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How To Share Tweets Easily to Other Social Media Sites Quickly

how to share tweet posts easily

Twitter X has been implementing several updates to enhance the sharing of tweets. For example, imagine you’re in line at the market, anxiously checking your Twitter feed for updates on an upcoming snowstorm.

Interestingly, on X, tweets are now referred to as “posts.”

If you wish to inform your loved ones about a particular post on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, how can you go about sharing it?

The Secret of How to Share Posts to Different Places

You want to share this info from Twitter with your family and friends who are NOT on Twitter X.

(Yes, imagine, some people never got on Twitter. Or like many others signed up and never tweeted.)

So, you click the share button on Twitter X from your mobile device and now on desktop. You will notice now you have several more options for sharing tweets than ever before.

Therefore one doesn’t have to be on Twitter to see tweets that others share with them off the network.

Share Tweets on Twitter X

Of course, this is the easiest and most way tweets / posts are shared today. Many people retweet other tweets.

It’s a simple RT (a retweet) but to get more personal add your own recommendation on a tweet in front of it. Add some context to the post so others will stop and look at the post in their feed.

It is easier today to retweet with the 280 characters allowed on Twitter vs the old 140-character count. And if you have a Blue Subscription you can tweet out 10,000 characters.

Share Tweet Posts via DM – Direct Message

Don’t want to publicly share something on Twitter? Send it via a direct message on Twitter. DM’s are private messages you can send to someone on Twitter.

However, they must be following you or allow direct messages on their account.

Of course, I always think with these types of messages if something ever goes wrong they could become public. (Just saying.)

How many times have private messages or emails become public? Always think beforehand, would you want your mother or child to see this post?

Instant Message Someone the Tweet

You can share a tweet via an instant message to someone who is not on Twitter. Sometimes you may see a tweet that you know someone would love to know about.

Share the special tweet via an instant message on your mobile. Even if they are not on Twitter they can read it.

Of course, you could also make a screenshot for them to see the pictures, etc.

Share the Tweet to Facebook to Share Tweets on Facebook

This is my favorite way to share tweets during weather events. You can choose whether to share on your personal Facebook feed, someone else’s feed, or, your Facebook page.

How to share tweets on Facebook from Twitter X: You must do it from your mobile phone first.

Be sure to use the “share public option.” This way you can embed the post later on your blog or website.

Here you can see it on my Facebook timeline: I used the embed post feature to showcase it here for you so you can see how to share a tweet to Facebook.

How to Bookmark the Tweet

Instead of liking a tweet, bookmark it and only you will know. You can refer to it later. This is a newer feature from Twitter X.

It’s supposedly secretive. If you like a tweet, it’s public knowledge. It will show on your Twitter X profile timeline.

But a bookmark is private. However, if your post on X gets a lot of bookmarks, it’s a signal to the algorithm that it is an important post. You may notice a number of bookmarks on your posts on X.

Twitter X bookmarks are an effective tool for organizing your account. By utilizing bookmarks, you can easily save and categorize tweets that are important to you.

This feature allows for quick access to valuable information, making it simpler to find and refer back to specific tweets. Whether you want to save articles, links, or engaging discussions, Twitter X bookmarks aid in streamlining your Twitter experience.

By efficiently organizing your account, you can stay focused and make the most of your time on the platform. With a paid subscription you can have files for your bookmarks instead of just one bookmark file.

Embed the Tweet Post on Your Website or Blog

I love doing this one from time to time. It’s a great way to show by example and showcase your favorite peeps.

When you embed a tweet on a website or blog it adds years to the life of a tweet. You can the embedded tweet with Neal below:

Can you tell I love using this feature? I try to use them in every post now. Having a click-to-tweet plugin helps spread your content further into the Twitterverse.

(Thanks to Cori Ramos, a blog designer, for coining the term Twitterverse!) There are several plugins you can choose from to do this with a WordPress website.

These are some of the plugins you can try. Always be sure to check your plugin’s capability with your site before installing a new one.

You may remember my almost disaster with plugins years ago here. Always check that the plugin you choose has been updated recently before installing it on your WordPress site.

Retweet It on Twitter X

For this reason, it’s a great way to retweet others (in your niche) and for them to retweet your tweets. However, do add some context before just retweeting a tweet on Twitter.

This additional context in front of your retweet will spread your tweet further into the Twitterverse as more people will notice it.

Bonus Tip on How To Share Tweets

How to Share Tweets With Instagram

You can take a screenshot of a tweet and share it on Instagram right from your mobile phone. It’s simple and easy. Can you tell I get excited about storms? I got so excited I forgot to add more hashtags to this Instagram post.

Furthermore, I would also think that IFTTT may have a recipe for this to happen automatically as well.

The best IFTTT recipe is where you can share an Instagram photo to Twitter automatically. And you can VIEW the photo on Twitter.

It’s my all-time favorite IFTTT recipe. (Click on the last link to get it today.) Do note that today you have to pay for IFTTT recipes like this one with the new X API changes.

Share Your Post to Email

Did you know you can also share a tweet from your mobile device that goes to your email contacts? That’s another way to share a tweet with friends that are not on the Twitter X network.

Share Posts To Flipboard

You can also share your posts from Twitter X to Flipboard. Sharing your posts from Twitter X to Flipboard serves as a strategic move for expanding your reach and maximizing your online presence.

By leveraging the power of both platforms, you can tap into different audiences and potential followers. Utilizing Flipboard allows you to showcase your content in an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly format, captivating readers and encouraging them to engage with your posts.

This cross-promotion tactic boosts visibility, enhances brand awareness, and ultimately drives more traffic to your website or blog.

Elevate your social media game by integrating Twitter X and Flipboard, and unlock the potential to connect with a wider audience.

Extend Your Tweets Life

In addition, sharing tweets on and off Twitter gives your tweets more time to stick. Tweet posts can come and go fast but if you embed them on your blog or website those tweets can last longer.

Share them with another network and they will get more impressions and engagement. Not only that but you will grow your Twitter following as well.

Your Turn on Sharing Tweets on Twitter X

Do you share tweets with other social media networks or on your blog often? I’d love to know more in the comments below about how you share tweets today and where you share them.

Don’t forget to grab my digital or printed eBook on How to Tweet and Thrive on Amazon.


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