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Best Day To Post On Pinterest – Pin It On Saturdays

A reader the other day asked about Pinterest. A blogger named Lauren from ThinkSpin wanted to learn more about how to use Pinterest many years ago. She wanted to know what was the best day to post on Pinterest to increase her reach there. She wanted to pin in at the right time, who could blame her?

There are over 450 million active users today on this social platform according to Omnicore stats.

Saturdays are known to be the day to pin it over at the popular social media site, Pinterest. The folks at the Buffer app also concluded that Saturday was the best day to increase your reach on Pinterest.

They concluded:

It’s when people have more time to be online leisurely whether looking for new recipes or new do-it-yourself home projects. Pinterest is great for that and more!

Pin it on Saturdays to make your posts reach more as Saturday is the best day to post on Pinterest.

Saturday Pins – The Best Day To Post On Pinterest

You can see the stats below here that I opened up one early Sunday morning on this social media platform. There was quite some activity going on from it.

I increased followers by 7 in just the 10-hour time span I had spent – a few minutes here, a few minutes there. Of course, having the mobile app on the run is great for this photo-sharing site.

Why Pin It On Saturdays?

Value – Did you know that a Pinterest Pin is now worth more than a Facebook Like?  I had seen this from the retail sites I had worked on for years. Pinterest was not only bringing more visits but it made actual sales for the website.

Yes, the posts on this network last much longer than any other social network. – Lisa, Inspire To Thrive

Since I no longer work on that website I have spent more time on my own Pinterest for Inspire To Thrive.  It will be interesting to see how the growth will continue to climb in the coming months. You can see the stats on the networking site below:

Latest Pinterest stats for Inspire To Thrive.

Research = The research shows an increase in volume on Pinterest for Saturdays. However, on my own account today it is not showing Saturday as always the best day. Remember, every niche may be different.

Time – You have to spend some time with Pinterest – but not really a lot of time. That’s another beauty of using this social network over some of the others.

Topics – The best topics include:

Does that mean your niche will not do well? Not necessarily. Be creative, quotes can be used for almost any niche.

More Ways to Use Pinterest Effectively

Be There – Use it daily, just 5 minutes a day can make a difference! The Pinterest mobile app is a great and easy way to pin it on the go.

Follow Others – Did you know you can now see your Twitter Followers on Pinterest? It used to be just Facebook but now they show your Twitter friends as well.  If some pins drive you nuts you can unfollow the boards with them. Or if someone pins 10-20+ pins in a matter of minutes and they look spammy, you may unfollow them as well if they pin that often.

Like Pin Others Pins – People are more likely to share your pins if you like, share. or comment on their pins. Just remember though – be REAL. Don’t like it for the sake of liking it.

Other Times To Use Pinterest – 9 pm in the evening is another popular time to be pinning over at Pinterest.  So spend a few nights a week around 9 and various times on Saturday to see your Pinterest network grow. Check out more great stats on Pinterest via Search Engine Journal. If you haven’t been using Pinterest their stats may make you think again. You can also schedule your pins on the social network.

The Right Size Images – Pinterest is a visual website. Check out the correct visual sizes via Louise Myer.  1000×1500 is the most optimal size today or any 2:3 ratio for pinning.

Did you also know red, orange, and brown pins get more repins? Colors can make a difference to promote your pins.

Schedule Right On Pinterest

With a business Pinterest account, you can easily schedule your pins now! You can have up to 100 pins scheduled out. Great for pinning on Saturdays when you are out and about!

It’s easy, just be sure to click the publish at a later date button on your Pinterest business account.

Video Pins Rock It

Video content pins are hot today. These types of pins can tell a story about your brand or product. Like YouTube, you will need a cover image to make them pop out on Pinterest.

Furthermore, you will need a Pinterest business account to create video Pins on your desktop. If you’re an advertiser, you can create video Pins on your mobile device, too.

Alternatively, if you do not have a business account and you’re not an advertiser, you can create Idea Pins that can feature video clips.

Use An App For Pinterest

If you want to get the most out of Pinterest, consider using an app like TailWind. This app can help you analyze your activity and figure out what sort of content is most popular with your audience.

Additionally, it can help you schedule your pins so that they go live at the best times. Using an app like this can help you make the most of the social network and ensure that your content is seen by as many people as possible.

See why you should pin today and how the Tailwind App can help you. You can use their FREE app for some basic info or upgrade to their Pro account from $29 to $99 per month.

I used to use it all the time but really needed to up my Pro account and decided not to use it after several years. It did work well for quite some time.

There, you have to earn seeds by liking others to get points to schedule your pins at no cost. Or you may purchase seeds if you prefer. (Similar to Viral Content Bee.) 

Engage and Have Fun

Don’t forget to have fun along the way pinning. The more you enjoy Pinterest the more time you will spend and see the benefits along with the fun. It’s about being visual, engaging, and sharing along the way.

No one likes someone who only pins their own stuff just like on Facebook or Twitter when people share only their content and do not share anyone else’s content.

Your Turn

Do you plan on pinning it more in 2023? Have you had success with this visual social network? What is your best day to post on Pinterest? I’d love to hear about it from you in the comments below.


How often should you pin on Pinterest?

At a minimum, you should pin at least once a week and at the most up to 15 times per day.

Why is Saturday the best day on the Pinterest network?

It’s when people have more time to play online and look up home remodel projects and recipe ideas.

When is the best time to post on Pinterest?

The evening seems to work best on this social network.

What are the best days to Post on Pinterest?

Saturday is the best day followed by Monday and Tuesday.

Can you schedule posts on Pinterest?

Yes, you can schedule your posts right on this social network or you can use some scheduling tools as well.

How many pins can you schedule on Pinterest?

You can schedule up to 100 posts on the social site.

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