Why Outsourcing Is Crucial If You Want To Scale Your Business

Whether it’s through building an in-house team for your company or hiring some people online to work on odd projects here and there as needed, then you’re probably already aware that outsourcing is crucial in your business.

If you’re not then you may feel slightly overwhelmed with this process. You might be wondering if it’s something you should be doing right now.

Or if you should hold off for a while looking to outsource. However, you will learn here why outsourcing your tasks can help you save money and grow your business faster.

Why Outsourcing is Crucial To Grow Your Company

So, in this post, I’m going to share with you some of the main reasons why outsourcing is crucial if you want to scale your business. Last time I mentioned some small tasks you could outsource.

These tasks to outsource will help you focus on the bigger matters of your business and keep it growing as you outsource tasks.

What Is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing means hiring an outside company or person to handle tasks or services that you’d typically do in-house. It’s often used to cut costs and focus on core business activities.

Instead of doing everything yourself, you let experts manage specific parts of your business, like customer service, IT, or accounting.

This way, you can save time and resources while still getting the job done.

More Freedom While Outsourcing Freelancers

One of the main benefits of outsourcing in your business or indeed in any area of your life is that it brings you freedom. For example, when you’re a business owner you have a lot of hats to wear and a lot of things that need your attention, but you’re only one person and it can take a lot of your energy.

So, if you want to go on vacation, but you run a business where you work directly with clients, then it’s going to be a bit of a struggle to do both effectively.

This means that if you’re able to hire someone when you’re on vacation who can manage things whilst you’re away then you’re creating more freedom for yourself, which is one of the main reasons for getting into business in the first place.

Yes, you will need a vacation after starting your business.  Working for yourself you may find you are working many more hours at your own schedule.

Therefore, outsourcing is crucial to your business as well as your own health. 

How Freelancers Save You Money

When it comes to outsourcing, business owners at first look at it as an expense. But the truth is, it’s far from an expense.

Outsourcing actually is something that will save you a lot of money in the long term.

The reason for this is, say for example, as a business owner, you’re spending a large part of your day working on things that are, not only not directly responsible for bringing in revenue in your business. 

But they’re still important parts of your business and because they’re not within your zone of genius, it takes you hours to do them.  

Finding People To Outsource Your Work

Finding the right people to outsource your work can boost your productivity and free up your time. Start by looking people you do business with or know in your niche.

You could also check freelance platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, where you can check reviews and past projects. Ask for samples to see if their style matches your needs.

However, don’t skip the interview process; it helps you assess their communication skills and reliability. This can be done over a zoom call if not in person.

Always set clear expectations and deadlines. This ensures everyone stays on the same page. If you find someone reliable, build a long-term relationship.

Consistency in your outsourcing team saves you the hassle of retraining new people.

Tasks To Outsource as Outsourcing Is Crucial To Your Business Growth

These could be hours that you’re taking away from actual money-making tasks and if you hire someone who could provide things like IT Services, marketing, design, or whatever else it is that you’re trying to do, then you’ll see that you’re saving money simply by the time you’re gaining back.

Go ahead and set up Paypal or Payoneer for paying them soon as they submit their work. There are both great for making money or sending money all over (most) of the world. 

Outsourcing is Crucial in Saving You Time

In business, time and money go hand in hand. So as above, just as you’re saving money by hiring someone to work on the tasks you’re not really great at, you’re saving time to work on other things.

Things that you perhaps enjoy more or find that is better for you to be focusing on.

For example, maybe you have a new creative project you’d like to start in your business, such as creating a new product or writing a book, but you don’t have the time to do it because you’re doing everything, then by outsourcing, you’re freeing up your time to work on these projects the way that you really want to.

This happens often to me here at Inspire to Thrive. I have to stop one project to work on another and before I know it time is running out.

By outsourcing some tasks, I can work on what I do best and then move on. It’s been a way to grow the business and still keep everything personalized.

Outsourcing Is Crucial vs. AI?

Outsourcing and using AI tools both aim to boost efficiency, but they do it differently. Outsourcing relies on external experts to handle tasks, which can save time and bring specialized skills into the mix.

However, it can be costly and may lead to delays due to time zone differences or miscommunication. On the other hand, AI tools automate routine tasks and provide instant results, often at a lower cost.

AI doesn’t need breaks and works round the clock, making it reliable for consistent output. While outsourcing offers human insight and flexibility, AI provides speed and cost-efficiency.

The choice depends on your specific needs and budget. Here at Inspire To Thrive, I use a combination of both freelancers and AI tools from the The Right Blogger.

create content fast

Your Turn: How Outsourcing Is Crucial

I’d love to know in the comments if and how you have been outsourcing your business. If you have what have you been happy with or not happy with? Or have you gone to using AI tools vs. outsourcing?

Let’s discuss this in the comments below:

FAQ: Why Outsourcing Is Crucial If You Want To Scale Your Business

What is outsourcing?

Outsourcing is hiring external resources or companies to handle tasks or projects instead of using in-house staff.

How does outsourcing save money?

Outsourcing reduces costs by eliminating the need for full-time salaries, benefits, and office space. You only pay for what you need.

Is outsourcing crucial to improve efficiency?

Yes, experts handle specific tasks more quickly and accurately. This frees up your team to focus on core activities.

What tasks should I outsource?

Common tasks include IT support, customer service, accounting, and digital marketing. Identify areas where you lack expertise.

Will I lose control of my business by outsourcing?

No, if you set clear goals and communicate well with your outsourcing partner. Regular updates and performance reviews help maintain control.

How do I choose the right outsourcing partner?

Look for experience, reliability, and good communication. Check references and reviews before making a decision.

Is outsourcing a long-term commitment?

Not necessarily. Many outsourcing contracts are flexible, allowing you to scale services up or down as needed.

Can outsourcing help me scale quickly?

Yes, outsourcing allows you to add new capabilities and handle increased workloads without the delay of hiring and training new staff.

What are the risks of outsourcing?

Risks include loss of control, communication issues, and confidentiality concerns. Choose partners carefully and establish clear agreements.

How do I manage an outsourced team?

Use project management tools, set clear expectations, and maintain regular communication. Treat them as an extension of your team.

Will my customers notice if I outsource?

Not if done right. Quality outsourcing partners will integrate seamlessly with your operations, ensuring a consistent customer experience.

Lisa Sicard

14 thoughts on “Why Outsourcing Is Crucial If You Want To Scale Your Business”

  1. Hello Lisa,

    Achieving business growth is never easy, especially for start-ups that barely have the resources to make it happen.

    As business owners, we may sometimes feel that we need to dig our fingers into every detail and micromanage every single process that involves our business.

    One cost-efficient and effective way of doing this is through outsourcing. Outsourcing allows utilizing the expertise of people outside your organization.

    Outsourcing has been a long practice for most companies, but the onset of the internet has allowed it to become bigger as the years go by.

    Eventually, thanks for sharing your informative thought with us.

    With best wishes,

    Amar Kumar

  2. I absolutely agree that this needs to happen. There is no way around it, I work hours each day on my site and social media. I could be using my time writing courses or creating other products that could generate revenue. Thank you for the link I will check it out and see what options are out there. Thx again!

    1. Hi Misty, welcome to Inspire to Thrive. Oh yes, outsourcing has really helped me. I knew people who were qualified to help out and willing. I lost one to a recent move and picked up another person. One person I picked was because I really liked their social media “style”. I hope you know some people like that as well. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  3. Hi Lisa,

    You can never do it all alone, that is a fact. From the start i might seem easy to handle it all by yourself, but as your business grows you realize that it is overwhelming. That where outsourcing comes in. I have not visited Efaah; however, I believe it is an excellent marketplace for freelancers to find exciting jobs and connect with prospects.

    1. Hi Moss, yes, I do know that feeling all too well of being overwhelmed. Do check out EFAAH, you will really like it! They are having a Twitter chat this afternoon too! Thanks for coming by on this one Moss and have a wonderful day!

  4. Nikita Shevchenko

    It took me quite a bit of time to realize that I simply can not manage some of my personal blogs properly and need to outsource some low-priority tasks and projects. I was surprised how it affected my workflow in a positive way and saved enough time for focusing on things that really matter.

    1. Hi Nikita, oh yes, I understand that one quite well. It took me years before I began to outsource. It really does help your workflow and helps you to scale your business more as well. Thanks for coming by and for your input on this one. Have a great day ahead!

  5. Shamsudeen Adeshokan

    Hi Lisa,

    Outsourcing is something I’m yet to give a chance. Though I know the importance of it and how it helps to save both time and money.

    Most top bloggers/online entrepreneurs use outsourcing to accelerate business growth and make more revenue.

    I will consider getting into the habit of outsourcing some tasks going forward.

    Thanks, Lisa.

    1. Hi Shamsudeen, oh yes, you will probably know when the timing is right for you. You will be very stressed out trying to get it all done and making some money at the same time. I hope you find the right balance for it! Thanks for coming by and have a great day.

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Outsourcing is a must if we want our business to grow. Many people’s first reaction is to penny-pinch when they start a business, but that will be a slow go or even worse…quitting.
    Outsource those things that free up your time to do more important things for your business.
    As you know, David is my partner and without him I would be outsourcing several things lol.
    But even between the two of us, we outsource those little mundane things that saves us time and money in the long run. Business is business and we have to treat it that way.

    1. Hi Donna, Yes, so many people don’t realize to make money you have to invest some money along the way. Of course you can invest time too but money does help you to grow quicker. Yes, I can’t imagine what you would do without Dave to help you. I’ve upped my outsourcing this year and have continued to grow with new accounts this past month. Thanks for coming by and have a wonderful day. Has the sun come out up there? I can’t wait to have it feel like May around here!

  7. This is awesome Lisa and thanks for the shout out. We are working to make this a place to connect brands with talents and we are getting quite amazing feedback.

    You rock on your blog here Lisa and thanks for this beautiful mention. Hope you are having fun this week

    1. Hi Enstine, you are most welcome. I hope it really helps brands and freelancers to work together. I love how the website is looking there now. Thanks for coming by Enstine! Have a great day and rest of the week there.

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