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Content Marketing Engine: 10 Elements For Success

content marketing engine

What is a Content Marketing Engine? It is the processes, tools, and people that deliver consistent, targeted, high-quality content in a variety of media formats.

Content marketing for search engines helps your content be found when people are searching online for answers.

A content engine can include blog content, eBooks, webinars, infographics, videos, slide shares, and slide sets.

Content Marketing, done well, fuels your digital hub by building a “content engine” to drive people to your business. Keeping your engine tuned up with a rich mix of content types helps to keep things running smoothly.

Smoothly enough that people want to come back more than once to visit your digital offerings.

Unique Content For Your Marketing

As a critical component of your company’s marketing strategy, Content Marketing consists of unique content aligned closely to the specific audience you serve.

Evaluate the kinds of content you want to provide as digital resources for your content marketing engine. But, mixing content styles lets you appeal to different people in different ways.

Everything from webinars to eBooks to audio content to white papers and everything in between is a form of quality blog content. Think about the best way to deliver a meaningful message.

Creating Content

Creating content assets to connect with people while building brand recognition and credibility is the goal. But, it’s not always easy to put an effective content engine into motion, let alone to keep it chugging along.

Better yet, speeding along, gaining business momentum as you go building your content marketing engine.

This post (and infographic) gives you 10 essential elements to oil up and keep your content marketing engine in tip-top shape.

By following these tune-up items, you can develop, manage, and grow your content resources for positive results. Of course, they are many content marketing tools to help you achieve this too.

What Your Content Engine Runs On

Your content engine runs on people, processes, and tools. And, it’s designed to deliver high-quality, targeted, and consistent content to connect your business with people.

Click On Your Seat Belt Now For Those 10 Elements:

Without executive or management buy-in, your content engine may stall or at least only sputter. Worse, operating without C-level support is like trying to hop on a racetrack with no spark plugs.

Simply put, you need (HINT: Present your case so executives are shaking their heads, “yes.”)

Your content has two jobs. The first has to do with understanding and relating to your target audience. The other is to incorporate the broader business and marketing strategy of the company.

Intersect these two objectives and your content engine will be running on high octane in the fast lane.

Develop a content hub, typically via your digital home—your website and blog. Your goal is to create a resource-filled experience for visitors and customers.

Because without a quality hub to engage people, there’s no point taking the next steps with SEO, social media marketing and promotions, or advertising.

Hang On For More Content Marketing Engine Magic

Content creators are the magicians for a compelling content hub. Their techniques are not just wishful mechanics, though.

Rather, a mix of research, excellent writing, editing skills, and visualization are only some of the many pieces to craft quality output.

Designers and technicians also have a vital role in producing more complex works and in using various mixes of media. The possibilities are endless for presenting a well-rounded content engine mixture to make it purr.

Visuals add impact and are powerful for conveying information concisely. Event photography can enhance this by capturing high-quality images that effectively communicate your message.

Tools to factor SEO into your content, automate social sharing and promotion, and advertising, speed up your traffic-building by helping you find a wider reach.

Plus, using email marketing automation gives you a chance to talk directly to your audience, based on their needs, in a way that’s helpful.

Management and Calendars

Asset management includes establishing workflows and processes and collaborating with project management tools. Finally, setting up timelines as well as approval flows for content pieces.

Therefore, an Editorial Calendar helps you to hone in on content topics. It also guarantees a media mix and set targets. This stays consistent in planning and executing your content schedule.

You may want to include seasonal and holiday content possibilities and ideas in your calendar. Then, you can set up a guideline for content types to use that your audience will love.

Also, you may want to make a version of an Editorial Calendar to set your social media promotions schedule.

Infuse Your Personality Into Your Content Marketing

Next, don’t forget a very important content component by infusing your brand personality into content production. Remember, your content is a way for people to get to know you.

Create guidelines to present a clear, consistent “voice” for your business by coordinating the style and attitude of digital assets.

Everything from fonts to color schemes to grammar guides comes into play here. And once again, consistency revs up your recognition and clarifies what you are communicating.

Analytics For Measuring

Analytics is important to understand what works and what doesn’t in your content engine. Sure, you can just keep running your motor, but running at optimal performance means you need to know how to improve.

Without measuring and tracking your content, you have no way of understanding what is resonating with viewers. Time on the page, for example, helps you know if people are engaging rather than just stopping by.

For your content engine, the longer time visitors spend cruising through your content and hub resources, means a winning motor.

That’s why content marketing for search engines is key today to being found online when people are searching for answers like where to buy or rent a property.

Framework and Company Vision

To keep your content marketing revved up, and running at an optimal level, start with a review of the bigger framework and company vision. Fit your content strategy into overall business goals while still focusing on audience needs and creating value.

Finally, use the 10 essential elements in the infographic below as a road map to plan and execute content marketing for your business.

Each element will help keep you on track and poised to improve, build, and grow, using your content engine. Your fine-running content engine-powered machine, that is.

Furthermore, the infographic below is brought to you by Wrike project management software online for free.

How are you finding success with your content marketing for search engines today? I’d love to know more in the comments below if you are using any project management software to do it.

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