Promoting Your Business Like Art Companies Do & Flourish

Imagine promoting your business as arts companies do today? If you could learn to promote your business as they do, imagine the possibilities?

The arts are such an essential commodity, and the pandemic had made so many people realize the importance of it. But businesses have been experiencing a tough time.

However, they have been small pockets of theater companies learning and adapting. If you are looking to expand your business, whether it is in the theater industry, or you want to get some inspiration from how theater businesses have been promoting themselves.

Let’s show you how to promote your business and brush up on your current campaigns to boost revenue.

The Importance of Cross-Selling and Upselling

When you look at art marketing experts like Frederica Wald and how they utilize creative marketing strategies in the community, multi-channel marketing and engagement are crucial.

Using cross-selling techniques, especially when you have a product that expands different platforms, can inspire you to look at ways to cross-sell other products.

For example, if you are running a business that sells products and services, but you are looking to diversify into podcasting as a way to expand your content beach, you could start to see if there’s a market for subscribers.

This will give you value to your existing offerings, but also sell them at a higher price.

diversify into podcasting

In the entertainment industry, there are many packages that involve backstage tours or priority seating. That industry really knows how to promote your businesses.

Supplementary Events for Promoting Your Business Like Arts Companies

When you are promoting an event, especially when trade shows start coming back, you can start to introduce supplementary experiences.

Look at things like meet and greets, and additional content. When you are providing a webinar to your target market, you could incorporate additional events that require a certain access code or add an additional cost.

This is a very common component in businesses that provide resources and learning materials. The debate will always rage on, to incorporate a paywall or not?

But when you start to provide supplementary events, this gives off the impression of a diverse business that provides many different types of resources.

Years ago I was offered free tickets to a theatre show. I was part of the “tweet seats”. That meant for my seat I was to tweet about the show as it was happening.

Hence, that gives you an idea for any type of event your company may do in person or even online. For example, if you charge for a webinar, offer some a FREE pass for them to promote online for you.

Automating the Little Processes

Such an important aspect of making any marketing campaign fully effective. There is a wide variety of email automation tools out there, and it gives you a fantastic way to utilize people’s excitement.

When you are setting up an event, sending an email very shortly after the end of the event is a fantastic way to increase engagement.

Automation is such a crucial asset when you are busy marketing because once they are set up they don’t require much attention.

automation saves you time

Another example is Agorapulse. It’s a social media management tool I use to schedule posts and respond to tweets and Facebook comments. Not only that I can generate reports to see how the social media accounts results are from day to day or month to month.

This social media automation tool saves me a lot of time!

Merchandise For Promoting Your Business as Arts Companies

Any event will benefit from supplementary products. Encouraging individuals to engage in merchandising or concessions will keep them from having to wait in line.

Therefore, it is a perfect way to promote your business.

Merchandise is one of the biggest things that helps creative endeavors because they are easy and cheap to make. But even in businesses, you can utilize this in trade shows by creating merchandise like pens, but you have to be more creative than this.

I had one client who gave out a hand sanitizer with his logo. Imagine how popular this became in the year of the pandemic?

He was able to post on his Facebook page that he had them for prospective clients. Of course, he quickly ran out of these promotional products and had to re-order.

Think beyond the traditional items.

Promoting any business requires an artistic flourish. And just because a business is focused exclusively on the arts, doesn’t mean that you can’t take inspiration from them.

Therefore, any type of business today can learn from how the arts companies were able to pivot during the past year.

In Conclusion of Promoting Your Business as Arts Companies

Have you tried promoting your business as arts companies do? I’d love to know what ideas you have for different promotional ideas.

Please drop a comment below and share it on your favorite social media network.

Lisa Sicard

4 thoughts on “Promoting Your Business Like Art Companies Do & Flourish”

  1. Bookmarked. Thanks Lisa. I’m definitely going to check out Agorapulse and I need to get on top of my email automation too!

  2. Ryan K Biddulph

    Thinking beyond the traditional vibes deeply with me Lisa. I wore my shirt around this little beach-side community in Panama. Most folks are Panamanian who speak only Spanish, since we are in a fairly remote area, but a healthy population of gringo expats who speak English had a chance to see the T-shirt. Being creative based on the artsy tips in the post and thinking outside of the box opens you up to new business opportunities. Never do traditional business-building stuff solely because others do it. Or else, expect to see similarly mediocre to poor results, per most entrepreneurs. The real magic begins the moment you begin to disrupt in a major league way.


    1. Hi Ryan, LOL, I do remember seeing those. I have t-shirts and sweatshirts with my logo too. I need to order some new ones for the summer so thanks for the reminder! Our friend Dana Gore actually does them for me. I will have to get more creative in the coming year as I’ll be in a new area as well. Thanks for your input Ryan on this one and make it a great day there – looks like you have beautiful warm weather.

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