The other day my customer Sally wanted to start tweeting. She asked what is the difference between tweeting away and posting on Facebook.
It’s a lot different I started to say. It is so different especially for businesses.
Table of Contents
Why Posting On X Is Different Than Posting On Facebook
If you post too much on Facebook people will either make you an acquaintance vs. a close friend so your posts will not show up in the feed as often; or worse, they could unfriend you.
And if you post too much on your Facebook business page they will unlike your Facebook page. I don’t think you would want that I told Sally.
Adjusting For The Algorithm Changes Tweeting
Now posting and tweeting away gets even more complicated today with both Facebook and Twitter X tweaking their algorithms more frequently.
If you don’t post on your Facebook feed or your business page several times a week your postings could be seen by fewer friends and followers.
Why is that? Facebook has changed its algorithm. They want to see engagement, relevancy, and timeliness. Facebook doesn’t want to rate those users that don’t post to their Facebook walls or pages to show up more than their engaged users.
With engagement being a key element on Facebook not only must you post but you must like, comment or engage with others on their feeds too to rank higher.
You cannot just be a lurker on Facebook if you want to get results from a Facebook page or a post in your personal feed. It just does not work now on Facebook. They will even let you know now.
Twitter X too has now gotten into the act with its own Twitter X algorithm tweakings. You can now choose which tweets you want to see first.
Twitter X sort of picks them for you but you can check off that feature in your Twitter X settings.
How Often Should You Post On Facebook?
That’s the 10 million dollar question Sally and others have often asked. One has to be careful not to post too much or not at all or very little. It’s like a secret sauce recipe.
Some people today still claim to know the optimal times to post.
Posting and tweeting away really is an individualized thing. It depends on where you live, how many friends and followers you may have, what you post, the images you use, etc. It is very hard to say what works for one person will work for another.
Hence, you must check your Facebook Insights for info on your Facebook business pages. If it’s your personal page it may be how many are liking your posts or commenting.
Likewise, Twitter X offers great analytics as well if you have a subscription. Otherwise you may need a tool like Creator Buddy to guide you.
Pinning Your Best Facebook Page Posts
Did you know you can pin your best Facebook page posts? It’s easy to do and you can change them at any time.
One smart move social media managers can make to increase the visibility of their best posts is pinning them to the top of their page. Pinned page posts occupy the most prime real estate on social media and tend to get more engagement from social media users with their presence at the top.
When choosing a post to pin, social media managers should pick one that is recent, relevant, and engaging for social media users who will be viewing it.
Furthermore, it’s important to continuously update your pinned post as time passes since social media users will eventually grow bored of it after seeing it frequently.
Therefore, social media managers should attempt to change up the pinned post once in awhile while also reaping the benefits of having one of their posts remain visible at the peak view of their page.
Some People Were Addicted To Posting On Facebook
According to The Wall St. Journal recently: “Excessive ads, bots and misinformation have sucked the fun out of sharing publicly, users say.” Lots of users still log in but they don’t post like they used to on social media.
Back in 2016: A study found “Effectively presenting oneself to others, which includes the sharing of self-related information, is a crucially important social skill, playing a role in occupational success, romantic attraction, making friends, and other desirable aspects of life.”
Addicted to posting on Facebook? Blame your brain
— Telegraph Technology (@TelegraphTech) March 10, 2016
How Often Should One Be Tweeting Away?
Now on Twitter X, it’s a bit different. But I must clarify that. If you have only a few followers it is similar. Therefore, tweeting too much could become a turn-off and you could get muted or unfollowed.
But when you have a lot of followers – like over a few thousand you be tweeting much more than you can post on Facebook. Likewise, people expect you to be active on X.
There are many tools you can use to check your Twitter X stats to see how you are doing with your tweeting away.
Today posting linkless posts on X gives you more engagement and views.
So it appears all the rumors of Google penalties with AI were unfounded. ✔️
— Lisa Sicard 👩💻 (@Lisapatb) February 11, 2023
"Google prioritizes high-quality content, regardless of whether humans OR machines generate it."
Unless you try to manipulate the system, that's with or without #AI tools.
Is this because of Bard?
The above tweet got 344 views where as my other Twitter X posts with links average between 30-50 views. That’s about 7x higher!
Pinning Your Best Post On Twitter X
Just like pinning your Facebook posts, you can pin your best post to your Twitter profile.
As you can see from the above image, it received a lot of impressions as well but it’s been there since January 5, 2023. (this was first written in February of 2023.) You can change it at any time to put a different tweet in your profile from your tweeting away.
I may switch this pinned tweet to the previous text-only tweet to see how far it will reach there in a week or two. Text only posts on X without links work better today in 2025 than posts with links.
Linkless posts works better for most social media networks today in 2025.
Some bloggers or businesses may switch the pinned tweet for each new blog post or an e-commerce store to a special price or new product announcement. A realtor may pin a tweet for a new listing or an open house.
Tweeting On Twitter X From Facebook – A Big No
This is my biggest pet peeve is when folks post every Facebook post to a tweet post or every tweet to a Facebook post. Now an occasional one is okay. It could be something special, unique, important, etc.
But each and every post to a tweet? Likewise, If you forgot how this habit started, go to your Twitter profile on a desktop (it doesn’t work on mobile) and then to apps.
There, you can revoke your Facebook app to stop sending out those updates on your Facebook feed.
Your Turn: Tweeting Away On X
How do you use Twitter X and Facebook differently? Or do you just post from one and let the other duplicate?
I’d love to know how you are tweeting away vs. posting to Facebook so please drop a comment on X today to @lisapatb where I’m the most active.