So you put your sweat and blood to write a blog post. You are so excited about that blog post. But how to write a good blog post that gets noticed today is key to your blogging success.
You’ve done all the editing to polish your post and it reads great! Now you are extremely proud to click that Publish button and you do so.
You look forward to comments, shares, and all sorts of social media interactions. That’s quite reasonable, isn’t it? – given that you’ve spent so much time and effort on it.
Table of Contents
How To Write A Blog Post Your Readers Will Love and Share!
But that doesn’t seem to happen. Why is that? Why are your blog posts avoided by readers, even though you write them with all your heart?
Why do the blog posts of your peers do very well among their audience but yours fail to perform well?
Let’s discuss six tips for you on how to write blog posts that will get your readers to read and share!
1. Choose A Topic That is Interesting And Useful To Your Readers
This boils down to identifying your readers first. If you don’t know to whom you are addressing your blog posts, you won’t be able to make them useful to your readers.
Get to know your readers first. This is a crucial step in blogging – I would say, this is the very first step where you should start.
You could be tempted to write about a topic that you know best. Or a topic on which you are passionate.

But remember people don’t care about what you had for breakfast, or what your interests are (I’m NOT saying that you should totally delete all personal details from your blog though – but, you get the idea).
All your content should be about your readers, even the About page on your website!
Everything should be focused on your readers!
2. Pack Your Blog Post With Ample and Relevant Information
OK, this could be daunting for you. If you wanted to touch on a topic just like that and get away with a 500-word blog post, you must first understand that it won’t work.
Shallow blog posts used to work a while ago. Not anymore.
And, let’s forget about SEO and people for a moment. Would you (just you and you alone) honestly accept that such a shallow post will give anything useful to your readers?
You bet.
Now both from the perspective of search engines as well as people, blog posts with ample information rock.
At the same time, I don’t want you to mistake quality for the number of words on a blog post. You can deliver quality information and usefulness in as many words as needed.
This depends on your way of writing, and there is no strict rule. Let’s consider an example.
Neil Patel is well known for writing long, in-depth content with lots of screenshots, illustrations, quotes, etc. People LOVE his posts and they get lots of shares and comments!
Here’s a topic, where Neil directly addresses the “need” of his target audience!
And look at the number of shares on this post.

So, find your writing style and use as many words and images, screenshots – whatever – to get your point across.
Make sure your post has elements of interest and usefulness! If you write a mere theory, no matter how powerful it is, people won’t be able to directly relate.
Rather you should include examples, practical tips, and other additional resources so people can actually take value from your blog post!
3. Format Your Blog Post So It Is Easy On The Eyes
The internet is both an interesting and a boring place! You stumble upon awesome content from time to time. You also stumble upon crappy content meanwhile.
Apart from quality and the meat, what separates awesome content from crappy content is the formatting.
Remember I said, “the internet is a boring place”? Yes, people get bored. Some are highly impatient. Many are in a hurry. And most of them are multitasking.
Even if you write a very long, in-depth blog post, only 40% of your readers will read it (according to Neil).
And that 40% of your audience will read only 28% of the words on your blog page!

In short, people don’t read web pages word by word. They scan through, for whatever reason. And when they get to the interesting bits, they stop for a moment to read that part alone.
And also most people don’t read your blog posts till the end. They don’t finish it.
Tips on how to write a blog post that stands out:
- Use headings.
- Use bullet points (like this one).
- Use images/screenshots.
- Leave ample white space.
- Break down the paragraphs (people don’t like to see big blocks of text).
Make your blog post easy for scanning. Period.
4. Include Elements Of A Variety
Just in relation to what I said above, people get easily bored or annoyed and they leave your website for various reasons.
And if you make your content boring this will drive away the “already bored” readers.
Instead of having all text in your blog post, you could include a variety so people don’t get bored.

How Can You Include Variety?
Images are great ways to do that. Other than that you could include videos, audio, downloadable pdfs, etc.
You should also be including tweetable, quotes, and the like!
Include practical tips and examples in your blog post so people don’t just read all about the theory.
You can listen to Lisa’s latest Anchor podcast here.
5. Write Reader-Friendly Blog Posts
We’ve talked about formatting and adding variety. But there’s still something that’s left out. That’s reader-friendliness.
Not from the point of view of how easy it is to scan or read the post along, but in terms of how it sounds.
Does your blog post sound as if it is from a salesperson? A PRO of a big company? A piece from a freelance writer who has no idea about your business?
Or does it sound like YOU who really empathizes with them (your readers)?
This is what your readers prefer.
Here’s a checklist by Marya at GetResponse blog to make your blog posts sound friendly. The points I liked the most are:
- Talk less about yourself (makes your post interesting and empathizing)
- Write in an active voice (so people can relate)
- Break the rules of grammar (so you don’t sound too formal)
- Get rid of jargon and corporate speak (yup)
- Be vulnerable
Things like these make your blog post very reader-friendly.
6. Use Your Own Blog Post Formula
As a blogger, you will be writing blog posts regularly. And you want all your blog posts to be celebrated by your readers, don’t you? Knowing how to write a blog post that is celebrated by your readers is a great formula to use.
So you need a formula. A pre-written set of instructions that work for you. So you can rinse and repeat the formula to write winning blog posts every time.
I love to do that. It saves a lot of time.
So if I find something – a strategy, or a method – to work, I document it and just rinse and repeat.
Of course, you have to add variety; and you should try out new things. But having a working formula will simply guarantee you success.
Here’s a simple blog post formula to give you a head start!
Will Publishing More Posts Help?
Remember, publishing “more” blog posts won’t necessarily get you the traffic and results you want; because “more” blog posts are not going to do anything useful to your readers unless each blog post is useful by itself.
You need to know how to write a blog post that is appealing for the long haul.
Here’s a case study by CoSchedule where they’ve found that publishing more content won’t necessarily grow your blog traffic.

Or won’t necessarily make your readers interested in reading and sharing the content for that matter.
So merely publishing more blog posts won’t help as long as they are appealing to your readers; incorporating these 6 tips will help you create such a blog post.
It is all about understanding your readers and serving them what they what in a way that pleases them.
Don’t Forget SEO For Your Blog Posts
After all this, there is one thing you need to know is to research your topics before you write that next blog post for SEO. You want your blog posts to be found online.
Use the right keywords and answer the right questions for your content. You will find them by researching and using tools like Ubersuggest and Answer The Public.
Furthermore, you can refer to Google trends to get a better understanding of what people are searching for on the largest search engine.
Now that you know how to write a good blog post, go, get to work, and write those awesome blog posts.
I’d love to know how you go about writing blog posts today in the comments. What you think makes writing a good blog post work the best?
- How To Write A Blog Post That Your Readers Will LOVE To Read - January 13, 2023
The tips you have written are worth implementing. I appreciate you writing a well-written article. Thank you so much. God Bless.
Hi Jane. Hi Lisa. Fabulous tips! So many think that it’s just a matter of sitting down and writing. But us more seasoned bloggers know the real truth! It takes careful planning, especially with keywords. Definitely passing this along as I know many that can use the tips!
Hi Bren, that’s for sure, It is much more than that. Jane really explains what needs to be done and how. Thanks for coming by on this one Bren. Have a good night, I’ll be heading to bed soon here.
Hi Jane,
Thanks for this great ideas you shared here. That’s statistics of 40% of audience reading only 28% of the content t got me thinking. If it’s true, then we need to pay more attention to putting the call-to-action at the most appropriate places where it can be different .
That’s my thought.
What I love so much about this blog post is that everything it tells you about, is put into practise! Thanks for the info. Content will always be the most important factor, and if it’s easy to read and digest it’s gold!
Great article Jane,
Since the past few years, a lot of focus has been given to writing long comprehensive articles. This has also led to people writing 3K-5K words on topics that may not need so much depth. Keeping readers attention has become more difficult these days. I have seen positive results by adding variety (videos, slides, images).
You have covered some really apt point in your article. I agree that everyone should have their blog formula that best serves their readers.
Hey, Lisa yet another informative piece. Jane well presented some of the vital aspects in relation to blogging.
Though most of the strategies mentioned in the post I am following, some are yet to try.
Thanks, Lisa and Jane for this informative piece.
Keep sharing.
Wish you both a profitable weekend.
Best Regards.
You are welcome Philip. Jane really gave us some great info in this post. I particiularly like providing ample information anf making posts easy on the eyes for those that may scan it. If I land on a post that is difficult to read, I will not stay there. Thanks for coming by Philip – make it an awesome day!
Once you’ve decided on a theme (which is interchangeable, depending on who you attract to your blog), you need to research the subject matter. Trends change daily and research can help you stay current while further developing your imagination for content ideas. Backing up your blog with well-researched facts can make all the difference when it comes to building credibility and trust with your readers.
Hi Jane,
I truly believe that we have to have a blog post formula. It can be an easy thing to wander off if we don’t have one.
I am so glad you wrote about #3 to have a clear way to read the blog post. Here, on Lisa’s place it is white space and so easy to read. Sometimes I have to give up reading a blog post if there are too many interrupts from pop ups to blinking things lol.
Great information…I will pass it on.
Hey Jane,
Great post here.
I really like the part about having a blog post formula .. or sort of a proven template to work off of. I’ve been doing something like that for a few months now and it certainly works. Not only that, but it makes things super easier. And I’m a big believer of providing useful information. So writing long posts is something I believe in because it works well for me.
Great stuff here.
– Andrew
Hello, Jane!
Impressive work by putting up this wonderful content!
I love writing on what I feel so passionate about, and it mostly is about the blogging.
So, that’s the valid piece of advice that write on what you love to.
Now comes the own formula to craft up the content.
Copying someone will not work for you because, in the blogging, you got to stay ORIGINAL all the time and get your own style.
That will actually make you unique and original.
So, keep writing and refining your writing style to impress the world with your skill.
Hi Jane,
Excellent advice. I doubled down on post readability when I went with my new theme nearly 1 year ago. Big time difference. I note more social shares and traffic and comments because readers see and scan my posts via mobile or lappy – or desktop if those dinosaurs are still around. – really easily. If they discern information quickly and seamlessly they are more likely to share said information.
Hi Jane,
Great tips on how to write blog posts. I started out posting one post per week.
Now I am writing 2x per week. After looking at the case study, it makes me feel good.
I can’t imagine writing more than 2 blog posts per week. I did think about it for a while.
I thought if I wrote more blog posts per week, I would get more traffic.
Now it’s nice to know that my 2 posts per week are sufficient. Thanks for sharing that case study with us.
Have a great day.
Hey Susan,
It is good that you are on a set schedule.
Writing and publishing two posts per week sounds pretty decent to me as frequency.
By the way, you can always write everyday – just not publish at the same frequency as you write as it will be an overkill.
But writing everyday is going to help you in many ways!
And yes, publishing more necessarily doesn’t give you more traffic!
Thanks for the wonderful comment.
Pretty good stuff Jane. My only comment is that it’s tough comparing with Neil Patel does to what most of us can do on a regular basis. He’s got a staff of people helping him put that stuff together while the rest of us are only “us”. Being helpful and writing completely about a topic is one thing; if you work for someone who’s willing to pay you $500 per article, making what Neil puts out worth your time, is another. I’m fascinated by what he does but I’ll certainly never be him!
Hi Mitch, awesome point on Neil Patel. I didn’t realize he had a staff helping him with everything. You can start small Mitch and outsource a few things along the way.
I’m just imagining how much I could get done with a staff behind me here.
(Just as an FYI Mitch, the CommentLuv not showing your link but if one clicks on your name – it links to your blog and your latest post.
Thanks for coming by and have a great week Mitch – I think it may be rain free!
Hey Mitch – that’s so right! You certainly cannot compare yourself with Neil. But we can always take examples. Thanks for sharing your two cents.
Hey Jane,
It’s good to see you here.:)
Writing an attractive yet informative post is always a pain in the head for many.
Crafting your article with catchy images, headlines, and even memes are used these days.
Using your blog post formula is a must. Everyone has something to show.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Enjoy your week ahead.
Hey Ravi,
Nice meeting you here.
Yes memes are getting traction these days and including them (both informative as well as funny, to catch attention) will surely work in a trendy way!
Thanks for your comment. Have a wonderful week!
Hello Lisa and Jane,
Great piece of information up here.
All these tips are surely an awesome tricks to launch our blogs post with, to engage more and more traffic.
We need to go deep with our writing and tell what we are working on. We came across with many people who
are the king of this area and they look for something full pledged information from our post which they can
intake some information.
I loved how you say use our own blog post formula. Posting 4 times in a week is something is need to consider
about. Its not an easy task bu yeah surely looking forward to re-plan my work and manage it accordingly.
Thanks for the share.
Hey Shantanu,
Yes deep writing is what works these days as shallow stuff is so abundant and mostly ignored by people.
Also identifying your own blog post formula – what fits you – helps in the long run to create awesome content.
Thanks for your comment!
Hi Shantanu, Yes, taking our writing deep is something I’ve been working on more this year. It makes our posts more informative and useful. I’d be careful posting 4 times a week, you need time to share and network out there to promote the posts. I’ve read it is like the 80/20 rule, share and network 80% and write new content 20%. I was very surprised by that but understand why. Just don’t stop writing! Thanks for coming by Shantanu and for your input on this one. Have a great day.
Hi Jane Sheeba,
Awesome Post!
All the six writing tips shared by you are great. I also follow these tips and they are very helpful.
Some of these tips may be cosidered –
1) Tell a story – Storytelling is not just for kids or summer evening campfires. Storytelling is a tool that can make your blog move from boring to brilliant.
2) Go deep – You’re dealing with professionals. They know the industry. They don’t want surface pablum. They want in-depth information.
3) Be extremely clear – If you are skilled at being clear, you are automatically interesting.
I will tweet your post.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
Hey Manish,
So true about story telling – no its not just for kids for sure! People of all age love stories and that engages them a lot.
And yes, in-depth information is only useful as shallow stuff cannot cover any topic in detail (that people want).
On being clear – love that. Being clear makes you interesting, that’s right.
Thanks for your awesome comment.
Hi Lisa and Jane,
It’s nice to e-meet you, Jane.
Thank you for sharing your tips for writing a blog post. I do exactly what you stated here and the formula works.
The case study you shared is interesting. You would think posting three times a week would give us more traffic and views…that gives me something to think about. I currently post three times a week and if two posts a week is better, that would leave me time to work on other tasks for the blog.
Great post Jane! Have a great week ladies.
Hey Cori,
Nice to e-meet you too.
I am glad you already have this implemented and found the same to work for you! Nice.
Indeed – posting less gives us some more time and energy at hand so we can create better content, as well as better promote the already published content.
Have a great week you too.
Hi Cori, I’ve found that if someone posts too often I don’t have time to read all of their posts. I’ll get the emails that I’ve signed up for but if the title is not something of great interest I’ll skip it. So I think 2x per week is plenty unless there is breaking news in the industry. I’ve been doing 1-2 myself per week as I do need time to share and engage out there. I love Jane’s idea of a having your own formula. Thanks for coming by Cori and have a great rest of the week there!