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What Is Twitter Jail And How Long Do Twitter Suspensions Last?

how long is Twitter jail?

Having Twitter suspensions or a Twitter ban and landing in Twitter jail gave me more insights into how long they can last: for hours, days, or permanently.

Suspended Twitter accounts are still happening in 2024 as Elon Musk is making changes to the X Twitter network after he purchased it in late 2022. Many accounts are still getting an X Twitter ban today.

This blog post will help you learn how to get out of Twitter jail and how not to land there in the first place whether you are on X Twitter for business or pleasure.

It also doesn’t matter if your X account is private or not. You can always check your account with the new Twitter viewer app if you are not sure.

Yes, Twitter jail is real with Twitter suspensions still happening under Elon Musk in 2024 in smaller numbers. However today there are more Twitter alternatives than ever before.

You can see that in the comment section below as users of the platform are still in Twitter Jail today.

Engagement Farming

The latest one has to do with engagement farming. You may wonder: What is engagement farming? It’s manipulating your content on social media to create more engagement.

Ironic right? Social media is for engaging with others and many asked Elon Musk to expound upon it. There didn’t seem to a clear cut answer.

What about Twitter chats or spaces where people engage?

Prior to that CEO Elon Musk posted that if you try to manipulate the creator compensation program you will lose your account on Twitter X.

According to their support services, they define it a little more for us:

You may not use X’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience or platform manipulation defenses on X.Twitter Support

They go on to say that platform manipulation can take many forms and our X Twitter rules are intended to address a wide range of prohibited behavior, including:

To read more on this visit their manipulation of the rules.

What Is Twitter Jail?

People often ask me what is Twitter jail?  Twitter jail is where you go when you get suspended from Twitter. It is the inability to log in to your Twitter account.

You have no access to the X Twitter platform. It means you are banned from Twitter.

If you get locked out of your Twitter account for no reason, something about your account activity likely triggered the action. (But sometimes it can be that you have been tricked by the Twitter bots.)

his article may help you avoid the locked up–or out of Twitter syndrome, rather.

What Are Twitter Suspensions?

Twitter suspensions are when your account has been banned from the social network. It means you have no access to your Twitter account.

Have you ever got up in the morning, looked at your mobile phone as you were getting out of bed, and seen your Twitter account has been locked? You now have an X Twitter suspension.

You can’t log into your Twitter account. They ask for your phone number. You enter it but they don’t call? Then, you wonder “What am I missing?”

Next, you wonder: “What tweets did I miss since I was last on Twitter?”

“Why did I get a Twitter suspension?” you may ask yourself.

Twitter suspensions can last from 48 hours to a month or in some cases permanently.

Learn how you can recover from a permanent Twitter suspension by having a phone number or email address on your account. You need them to get your account back if it ever happens to you.

Many wonder: Why should I have a phone number associated with my X Twitter account? You may need it to be able to log back in as well as login verification keeping your account more secure.

As for the email it may be a way to reach support if all else fails.

The Twitter Jail Experience

Yes, you have landed yourself in Twitter Jail. It happened to me a few years ago and even recently.

Not only is it happening on Twitter but on Facebook as well

For example, you can see all the restricted accounts I see in my Tweepsmap weekly email update. There still are many Twitter-restricted accounts today in 2024 under Elon Musk.

Recently Tweepsmap changed its name to Fedica and is offering more tools for you to use.

The Last Tweet Before My Twitter Suspension

I remember my last tweet was about seeing the space station flying over. I was not threatening anyone. I’m not a bot, I tweet and retweet all the time about things I find my audience will like. I tweet with links, photos, videos, and sometimes just quotes.

My last tweet below before the Twitter Suspension:

The Last of the Twitter Suspensions

Yes, imagine it happened again. This time to my lesser-used Twitter account at @InspireToThrive.  You can see I awake early at 4:20 to find this notification on my mobile device.

Well, I think to myself, There is no better way to teach about this than to go through it myself.

So, the next step was to confirm my mobile device. After that, I learned that I could repeal the suspension. I went into the Twitter help center and did just that.

Next, I did receive an email from them. This is why I say it is so important to have access to the email you use to open up your Twitter account at all times!

Finally, about 48 hours later I received an email from the Twitter support team. They had unsuspended my account but the reasons why it was suspended in the first place were a little vague.

After reviewing my account, I think it may have happened with Twitter referring to “decks.” There were peeps on the account always tagging me with dozens of others in quotes and such.

I did not really use any of the third-party apps.

How To Recover Suspended Twitter Account

Don’t panic, remember a Twitter ban has happened to most of us at one time or another.

When your Twitter account gets suspended the first time be sure to use their call me feature.(You must have your phone number on your account.)

The call me featuremay work the first time as it did for me. If not, you have to contact them atTwitter Support.(This support is in a new area in 2024) And then go to the fix the problem button from there.

You can also file a Twitter suspension appeal like I did in the past.

Is Twitter Locked?

Are you seeing a message that your Twitter account is locked? Your account may also be temporarily disabled in response to reports of spammy or abusive behavior.

For example, you may be prevented from Tweeting from your account for a specific period of time or you may be asked to verify certain information about yourself before proceeding. Get help unlocking your account.

Double-check the URLs in your Twitter profile if you are using both your personal and blog profiles on Twitter. I had both set to the homepage. I changed my personal one to my about me page just to be safe.

Now, check the new page on the Twitter Ban Evasion Policy.

Lastly, file a lawsuit. Recently, Alex Berenson (a former NY Times writer) won a lawsuit against Twitter and had his account reinstated.

If you are not sure you could always try the new Twitter viewer app to look at your account.

Want To Reactivate An Old Twitter Account?

Twitter now has a new page for learning how to reactivate your Twitter account.

This new page is for those who have had their Twitter accounts deactivated in the past 30 days or have had a Twitter ban.

Create A New Twitter X Account

To create a new Twitter account after a suspension, start by visiting the X Twitter website and clicking on the “Sign up” button. Enter a different email address not previously associated with any suspended accounts.

Create a new username that complies with Twitter’s guidelines, and choose a strong password for the account. Verify the account through the email sent by Twitter and complete the sign-up process.

Take care to adhere to Twitter’s terms of service and community guidelines to prevent any future suspensions.

Lastly, avoid any previous behaviors that led to the initial suspension.

How To Avoid Twitter Jail

More Updates To Avoid Suspension By Twitter

These rules appear on Twitter’s policy page for you to avoid a Twitter ban. You may think they are common sense but for some people, they may not be.Impersonation is something I do see from time to time on Twitter.

Some get around it by having a “parody account” right in their profile. Have you seen them?

Platform manipulation and spam: You may not use Twitter’s services in a manner intended to artificially amplify or suppress information or engage in behavior that manipulates or disrupts people’s experience on Twitter.Learn more on X policies.

Election integrity: You may not use X Twitter’s services to manipulate or interfere in elections. This includes posting or sharing content that may suppress voter turnout or mislead people about when, where, or how to vote. Learn more.

Impersonation: You may not impersonate individuals, groups, or organizations in a manner that is intended to mislead, confuse, or deceive others.Learn more.

Copyright and trademark: You may not violate others’ intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark. Learn more about their trademark policy andcopyright policy.

Other Reasons for a Twitter X Ban

Some other obvious reasons for enforcement action by Twitter X include: Violence, child sexual exploitation, harassment, hateful conduct, and promotion of suicide, or self-harm to name a few of the reasons to be thrown off of Twitter.

How Long Do Twitter Suspensions Last?

From my 2 experiences of a Twitter suspension, it was 48 hours to the minute each time. But if you are being spammy or violate their terms, your Twitter suspension can last longer.

Other people I’ve learned had their accounts suspended for a month or forever.

Once I put my phone number in, it was unlocked. Therefore, please remember to have your mobile phone number in your Twitter X settings. This will help you to unlock your account when you cannot get it in.

So be careful about how and what you post and know the Twitter rules. I’ve also been in the bots when I could not log into Twitter X. (Did you know your tweets show up when someone searches your name in Google, too?)

Thank You Twitter Friends

Thank you to everyone who emailed me, and sent me private messages with screenshots to find out what happened to my X Twitter account.

It’s so nice to know fellow bloggers and content marketers have your back in these situations.

Why My Twitter Account Got Suspended

My Twitter Conclusion On Why I Landed in Twitter Jail: I believe I may have unfollowed too many people or just caught up in the Twitter bots. According to the Twitter email, it was the bots that suspended my account.

If so, I’d love to know how long the Twitter suspension lasted for you. Please drop a comment below and share this article on your favorite social network.

(Twitter is now called X but many still refer to it as Twitter.)

Get the new Twitter viewer app today!

FAQs: Twitter Jail

How Long Do Twitter Suspensions Last?

Your account can be suspended for a day, a few days, or up to a month or it may be a permanent suspension.

What can you do when your Twitter account is Locked?

Use the call me feature. If you don’t have that, try to contact Twitter Support with the link above.

How can you avoid a Twitter suspension?

Read the Twitter rules. Keep updated on the changes. Follow Twitter support on Twitter X or read blogs like Inspire To Thrive.

Can a Twitter suspension be for no reason?

Yes, you can get caught up in bots on X today.

Can a suspension be permanent?

Yes, we’ve seen them before though some have been overturned in time.

Can you appeal a Twitter jail sentence?

Yes, you can. You can fill out this form on Twitter.

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