Lisa Sicard

Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging, and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?She has 30+ years of experience in marketing/advertising with 12 years of experience in content marketing, social media, blogging, and SEO.

mixing tweets

Mixing Tweets Up: Better Engagement On Your Twitter X Feed

Have you tried mixing tweets up in your feed? To increase engagement and attract a wider audience on X Twitter, it is essential to have mixed media posts. By assorting the content you share, you can keep your followers interested and encourage them to interact with your posts. There are tools like a tweet mixer […]

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Bitcoin expands

Bitcoin Expands its Functionality to Support Future Demand

Most of the time, investors leverage Bitcoin as a store of value as Bitcoin expands.. The cryptocurrency has gained considerable traction in the past few years, as this feature has enabled users to invest in it safely. At the same time, its value compares with stocks, bonds, or gold, so it has become significantly reliable

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how to create a Pinterest collage on your app

How to Create a Pinterest Collage on Your Mobile: Easy Steps

Ever wondered how to bring your Pinterest boards to life with eye-catching collages? Pinterest collages aren’t just a collection of images; they’re a group of images for creativity and expression. Learn how to create a Pinterest collage for your account easily. These unique photo collages have become a popular way to showcase your style and

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what ever happened to blogging for fun

What Ever Happened To Blogging For Fun? Finding Fun Again

Blogging once felt like a cozy campfire chat with friends from around the world. Personal stories, the sharing of experiences, and heartfelt opinions filled the blogosphere. But as the years marched on blogging changed and I began to wonder what ever happened to blogging for fun? How did we move from passion and fun-driven writing

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fake followers

Fake Followers on Social Media – 5 Ways You’re Fooled by Them

Have you ever gone on somewhere such as Instagram, and seen that someone has thousands of followers, but hardly has any content? On top of that, their content barely has any engagement. From individuals, wannabe influencers, and businesses, it’s surprisingly common. So, how do all these fake followers on Instagram or other social media sites

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What Successful Facebook Campaign Ads Do That Others Miss

In the last few years we saw considerable advancements in the state of Facebook marketing. The rising popularity of visual content, introduction of Facebook articles, canvas ads, boosted posts, and now AI as the list goes on to produce the best Facebook ad campaigns. While all of these new features have added great value to

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twitter character count

Twitter Character Count Grows Under Elon Musk: Pros and Cons

Remember when Twitter announced the character count change in May 2019? It was a big deal at the time, considering that Twitter originally had a 140-character limit. Under the new owner, Elon Musk, the character count has increased even more for premium account users. Users on X like longer tweets because they provide more detailed

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rank math vs yoast SEO plugins

Rank Math vs Yoast: Which WordPress SEO Plugin is the Best?

When it comes to WordPress SEO plugins, there’s no shortage of options, as many tools do the job well. However, the two that stand out with ease are Rank Math and Yoast. Which is better for you, Rank Maths vs. Yoast? Both SEO plugins offer powerful features and comprehensive solutions for optimizing your website for

Rank Math vs Yoast: Which WordPress SEO Plugin is the Best? Read More »


How To Make Your Twittering Machine More Fantastic Today

Has your Twitterness gone stale? Is your Twitter account not doing much for you or your business lately? Furthermore, have you even logged in lately? Maybe you need to increase your Twittering machine under Elon Musk. You may have noticed your followers haven’t really increased much and your Twitter stats are nothing to write home about.

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rumble new look

Rumble Video Platform: A YouTube Alternative You’ll Love

The Rumble video platform has gained massive popularity and adoption in recent years as creators seek a YouTube alternative. One with less censorship and for those who are looking for a video app. That’s where the Rumble video app comes into play today. YouTube has implemented various content moderation policies and practices to control misinformation

Rumble Video Platform: A YouTube Alternative You’ll Love Read More »

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