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How To Increase Blog Traffic To Make Money From Blogging

how to increase blog traffic

Many bloggers wonder how to increase blog traffic to make money from blogging. However, huge traffic is good but permits me to say that it’s useless if it doesn’t convert to money in the long run.

Yes, what’s the gain of having 100,000 daily visitors of folks that even 5 of them will never click on your ads, buy advertising from you, use your affiliate link, or buy a product from you?

It’s true we built our blogs because of the passion we have for it but your passion for blogging will be meaningless if you are not financially buoyant enough to take care of your family.

One of the biggest lies about how to increase blog traffic and convert traffic is, “Increase in traffic results in increased conversion.” But that’s not true.

It’s possible for traffic to be increasing without a corresponding increase in revenue. – Lisa, Inspire To Thrive

If you’ve been caught up in that death trap, I’m going to show you a few strategic things I do to convert our blog traffic to money. Learn how you too can convert your blog traffic now.

Begin by selecting a reliable hosting provider to ensure optimal site speed.

How To Increase Blog Traffic For A Targeted Audience

You’ve heard time and time again that if you want to build an authority blog you should focus on one niche. One niche, not two. But if you must run two niches in one blog make sure they are closely related niches.

Pick one specific niche and blog about it. When you become an authority figure in that niche, everything you promote sells like hot cake.

One recipe for failure that most bloggers are using is trying to blog about everything. They tend to do this just because they feel good about it.

Remember, your blog is not about you; your personal interest, and what you feel but about your audience.

A blogger that’s focused on a specific audience finds it easier to speak the language of that audience. He will find it easier to use the keywords that trigger purchases in his niche.

And never will he be at a loss for what content to create.

Send Only Quality Blog Traffic To Convert Your Blog Traffic

Quality traffic translates to quality leads, and quality leads end up becoming real customers. Anything short of that is not only silly but a waste of marketing effort.

It’s true you can get quality traffic, leads, and real customers or clients by using clearly spelled-out search engine optimization techniques.  But remember nothing works better than paid traffic in this regard.

Paid traffic gives you the privilege to overcome guesswork and hope marketing. Therefore targeting your offer to prospects with the purchasing power to buy now.

Not only that, you will have the opportunity to target and re-target prospects in specific locations and interests.

While paid traffic is not enough to grow a sustainable blog as the page views have been observed to drop in the event of the campaign being paused. It is important that you spice your blog content with keywords that your target audience is using when surfing the net.

SEMRush, Moz, WordStream, RankMath, etc all have keyword research tools you can start using today. These tools help you to find less competitive keywords to rank for.

If you want to start running a paid campaign as a means of generating quality traffic to your blog, you may want to use Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, Twitter Ads, Reddit Ads, etc.

Have Your Product Offers Ready To Go

How to increase your blog traffic by investing heavily to get more traffic to your blog without having a standby product to offer your readers is a waste of time, money, and energy. Don’t make that mistake, else, 20 years from now, you will still be regretting it.

The essence of getting more traffic is for the purpose of popularizing your blog. Right?

That’s not enough. It’s also for the aim of getting your product offers before more faces.

The more your target audience gets to know about your product offers, the more money you will make.

No marketing mix does more magic than this. If you are looking for earning money from paid surveys check out these tips.

Did you know that if you have an interactive audience, (by that I mean, audience that asks you questions and responds to yours) you stand a chance to convert your blog traffic to money faster? That is how to increase blog traffic that converts.

In case you don’t know I will explain to you how we do it in Entrepreneur Business Blog.

Here’s what we do to convert blog traffic:

Build Your Email List To Convert Your Blog Traffic

It’s no longer news that “The money is on the list.” Get it right now.

If you are not building your list you are simply shortchanging yourself. And honestly speaking, it’s not good for your marketing effort.

No matter how chatbots dare to compete with email marketing, email marketing will continue to be a goldmine for dedicated internet marketers.

All that needs to be done is to continue feeding the list with valuable information that will help subscribers’ businesses hit the rooftop.

Using valuable freemium products as your lead magnet, you can attract tons of prospects who are interested in your niche. And as you nurture and offer them a product, (yours or an affiliate product) they will buy it.

By constantly dishing out free but valuable products, you get your audience indebted to you and whatever brand you represent. These tactics will help your email marketing soar.

Create Jaw-dropping Sales Copy

Cocky, “hype” sales copy is the biggest undoing of most bloggers. It’s the easiest way to lose trust on the web. If you are guilty of it, you already know how difficult life has been for you in getting your readers to buy your products.

The pageviews may be growing but there are zero sales.

If you want to radically change your life as a blogger or an internet marketer then you must stop those hyped-up-cocky sales copies.

Emphasize the problem and the possible solutions. Then hit their emotional button softly with your psychological triggers.

That’s the best way how to increase blog traffic for free to make money.

Finally, show them the best solution you have found. Prove to them that your solution is correct and close your sales.

In Conclusion: How To Increase Blog Traffic To Make Money

When you send your traffic to a well-crafted sales copy, converting your blog traffic to money for free becomes a walk in the park.

Interestingly, if processes are automated, earning money during sleep is possible. If not, you may not make any money from blogging.

Your Turn:

Now over to you. Tell us in the comments below about your best strategies on how to increase blog traffic that converts your blog traffic sales.

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