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How The Best Bloggers Get More Done in 6 Steps & Stress Less

best bloggers get more done

Bloggers, do you ever wonder how you will get everything done each day and stress less? Do you feel like there is never enough time to do it all? Many of you out there have other businesses online or offline. Even the best bloggers post often on their blogs and it’s a wonder how they get it all done in a 24-hour day.

The best blogger’s lifestyle may have something to do with it.

Some of you also have full-time jobs and a family. Many of you do not blog full time and if you do it’s still a lot of work to do daily.

From the writing to the technical difficulties that crop up either in WordPress or via your hosting – there is always something that needs to be done.

It can be quite a challenge not to get stressed over it all.

For example, having all your work lost after writing a long blog post can mess with your nerves.

How To Get More Accomplished

Bloggers get more done today than ever before with many tools and they tend to be more focused. They are always looking for ways to get more done as blogging can take up a lot of time.

Therefore, most bloggers walk around with a to-do list that helps them stress less. It’s part of the blogger’s lifestyle today.

In this day and age, it is not easy to find time for blogging. With so many distractions everywhere we go from our phones or laptops with notifications constantly going off all the time ( myself included!), how will bloggers ever get anything done?

The answer lies in one word: focus! If you really want your work/life balance in check then set limits on what can distract you- turn them OFF when working instead of allowing yourself to be consumed by Slack conversations about why someone had an epic fail at something else entirely 10 times.

It is no wonder more bloggers struggle to get more done as they try to post long-form blog posts today.

Check Out These 6 Steps to Get More Done Today Like The Best Bloggers:

1. Write It Down

By writing your tasks down you will hold yourself accountable to get them done and check them off. There is no better feeling in the day than to check things off that to-do list!

Not only writing down your to-do list but also content ideas is the key to blogging. Finding new content ideas and keeping them written down assures you will blog about them.

Finally, be sure to write down these on your task list:

This list can of course include personal activities throughout the day to organize a well-rounded day and give you needed ideas.

2. Categorize Your Tasks To Be More Productive

By categorizing your blogging tasks you can break them up into smaller to-do’s. This helps you proceed quicker and easier throughout the day.

Therefore if you are a morning person like me, you may want to schedule your writing first, then SEO, and then your social media scheduling.

Save your less “thinking” tasks for later in the day unless you are a night owl.

Now if you are a blogger that does not like SEO, my old friend Donna has some great blogging SEO tips for you to make it easier! Her tips will help you stress less.

The Best Bloggers Get More Done By Setting Up Categories Such As:

3. Assign The Time to Get Things Done

Next, plan out what time you will do throughout the day. Assign each task a time limit. Make sure to leave time for breaks and lunch.

If you sit for long hours, schedule time for a walk or yoga. You don’t want to injure your body by sitting too long and having to go to physical therapy. Been there, done that!

That time and injury can really set your blogging tasks way behind. Without your health you can’t write the best blog posts or get much done.

You don’t want to wear yourself out each and every day mentally either. If you get sick that will set you back in time. Your brain needs a rest as well.

Most bloggers work long hours so this is a priority for bloggers to get things done.

4. Prioritize Your Blogging Post Tasks

Then, be sure to prioritize what needs to be done each day. By knowing what is most important to do, you can be sure they remain high on your timeline. You can assign each task with:

Oftentimes, you need time to revamp old posts, work on links, and comment on others’ blogs. This can take up a huge chunk of time unless you set a limit. See my tip on revamping old posts below along with the video above :

Schedule your blog post instead of updating it for added SEO value. It puts the post on the front page.

Put these blogging tasks in order and be sure to assign how much time each one will take you. Be sure the time limit is reasonable.

Prioritizing these tasks with the right tools can help bloggers get more done quickly.

5. The Best Bloggers Take Their List With Them

It is said that when you carry your list around with you, it will help keep things in perspective. You know for certain what needs to be completed next and won’t forget about anything on the go-go’s life!

It also makes sure no task falls through the cracks because they didn’t see themselves doing them until later down the line anyway (and trust me – there are always plenty). Writing things down such as due dates helps you keep track of everything.

If something doesn’t belong on any of these to do lists then just leave ’em out—saving precious time.

Furthermore, having a place to write things down helps bloggers get more done when they come up with new ideas for blog posts. Sometimes your best ideas come when you are away from your computer.

As bloggers are stressed less when they have time away, they become more creative.

6. The Best Bloggers Outsource Tasks

Yes, you heard me right, often outsourcing will help bloggers post often and get more done. By having others do some of the mundane tasks for you, you can concentrate on the tasks you love and you will get more done quicker.

Bloggers stress less when they do more of what they love and less of what they dislike.

Outsourcing could include writing, social media posts, marketing, SEO, or accounting for your blog business. These tasks will make your blog more manageable for you as you grow your blog.

It’s great to have others helping you as you grow your blog. The best bloggers can no longer go it alone with the amount of competition and things that need to be done compared to a decade ago.

In Conclusion: How The Best Bloggers Post Often & Get More Done

Are you doing any or all of these 6 steps from bloggers who get more done and stress less? Are you still stressed often trying to get it all done with your blog? Have you outsourced any tasks?

I would love to know more about it in the comments below.

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