job, blogging, and writing? I wish there was more hours in the evening to spend with blogging and writing however, I desperately need my sleep. I find I do most of my writing on the weekend or doing lunch time during my job. It’s really tough at times.
This is a great post though! I’m bookmarking this so hopefully I can try these techniques!
Hi Bren, that could be – maybe you could try at least one of them? My fav is to write it down. I have to get over the fear of not having enough time and not starting. I do that a lot in the evening. Thinking I don’t have enough time and don’t start. I am working on that one Bren. Thanks for coming by and let me know if you do try one or more out. Hope it helps!
I hate to write everything down. If I don’t I feel so lost and frustrated. I recently started creating a list each week of all the blog posts I need to write. It is really helping stay on task. Great post!
Hi Julie, that helps me a lot too. A great way to remember things and keep focused. Thanks for taking time to comment on this one. Have a great day.
Hello Lisa,
That infographic somehow explained things up – especially the mystery that time is always short. After reading the 4 – Hour Work Week and proceeding (on Tim’s recommendation) to read The Magic of Thinking Big, I developed some interesting habit: selective ignorance. Presently, I don’t bother knowing anything that does not make IMMEDIATE sense or bothering with news or info outside my immediate control.
…it would please you to discover that there is enough time in the world…just as this infographic proves: what is really scarce is time management tips.
Thanks for the quality share – do have a very great day!
Thanks Akaahan, interesting I’ve been ignoring a lot more things that don’t pertain to me. Even watching less news. I used to stress over things I had no control over. Thanks for coming by and for your insights. Have a great new week.