Lisa Sicard

Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging, and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?She has 30+ years of experience in marketing/advertising with 12 years of experience in content marketing, social media, blogging, and SEO.

Google algorithm updates

How To Avoid Being Caught Out By Google Algorithm Updates

Does a Google algorithm update catch you off guard? Google is constantly changing its search algorithm to provide a better service to its users. With each of the Google algorithm updates, they hope to improve the quality of results that users see. They do this so people can quickly and easily find the information they need

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customer loyalty through social media

How Customer Loyalty Can Be Boosted by Social Media Today

In a world where customer’s span of attention is short-lived brand loyalty has become imperative for businesses to survive the competitive landscape. With the right kind of customer loyalty plans, you can keep your business afloat and ensure that they keep buying the products and services that you have to offer. For this, various businesses

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Why We Restrict Certain Activity Instagram

What Does: “We Restrict Certain Activity Instagram” Mean?

Ever come across the message “We restrict certain activity to protect our community” on Instagram and wondered what it means? You’re not alone. This notification can be confusing and frustrating, especially if you’re unsure what triggered it. In this post, we’ll break down what this message means, why you might see it, and what you

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random emails

Creating Best Non-Random & Random Emails For Biz Boost

Despite being around for over 50 years, email is still the primary method of communication across the globe. Especially in the world is business, the sheer scope of email’s domination over the communications market cannot be overstated with many random email generators being used. In 2026, Statista predicts that there will be 4.7 billion email

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shopify store

How To Boost Your Shopify Store’s Conversion Rates Effectively

Shopify is the place if you want to set up an online store and give everyone around the world a chance to enjoy the value your inventory holds. As things stand, Shopify hosts more than 4.5 million active stores. However, the failure rate of startups is simply alarming. However, if you learn Shopify store’s conversion rates

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