InfoLinks Review- Do They Pay Out and Get Audience Attention?

Many of you may have noticed years ago the InfoLinks ads on this blog. I decided to install InfoLinks to test them out years ago.  It was as not a quick decision. I didn’t want my site to slow down or have annoying pop-ups all over the blog with InfoLinks. Then I wanted to do an InfoLinks review.

However, I had been approved months ago to run InfoLinks here but didn’t install it until I read all the other InfoLinks reviews. I had read other reviews of it and got excited.

They are smart ad units with no banner blindness. It’s a platform that determines user intent in real-time.

infolinks for your blog

You do need approval from them before you can use their plugin and platform to showcase InfoLink ads on your site. Or you may choose to add code to your website vs. the plugin.

The company has been around since 2007 and was one of the first in the arena of user intent advertising. They are one of the biggest ad platforms in the world today and are in over 100 countries across the globe.

  1. So easy to install. You may remember I sometimes get frustrated installing new plugins and have to keep learning new things. NOT with InfoLinks – This was one of the easiest plugins to set up and go.
  2. Easy to customize.  Yes, they make it easy for you to customize your blog or website. No-fuss. Just simply to do.
  3. Various Payments OptionsYou can be paid via PayPal, Bank Wire, eCheck, Western Union, ACH for US residents, and Payoneer.
  4. So Easy to Make ChangesAn old blogger Adrian Jock noticed how some of the ads didn’t seem related to the posts. I went back and changed a few things on my settings. They took effect immediately though the text links did not change.
  5. Compatible with Google AdSense.
  6. No set up fees.

Then, I choose to run fewer text links per page with that in mind. It took about a whole 8 seconds to do this. It was EASY. I also sent them a question and got an email immediately saying they will respond within 2 business days.

  1. Payment Threshold – You have to earn $50 before you receive your money. InfoLinks issue payments no later than 45 days from the end of the month, on the condition that your earnings have reached the minimum payment threshold of $50 or $100 if you chose a Bank Wire or the Western Union Transfer. (That is standard for most types of affiliate and ad programs, etc. today.)
  2. Low CPMs – From 2 cents to 28 cents is what I’ve seen so far in my reports. But from what I’ve read Google AdSense is not much higher.
  3. You may scare your blog readers away with ads all over your blog.
  1. InTag placement at the bottom of the blog posts. I find it non-intrusive for readers and the content seems a bit more relevant. They are basically a tag cloud of your keywords on a page.
  2.  InText ads these ads are highlighted or underlined in the text. You can choose how many to use per page. I started with about 7 and have cut it down to now just 3. The question I had for InfoLinks was why these types of ads are not matching my content. I will update this post once I hear back.
  3. You can also do InFrame ads that are based on your website’s category. They will display attractive banner ads in the margins of the pages of your website.
  4. The last choice you have is InFold ads. These ads display relevant ads to what your users are searching for while infusing an extra SEO layer to your site. However, these may be your best choice as they appear right above the fold of your website.
  5. In Screen ads – These are like interstitial pages, it displays the ads in between pages.

Hello Lisa,
Thank you for writing.

I understand your concern about the relevancy of the ads. Infolinks ads change each time the page is reloaded and according to the location of the viewer. That means that viewers in the US will see very different ads than viewers in India, for example. All of the ads are high quality and best targeted to your site’s theme.

Keep in mind that certain words in your text are more “valuable” than others, meaning that the advertisers pay more for ads related to these words. The Infolinks algorithm scans your pages and highlights the words that will generate the highest possible revenue.

That said, in order to increase the relevancy I encourage you to pick a category for your site under “My Websites”, as well as send me a shortlist of preferred keywords for our algorithm to target.

I hope you find this information useful. Should you require any further assistance you are welcome to write me back anytime.


Abigail E
Account Executive


Why I No Longer Have Them On The Blog

They slowed down the site years ago and at the time I didn’t have enough traffic to make enough money to justify it. I may test it again in the future as my traffic has gone a lot since I used them.

I’ve also received more returns from affiliate marketing in the past several years. It has made more sense for the content of this blog as I like to stay within my broad niche.

I’d love to know which Info Links ads type you like best in this InfoLinks review. I’d also like to know if you find them annoying on blogs as well.

Please leave me a comment on how you feel about them and if you ever used them on your site or to advertise your business.

Lisa Sicard

71 thoughts on “InfoLinks Review- Do They Pay Out and Get Audience Attention?”

  1. Barbara Radisavljevic

    I have not used Infolinks because they annoy me on so many blogs and content sites I read. I especially hate the pop-ups from the bottom, but normally in text links don’t reflect the blog topic, either. Since these ads offend me as a reader, I haven’t wanted to put them on my site. Seems better to use my own affiliate links that are related. Maybe the sites I’ve found offensive just haven’t used the right settings.

    I do appreciate seeing this post. I haven’t seen any information on how Infolinks works in blogs until I read this. I’ve only encountered it on content writing sites.

    1. Hi Barbara, welcome to Insipre to Thrive. LOL, I know the pop ups can be annoying. YES, I do recommend your own affliate ones instead. I no longer use infolinks – I tried them as a test and didn’t like it after a while. The annoyance wasn’t worth the amount of $$ it generated. Thanks for coming by and have a great day!

  2. Awesome Post ! Infolinks is the best alternative of adsense. their payout is quite good, i will be going to add infolinks on my site for sure


    1. Hi Rahim, I’ve since got rid of infolinks because the links were not relevant to my niche here but from the time I did use them, they were better than AdSense. I’d love to know how you make out with it after a month or so. Thanks for coming here and commenting!

  3. I have never used Infolinks on my blog; never even thought about it. However, I do use it on one of my other websites and I probably hit that $50 total every 3 or 4 months. So it’s not big money, but part of it is my fault in that I haven’t added any new content in a while, since I’ve been traveling. I’ll be rectifying that to see if I can bump that figure up to where I’m hitting $50 monthly, which I was hitting some years ago.

    1. Hi Mitch – that is decent – wish I was near the $50/month point but I do want to give it more time. What type of website if you don’t mind me asking? Why not on the other blogs? You got me very curious Mitch. Thanks for your input on this one and enjoy the weekend!

  4. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks a lot for this review…

    I have also heard about infolinks but some how stopped myself as some times I used to get irritated with all these pop-ups especially from the below on many blogs, but now your explanation on the control it is clear to me…

    Thanks for the share…


  5. Hi Lisa,

    I stopped using infolinks after using it almost 6 months. When I use infolinks ad with google adsense it give good money. But when I use only infolinks ads on my blog its earning rate too low.

    BTW Infolinks CPC and CPM rate much higher than other ad network.

    Thanks for share this post with us. Have a nice day.


    Md Hamim Mondal

  6. Swapnadip Chakraborty

    Hello Lisa,

    I have seen in many blogs that “Infolinks” is the best alternative of Google Adsense. Though I have heard different opinion too. I agree that now a days nothing is better than Google Adsense. But We also can manage to earn some money from others ads network by putting Infolinks into use. Our success of earning money is directly linked with the amount of traffic. So, if we can take the initiative of boosting traffic of our Blog, then it would be quite easy to monetize our Blog.

    I am currently using Infolinks on my Blog and I must say that its quite effective for me.

    I hope that you will also get benefit from Infolinks.

    All The Best Lisa and Have a lovely day ahead.


  7. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for quickly reply,
    It’s my 12 month earning Only 111$
    Now My traffic increasing and my earning is about 30$ per Month.
    Previous month my earning was 27$.

    and I contacted them. They said, after 5-7 days Money will reach in your account but still MTCN No not found. I am so worry about it.

    Areesha Noor!

    1. Hi Areesha, you are welcome. That’s not bad. It’s a great start. Contact them again, don’t be afraid to ask. Love to know when you do receive it Areesha.

  8. Hi Lisa,
    I am not happy with this network,
    there are many reason behind it
    First it’s eCPM is very very low just .40$ per 1 k page view. it’s ad-view is different from my page view.
    I reached my threshold. My July earning is 111$. As they said that they send payment after 45 days form threshold . but today is 20th September. According to their payment, on 15th September but still no MTCN NO found there.
    What I do now?

  9. Hmmm Lisa
    Currently I cannot say anything about it whether infolinks pay to their readers or not because It’s my first experience with infolinks. Now i am using it in one of my blog so will tell you later about that. Thanks for this great post. Happy Blogging.

    1. Hi Chetan, How long have you been using them on your own blog? Thanks for coming by and taking the time to comment. Have a great weekend ahead.

  10. Hi Lisa,

    I’ve always wondered what those were! lol Seriously, I’ve seen these links around but never saw an article on it, till your site, so thank you!

    I suppose I’ve had the thought that they are distracting, like some of the other commenters, so not a fan.

    Will be sharing your article because I like how you did the pros and cons and then the correspondence from the company – great article!

    Have a good evening.
    – Carol

    1. Hi Carol.Me too. you are welcome. They can be but I want to give it a few months to test out and update on it. I got rid of the pop up ones and only have the text links and the one at bottom of post. Thanks for sharing too Carol and I hope you have a great weekend coming up!

  11. Hello Lisa,

    Congratulations on your newest step at monetizing your content. My argument has always been that after all the great work, reward should follow. Imagine my joy when I saw the intext links. This is certainly a great step!

    Personally though, I have issues with Infolinks and though I still have an approved account, I no longer bother displaying the ads. The issues I have are:

    1. I consider the links obstructive and a bit ugly to the eyes.
    2. Since I started selling my own products and services, I do not appreciate pushing away potential clients for a few cents.

    I have also noticed that you’ve customized the links to suit you text color – that’s a great move! When I ran it, the click through rate was always higher that way!

    Congrats once again. Be certain to make the day great!


    P.S. My reasons for disliking Infolinks are personal. I believe you’ll enjoy (and profit) from the ad service.

    1. Hi Akaahan, Thank you. Do you think it’s the underline of the text or color? I know I can change that up too. I didn’t like the pop ups after installing them and did remove them. It will be interesting to see how this test goes after several months. Thanks for your input and have a great day!

  12. Hii Lisa mam,

    According to me, InfoLinks is really the best alternative of Google adsense. I have tried 6 different-different advertising program but i didn’t get satisfaction. But in current time adsense and InfoLinks are working well for me. So i will say yeah, using InfoLinks is really profitable and it Keeps Readers Happy.

    Thanks madam for sharing the detailed advantages and Disadvantages of using InfoLinks. keep updating more stuff like this.

    – Amit kumar

    1. Hi Amit, Interesting that you have tried 6 different ways. Thanks for your input. Which do you prefer Google AdSense or InfoLinks? I will be updating after several months of testing them out here. I hope you have a great rest of the week.

  13. Hi Lisa,

    Bloggers try their best to find ad providers which can give them few dollars.

    I knew about Infolinks but didn’t have much knowledge about it’s services.

    They give ads which can put at any links to proceed. I don’t have mush idea about the ads they provide.

    I hope to learn more about them.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week ahead.:)


    1. Hi Ravi, Oh yes, I love testing things out too after seeing many bloggers using these types of ads. I liked how easy it was to intall, change and use along the way. I will be doing an update after several months of testing here. You are welcome and I hope your week is going well there Ravi.

  14. Hi Lisa,

    There are so many ways to monetize our blogs. Isn’t it? I’ve been using InfoLinks too, and the experience was pleasant.

    For me, InText ads were the ones I had on my blog and other types seem distracting. Yeah, InTag placement too. Well, that’s me. InfoLinks was a better option than other advertising products I have tried. It’s smarter ’cause we can change settings from one place without even needing to change / implement again on our blogs and doesn’t ruin our SEO efforts.

    Talking about relevancy, it wasn’t relevant all the time and seems same ad was displaying for multiple keywords. But over the time (after 4 – 5 weeks), it was getting better.

    I didn’t think it was capable of earning some money, and even it did, I couldn’t have get it as its payment methods wasn’t in my favor. My first objective was to see how it works and pays off with minimum distraction. I have used 8 per page as I recall and used a color match with text not to highlight ’em much.

    However, thanks for helping me out on getting the payment, Lisa. Else I would have given up on it once I was done with experimenting. Plus, I was surprised to earn some money by only using InText ads. I hope you will do much better than me.

    Looking forward to hear more about your InfoLinks experience dear. I guess we can’t say much about such a product without trying it out and giving time to adapt to the content. Of course, it’s in my list of recommendations too.

    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend there, Lisa.


    1. Hi Mayura, I wondered how you liked them as I knew you had been using them Mayura. Great to knew it got better after 4-5 weeks. I’m almost in week 3 now. I like that we can make changes whenever we want with them and it’s so easy too. Wow, 8 per page? Interesting on the color choice. So you were able to get payment now? Great! I will update on this after a few months of testing more. Thanks Mayura for coming by and I had an excellent LONG weekend. Trying to get back in the swing now this week. Hope you are doing well there my friend.

  15. Hello Madam Lisa,

    My experience with Infolinks wasn’t all that a pleasant one though and that was about a year ago though. I think maybe things might have changed now but it is a great thing seeing infolinks on your blog.
    My experience with them will somehow make some of us return or stay put at where we are.

    1. Hi Emmanuel, what happened to make it not a pleasant experience for you? I’d love to know. Thanks for your input and have a wonderful day.

  16. Hi Lisa,

    I’ve known infolinks sometime ago. It is great alternative of adsense.

    The only thing I concern about it is how much it can give us profit if we use it in “blogging niche”? I have some friends that applied info links and earn good money but they all suggest that we should applied it to blog outside “money making” or “blogging” niche.

    About the speed load, I think there no serious problem related to infolink

    Thanks for sharing your update. Wish you enjoy the weekend

    1. Hi Okto, yes, I’ve been watching them on other blogs and always wondered. So that’s why I decided to give them a try. Interesting, why outside of blogging? Better targets? I agree with the load speed, didn’t notice any difference. You are welcome and I had a great LONG weekend. Just getting back online and in the swing of things. Have a great day Okto.

  17. Hi Lisa,

    Thanks for this review and for sharing their response with you. I had them on my other blog but the ads weren’t relative to my blog. Now that I know we can make some changes I might try them for NNMB.

    I’m most impressed that they responded. A lot of companies won’t take time to do that.

    Hope you’re doing great! Thanks again for sharing this!

    1. Hi Corina, how long did you have them on your other blog for Corina? I am impressed too that the responded not just once but twice here. I will give it a few months and see how it all goes. Thanks for coming by Corina and I hope all is well your way.

  18. Philip Verghese Ariel

    Hi Lisa,

    Very interesting question!
    I think yet to be answered by even yourself, I mean you too just entered in!
    Anyways my experience with it is really a confusing one, let me narrate. I tried this some time back in my pages, but sad to note that it was a total chaos /confusion altogether, and i removed it from my all blogs at ones. In fact it was a distraction to the readers, few of them already complained about these links all over the text, and the speed of the loading all lead me to opt out from it.

    I do not know how much it gives to the owner of the page, anyways I am just eagerly waiting for your research and end result in this.

    Thanks for this informative review post with the reply from infolinks admin

    May you have a great weekend.
    Best Regards

    ~ Philip

    PS: Hey Lisa I found this informative post at kingged .com and i upvoted it and posted this comment there.
    ~ Phil

    1. Hi Philip, Oh yes, I can understand if you choose to put a lot of those underlined links on a single page. I slimmed mine down to 3. And I may go down even less in the future. It did not effect the amount of cents per day I generated. I kept the ads at the bottom of post and removed the pop up that was annoying others and myself included. Thanks for your input and I will surely have an update again on this as I want to give it several months for a good test. Have a great rest of the week.

  19. Lisa, that is a question that has been on my lips about infolinks, but i think they have come a long way so they will leave up to expectations of publishers in their own way though not like Adsense. In most cases infolinks ads are never targeted.

    1. Hi Emebu, interesting – I wonder if they are not targeted sometimes because of geography or that they don’t have enough advertisers in our niche? Time will surely tell. Thanks for your input on this one.

  20. Lisa, I do like your honest review and how you took the time to respond to comment. however I consider it intrusive.

    Why I consider it intrusive is that most of the ads are not targeted as you mentioned.

    Am happy you are removing the pop up on your site.

    I think you should investigate the use of amazon links which are affiliate links. The links can generate up to 6 percent commission. All you have to do is seek targeted books that are relevant in your niche especially from authority figures.

    Thanks for your experimentation though because tweaking is the best way to optimize your income.

    Please endeavour to update us on your tweaks

    1. Hi Peter, thank you. You are not the only one happy about my removing the pop up. I also thought that one format was intrusive. I have to check the laws here again in the area on affiliates. Some states do not allow it here. Another reason I turned to InfoLinks. Thanks Peter for your input and have a great week.

  21. Hello Lisa!

    My Infolink is 3 days old. As I read on their “Top Frequently Asked Questions – General”, Infolinks ads appear on your page after your page has finished loading – providing the benefit of enhanced content without increasing page load time and “Infolinks will not overwrite existing hyperlinks on your pages.”

    So, it’s fine when it comes to loading time. It’s indeed easy to install, unlike others.

    Nice share. Not all have infolinks on their blogs and this article will give them the idea to try it.

    1. Hi Metz, thanks for the additional info to this one. I hadn’t noticed a difference in speed but also wanted to use tools to test it as well. It is VERY easy to install – I love that. So you just started using it 3 days ago yourself? Thanks for coming by and enjoy the rest of your week Metz.

  22. Hi Lisa,

    I had used infolinks when I started blogging. I found them somewhat distracting to the reading. I have kept only adsense on my site for now. I have still no plans and no time to monetize my blog. I have found though that amazon links convert far better than anything else.

    1. Hi Ashvini, I would agree with the popups which I have eliminated after review. I don’t mind the tag cloud one after the post at all though and a few text links. I only do a few of the text links as you can control how many per page. Amazon links – is that an affiliate program? Thanks for your input and have a great rest of the week Ashvini.

  23. Hey Lisa, this is Pamela from Infolinks. Thanks so much for this lovely review. I’m glad to hear you decided to give Infolinks a try and that it’s working well for you. Keep up with us on our blog for tips, tricks and the latest news. Best of luck!

    1. Thank you Pamela for coming by. I am trying and wondering why still some of the ads (in text) are not related to my keywords. I will certainly check out the blog and sign up for their updates. Thank you.

      1. Hi Lisa, there are a few things you can do to make sure your ads are better targeted to your keywords. For one, make sure you have selected a category. Also, keep in mind that your users are seeing different ads than you are as ads are dependent on several factors, geography being one. If you’d like some more optimization tips, please feel free to contact our Support Team at and they’ll be happy to review your site and make some recommendations.

        1. Hi Pamela, yes, I did select a category but not from the get-go. I guess it’s the geography that mades a difference too. Thank you for your input and help with this. I really appreciate it – nice to know InfoLinks have support behind them as well.

  24. Its great to be willing to try something new, and adapt if it doesn’t work.
    I don’t run adblock because I know what its worth to bloggerss to have their ads. But I do agree with the others that the popups when you hover over a link are distracting.
    I currently only run adsense and a few amazon banners. It makes me enough to pay for my web hosting and maybe a lunch

    1. Jason, yes, I’m ready to do that too. That’s nice of you not to run it. How do you like adsense? I like that – pays for hosting and lunch. Thanks for your input on this one too Jason.

  25. Hi Lisa,

    Thank you for the mention. As opposed to other readers, the infolinks don’t bother me so much (as a reader). However, I think that it’s still something wrong with them – I don’t know whether the settings are wrong, or something else.

    On one hand, I don’t know what you see, but instead of keywords I see words that will never be clicked: to install, the page, you like, quit (2 times), quitting (2 times), transfer, commons, etc.

    I also see keywords not related in any way to this post: “how to install metal roofing”

    And finally I see some generic keywords like SEO, Ebook, free ebook pdf.

    Who will click your links based on such keywords? Even “free ebook pdf”, which is longer and offers more pieces of information, is unlikely to be clicked because something important is missing: the topic.

    Sorry, but I don’t think that I will ever test these infolinks. I don’t see the point. For example, I don’t like AdSense. But I think that AdSense is at least 10 times better than the infolinks I see here.

    1. You are welcome Adrian. Interesting. And I believe different people see different things as another commenter mentioned. But I did email them about it and changed the blog’s keywords. I will give it more time to test out Adrian. I do appreciate your feedback. It will be interesting to see if and how it changes too. Thanks and have a great week Adrian.

  26. Hi Lisa

    It’s really a wonderful review and much needed because of its significance.

    It is good to know you also followed the suite of widely moving trends of applying infolinks at your blog. This is because of the expansion in ad display option that many bloggers find it one of the best alternative of Google Adsense.

    Another wonderful feature of this ad network is its compatibility with its competitive products. You can apply it even if you already have Google Adsense, or Chitika at your blog.

    You mentioned here all the main feature of this awesome ad network and I am sure you will also get its huge benefits after awhile. It also requires a little optimization and after that you get a regular income stream in addition to your already channels of earnings.

    I found this post at and also kingged it there.

    Thanks for sharing a very lucrative post indeed.

    Hope to see you around.

    Have a wonderful week and more success in your professional journey.

    1. Hi Mi – thank you. That is good to know as well Mi that you can run Google adsense with it if you wanted to. Probably annoy readers more though and possibly slow down the site too?
      Thank you for comment and sharing via Kingged as well Mi. Have a great week there yourself!

  27. Infolinks CPM rates cannot be compared with AdSense CPM rates my dear, 28 cents never with AdSense, no way.

    Also I want to let you know that for Romania Infolinks it seems they have a poker…casino type of game advertiser and shows on your website no matter what text is underlined, here’s a screenshot

    In romanian means “Roulette, blackjack, slots. Play now and you can win!”

    1. Hi IC, I’ve read that’s the most. What do you believe that threshold is? Interesting to know how it displays there, thanks for letting me know. Another question to ask them. I appreciate the feedback IC.

  28. Hi Lisa,

    We would never know what will be the result until we try. Good luck with that. Experimentation is the key to success.

    Different ad networks work wonders for different people.

    Every people can’t have the same results.

    It all depends, your experiment will reveal. Be blessed. Stay awesome. 🙂

    1. Hi Rohan, thank you. That is true – it depends on the visibility of each blog, the traffic and the niche. What works for one may not for another. Thank you and have a great rest of the week Rohan.

  29. Hi Lisa,

    I just love the way you test things and give us your findings. As for InfoLinks, I wouldn’t want to use it on my blog. I find as a reader of many blogs, that any pop ups frustrate me. I also found the same thing as Adrienne mentioned; my mouse accidentally hovers on it and it pops up. Yikes!

    I think its a nifty program, but not for me because I want my blog to look clean. Plus, the ROI is too small. I like what Kumar had mentioned lol.

    But I’m sure glad you have done this because now I have a better understanding of how it works!


    1. Hi Donna, thank you. I try not to be afraid of trying new things. I do want to get rid of the pop up one soon – I noticed that too. I do like the bottom one that has the title tag cloud – I don’t think that one is intrusive. Yes, at least you do. Thanks for your input, I do appreciate that Donna. Do have a wonderful week ahead!

  30. Hi Lisa,

    Nice to know. On my travel blog I have something similar which I’m forgetting the name right now. I have heard of info link and that’s a good idea, I think.

    I know a lot of people are annoyed by any type of advertisement, but at the same time lots of people have them too, so I really don’t know what to do in my case at this point. We don’t want to annoy too much, but monetizing the blog is cool too, isn’t it? Let us know how it goes over time.

    Thanks for the info.

    1. Hi Sylviane, thanks. It is a catch-22 in a way. You want to try to make a little money to pay for hosting, plugins, etc so you try different things. I do want to give it time, like a couple of months at least to test it. It is better than AdSense which I tried years ago. So we shall see. Stay tuned Sylviane. What are you using on your travel blog?

  31. Hey Lisa,

    I definitely noticed them and I’m one of those that find them annoying. Sometimes my mouse will be hovering in the middle of the page and all it has to do is barely land on one of those and the box is popping up and I’m annoyed.

    I can’t blame you for testing things that you want to try but I think I’m going to have to install the AdBlock like Brenda so this way I won’t care. Some blogs that use these are so annoying I’m not going back. I can’t concentrate or I really have to watch what I’m doing or those things are popping up right and left. Trust me, I’m never clicking on one of them and I would be surprised if any of your readers do either.

    Can’t wait to hear your results though and I definitely wish you the best of luck with this.


    1. Hi Adrienne – I’m not surprised. I think you are right on the pop up one though, I may eliminate that one soon. I prefer the one on bottom, it is much less intrusive as well as the text links. I just love to test things out and let people know how they really work or not. I do appreciate your honest feedback on this Adrienne and let me know next week if it’s less annoying when I change it up. I hope your week is starting out well!

  32. Here she goes again with finding fabulous content! I’ve never heard of InfoLinks and quite frankly I didn’t notice it on your blog because I run AdBlock. I had to turn it off in order to see your underlined text and the links at the end of your post. Like Enstine asked above, did you notice any page speed change? I’d be interested in finding out more from your experience as it goes on.

    Good luck gf!


    1. Hi Bren, Really? I’ve seen a few of the reviews on InfoLinks and finally decided to give it a try. I haven’t noticed yet but will double check and update the post on that one. Interesting on AdBlock, I wonder how many people use it? Could be a post for you to do. Thanks for coming by Bren and have a great night.

  33. Hi Lisa,

    I am like Tim as well. Tried infolinks a few years back and after a couple of weeks of running, I decided to pull the plug.

    The links were too distracting for myself and mixed between my tags and categories. It was not a good experience. On top of that, since I didn’t have a whole lot of traffic, I made like 3 cents in two weeks. Talk about reason to quit.

    I will be curious to see what others have to say about it.


    1. Hi Kumar, Did you try different ones? I hope to test for 2 months at least and get rid of the pop up one. Yikes, 3 cents a week? Me too, I will be curious as well Kumar. Thanks for your input, I do appreciate that. Have a great day!

  34. Hi Lisa

    I tried Infolinks out on my blog for a couple of days a few months back. I set them up through CloudFlare as I noticed it’s one of the apps they support.

    I decided it wasn’t for me though as I found them quite distracting. It also the time I removed all ads from my blog because they weren’t converting at all.

    It’s good to try these things out though Lisa. At the end of the day, what works for you is all that matters.

    1. Hi Tim, I will give it more time than a few days, probably a few months but may get rid of one that pops up, I think Adrienne is right, it’s too distracting. I don’t like to quit too soon but I am also checking the site speed with it as well. I will let you know if it works for me or not in the coming months. Thanks for your feedback Tim, I really appreciate it!

  35. Hey Lisa,
    I knew infolink before I started blogging. I think I read about it on Johnchow .com
    I have plans to run it on my blog too but my issue has been the aspect of imposing additional weight on my blog.

    However, since you activated it here, has there been a change in your load speed?

    1. Hi Enstine – I haven’t noticed it yet but will be running checks and may update the post on that as well as the response from InfoLinks on the text links. Great queestion. Thanks for coming by and asking too!

    2. I previously ran Infolinks, Enstine. While I had concerns with the company, the ads themselves did not impact on the load speed at all. If that’s your major concern, relax….

      I look forward to seeing the ads over at EM. What do you think?


      1. Hey Teungwa,
        Thanks for sharing your experience bro
        I actually do not have any plans to experience this on my blog. It may pick my interest anytime though

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