Why It’s Hard For Your Online Startup To Make Financial Progress

Why Is Your Online Startup Not Making Financial Progress?

The emotions that surge through your body when you decide to launch a business are intense. Apart from excitement, you’re also scared and apprehensive. After all, when Forbes.com says that 90% of new companies fail, it’s a figure that you notice.

online startup failing

Still, you think, and you should do that your business can be part of the 10%. You can be an entrepreneur that beats the odds, making the idea even sweeter. In theory, the concept is straightforward – make money. In practice, it’s incredibly difficult.

Here are the reasons why financial progress is a challenge. If you want to succeed, you’ll have to overcome the following.

You can be an entrepreneur that beats the odds, making the idea even sweeter. #inspire Share on X

Saving Money Isn’t Sexy

SMEs and startups require more money than most businesses. Unfortunately, you have fewer resources to go around as you’re in the beginning stages of your lifecycle and aren’t yet breaking even.

As a result, you’ve got to save as much as possible for a rainy day. They say it can take up to 5 years in a new business to make money.

Then, if the worst-case scenario happens, you should be able to cover your company’s expenses. No matter how logical the argument is, businesses just don’t save because the feeling isn’t as good.

When you spend, you’ll experience a sensation that you want to repeat, which is why it’s easy to rack up debt.

No matter how logical the argument is, businesses just don’t save because the feeling isn’t as good. #startup Share on X

The Game Is Rigged

Rigged might be a loaded word, yet there’s no doubt that the odds aren’t in your favor. Banks can print money out of thin air, but you have to invest your soul into turning over pennies. Then, everything you earn is taxable, and if you don’t pay, the IRS will hit you with a huge fine.

You can learn more about money creation at www.DTSS.us From the outset, you need to know that money doesn’t grow on trees.

You must work hard, you must pay your dues, and you just hope that you get lucky. I always tell people that you have to invest time or money, there is no getting around it!

You Ask For Too Much Too Soon

Of course, you can’t blame everything on the system. How you act will play a significant role in your ability to succeed, and it starts with setting the right goals. Anybody can decide that they want the company to go international within five years, but getting there is the issue.

set goals

If you can’t, you’ll soon begin to lose faith in the process. When this happens, your passion and motivation will recede and your chances will take another hit.

Reach for the stars, by all means, but remember that you need to stack up wins, regardless of how small.

Reach for the stars, by all means, but remember that you need to stack up wins, regardless of how small. #InspireToThrive Share on X

The End Point Is Far Away for Your Online Startup

Even when your targets are reasonable and reachable, it can take five years for them to manifest. During this time, it’s tempting to stray from the path and put your business in jeopardy.

Whether it’s boredom or ambition, spending money needlessly is very simple as technology is new and shiny and software programs always appear as if they have a miracle cure. (Especially if you are doing digital ads!) 

It takes patience and determination to see your business goals become your reality finally from your online startup.

Check out a few ways to generate a side income while you are growing your new online business.


Do you agree? What do you find the hardest part of making money as a business owner starting out? I’d love to know more in the comments below.

Lisa Sicard

2 thoughts on “Why It’s Hard For Your Online Startup To Make Financial Progress”

  1. Hey Lisa,

    Truly Awesome and I really appreciate all the various reasons you shared why financial progress is a challenge. Obviously and I truly believe, no one can succeed overnight, it takes patience and determination as well to reach your business goals in reality. All the reasons you discussed are definitely can be a big reason especially asking for too much and that’s too soon. Very informative article. Keep sharing more.

    Thanks and Regards,

    1. Hi Riju, yes, it does take a lot of time, more time than most people realize. I’ve seen too many lose patience and give up. I’m glad you liked this one. Thanks for coming by and for the comment. Have a great rest of the week there.

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