Learn To Tweet and Thrive On Twitter X

Learn How to Post & Thrive on Twitter X

This eBook is 33 pages long and is formatted for your Amazon Kindle. (Published March 26, 2020.) The eBook will help you learn how to tweet and thrive on Twitter. It covers the BASICS that are still relevant today as Elon Musk has purchased the network and changed the name to X.

It is priced at $8.99 and the paperback is available for $14.99.

(I’d love reviews on Amazon for this book as you may know how important they are for authors, thank you in advance.)

Get the latest updates on the Twitter social network like scheduling on Twitter and emojis in DM reactions.

Learn to tweet more efficiently, engage with others, gain more followers, meet new people, generate leads, and make sales.

Small businesses can do more customer service via this social network very quickly today. Some say Twitter is dead, but no, it’s alive and well today. Learn why and how to use it to the max.

11 Chapters full of tips and tricks on how you can better use Twitter today!

  1. Setting Up Your Twitter Account – Profile Pictures, Bio, and Pinned Tweet.
  2. Getting Twitter Followers – Organically.
  3. Get Ready To Tweet!
  4. The Basics of Tweeting.
  5. Trends, Lists, Muting, and Jail Time. Learn from my suspensions!
  6. Watching Out For Spammers on Twitter.
  7. Other Ways to Get More Activity on Twitter.
  8. Twitter Automation – When to use and when not to use it.
  9. Mobile Apps for Twitter – How to use the new layout on mobile.
  10. Tagging Others.
  11. Privacy Settings – how to adjust them and why.
  12. Twitter Analytics – Why you need to check them monthly.
  13. Why Twitter Today? It is still a great social network to be on for your business especially if you have a blog and are generating content.

More on the Book

Priced at $8.99 on Amazon – Easy to download onto your Kindle and read today! Easy to read format – over 6,800 words helping you to tweet better today. Or purchase a paperback edition for $14.99.

Learn how you can automate some of your tweets and when you should not. The new eBook will update why you may not want to automate on Twitter anymore.

Learn how to read your Twitter analytics to improve your engagement and shares on the powerful network. The same true methods still apply today in 2023 even with XCorp – Twitter’s new name.

Check out the review on Mitch Mitchell’s blog today on my previous eBook version!

Learn to tweet

13 thoughts on “Learn to Tweet and Thrive on Twitter”

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Greetings from India.
    It is indeed a timely post. Though twitter is here for a long time, but still many online do not know much about it. Though I joined and used it since its inception, I am still unknown to many of its features.
    I long to read this guide.
    Thanks for sharing
    PS: Looks like my commentLuv feed is not working, I tried both http and https but showing the same error message
    pl do have a look: Getting the following message. A feed could not be found at http://www.pvariel.com/. A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this error, or SimplePie was unable to auto-discover it.. Use force_feed() if you are certain this URL is a real feed.
    ~ Phil

    1. Thanks Phil. I found using the http vs https made a difference for me. No one has updated the CommentLuv plugin for a long time since Andy took sic 🙁 It would be nice if someone could buy it and fix it up! Thanks and do check the eBook out. I am going to be doing a Twitter Chat Oct. 24 7 PM and will be doing a giveaway as well 🙂 Please join in!

  2. Hi Lisa,
    Looking forward to reading this book. You know how I struggle when it comes to Twitter lol. I’ll pass this along.


  3. Hi Lisa,

    Congratulations on completing version 2

    I’m on your list already so will you be emailing us the link (or code)?

    Once I’ve had a read I’ll pop an email out to my list and help promote it for you.

    Have a great weekend Lisa, I’m off to the coast for the weekend,


    1. Hi Barry – thank you. I was determined to get it done by end of July as missing my January deadline when mom got sick. I just sent you the code via email – any problem let me know as some had issues with the previous code. Thank you so much for helping. Enjoy the coast – love to see pics!

  4. Looking forward to reading how to get more out of Twitter. Probably my biggest issue is that as I’ve grown on Twitter, I have found that I have less time to keep up with everything. Guess that’s the double edged sword for me!

    1. Thanks Carol – just sent you the code and I hope you find it useful. I hope to update it in the coming year. The Buffer and lists have really helped me as I’ve grown too.

  5. Is this still going on? I don’t know if I need help with using twitter. I actually love twitter. I learn enough watch Brian D. Hawkins use it to understand how to use it properly, lol. He is a twitter using fool! But if this is still up for grabs I’ll take it. Also on a side note! Twitter is how you can get a hold of higher people than yourself. Like I’ve contacted some huge people using twitter. – Scott Craighead

    1. Yes, sign up for emails and you will receive the code. Just re-tweet there stuff and try to start a conversation. Some are too big to bother others are great. Thanks for coming by Scott.

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