Lisa Sicard

Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging, and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?She has 30+ years of experience in marketing/advertising with 12 years of experience in content marketing, social media, blogging, and SEO.

enhance your motivation

How to Enhance Motivation As an Entrepreneur and Thrive

Do you want to enhance motivation for you and your team? There are all sorts of different things that contribute to entrepreneurial success in a range of different ways. A range of different degrees – including a broad selection of highly specific technical considerations. These will be particular to your business and the industry you’re

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is your money safe in the cloud?

Do You Worry If Your Investments/Money Are Safe in the Cloud?

Today, with almost everything being done online do you worry if your money is safe in the cloud? Banking and investing are no different now than online shopping. Ten years ago, transferring your savings to an online-only bank required a leap of faith. Today, banks with little or no physical presence are more commonplace, but

Do You Worry If Your Investments/Money Are Safe in the Cloud? Read More »

short and sweet videos

5 Proven Video Editing Techniques for Engaging Content

Proven basic video editing techniques are important today with video content becoming the standard for staying relevant online. Videos are pertinent on social media, YouTube, and your website. With video being so popular, it is essential that your corporate videos stand out in the crowd. These types of creative videos are filled with relevant and

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running a digital business is not easy

Running A Digital Business; Basics That You Need To Understand

When it comes to running a digital business, it is pretty easy compared to running a business from a physical location or being required to attend service in the flesh. Hairdressers and plumbers work hard, but just because you can run your online store from the comfort of your PJ’s doesn’t mean that it is

Running A Digital Business; Basics That You Need To Understand Read More »

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