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How Content Marketing For Small Business Can Be Your Savior

content marketing strategy

How do you prove the value in your ROI and measure the impact of marketing on a business? It’s the eternal quest for marketeers today.  But content marketing for small business can provide the missing connection when done right.

Measuring the success of what you’re doing is key.

Aligning your content marketing strategy with KPIs for the business and revenue targets can really help to ensure that what you’re producing is doing the job that you need it to.

Small Business Marketing

For a small business whose marketing efforts are lacklustre and missing the mark, adopting this approach can be a complete saviour. Hence, content marketing can turn around the fortunes of the business.

It can find you the right audiences and new ways to connect with them, as well as showcasing what you do.

It’s not just a tactic anymore! 

Content marketing is central to your entire engagement and conversions strategy, and an absolutely indispensable part of your business. Whatever the industry you work in, this is an indispensible approach.

Avoid Content Marketing For Business Chaos

When there is so much you could be producing – white papers, Twitter Q&As, blog posts, informative videos, Instagram grids , etc. How do you know what you should be producing?

Not every channel and piece of content is suitable for every business, and trying to do it all risks diluting your efforts to the point where you won’t see any impact.

Producing endless content without any regard to a wider strategy is exhausting and unproductive.

(If you have followed Inspire To Thrive for years, you know I’ve been there and done that!)  

Start by revisiting the business plan or the marketing strategy and making sure that you are aligned with the objectives that have been set out. Ensure also that you’re internally aligned with any key stakeholder groups who will need to be engaged in what you’re producing.

Then, set a concrete SMART goal for each task, in order to create measurability and give yourself a benchmark for subsequent works.

Understand where your organization is in it’s marketing journey, and what it needs to achieve. Then, this will inform the approach you take and the channels that you use.

Find High Performance Tools

The right technology platform is a must to allow the sort of responsive and dynamic content creation your business needs.

Ensuing you have tools such as the right digital publishing platform in place will ensure that you are able to optimize content along the way. Therefore, maximizing engagement, search engine optimization and return on investment.

The right system means content can be matched to points of need for your customer. A simplistic example would be a customer testimonial video.

The video should be at a point of uncertainty, such as basket abandonment in an eCommerce environment. Or a video with a lead starting to go cold in the business to business world.

Derek Halpern explains how to collect testimonials that you can convert into videos. (You can use Canva for work to accomplish these videos.) He has some really great ideas you can use today!

Another tip I read researching testimonials is when you take a video do not put the person in the center. Have a nice backdrop to showcase as well outdoors or in an office!

Having the right technological capabilities will help build the valuable customer relationships that your business relies on. It can also drive uptake of your services or purchases of your goods.

Create For The Buyer, Not The Board

A common problem is that content marketing efforts become split, with teams operating in silos. The result is customer confusion, devaluation of the brand, and unfocused content.

Finally, move away from the internal geographies that your business stakeholders see. Then, don’t fall into the trap of anything which doesn’t fit your customer experience goals.

Now, create content which is driven by user experiences. Then, content marketing can be your business saviour going forward.

Your Input: Small Business Content Marketing

I’d love to know in the comments below how you are using content marketing in your small business today! Is your content chaotic or have you narrowed down your customer’s needs? 

Please leave a comment below so we can discuss.

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