Blogging Trends to Boost Your Marketing Strategy In the Future

Even with the rise of visual content like GIFs, infographics, and videos, blogging still remains relevant. It’s a powerful way to engage with readers, build a loyal audience, and drive organic traffic to your website.

However, having a blog doesn’t automatically translate to thousands of new customers. Staying relevant and ahead of the curve will require you to adapt to the latest blogging trends.

In this article, I’ll explore the six top blogging trends to boost your marketing strategy. Implementing them can give you a competitive edge and make you stay relevant.

Here are three benefits you can reap by incorporating the latest blogging trends:

  • Create authentic connections: By embracing a trend like user-generated content, you can foster genuine connections with your audience and build trust. 
  • Boost SEO performance: Many blogging trends are directly tied to optimizing search rankings and can help you rank higher on search engines.
  • Stay ahead of competition: When you follow these trends, you position yourself ahead of competitors who may still be using outdated strategies. 
trending blogs

Let’s now explore six blogging trends you can implement today to increase your blog’s engagement and organic traffic.

1. Increasing Use of AI-Generated Content

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a rapidly growing field, with its impact felt across several industries.

In the world of blogging, this technology has transformed how bloggers create and distribute content. 

With the help of generative AI tools like ChatGPT,, the Right Blogger and Jasper, you can create blog post ideas, draft outlines, and even write an entire article within minutes. 

Here’s an example of how ChatGPT can give you ideas for what content to create.

blog trends with chatgpt

Image via ChatGPT

These AI content marketing tools can undoubtedly hasten your content creation process. 

However, it’s equally important to recognize their limitations. 

Artificial intelligence lacks the human touch that’s essential to produce authentic and emotionally engaging content. Sometimes it creates content that’s generic or robotic, which doesn’t align with your brand’s voice. 

That’s where human creativity comes in. 

You can refine AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand’s voice, messaging, and values. Infuse the content with personality, storytelling, and context that AI alone cannot achieve.

This is another new and rapidly growing blogging trend to boost your marketing strategy. 

Microblogging involves sharing short, easy-to-read, and valuable posts. Social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat exemplify this trend. Brands share brief stories, posts, and updates, allowing them to interact with followers without overwhelming them with long content.

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for microblogging. It allows marketers to post informative content by breaking it into small and readable pieces. This practice is one of the best LinkedIn lead generation strategies as well as it lets followers engage with the content without being overwhelmed by long chunks of blogs.

By leveraging these platforms, you too can reach a wider audience, and amplify your brand’s voice. Use short, catchy posts to highlight promotions, share testimonials, or offer quick tips related to your niche. 

According to Attrock, consider utilizing content writing tools that will help streamline your writing process and ensure clarity in your messaging. Choose the right one that can help you with content creation and optimization and doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket.

3. Increasing Focus on Voice Search Optimization

Optimizing your blog for voice search is an excellent blogging trend to boost your marketing strategy.

With the increasing use of voice-activated personal assistants like Alexa and Siri, more people are turning to voice search for quick answers and information. 

This shift calls for adapting your content to fit the conversational nature of voice queries. 

When we conduct voice searches, we do so in a more natural, conversational tone. For example, rather than typing “best restaurant”, we tend to say “What’s the best restaurant near me?” 

Your blog also needs to cater to these types of queries by using the right keywords. Also, add FAQs to your posts, since this format aligns well with how voice assistants pull information. 

Other voice search optimization tips include: 

  • Include long tail keywords that resemble conversational queries.
  • Use concise headlines that relate to the content of your blog posts.
  • Optimize your site for mobile devices to improve user experience.

User-generated content (UGC) has emerged as a powerful blogging trend to boost marketing strategy.

It can greatly boost your ecommerce marketing efforts by showcasing real customer experiences. When readers see content created by their peers, such as reviews or testimonials, they’re more likely to trust your brand.

Fiverr is an example of a platform that leverages UGC. It has a dedicated section in its blog (see image below) for showcasing success stories from various companies and individuals who have used it to grow their businesses. 

By highlighting these user-generated success stories, Fiverr creates a sense of authenticity and relatability, demonstrating real-world results that resonate with potential customers.

fiverr user generated content

Image via Fiverr

By encouraging your readers to share their reviews, testimonials, experiences, or even guest posts, you can cultivate a vibrant community around your brand. 

Some ways to incorporate UGC into your blogging strategy include:

  • Adding customer reviews directly to your blog posts
  • Conducting customer interviews and turning them into blog posts
  • Showcasing posts from social media where customers have shared their experiences

5. Rising Popularity of Interactive Blog Posts

Adding interactive elements like surveys, polls, and quizzes to your blogs is an emerging trend that can make your content more captivating. 

These elements allow your readers to actively engage with your content instead of passively consuming it.

This engagement can take various forms, such as answering questions or sharing their opinions. This sense of involvement can make people stay on your site for longer

Check out how Airbnb has made its blog content more interactive with this “What’s your design personality?” quiz. By offering instant feedback, the content not only engages and entertains, but also provides value to the participants. 

airbnb designs for blogging trends

Image via Airbnb

Implementing this blogging trend can increase your blog’s visibility by encouraging social sharing. 

People will be more inclined to share their quiz results with friends via social media posting. This organic sharing can help expand your blog’s visibility and reach. 

Spotting trending blog topics can seriously boost your blog’s success. They draw in readers, making them curious about current interests.

When you write about what people are searching for, you’re more likely to catch their attention and bring in new visitors. Plus, focusing on popular themes keeps your content fresh and relevant. It helps you stay ahead of the competition by showing you’re in tune with what your audience wants.

In short, riding the wave of trends can lead to higher engagement and more loyal followers. Have you checked what topics are currently trending on Google? Maybe it’s time to explore and see where they can take your blog.

Blogging has significantly progressed since its early days on the internet, and it continues to evolve with new trends and technologies. 

Staying ahead of blogging trends is vital for improving your marketing strategy. By embracing these six trends, you can create more engaging and impactful experiences for your target audience. 

Which blogging trend are you looking to implement? Let me know in the comments.

Lisa Sicard

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