How To Create Engaging Social Media Posts And Strategy

Is engaging social media posts part of your social media marketing strategy? The latest figures show that there are expected to be 5.17 billion social media users worldwide in 2024—a 5.7% increase from a year ago according to Orbelo.

This means that social media is a crucial and a viable marketing tool again in 2024..

Not all businesses succeed with social media marketing, and not all posts and content convert as expected. Why? Most of the times, it is because of poor research and implementing the wrong social media marketing strategy.

A well-articulated social media marketing strategy is a sure way of growing your business brand. It can help your business gain a competitive advantage and generate more leads and conversions.

Next, learn how to create a winning social media marketing strategy with higher engagement.

Audit Your Current Social Media Performance

You have to analyze all facets of your past and current social media performance when thinking of a new plan. Such an analysis will you provide with a bright outlook of which tactics are working and which need improvement.

The results of your current social media performance will act as a base or foundation of your social media marketing journey.

Meaning, you can always trace your growth pattern from the time you implemented the new marketing strategy.

engaging social media posts
Engagement on social media is more important than ever in 2024.

Understand Your Audience To Craft Engaging Social Media Posts

Many marketers blindly create posts and marketing strategies without considering what the audience wants. The result is time and money wasted in non-converting approaches.

In the audience review, you have to collect the demographic, geographic, and income information of your audience. You also need to know which time of the day they are active in social media, and the channels—Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Pinterest—the different age groups prefer using.

For example, 49% of Instagram users are women, and 71% are aged 18-29. Meaning, you can use Instagram effectively to target a younger audience and get higher conversions.

Did you also know that pins on Pinterest last longer than any other social media post?That is something else to take into consideration with your social media strategy.

Focus On The Important Metrics For Engaging Social Media Posts

Not all metrics mean higher conversions; for example, a post with 100 likes may have fewer conversions than a post with 50 comments. Comments rule today over likes on all the social networks.

Important metrics to track include conversions, engagements, acquisition and reach.

You can use tools like twitter analytics, Facebook insights, google analytics, Fedica, or Agorapulse in tracking social media performance.

Understanding the metrics performance of social media campaigns will help you in identifying strategies or content that needs improvement. For example, if a post has a broad reach with an insignificant number of likes, then it means it is not addressing the problems of your audience.

Create Engaging and Relevant Content

Content is a crucial aspect of any marketing campaign. Without content, there is no marketing. For content to increase sales and engagements, it has to be appealing and relevant.

Content is appealing and engaging when it provides your customers with what they are looking for, and when it captures their attention arousing a desire for more.

Therefore, content has to be relevant and fit for each social media site. For example, you can post links and word posts on twitter but not on Instagram unless you do a story.

However links in all social media now are downplayed in the algorithms making it harder to drive traffic to your blog or website.

The content you post must also be specific to the tastes and needs of your audience.

Use AI to Help You Craft Engaging Social Media Posts

To create engaging social media posts using AI tools, start by researching trending topics in your industry. Use the AI tool to analyze the most popular keywords and phrases relevant to your audience.

Craft short and impactful messages that resonate with your followers, incorporating compelling visuals generated by the AI tool. Experiment with different post formats and tones to gauge audience response, and use the tool’s analytics to refine your approach.

By leveraging AI technology, you can streamline your social media content creation process and deliver captivating posts that drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

My favorite of these tools is the Instagram Caption maker by Right Blogger.

Create conversation with your posts and use video as well.

Engagement On Instagram

To create engaging posts on Instagram, start by using high-quality visuals that capture attention and tell a story. Incorporate a mix of personal and brand-related content to connect with your audience on a human level.

Craft compelling captions that prompt interaction and reflect your brand’s tone and personality. Leverage Instagram Stories to share behind-the-scenes moments and exclusive content, keeping your audience engaged and eager for more.

Utilize relevant hashtags to expand your reach and connect with like-minded users. You can also use their share to closest friends feature as well.

Lastly, encourage participation through interactive features like polls, questions, and challenges to foster a sense of community and keep your followers coming back for more.

Social Media Engagement Posts On Twitter X For Example:

Today on Twitter X, engagement comes in various forms. From likes and retweets to replies and mentions, users are actively interacting with content and each other. The platform’s dynamic nature fosters real-time conversations and connections, making it a prime space for brands to join in and build relationships with their audience.

Understanding the nuances of each type of engagement can help businesses tailor their approach and optimize their Twitter X presence for maximum impact.

By leveraging these different forms of interaction, companies can effectively foster community, drive brand awareness, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals.

Engagement and Algorithms

When it comes to creating engaging posts on Facebook and LinkedIn as well as most social networks today, understanding the algorithm is key.

Most platforms prioritize content that sparks meaningful interactions and conversations. To ensure your posts get noticed, focus on crafting compelling, relevant, and authentic content that encourages likes, comments, and shares. Incorporating eye-catching visuals and asking thought-provoking questions can also boost engagement.

Additionally, posting at optimal times and frequency can help maximize reach. By staying attuned to the algorithm’s preferences and tailoring your content accordingly, you can enhance visibility and foster meaningful connections with your audience.

Optimize Influencer Marketing

What is Influencer Marketing? Influencer marketing is spice to social media marketing. Initially, there were speculations that it would replace content and social media marketing. But, Influencer marketing works better with social media.

Hence, there are many people with many followers in social media sites and the web, but they are not all influencers. Influencers are strong-convicted and powerful.

For influencer marketing to be effective, an influencer has to believe in your product. An influencer endorsement it not because of monetary gains but because the product is credible.

engaging social media with influencers
Keep track of your engagement on social media with influencers.

Not to mention, some reliable tools like: TapInfluence Marketing Software. It is a sure way of growing your business brand, product awareness, and sales.

Use Social Media Marketing Tools for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

Staying online all the time is consuming and destructive. But, you still need to post regularly and even track the performance of your marketing strategies.

How do you achieve that without being overwhelmed? The answer is social media marketing tools.

The right social media marketing tools provide you with social analytics, and you can create multiple posts to be auto-posted in pre-defined times. The social tools can also help you in managing different social media sites at once and tracking customer behaviors.

For example, some favorite social media tools include Missing Lettr, Hootsuite, Buffer, Sproutsocial, CoSchedule, Sendible, Agorapulse and Social Pilot to name a few. There are many more of these tools available in 2024.

Track Your Competitors Behaviours and Techniques

Today, no business runs in monopoly. As a result, competition is high. Analyzing the strategies of your competitors will help you in identifying the strategies your competitors use, their current performance, and the tactics you can use to beat them.

Knowing your competition will also help in developing unique and better strategies that can counter competition.

In Conclusion: Engaging Social Media Posts

Furthermore, building an efficient social media marketing strategy is a process. Just like Rome, you won’t achieve social media success in one day.

Still, after implementing the techniques recommended here, you will need to continue tracking and analyzing what tactics work for you and which ones are getting outdated.

Finally, what social media tools are YOU using for your social media marketing strategy today? I’d love to know more about it in the comments below.

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How To Create Engaging Social Media Posts And Strategy Share on X
Lisa Sicard

16 thoughts on “How To Create Engaging Social Media Posts And Strategy”

  1. Hello Lisa,

    With the introduction of social media, we have a powerful tool at our fingertips that can share pieces of content all over the world in seconds.

    Social media marketing helps to validate your brand and it’s no longer optional. It’s an essential way for companies to reach consumers and when done correctly, tells those consumers that their brand is active and focused on communication. Eventually, thanks for sharing your creative thought with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

    1. Hi Amar, yes, that is correct about it being a tool. I still tell people they must have their own “home” (website) to use the tool and not to make that tool their home. Social is meant to be engaging and oftentimes some forget that. Thanks for coming by Amar and have a great day.

  2. Hey Lisa Mam,

    Great post with great tips to create an engaging social media marketing strategy. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this post and truly like the tips that you have listed for creating an engaging social media marketing strategy. Understanding the fact that what the audience wants and creating an engaging content will be helps a lot, whereas an engaging and eye-catchy content can be a game changer, and can generate more traffic and can engage and grab the attention of more readers, audiences more easily. Engaging content are really a crucial aspect for marketing campaign. Influencer marketing and social media marketing tools also works well. Using the social media marketing tools will be a great helping hands. Tracking the competitors behaviours and techniques are really a great ideas and will also helps to develop unique and more better strategies.

    Really helpful post and Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Aadarsh, thank you. What tools are you currently using for your social media marketing? Yes, engagement can really make a difference today and grow your audience on most of the social media channels. It does take time though. Most clients think it will happen overnight but it doesn’t! It can take 6 months or even a year to really get traction, depending on what type of business. Thanks for your input and have a great day.

  3. Hi Lisa,

    A strong social media presence is the need of every business. A brand can spend million sof social media promotion but a startup has to start from the beginning. It is always necessary for a newbie to go with the interest of mass in his niche.

    Create your own space, use your own tone, use social media tools and leave a remarkable impressions…

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Gaurav, yes it really is important today. And for those newbies they do have to invest is some of the social media, It is no longer enough to just have a page here and there. Thanks for your input and have a great day and new week Gaurav.

  4. Vishwajeet Kumar

    Hello Lisa,

    Social Media is now a part of individual life. People spend a lot of time on social media. This is the reason businesses and marketers are pumping huge money in social media marketing. You have to implement a proper strategy to overcome the competition and get a good result. You have elaborated everything briefly and in simple terms. Great Work.


    1. Hi Vishwajeet, yes, you are right about that. It’s where people are spending time, it’s not on TV or radio like the old days. Thanks for coming by on this one and enjoy the rest of your weekend there.

  5. Great post Lisa!

    I agree That building an efficient social media marketing strategy is a process and we cannot reach your success goal overnight. I think to support this statement it all ends to becoming consistent on what you do is the key.

    1. Hi Paul, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Yes, consistency will pay off with social media marketing. As long as you can adjust along the way in a moment’s notice as things change with the social media algorithms quite often. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  6. Well… you know I’ve got something to say… don’t I always?

    Although your tips are pretty good, the truth of the matter is that it’s not going to be easy no matter what people do. For instance, I’ve spent 14 years writing about leadership but if you go on the search engines and look for my name you won’t find me until somewhere around page 2-4, depending on which one you’re looking at.

    I tend to believe it’s all about a combination of things and a large part of luck in being in the right place at the right time when it comes to social media campaigns. It also helps to build a community of people who like you and who you like so you can share each other’s content while trying to build a brand. When my blogs were considered strong was when I was part of this type of community, and it helped me meet a lot of early influencers on social media because I was kind of well known then.

    I thought it was important to add the piece that says you might do everything correctly and still not achieve what you’re shooting for in today’s world. Always have a 2nd & 3rd plan to fall back on if all else fails.

    1. Hi Mitch, you are right about that – it’s not easy! I think having a team behind you really helps. I know some of the many known ones have many influencers that they pay to help them along the way. I always say it’s either TIME or MONEY that you have to invest to get ahead online these days and probably offline too. Thanks for coming by with your input on this one Mitch and enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂

  7. Hi Lisa,

    You bring up so many good points in this article. The number one is measuring the results of your social media performance. It is so easy to put things on autopilot and not think about it – but if you are not getting any engagement then what is the point?

    You also bring up a good point about influencers – it takes more than a big following to be one. The engagement that people have with what you say is the bottom line.

    1. Hi Neena, yes, measuring for results is important so you can make adjustments along the way too. It’s hard to put on autopilot and forget about it with social media today. Thanks for coming by on this one and Happy 4th of July Neena.

  8. Hi Lisa,

    Your post is breathtaking, and I love the tips you have here. Nonetheless, I also want to add that while establishing your social media marketing strategy, you need to set goals for your social media campaigns. This step is valid in all marketing channels. The first thing you have to do for successful marketing is to set up the objective you want to achieve.
    Smart marketers are using this tip to set measurable goals that help them to maximize ROI.
    Thus, there are many goals you can set, but it’s important to choose goals that are in harmony with your brand’s objective.
    It could be anything from increasing brand awareness, generate more website traffic, or improve sales.
    You also have to create a social media content calendar that will assist you along the way.
    Thank you for sharing, Lisa. I already tweeted it and also schedule it for posting.

    1. Thanks Moss. Oh yes, having a goal is essential too so you know what your benchmarks are, etc. Thanks for your input on this one. I love using those calendars. I live by them Moss! Have a wonderful day and rest of the week there.

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