3 Grammar and Writing Style Issues to Look Out For

Writing engaging online content is one of the most essential elements of a successful online marketing strategy. However, it is also one of the trickiest with grammar and writing styles..

Your blog post might have an engaging topic but be rendered unintelligible to readers if you are unable to follow the necessary spelling and grammar rules.

Likewise, certain writing techniques help to bring your writing alive. This will have readers returning to it long after they have initially finished reading your article.

It is a good idea to have your work proofread by someone. This person should mark up any spelling, grammar, and style issues so that you can make any corrections before posting it online.

Here are three grammar and writing style issues to look out for in your online content:

1. Passive Voice in Your Online Content

In a sentence that is written in the passive voice, the subject has the action of the verb done to them.  By lowering the clarity of the sentence and making it appear weaker than it would do if written in the active voice.

For instance, this sentence is written in the passive voice: ‘Videos are uploaded to YouTube.’ It can be rewritten in the active voice as: ‘YouTube uploads videos.’

Doesn’t this sound much more succinct and rigorous? Understanding the difference between passive and active voice can be confusing, in which case you might consider using a writing app to help you.

Grammarly is advanced enough to pick up on the passive voice in your writing as part of its clarity checking tool (something that other spelling and grammar checks may not notice), flagging it up for you to consider rewriting in a clearer active voice.

grammer and writing style

2. British or American English Style

Is the publishing site for your content, and by extension, your intended audience, British or American? Each country uses slightly different spelling and grammar, and different terms for the same thing; make sure you write in the correct mode for your audience.

Common is the use of our endings for words such as ‘color’ in British English, as opposed to ‘color’ in American English.

However, there are some slightly more significant differences. (For instance, ‘counterclockwise’ in American English means ‘anticlockwise’ in British English), so make sure you consult a guide.

Do not just assume that everyone will understand American English. It is a mark of respect for your audience to write in their particular form of language.

3. Tone of Your Grammar and Writing Style

The tone of your piece should reflect its publication site. A formal article would look out of place on a mommy blog; likewise, a chatty blog style would be unsuitable for an academic website.

Although every author has their own particular style, you should be able to adjust your writing to the situation. The tone is based around unwritten rules and conventions that you unconsciously learn through reading a text in that style.

So make sure you do your research before setting out to write your article. Otherwise, you will find people not coming back to read your blog.

Free Grammar and Writing Style Checker

A Free grammar and writing style checker is a must-have for anyone looking to polish their writing. These tools catch mistakes you might miss and suggest better wording.

They help with spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. You can save time by spotting errors before they become big issues.

Plus, many of these checkers are easy to use with straightforward interfaces. Many writers today use Grammarly for this reason.

Whether you’re writing an email, an essay, or a blog post, they make your writing clearer and more effective. Best of all, you don’t need to spend a dime to improve your writing and grammar style skills.

In Conclusion on Your Grammar and Writing Style for Online Content

How you come across in your writing will reflect your business or eCommerce website. The grammar and writing style will come through each page and product of your website.

For example, if your audience is younger will your writing be more or less formal? Will it be appealing to them?

Now, if you are going to submit a guest post on a different blog or website be sure to read several of their content pieces before you begin your writing.

Has your grammar and writing style changed over the years? Do you have another tip to add to this one?

I’d love to know more in the comments below.

3 Grammar and Writing Style Issues to Look Out For Share on X
Lisa Sicard

4 thoughts on “3 Grammar and Writing Style Issues to Look Out For”

  1. Hey Lisa,
    Very informative article. Learned alot about how to be good at writing articles. I was confused, what to use between American and British English. Thanks you cleared the doubt.
    Shubha Tiwari

    1. Hi Shubha, thank you. I’m glad you found it informative. I tend to struggle with the passive voice but Yoast SEO helps me in my posts. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Lisa,

    You nailed it.

    I naturally don’t fall into the “passive word” trap, and if I do, grammarly do help me out.

    And most of the time, I use American English, it’s my natural writing style.

    1. Hi Folajomi, I do at times but Yoast helps me with this and Grammarly works great too for proofreading. Thanks for coming by and have a great weekend.

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