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How To Unfollow Everyone On Twitter Today For Clarity

how to unfollow everyone on Twitter X

Recently Ryan Biddulph from Blogging From Paradise unfollowed everyone on Twitter. Yes, you read that right, everyone! You may be wondering how to unfollow everyone on Twitter quickly or easily, right?

As you can imagine, I was quite intrigued by this massive move.

So, I asked Ryan if I could do an interview about this experience.

Here is the interview:

Ryan, how did you unfollow everyone on Twitter?  (I’m not sure there is such a button to delete follower profiles.)

Yes, I did. I spent a few hours daily unfollowing everybody one at a time. I worked in chunks. Over 2 weeks, I unfollowed all 47,000 people I had followed. It was not easy as there is no way how to mass unfollow everyone on Twitter at the same time.

What Inspired You To Stop Following Everyone?

First, my stream became a newsfeed. Since I do not follow the news I began unfollowing 1000s of Tweeters who tweeted news items. I have zero tolerance for the news because it is designed to scare scared humans through manipulation.

But after unfollowing these 1000s I soon realized how many folks I followed who tweeted content not resonant with who I’ve become over the past 12 years.

The guy who joined Twitter in 2008 seemed unclear and largely filled with fear and doubts concerning Twitter and blogging.

The 2020 Ryan has faced, felt, and released many deep fears over 12 years through an intense personal growth campaign.

I simply started at 0 again on Twitter because this has pretty much mirrored my life strategy; Then, I follow a few folks in life these days as I tighten my circles.

Why Did You Follow Me First?

You are the best Tweeter and Twitter. I can say that after 12 years and tweeting 574,000 times.

(This shocked me, I didn’t comprehend why he would only follow me at first. Now, he’s up to about 6 others.)

Why Did You Only Choose Following a Few Others?

I deeply value-wise, loving, compassionate, genuine human beings focused almost exclusively on helping people, befriending people, and lifting up humanity. Such humans are few and far between.

But even more than that, I intend to give 99.99% of my attention and energy to serving my followers and .01% to following 5-10 folks, if that.

Helping and chatting with followers became easier when I only followed a few folks; virtually no mental and physical clutter in my main Twitter stream.

Did You Lose Many Twitter Followers?

I have no idea, Lisa. I genuinely, honestly, give almost all of my attention to gain and none to lose. The way I look at it, if someone followed me only because I followed them, they did not follow me based on my skills, merit, blog posts, eBooks, and courses.

If they were readers, customers, clients, or brand advocates, they were illusory numbers, and a number never bought an eBook or mine, RTed a blog post, or hired me to help them.

Do You Use Twitter lists?

I do not. I see the benefits of Twitter lists.

However, between publishing 10-12  blog posts on some days – between articles, guest posts, podcasts, and videos – it is tough to spend much time doing anything else.

(Hmm, I can’t imagine writing 10-12 blog posts per day! Can you?) 

What is Your Goal By Mass Unfollowing People On Twitter?

I intended to maintain clarity, peace of mind, and pure posture. Hence, I had little Twitter posture for my 12 years online.

I actually followed people just because they asked me to follow them, versus observing if they tweeted valuable content, built genuine bonds, and published wise tweets that uplifted me, inspired me, and moved me.

What Has Been Your Result To Unfollow Everyone on Twitter?

Clarity, peace of mind, and pure posture 😉 All intents manifested for me. I give much more time to my loyal followers and also cleared out the fear-pain-suffering in my mainstream consistent with politics, news and other manipulate tweets.

I also became hyper-aware of the news narrative on Twitter, or, the general narrative. Unenlightened human beings with a heavy bias on Twitter.

That is OK, as I do not expect the folks over there to have the wisdom of King Solomon or the altruism of the Dalai Lama.

However, during my unfollowing on Twitter, I saw again and again how tweets Twitter gave priority to largely aligned with the dominant news aka trending topics. I have no political skin in the game so I can see this as clear as day.

The mass unfollows allowed me to block out the biased narrative, the noise, and general ridiculous manipulation, to simply follow a few kinds, open, compassionate, wise Tweeters who vibe with my vision.

Do You Have More Than One Account to Unfollow Everyone on Twitter?

No, I do not. I only have one Twitter account.

What Social Media Platform Are You Most Active On?

Definitely Twitter.

How About the Least Social Media Network You Are On?

Definitely LinkedIn.

Which Social Media Platform Draws the Most Traffic To Your Blog?

I do no metrics stuff Lisa, but assume it is Twitter. I basically do what my intuition tells me to do, and it has always told me to trust my gut and to ignore stats.

Most bloggers would say this is reckless, but I still have not met a blogger who’s lived as cool as life as me 🙂

(I’m still a stats girl here but I do understand how you can “feel” oftentimes what works or not!)

Do You Envision Social Media Disappearing and Blogs To Remain?

I am not sure; social media is likely to stick around for a bit because most folks are asleep and entirely unaware, but more deeply, clear thinkers finally observed the narrative up close and personal during recent political events.

Blogs will be around for a long time because more bloggers are genuine, honest, truthful, and open-minded than are not.

Social media offers you a great channel for connecting with many like-minded folks given the topic fits into their narrative – most topics do – but all of their power, influence, and clout is in the billions of humans who use social media.

The more users close down or do not use their accounts, the less power they have. We will see what the future brings.

My Take On Mass Unfollowing

I’ve unfollowed a bunch of folks the past few weeks as many that I followed 10 years ago are no longer relevant to my interests.  But I still use and love Twitter lists. However, it’s not easy how to quickly unfollow everyone on Twitter X.

Of course, I’m now on Minds spending some time on that Twitter alternative network.

It feels free to not follow so many people on Twitter. However, it feels even better not to be aggravated by the main Twitter feed when you log on to Twitter today.

How To Quickly Unfollow Everyone On Twitter

You can’t unfollow all your Twitter followers with just one click. The good news is, you can do it manually on Twitter or consider using third-party community management tools.

Most tools doesn’t support this type of automated mass unfollowing. Why? Twitter doesn’t allow mass unfollowing, especially when done through automated tools.

Twitter frowns upon what it calls aggressive following behavior. Essentially, unfollowing many accounts quickly can result in your account being frozen, suspended, or even banned.

Now, Your Turn – How To Unfollow Everyone On Twitter

Would you know how to quickly unfollow everyone on Twitter X as Ryan has? Before you do, be sure you are up on the Twitter rules or you’ll lose your Twitter account.

I’d love to know more in the comments below on your thoughts on unfollowing many people on Twitter.

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