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InfoLinks Review- Do They Pay Out and Get Audience Attention?

Many of you may have noticed years ago the InfoLinks ads on this blog. I decided to install InfoLinks to test them out years ago.  It was as not a quick decision. I didn’t want my site to slow down or have annoying pop-ups all over the blog with InfoLinks. Then I wanted to do an InfoLinks review.

However, I had been approved months ago to run InfoLinks here but didn’t install it until I read all the other InfoLinks reviews. I had read other reviews of it and got excited.

They are smart ad units with no banner blindness. It’s a platform that determines user intent in real-time.

You do need approval from them before you can use their plugin and platform to showcase InfoLink ads on your site. Or you may choose to add code to your website vs. the plugin.

The company has been around since 2007 and was one of the first in the arena of user intent advertising. They are one of the biggest ad platforms in the world today and are in over 100 countries across the globe.

  1. So easy to install. You may remember I sometimes get frustrated installing new plugins and have to keep learning new things. NOT with InfoLinks – This was one of the easiest plugins to set up and go.
  2. Easy to customize.  Yes, they make it easy for you to customize your blog or website. No-fuss. Just simply to do.
  3. Various Payments OptionsYou can be paid via PayPal, Bank Wire, eCheck, Western Union, ACH for US residents, and Payoneer.
  4. So Easy to Make ChangesAn old blogger Adrian Jock noticed how some of the ads didn’t seem related to the posts. I went back and changed a few things on my settings. They took effect immediately though the text links did not change.
  5. Compatible with Google AdSense.
  6. No set up fees.

Then, I choose to run fewer text links per page with that in mind. It took about a whole 8 seconds to do this. It was EASY. I also sent them a question and got an email immediately saying they will respond within 2 business days.

  1. Payment Threshold – You have to earn $50 before you receive your money. InfoLinks issue payments no later than 45 days from the end of the month, on the condition that your earnings have reached the minimum payment threshold of $50 or $100 if you chose a Bank Wire or the Western Union Transfer. (That is standard for most types of affiliate and ad programs, etc. today.)
  2. Low CPMs – From 2 cents to 28 cents is what I’ve seen so far in my reports. But from what I’ve read Google AdSense is not much higher.
  3. You may scare your blog readers away with ads all over your blog.
  1. InTag placement at the bottom of the blog posts. I find it non-intrusive for readers and the content seems a bit more relevant. They are basically a tag cloud of your keywords on a page.
  2.  InText ads these ads are highlighted or underlined in the text. You can choose how many to use per page. I started with about 7 and have cut it down to now just 3. The question I had for InfoLinks was why these types of ads are not matching my content. I will update this post once I hear back.
  3. You can also do InFrame ads that are based on your website’s category. They will display attractive banner ads in the margins of the pages of your website.
  4. The last choice you have is InFold ads. These ads display relevant ads to what your users are searching for while infusing an extra SEO layer to your site. However, these may be your best choice as they appear right above the fold of your website.
  5. In Screen ads – These are like interstitial pages, it displays the ads in between pages.

Hello Lisa,
Thank you for writing.

I understand your concern about the relevancy of the ads. Infolinks ads change each time the page is reloaded and according to the location of the viewer. That means that viewers in the US will see very different ads than viewers in India, for example. All of the ads are high quality and best targeted to your site’s theme.

Keep in mind that certain words in your text are more “valuable” than others, meaning that the advertisers pay more for ads related to these words. The Infolinks algorithm scans your pages and highlights the words that will generate the highest possible revenue.

That said, in order to increase the relevancy I encourage you to pick a category for your site under “My Websites”, as well as send me a shortlist of preferred keywords for our algorithm to target.

I hope you find this information useful. Should you require any further assistance you are welcome to write me back anytime.


Abigail E
Account Executive


Why I No Longer Have Them On The Blog

They slowed down the site years ago and at the time I didn’t have enough traffic to make enough money to justify it. I may test it again in the future as my traffic has gone a lot since I used them.

I’ve also received more returns from affiliate marketing in the past several years. It has made more sense for the content of this blog as I like to stay within my broad niche.

I’d love to know which Info Links ads type you like best in this InfoLinks review. I’d also like to know if you find them annoying on blogs as well.

Please leave me a comment on how you feel about them and if you ever used them on your site or to advertise your business.

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