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Pins On Pinterest: Boost Your Traffic By Pinning Strategically

magic of pins on Pinterest

Did you know that Pinterest pins last longer than any other social media posts?  Have you ever checked out a referral from your Google Analytics to find it was a pin from months ago or even years ago?

Would that happen from a month-old tweet, Instagram post, TikTik video, or even a Facebook post? Learn why you may want to consider using pins on Pinterest to have your social shares last longer online and drive continuous traffic to your blog or website.

Today on the 30th day of July, 2024, my Google Analytics report shows Pinterest as my 2nd source of referral traffic after Twitter X to the blog. That has been the case for the last 8 months.

Pins Last Longer

Now, higher-quality pins on Pinterest can continue to gain repins and engagement for a year or more, making this social media platform a wise choice for long-term social engagement.

A Pinterest pin can lead to a sale right to your online store.

Now, the average quality pin does have a lifetime of approximately four months.  However, I’ve seen Pinterest pins last for years linking back to my blog.

Facebook Posts vs. Pinterest Pins

The average Facebook post lasts up to 3-4 hours. That’s it! Of course, it depends on the algorithm and how many followers or fans you may have at that time. A good rule of thumb is not to post more than a few times a week.

The number one reason people stop following a Facebook page is that they see too many posts from the same page over and over again.

However, you can now use the auto-scheduling right on Facebook with the Creator Studio, Buffer, or Agorapulse. There are many tools out there for scheduling your social media posts today.

A Tweets LifeCycle

Tweets last for 18 minutes on average according to data from Moz. No wonder we can tweet a lot more vs. post over at Facebook. Just be careful not to tweet too much within 18 minutes. 1x is enough.

Let’s do the math: 1440 minutes per day / 18 minutes = 80 times per day or 3.3 tweets per hour. (That would not count your conversations via Twitter or Re-Tweets.)

However, you can easily tweet a Pinterest pin to gain a little extra along the way for your pin.

Now the better way is to save the code from Pinterest to tweet or put in a blog post to last longer.

Instagram Posts

If you prefer Instagram, the posts on that social network can last up to 2 days. What you may do, is share your Instagram posts on Pinterest. This can be done with several tools like IFTTT for example.

Of course, you can always pin right from Instagram too. Be sure to include the link back to your Instagram post.

It is another great way to extend your Instagram reach.

YouTube Videos vs. Pins On Pinterest

YouTube is another network where your video content can last longer than most social network posts. You may get up to 3 weeks’ worth of views.

However, if it goes viral and people engage with you on the video that length will go longer. Make your video last even longer by pinning your YouTube videos on your boards.

You can see how Ileane Smith uses Pinterest for her successful YouTube channel below.

Snapchat and TikTok

Both Snapchat and TikTok posts start to decay immediately unless they go viral. That is one of the reasons I’m not on them. (As well as the very younger audience demographic.)

Remember, we should not be on every social network.

It’s best to pick and choose the ones your audience is on and the ones you can do well with for your business or niche.

How To Create A Pin On Pinterest

Creating a pin on Pinterest is straightforward. First, log in to your account and click on the plus sign at the bottom right. Select “Create Pin.”

Upload your image or video, then add a title, description, and the destination link. Make sure your description uses relevant keywords to help your pin get discovered.

Next, choose the board you want it to live on, or create a new one. Finally, click “Publish or Schedule.” That’s it! Your pin is now live and ready for others to discover.

The Staying Power of Pins On Pinterest: How Pinterest Pins Last

Pinterest Pins can last for months and even years. You can arrange your pinboards to show off an old pin as your cover to get more repins.

Now, when you create new pins and new visitors come to your pinboard, they can find old pins quickly and easily.

Not so with any other social network! The only thing that lasts longer than a Pinterest pin is a blog post.

You have more control over Pinterest vs. any other social network site. You get to choose where to place your pins. However, you cannot do that via Twitter or Facebook. They go into an automatic feed that is based on an ever-changing algorithm.

Search Engine Journal recommends being active on Pinterest to pin anywhere from 5-30 pins per day. When I pin about 5 per day I get more repins and some are from months or even a year or older.

Again be careful not to pin them all at once. (You can use Tailwind or another tool to schedule them or directly schedule pins on Pinterest as you watched in the above video.)

If I see a lot from one user that I don’t like I may unfollow them. And remember the Pinterest app for mobile makes it easy, it’s one of the best social media mobile apps out there!

Which Pins Work Best to Last Longer?

Videos are all the rage on most social networks, and it is on Pinterest too.  Also, be sure to have your pins in the vertical format – they will generate more views and reach. You may want to also pin them on Saturdays.

You can change your pins for your blog posts often too to give them new life in a video or a rich vertical pin.

Rich Pins

What are Rich Pins? Rich Pins contain extra information attached to a pin

Rich Pins work by displaying metadata from marked-up pages on your website. Once you’ve applied for Rich Pins, any content on your site with metadata will turn into a Rich Pin when a user saves it.

These may include product pins, recipe pins, article pins, or app pins. You can see an article pin below from Inspire To Thrive.

Video Pins On Pinterest

Video is hot on all social networks today. Pinterest is no different. The videos on this social media platform are anywhere from 3-15 seconds in length.

Not only do these pins help with creative storytelling and providing social engagement, but they also capture the attention of viewers who may otherwise scroll past static images and text-based posts.

Pinners have adopted this video pin technique as a powerful tool that helps them stand out in the social media jungle and reach more followers.

Furthermore, video pins are designed to maximize viewer engagement enabling social media users to build relationships with their audience by delivering the right message through visuals.

As such, bloggers and small businesses can tap into Pinterest’s huge user base and expose themselves to new opportunities for growth and success.

Product Pins

If you sell products online, it is essential that you use product pins. Product pins provide Pinners with important information about the products you sell, such as pricing, availability, and location.

It is important to note that product pins are different from buyable pins. While product pins make product information easily accessible on Pinterest, they do not allow users to directly purchase the product from Pinterest.

Product pins must be linked to the product landing page, where users can actually make the purchase. However, if your website only showcases products that can be purchased on another site, it is recommended not to use product pins.

Article Pins

Article Pins let users know that they’re clicking on a page with original content that tells a story.

These Article Pins include a headline, author, and story description. These types of pins are great for bloggers to use.

Recipe Pins

Today Recipe Pins show exactly what a recipe entails without leaving Pinterest. These Recipe Pins can include titles, ingredients, cooking times, serving information, and ratings.

What Are Rich Pins?

The Rich Pin displays more information about your product on Pinterest. This makes your pin stand out and makes your content more appealing to pinners.

For example, A recipe Rich Pin will display the ingredients, cook time, and serving size listed right below the pin itself.

Rich Pins contain extra information attached to a pin. Below is how Pinterest describes a Rich Pin:

“Rich Pins show metadata right on the Pin itself, giving Pinners a richer experience and increasing engagement. Information in a Rich Pin is independent of the Pin description, ensuring that important information is always tied to the Pin. There are 4 types of Rich Pins: app, article, product and recipe Pins.

Rich Pins work by displaying metadata from marked up pages on your website. Once you’ve applied for Rich Pins, any content on your site with metadata will turn into a Rich Pin when a user saves it.”

Therefore, Rich Pins provide the user with a more actionable and useful pinning experience.

Different Types of Rich Pins

Article Pins tell users that they’re clicking on a webpage with original content that tells a story. Article Pins include a headline, author, and a story description.

Product Pins make it easier for users to see more info about the things you sell.

This includes pricing, availability, and location. Product Pins differ from Buyable Pins because they do not let a user buy the product directly from Pinterest.

Product Pins must link to the product landing page on your website.

Recipe Pins show exactly what a recipe entails without leaving Pinterest. Recipe Pins can include titles, ingredients, cooking times, serving information, and ratings.

App Pins display an install button so people can download your app without leaving Pinterest. Currently, App Pins are only compatible with iOS.

Why Pins On Pinterest Descriptions Are Important

Using Pin descriptions will help your pin be keyword rich and make it easier to be found for those searching on Pinterest.

Be sure to fill out the description fully and use the alt text feature as well.  You have up to 500 characters for each pin description.

Boost Your Pinterest Pin with Ads

Did you know Neil Patel recommended Pinterest ads over Facebook ads?  He explains you have to spend more on Facebook ads to get a return compared to Pinterest ads.

90% of Pinterest users are planning on making a purchase. The average purchase is $50 which is higher than any other social media platform.

Did you know you can also target those who have visited your website prior? A great way to re-target them is with Pinterest ads.

Need More Reasons For Pins On Pinterest?

Are you using Pinterest Pins in your marketing plan? Lastly, have you found your pins from long ago still being re-pinned today? I’d love to hear from you about your Pinterest experiences.

Follow Me on Pinterest.

How to Boost Your Traffic by Pinning Strategically on Pinterest

How can I optimize my pins for search?

Use keywords in your pin titles, descriptions, and image file names. Include relevant hashtags and categorize your pins accurately. This will improve your pins’ visibility in search results.

What’s the best time to pin on Pinterest?

The best times are typically in the evening and weekends. However, monitor your analytics to see when your audience is most active and adjust your schedule accordingly.

How often should I pin?

Pin consistently, aiming for at least 5-10 pins a day. Spread your pins throughout the day to maintain a constant presence without overwhelming your followers.

Should I only pin my own content?

No, it’s a good idea to pin both your content and relevant content from others. This builds trust with your audience and can attract followers who are interested in the broader topic you cover.

How can I create eye-catching pins?

Use high-quality images, bold text, and strong calls to action. Vertical pins perform better because they occupy more space on the screen.

What’s a Pinterest board and how do I use it effectively?

A board is a collection of pins around a specific topic. Create multiple boards for different themes related to your niche. Use clear titles and descriptions filled with keywords for better searchability.

How important are group boards?

Group boards can expand your reach by allowing you to pin to boards with other contributors. Join active group boards relevant to your niche to get your content in front of more people.

Can I use analytics to improve my pinning strategy?

Yes, Pinterest Analytics provides insights on your most popular pins, audience demographics, and best performing boards. Use this data to refine your strategy and focus on what works.

What’s a Rich Pin and how do I use it?

Rich Pins provide more context about an idea by showing extra information directly on the pin. Enable Rich Pins for your site to make your content more engaging with details like price, availability, or ingredients.

How can I drive traffic to my website through Pinterest?

Include a clear call to action in your pin description, like “Click to read more” or “Visit our site.” Ensure the link is functional and directs users to a relevant landing page.

Are there tools to help manage my pinning schedule?

Yes, tools like Tailwind and Hootsuite can help you schedule pins and analyze performance. These tools save time and ensure you remain consistent in your pinning.

What are promoted pins and should I use them?

Promoted pins are paid ads on Pinterest. They can increase your reach and drive more traffic to your site. Use them strategically for important content or products to maximize ROI.

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