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Why I Won’t Use Shareaholic To Share Your Posts

Shareaholic – The share button that used to make me cringe whenever I visited a blog and want to share their great post via many social networks.

You know the one right? The one that moves around and hides the content if you can get it to download quickly.

You wanted to share your favorite blogger’s post but the share button would not load or allow you to share it.

No Shareaholic For Me – What About You?

The share button takes forever to load and then when you do get it to load it reads via Shareaholic. It must not be simple for users to use their tweets or other social signs in since so many don’t.

Almost every blog I visit has via Shareaholic. However, it drives me mad, what about you?

Why Not Shareaholic?

What Else Drives You Mad About Share Buttons?

Any share button that takes time to find is a reason to go away without sharing. Some share buttons do not work well on mobile.

I remember the Digg Digg button that used to be on the side of posts would hide posts on mobile sites.
Not a good thing! But having them underneath or above the posts worked fine.

That’s why I’ve eliminated them in 2023. It started out as an experiment. However, I do some click-to-tweets on blog posts instead today.

How Many Share Buttons Exist?

Other than the Shareaholic share button there are many other choices out there for you.

Digg Digg – A pretty good alternative. Just be sure not to use them along the side of your posts or they will not be read on mobile. They did look great on the side too as they floated there.

Share This – Another share button alternative with lots of choices of style buttons to choose from.

Add This – They have a lot of choices of different buttons and placements.

Add To Any – Another choice of social share buttons for you.

Simple Share Buttons – This one is an actual plugin. They do offer some pretty button selections.

Social Warfare – This is the share button I currently use since 2018 until I switched over to Sassy Social Share.

Sassy Social Share – I choose this one more recently as it allows share buttons from alternative social media networks.

Elfsight – A newer share button plugin for you to try. They offer 40 different icons with floating options for your blog.

Why Are Share Buttons Important?

Share buttons help your content get spread throughout the web. They also can increase engagement to and from your blog.

So picking the best share buttons can help to spread your content further out into the web.

Isn’t that what you want on your blog or website? If you want to know more about Shareaholic, check out the updated post when I did switch back to Shareaholic in 2015.

What are your favorite social share buttons to use?  How many have you tried out?  Have you used Shareaholic?

*One thing I will say about Shareaholic, they are great at responding on Twitter.

@AdrienneSmith40 Thanks for sharing this, Adrienne. I saw your comment and we’re working on improvements to make the experience seamless 🙂

— Shareaholic (@Shareaholic) February 14, 2014

Thanks to Corina from the Cori Ramos blog for asking about the share buttons and the inspiration for this blog post. Even in 2023, they sent me a DM after seeing my posts about their plugin.

I do give them credit for that and I’m sure their plugin is much better today.

Your Turn on Social Media Share Buttons

Shareaholic listened to YOU, readers of Inspire to Thrive, and made significant changes to their social media tool since this blog post.

Now, I would recommend Shareaholic buttons to anyone that wants to try them. They made improvements after this blog post was shared. Not only that, but they offer native advertising today as well.

However, I switched to Sassy Social Share as the alternative social media network option before the experiment to eliminate them all.

What share buttons are you using today and why? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

Since writing this post back in 2014, I have eliminated the share buttons on the blog except for click to tweets. Why send people to other sites than yours that quickly?

Why I Won't Use Shareaholic To Share Your Posts Share on X
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