posting on Facebook pages

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Facebook Page Posts – Who Sees Your Meta Posts Now?

Whether you are using Facebook as a business page or for your own personal use have you noticed that not everyone is seeing your Facebook page posts these days? What is the reason behind this Facebook algorithm change? It is not only exclusive to Facebook pages but to personal Facebook users too. Many users are not […]

Facebook Page Posts – Who Sees Your Meta Posts Now? Read More »

tweeting vs. facebook post

Why Tweeting Away Is So Different Than Posting On Facebook

The other day my customer Sally wanted to start tweeting. She asked what is the difference between tweeting away and posting on Facebook. It’s a lot different I started to say. It is so different especially for businesses. Why Posting On X Is Different Than Posting On Facebook If you post too much on Facebook people

Why Tweeting Away Is So Different Than Posting On Facebook Read More »

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