Twitter Management

The Right Social Media Management

Social Media Management Available – I manage Facebook Pages, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts from start to finish!

  • Engagement is the KEY with social media. Engagement sets you apart and is included with my social media management. Your social media posts get noticed and shared!
  • Save your time and money with my social media management.
  • Get results with unique content and posts created specifically for your business.
  • Detailed reports provided so you can SEE the results that are measured.

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My Social Media Philosophy

I believe in doing this organically which means I do it slowly to grow your social media accounts right.

Once more followers are following you on each of the networks I increase the post frequency of that network.

“Slow and steady”  is the way to go on social media to grow your account organically.

Next, I follow and/or like others in your niche and engage with them too along the way. Engagement is key on all the networks today.

Why Use Inspire to Thrive?

Owner, Lisa Sicard is a top 10 Twitter influencer according to Report Garden’s Report.  She has over 25 years marketing experience with 9 years on Twitter alone.

why Inspire to Thrive

In fact, she has helped other small businesses with Twitter and offers Twitter classes for those that want to do it themselves.


Twitter Flight School Graduat

Twitter management is $99-$250* per account per month.

Paypal preferred method of payment but credit cards accepted. Checks may be made out to: Inspire To Thrive for local accounts.

Rates for other social networks are available upon request. For Facebook pages, I do recommend a small Facebook ad budget to start with any Facebook page management.

Fill out the contact form below to get started! 

*This price varies depending on how many tweets per day and week.  Contact me for more information. 

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