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5 Proven Ways To Stand Out As A Legit Authority Online

stand out as a legit authority online

Are you trying to stand out as a legit authority online?

The internet has opened the doors for so many more people to get a profile. This includes many people who bring experience, insight, and expertise.

However, there are also many people who will spout their opinions without much in the way of a professional or educational history to back it up. And, sometimes, it can be hard to tell those two types apart.

If you want to make sure that you’re able to stand out as an authority on the internet, here are the 5 steps you should take.

5 Ways to Stand Out as a Legit Authority Online

1. Get Personal With It

If you’re aiming to maintain credibility in the online world, then you are going to have to put yourself out there. Creating an “About Me” page that talks about your professional history.

And it puts your real name and image out there first and is going to help you stand out from all of the faceless influencers.

Oftentimes, you will see users on social media without a face. They use an icon.

How can they be taken seriously without a real photo?

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Show Your Credibility as a Legit Authority

If you have qualifications then, by all means, show them. Having the logos of any associations you’re a member of can help, but your about us page can feature details of any qualifications or education you have.

For instance, if you’re trying to get an audience in the fitness world, then having a personal trainer certification online can help you get your insights taken that much more seriously. If you don’t have those signifiers of credibility, you might want to consider getting them.

Below you will see Neal Schaffer who has a lot of authority online. Notice how his image is large so you can see who he is with his new book.

Not only that but a forming mastermind in your niche is a great way to gain authority along the way.

3. Make Sure Your Website Has Authority

Aside from having and showing the credibility that you have, you also need to work to make sure that your online presence presents the same image, too.

For instance, you should be using search engine optimization techniques like using backlinks to give your website authority.

Unfortunately, people are just as likely to trust the first sites shown as Google as they are to trust any legit information you might give them.

If you have received awards or are featured on other popular websites be sure to showcase them on your website. Do not only rely on social media as people are getting banned for no reason from time to time.

Your website is your home base and you own it if it is a self-hosted website.

Finally, add testimonials to your website. They can be from your Facebook page or Google My Business reviews.

4. Share Your Knowledge

If you’re trying to get taken seriously as an authority online, then you are going to have to demonstrate that you know your stuff.

If you haven’t already, start your own blog or YouTube video series. Cover the subject that you’re trying to become known for.

Look for speaking or guest writing opportunities in other places that help you raise your profile, as well. If you can get known for one really great piece of video, that can help catapult you into credibility.

5. Building Networks in Your World to Become a Legit Authority Online

Knowing your stuff isn’t always enough, however. Positive social proof can be a very powerful force.

People are going to trust what you say more readily if you are affiliated with people that they already trust.

Look for networking opportunities, such as conferences or trade shows to get your foothold in your niche. Build positive working connections with others and cross-promote to help boost both profiles at the same time.

Next, do not forget about Twitter chats. They can also showcase your knowledge and help build your legit authority online.

If you have never joined one, you are missing out on networking with others in your niche. However, if you are featured on one, you can gain authority in that niche.

Others love the audio Twitter spaces to engage with audiences. Both are excellent ways to help you become a legit authority online.

Of course, it should go without saying that to stand out as a “legit” authority, you need to be legit. Build your reputation out of paper alone and it will eventually fall down.

Final Take: Stand Out As A Legit Authority Online

In the journey to becoming a legit authority online, remember to project authenticity and consistency. By sharing your unique insights, you’ll connect with your audience and build trust.

How do you stand out as a legit authority online? Are you inspiring others along your journey by helping others?

I’d love to hear more ways on how you are working on becoming an authority online in your niche.

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Tips to Be Recognized as an Online Authority

How can I establish myself as an expert in my field?

To be seen as an expert, create and share valuable content regularly. Participate in industry discussions, publish insightful articles, and engage with your audience. Your consistency and reliability will help build your reputation.

What role does social media play in establishing a legit authority online?

Social media amplifies your voice. Use it to share content, interact with peers, and respond to followers. Being active on platforms where your audience hangs out helps you stay relevant and visible.

Should I collaborate with other authorities?

Yes, collaborations can enhance credibility and expand your reach. Partner with respected figures for webinars, podcasts, or guest blogs. It introduces you to new audiences and reinforces your authority.

How can I ensure my content is credible?

Back your claims with data, research, and expert opinions. Cite your sources and regularly update your content to reflect current trends and findings. This builds trust with your audience.

Is networking important for building authority?

Absolutely. Networking helps you learn and grow. Attend industry events, join online forums, and engage with other professionals. Your network can support and endorse you, strengthening your position as an authority.

What’s the best way to engage my audience?

Encourage interaction through questions, polls, and comments. Respond promptly and thoughtfully to feedback. A two-way conversation boosts your engagement and shows you value your audience’s input.

Can personal branding affect my authority?

Yes, personal branding is crucial. Define your unique voice and perspective. Your brand should reflect your knowledge, values, and personality, making you memorable in your field.

How important is having a professional website?

A professional website serves as your home base. It’s where you showcase your expertise through blogs, case studies, and testimonials. A well-designed site boosts credibility and reinforces your authority.

Are credentials necessary to be seen as an authority?

Credentials can enhance credibility but aren’t mandatory. Practical experience, proven results, and a strong portfolio can also establish your authority. Focus on showcasing your real-world impact.

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