Five Best Countries for Digital Nomads to Settle Down

Since the beginning of the health crisis, there has been an incredible rise in the number of digital nomads. Working from your laptop, whenever you please and wherever you please, is a dream that many aspire to achieve.

To live as a digital nomad, you will want to find a location with good Wi-Fi, plenty of coworking spaces, and a friendly population. Digital nomads tend to travel alone. So it’s a great plus if there are other like-minded people in your country of choice.

Countries for Digital Nomads

I’ve learned a lot about digital nomads from my blogging friend Ryan Biddulph who has been at it for 14 years now!

If you follow his blogging lessons you will learn about being a digital nomad. There are many ups and downs but the ups seem to outweigh the downs.

He always has great social media posts from his travels around the world and blog posts that talk about the culture in these different and sometimes exotic places.

Now, here are five of the best countries for digital nomads to settle down in today.

I've learned a lot about digital nomads from my blogging friend Ryan Biddulph who has been at it for 13 years now! #digitalnomads Share on X

Mexico is One of the Best Countries for Digital Nomads to Settle Down

Mexico has become a hotspot for digital nomads, especially in the areas of Jalisco and Quintana Roo. The most popular cities amongst digital nomads are Tulum, Playa Del Carmen, Puerto Escondido, and Sayulita.

These places have a plethora of coworking spaces and an expansive international community. However, if you are planning to move here, it’s recommended that you invest in ex-pat insurance.

One has to be sure to have their healthcare covered no matter where they are living. Without our health, we can’t do anything let alone work well abroad!

One has to be sure to have their healthcare covered no matter where they are living. #digitalnomads Share on X

Argentina is Another Great Country to Work From

Remote workers have been flocking to Argentina’s Buenos Aires because of its lively culture, cheap living costs, and fantastic gastronomy.

You have many coworking spaces to choose from in Buenos Aires, which makes adjusting to working life much easier.

The climate in Argentina is rather tropical, so there’s no need to pack for winter weather.

Furthermore, living costs are relatively cheap, as rent and food prices tend to be lower. No need to pay for heat either!

You have many coworking spaces to choose from in Buenos Aires, which makes adjusting to working life much easier. #digitalnomads Share on X

Portugal for Digital Nomads

If you’re a digital nomad that’s looking for a European country, look no further than Portugal. This Mediterranean destination boasts of great beaches, high-quality food, and fast internet connectivity.

Having fast internet while working abroad is key for many small business owners and bloggers. It’s hard to get your work done without the internet today!

I have experienced this recently with my move north here in the states. Luckily, faster internet just arrived, and since I work early mornings I’m not affected often by the mid-day spikes of high usage. (It caused a long time to upload and download files!)

If you’re traveling solo, you can snag a room for as little as €350 to €550 a month. Not only this but, there are also many cafes and coworking spaces that welcome the digital nomad community.

Thailand is a Great Place with Scenery

Year after year, Thailand remains an extremely popular option amongst remote workers. The population is extremely friendly, the food is delicious, and the cost of living is inexpensive.

Chiang Mai, in the north of Thailand, is a great place to start this new adventure. The scenery is beautiful in this region, so if you need to feel inspired, don’t hesitate to stop by Chiang Mai.

thailand for digital nomads

The hottest month in this area is March and, if you’re not a fan of rain it is best to avoid Thailand from May to September.

Of course, you can be sure to have the right rain gear if you do visit in their rainy season.

Croatia is Another Option for Digital Nomads

Another fantastic European destination for digital nomads is Croatia. Many pioneers in the digital nomad community argue that Croatia will be the next hotspot for remote workers.

The country recently introduced its first-ever digital nomad visa. All you need is proof of work, a copy of your travel documents, a background check from your country of origin. As well as proof of travel insurance, and proof of sufficient funds to work in Croatia.

The country recently introduced its first-ever digital nomad visa. #digitalnomads Share on X

Your Turn on Working From Anywhere in the World

Wherever you chose to go make sure to respect the culture and traditions of the country you find yourself in. As a digital nomad, you are responsible for upholding a great reputation for the rest of the community.

I’d love to know if you have worked from another of these 5 countries or where else you may have worked from. Please leave a comment below so we can discuss it here!

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Lisa Sicard

9 thoughts on “Five Best Countries for Digital Nomads to Settle Down”

  1. Im glad to see your post just in the time as i was planning to go abroad and now im pretty sure to travel to Malaysia and spend quality time with my better half. Thanks for this information. 🙂

    1. Hi David, wow, that’s very cool. I hope you love it there! I know some bloggers that are there now. Love to hear more about it after your trip. Have a great day.

  2. I really liked your take on Portugal, particularly about the quality food as I’m a foodie😄But in all seriousness, the digital nomad life is one I’m really aiming for as it really allows for more flexibility and freedom. Thanks for the post!

    1. Hi Meika, welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Yes, it can surely give you more freedom and some flexibility as well. You have to be ready to move on the go and not take along much with you either. I love following Ryan’s adventures blogging from paradise. I love to travel but not sure I could do it full time. 🙂 Thanks for coming by on this one and have a great rest of the day.

  3. Hi Lisa.

    It is very helpful post for the digital nomads. You nailed it very well.

    You mentioned the tweets. it is very interesting.

    Thank you Lisa for this amazing post. Keep post such awesome content on this blog.

    1. Hi Venkat, thank you and welcome to Inspire To Thrive. Have you gone abroad to work? I’d love to know more in the comments. Thanks for coming by.

  4. Hi Lisa,

    Excellent post. Thanks so much for the shout out 🙂

    Each country is super in-demand for digital nomads for a wide range of reasons. Low cost of living, friendly locals, great food and a relatively seamless cultural transition makes for each nation being attractive to folks who wish to work online in international settings.

    Chiang Mai, Thailand is one of my fave digital nomad hubs because this region seems to have an ideal mix of Western creature comforts and Eastern culture. I love the place.


    1. You are most welcome Ryan. Glad to hear which one is your favorite. I do remember your adventures in Thailand. Do you plan on returning there? How many different countries have you and Kelli been to all together now? Thanks for coming by on this one and for the inspiration too. 🙂

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