Consider this four-letter word plan. It can be a verb. Or, it can be a noun. You use it in both forms, many times each day. You may plan on going out this evening, but what is the game plan? And, is it the perfect project plan you need?
You’re planning on the fact that it is. You are the stakeholder of that plan. If you didn’t plan properly, it won’t be a fun night, meaning your perfect project plan would have failed.
Hence, it wouldn’t be a perfect project plan you need.
Whether you realize it our not, everything you do, every project you tackle, starts with a plan. It can be simplistic or sophisticated, but there is a plan in place.
You have a vested interest in the outcome of that plan, good or bad. Therefore, that makes YOU a stakeholder.
Hence, the stakes could get higher when the plan relates to business. That’s when it’s imperative that you thrive to create the perfect plan you need. Utilizing these 10 essential elements, can help you create that perfect project plan you need today.
Table of Contents
Putting on the Ritz
Food and drink are oftentimes the focal point of many business gatherings. For the sake of this article, let’s imagine you’re in the catering business.
You have been commissioned to produce an elegant gala. Your client wants you to “Put on the Ritz” – meaning make it an ostentatious and perfect production. Now, challenge on!
#1 You Need to Outline the Perfect Project Plan You Need
You and your client are the stakeholders. Together, you must determine the criteria that leads to the task at hand. What are the project goals and priorities? Is there an expectation of you and your team?
You need to create an outline to follow throughout your project. Hence, a strong detailed outline is like a map leading to your destination, your perfect project plan.
#2 You need to Make a List for a Perfect Project Plan
In your outline, you should list all the objectives of this project. Thinking about our Ritzy Gala, the client obviously wants to make a lasting impression.
The objective here is to create a “wow factor” that will dazzle his guest.

Along with the objective, you need a clear vision of all the requirements in order to meet the needs of your client. By listing each element in your outline, it provides a graphic description of the objective and ensures a better understanding of the clients needs.
However, if you don’t you will not be productive. But, when you outline these details, it allows everyone to be on the same page.
Now, the project would be less apt to suffer from costly miscommunications and be more productive.
#3 You Need to Develop a Project Scope Statement
The Project Scope Statement could consist of – but not be limited to – pertinent questions such as: What is the goal of this project?
At the same time, what are you looking to accomplish? Are there different types of people involved? What ideas do you have? Is there a timeline are you looking at?
Additional information about creating a Project Scope Statement can be obtained at
#4 You Need Specific Information for a Perfect Project Plan You Need
Record all the details of your project in specific terms. In the case of our “Ritzy Gala”, you would need to make a list of each item such as the food menu, choice of drinks, entertainment etc.
Therefore, this is your guideline to understanding exactly what the client expects from you. It also allows you to envision the finished project yourself.
#5 You Need to Detail Your Schedule
To accomplish a perfect project plan you need, there is no room for estimating. As a result, be specific about the exact final timeline of order dates, delivery deadlines and final arrangements.
Regardless of what project you undertake, deviating from your due date can have a devastating affect for your stakeholders.
As a result, staying on target ? ensures a smooth transition from start to finish.
#6 You Need to Assess All the Risks
Murphy’s Law: “What can go wrong, will go wrong.” You can always count on some little glitch to upset the perfect game plan.
So, be prepared to expect the unexpected. As a result, be proactive and try to identify any potential hazards.

Try to always create a “Plan B”. You need a “what if” plan in the event something fails. Consider our Ritzy Gala scenario, for example.
It’s a wise project manager, who reviews the detail list, timeline and the Project Scope Statement on a regular basis to ensure that every facet of the project is covered before the final deadline.
You want this Gala to go off with out a glitch. You want to deliver a perfect project, nes pas?
#7 You Need to Define the Roles and Responsibilities
This is perhaps THE most important element to a perfect project plan. Assign a task/roll to each specific person.
Clarify with each person, their duties, their delivery dates, their final deadlines. Don’t leave anything to chance.
Be absolutely certain they understand their responsibility to the role they are playing to ensure a final perfect project plan you need. You require them to continually report and update you on their progress.
#8 You Need to Allocate the Resources for a Perfect Project Plan
Remember when you were in English Grammar class and you had to diagram a sentence? Remember thinking, ”Why do I have to learn this nonsense?
I’m never going to use this again “. Little did you realize then, it helped you understood what role each word played in forming that sentence.
Likewise, in trying to formulate a perfect project plan, a visual A diagram will specify the roles and responsibilities of each person on your team. It puts the entire project in prospective.
Therefore, you need to see the entire picture. And the class diagram will do just that. Be sure to include specific calendar dates and times of any deliveries and deadlines.
Consequently, highlighting them in Lemon Yellow really re-enforces the message.
#9 You Need a Quality Plan
Quality should not be sacrificed for perfection. Quality and perfection go hand-in-hand. While concentrating on the perfect project plan, you must also focus on providing top quality service and product to your client.
In order to accomplish this, you must create a specific process. As project manager, you need to be assured that you have a quality product in to end.
For this reason, you need to assign specific individuals to engage in quality control through the project. It’s better to find the potential hazards early, rather than later.
These controllers should also have guidelines and details for reporting updates on the quality and potential roadblocks that could cause delays in meeting the deadline.
Constant communication with your quality control team is a perfect process plan.
#10 You Need a Communication Plan
Communication is the glue that holds every project together. You must be in sync with your client. You should create a communication outline for you and the other stakeholders of this project.
This outline should include a comprehensive understanding of what is expected of you. It should include specific dates and timelines to discuss project updates, changes and potential problems.
Most importantly, as project manager, you should have an accurate outline of your role as decision maker regarding this project.
You need to know precisely what decisions need approval. You need to know what decisions stand independently. Finally, of utmost importance is, you need to know what types of liberties you can take to ensure a Perfect Project Plan you need!
These tips are brought to you by WRIKE.
Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management software company.

I’d love to know in the comments below how you create your perfect project plan today!
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Hi Lisa,
Great tips you shared in this post.
The infographic brought out some value added tips.
The ingredients the author added well and the ultimate result is a sumptuous meal.
Yes, a perfect project plan needs these well planned ingredients! Great Tips.
Wrike presented it well thru this infographic, and it has come out delicious!
Yes, you and wrike brought it really delicious to your readers.
Keep sharing.
Have a wonderful time ahead.
~ Phil
Thank you Philip. I do love their info-graphics and wonderful tips along with them. They really do know how to manage time and projects. Thanks for coming by on this one and have a wonderful weekend Philip.
Hi Lisa,
I blog plan or project plan should be like planning for a delicious food. A recipe is not the guarantee of delicious food as long as cook does not master it. Same way a plan cannot be perfect as long as you are not testing various options and analyzing the results.
From the goal to the responsibilities everything should be assigned and planned in proper manner to achieve the success with your plan.
Glad you shared these points.
Hi Gaurav, great analogy there! Yes, one has to analyze and test along the way for sure even after planning! Thanks for coming by on this one Gaurav. I hope you have a wonderful day there.
I had some problems when managing projects early in my career. My usual problem was not getting good developers and communication gaps.
These 2 mistakes have been very costly and now I know better.
2 things to learn from my mistakes
1) Do not hire cheap and amateur workers
2) Communicate on a daily basis… Do not ever think that what you have written and explained in detail is enough, you need to check and do calls on a daily basis in order to avoid headaches.
Hi Wajahath, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Those are 2 good things to learn from. You tend to get what you pay for Wajahath. Communication is key in all aspects of our lives – whether it be for business or personal relationships. Never assume. Excellent points, thanks for you input on this one and have a great day!
Hello Lisa,
To be honest I always fail in managing stuff either it may be business or personal but these tips are very helpful. I’m a part time blogger but I will definitely follow your tips.
Hi Venu, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Do you know why you have failed with that? I hope these tips do help you succeed! Thanks for coming by and have a great day ahead there.
Hi Lisa,
Great post you have here. The truth is that, in all aspects of life, including business, communication is one of the most important element as it enables you build genuine relationships with your team members. Without communication, the working environment will not be cordial. The are some aspects of you nob you might not really understand, but with a good communication channel, you will be able to get the best details on how to execute your job more efficiently.
Hi Moss, yes you are so right about communication! Even in families, friendships and business COMMUNICATION is SO important! Thanks for coming by and for your input on this one Moss. I hope you have a great day and wonderful weekend ahead.