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Confessions Of Why You Saw Shareaholic Again On The Blog

Making your content shareable is essential to successful blogging. So, it’s worth making the right choice when selecting a plugin for sharing posts across social media networks. Almost 10 years ago, Inspire To Thrive used the Shareaholic plugin with unsatisfactory results: stuck loading times and difficulty showing Twitter handles made users leave without sharing – driving bloggers like myself nuts!

Thankfully things have improved since then; 72 comments later revealed updates that make this one of the best solutions around today.

The Shareaholic plugin offers many different social media networks today to showcase on your blog or website.

Shareaholic contacted me via Twitter and email about their new changes after listening to YOU – my readers here. Pretty cool, right? This Shareaholic review is for you to decide which one is right for you.

The New & Improved Shareaholic

Shareaholic is now considered to be the all in one  “Content Amplification Software”.  Not only is it a share button but it takes your content to the next level. It offers more than just the sharing of your posts.

One of their latest improvement was the addition of the Parler button. Not many share tools offer this option today.

What Can Shareaholic Again Do For You?

Expand Your Reach

This plug-in can reach more people to come to your website or blog. Their website plugin powers over 300,000 websites and reaches over 500 million people each month.

Shareaholic Offers Related Content

You can offer your readers related content and thus drawing more people back to your site. You can choose from 4 to 16 pieces of related content. Then, you can choose to turn this off too if you find it’s too distracting for your readers.

(You can choose how many to use as you can see the example below offers quite a few).

Simple Share Buttons

So readers will use them! No long load time as in the past with Shareaholic again. They are easy to install and put in your own Twitter handle to display share counts.

Social Analytics

Learn what is working best for your blog or website with their analytics. I love this feature – I just looked at mine and not only does it show you their social share numbers but how many people are reaching you via search and direct traffic. A very nice feature included in the Shareaholic plugin.

Affiliate Links

Shareaholic again now offers affiliate links with their plugin. An opportunity to make money too with this newer software. Just be sure to disclose to your readers if you are using affiliate links.

New Follow Buttons – They also now offer new follow buttons. As with the share buttons, they are fully customizable.

What Else Can They Do?

You can have the share counts featured if you so desire on your website. I used to use them but decided not to be in the numbers game anymore here.

I can tell from Google analytics where my traffic comes from.

Mobile Optimized

Of course, everything must be mobile friendly today. According to recent data  92% of people today search using their mobile devices. You see it every day where you go people are on their mobile devices. It has become an addiction.

What Do Others Have To Stay About Using Shareaholic?

Shareaholic is also FREE to use. They do have professional plans with advanced features if you need more than the free plan.

Are Social Share Buttons A Thing Of The Past?

I’ve been noticing more and more blogs not using them today in 2023. Many are using Chrome extensions to share posts onto their favorite social sites. And blog owners and website owners find they can slow down pages so they are eliminating them altogether.

Others, like myself are using a WordPress theme that has them within the theme itself. I’ve been considering dropping them this year as well. Stay tuned as I will do more research on this topic.

Your Turn On The Shareaholic Review

Will you be trying out the new and improved Shareaholic plugin? Are you considering dropping the share buttons altogether? I’d love to know why OR why not in the comments below.

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