I Bet You Don’t Think A Business Podcast Can Boost Your SEO

Within digital marketing, there are always new ways to boost engagement and SEO optimization. Sometimes these are simple fixes or strategy changes, but if you really want to take your business to new heights, you should consider how a relevant podcast can benefit you.

Here, we’ll take a look at how turning your business podcast for SEO into blog posts can work wonders.

business podcast for SEO

We’ll also discuss the importance of using copyright-free music to enhance the professional quality of your podcast.

Transcribing Your Business Podcast

Whatever your field, you’ll see that having a recurring podcast, even if it’s only monthly, is another great way to help you grow your business. It is by using other branches of creativity to market yourself and your work.

If you’re not already transcribing your business podcast episodes for SEO, then this should be the first step you take once you’ve started creating. Transcribing your business podcast can help in a few ways:

First, it will give you content diversity and more content to share with your audience. You can post the transcriptions on your blog or website as an article or even break them down into smaller sections to use as social media posts.

This is a great way to give your followers more content without putting in too much extra work. However, if you already have a podcast episode recorded, the transcription process is relatively simple.

You can use an AI tool like Podcastle, which makes it a quick and easy! All you do is enter the URL and before you know it, it’s done.

Boosting Podcast For SEO Optimization With Your Blogs

Second, transcribing your business podcast episodes can help improve your SEO ranking. According to Backlinko, “Google loves transcripts because they’re effectively another form of content.

By transcribing your podcast, you’re basically giving Google extra text to index.

And that can help your episodes rank for long-tail keywords.” A great way to use business podcasts for SEO juice!

Long-tail keywords are three or more words strung together that are specific to what someone might be searching for online, as opposed to shorter, more general keywords.

For example, if you’re a real estate agent in Los Angeles, someone might search for “homes for sale in LA,” which is a pretty short and general keyword.

But if they’re looking for something specific like “luxury homes for sale in Beverly Hills,” that’s a long-tail keyword, and if your podcast episode is transcribed and posted online, it has a better chance of ranking for that specific search.

The other important element to consider when creating a business podcast is the music you use. You want to make sure you’re not using any copyrighted music, which can get you into legal trouble if you aren’t careful.

There are plenty of sites that license music royalty-free, like Soundstripe and Epidemic Sound. Be sure to read the terms of use for each site before using any of their music, as some may require attribution.

If you’re unsure where to start, try searching for creative commons music on YouTube or Soundcloud. You can also look for podcasts that are in a similar vein to yours and see what kind of music they use.

Once you find some copyright-free music you like, download them and save them to use in your podcast episodes.

It’s also a good idea to keep your downloaded tracks organized in a few different ways, like genre, artist, or duration.

Your curated music library will function as a useful, creative tool, and don’t neglect the advantages of sound effects either. Just make sure they don’t distract from your message.

Using Music To Grab Attention and Set the Right Tone For Your Business Podcast for SEO

The right piece of music can help set the tone for your podcast episode and engage your listeners from the very beginning. If you’re not sure what kind of music to use, think about the mood you want to create and the overall feel of your podcast.

Do you want it to be serious and informative or lighthearted and fun? Answering these questions will help you choose the right music to complement your business podcast.

Once you have a good understanding of the feel you’re going for, it’s time to start thinking about what specific songs or tracks will work well. If you need some inspiration, take a look at some of your favorite business podcasts and see what kind of music they use in their introductions.

podcast for musicians

You can also search for royalty-free music online, which will allow you to use commercially licensed songs without having to pay extra for them.

Once you have a few songs in mind, it’s time to start thinking about how you want to incorporate them into your podcast episode. You can use music as an intro or outro, or you can play it throughout the episode to break up the different segments.

If you’re using music throughout the episode, be sure to fade in and out gradually so it doesn’t become too jarring or disruptive.

No matter how you decide to use music in your podcast, be sure to choose tracks that fit well with the overall tone and feel of your show. The right music will help engage your listeners and set the right mood for your podcast.

Transitioning Webcast Segments With Bumpers

Bumpers are short, transitional pieces of background music that you can use to segue between different segments of your show. They help to add some structure to your episode and can be a fun way to keep your listeners engaged.

You can find plenty of free bumper music online, or you can create your own podcast music if you have the musical chops.

When using bumpers, it’s important to keep them short – around 30 seconds or less. You don’t want your bumper music to overpower the content of your show.

And, as with any other piece of background music, make sure to give the proper attribution if you didn’t create the music yourself.

The Bottom Line On Your Podcast’s SEO

A related business podcast can be a great way to market yourself and your work, but only if it’s high quality. Be sure to transcribe your episodes so you can share the transcripts on your website or blog.

Next, use royalty-free music to avoid any legal trouble while giving your work a professional edge. Finally, with some effort, you’ll find that creating and transcribing a podcast will help you boost your business in ways you couldn’t imagine.

Have you made your business podcasts for the SEO of your blog?  I’d love to hear from you about your business podcast and the SEO factor for your blog or website.

Did you even know that podcasts had an SEO component for your blog? Let’s discuss it below in the comments.

I Bet You Don’t Think A Business Podcast Can Boost Your SEO Share on X
Lisa Sicard

4 thoughts on “I Bet You Don’t Think A Business Podcast Can Boost Your SEO”

  1. Martin Lindeskog

    Lisa: I have thought about SEO and a business podcast for some time now. It is one of my services as a new media advisor. I am not an SEO expert, but I understand the organic way to create relevant content on a regular basis. Podcasting goes well together with blogging. And if you distribute your podcast in a special way, your podcast will be found in the search engines. I would like to say that you have to look into the legal things regarding music. We could talk more about this in the near future. I have an episode that I have had in the “can” for some time now. It has music in the episode. I plan to publish it before my birthday in May…

    All the Best,


    1. Hi Martin, I bet you have thought about SEO for all your podcasts. I would love to get back on Anchor and do a few podcasts and test the SEO factor from it. I don’t need music for mine but being able to deliver a message via audio vs. text or video is another way to get yourself and or your brand out there too. Let me know when you hit the public button on it Martin. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  2. Hi Lisa; I’ve experienced this.

    Actually have seen immense benefits of PODCASTS for one of my past clients – a dermatologist in Montreal.

    Particular, it:

    1) Excels Authority in their niche.
    2) Lower expenses of running them.
    3) And, entirely new opportunities for earning backlinks.

    These 3 points are well enough to prove the usefulness of podcasts for SEO marketing.

    1. Hi Shyam, I’m so glad to hear you have experienced this one with podcasts. I love that it is a new opportunity to earn backlinks. I have to get back into doing my podcast, it’s been about 2 years now. Doing the research on this article gave me the inspiration to get back on it. I use Anchor for mine, what platform do you use Shyam? Thank you for coming on this one and have a great day.

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