Lisa Sicard

Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging, and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?She has 30+ years of experience in marketing/advertising with 12 years of experience in content marketing, social media, blogging, and SEO.

niche edits

What Are Niche Edits and How Do They Help You Build Backlinks?

Niche edits (or link insertions) are a popular and effective link-building strategy in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). Simply put, with niche edits, you place a hyperlink into an existing piece of content. This allows you to secure backlinks from articles or blog posts that are already established and performing well, which gives

What Are Niche Edits and How Do They Help You Build Backlinks? Read More »

manage website

Manage Website Like a Pro: 5 Must-Have Tools for Bloggers

To manage website like a pro, bloggers need to do more than just creating outstanding content. Bloggers behind the scenes must have the right tools for website management to guarantee their websites remain secure, perform properly, and remain focused on development. Using effective website management tools might make all the difference between a successful blog

Manage Website Like a Pro: 5 Must-Have Tools for Bloggers Read More »

social media proof principle

What Is The Social Proof Principle: Why Do You Need It?

Do you know what really makes social proof-proof? Today the social proof principle is no longer only about how many followers you may have on various social networks. For this reason, social proof today is much more than having many followers. Let’s look at the definition of social proof as well. Having more followers may

What Is The Social Proof Principle: Why Do You Need It? Read More »

social media breaks

Why Taking Social Media Breaks Boosts Your Productivity

Social platforms are essential to modern life. Various social platforms dominate most people’s attention. While these platforms are beneficial, they come with a hidden cost. This underscores the importance of taking social media breaks. Their constant demand for attention can prove draining and overwhelming. Most people lose track of their time online as they scroll

Why Taking Social Media Breaks Boosts Your Productivity Read More »

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