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Is Your Old Website Ready For Sure-Fire Social Media Marketing?

old websites

Frequently I manage a client’s social media postings and arrange social media ads. But then there comes a time when they want to know exactly how and if it is working with their old websites.

Other clients know it is working by the increase in business or calls to the business. Others see it on their social media pages themselves. They log in to their social media account and see the page insights or analytics.

Then, I ask a client if they have Google Analytics and most clients look at me with a perplexed expression.

Are You Ready for Social Media?

Others have said: “I don’t know if it’s ever been set up.” Before you know it, I’m in contact with their website developers and we end up working together to make the older website better.

Now, I like to start this process upfront with new clients. SEO is just as important as social media today still.

So, how can you tell if your older website is ready for social media marketing?

What is Needed for a Website to be Social Media Ready?

Page Speed

Website page speed is a big indicator that a website has been updated recently. Many times, the images on a website have not been optimized correctly. If you are not sure, check out this guide on image optimization.

How can you check your website’s page speed? There are 2 places I love to test them out on. It only takes a minute or two.

One is Google itself. It is the Google Page Speed developers test. And then there is another one called GT Metrix. These are 2 great places to start to check your site’s speed today.

I just went through this here on Inspire To Thrive. My techie Mayura changed my hosting, along with plugins and changes in theme.

Thank goodness for him as I would not have the time to learn and do all that with everything else.

Updated Content For Your Old Site

Another indicator is the content on the website. Oftentimes, the blog or website has not been updated in months or even years!

Without being updated, some of these sites are no longer user-friendly. Plugins need to be kept up to date on all WordPress websites. Even WordPress itself needs to be updated from time to time.

Besides, Google loves to see refreshed content when they rank websites. So if you want to appear in search be sure to keep your website fresh.

Not only Google but your customers will notice when they land on your site or blog if it has been updated or not. Having new information on a website keeps it fresh and makes readers more engaged.

Social Media Buttons and Share Buttons

Some sites I have seen have neither! This is so important if you are going to UP your social media presence and invest in social media management and /or marketing.

Make sure the FB page and or Twitter X icons can be seen and are clickable to the right link on social media profiles. These important icons are something that is often overseen by many webmasters.

If you do use your Twitter X or other social icons be sure that the Twitter profile is updated and that you are still tweeting.

It looks careless if you haven’t tweeted in months or years. Yes, many websites with Twitter or Instagram buttons are like that.

A newer way is to put your social media buttons on your contact page and not on every page as they can slow the speed of your site down and take people away from your site quickly.

Clear Call to Action to Make Your Old Website Ready for Social Media

What is it that you want people to do when they land on your website pages? People are not mind readers. You want to make it easy for them to perform actions on your website.

It will help them get answers fast to the questions they have. A call to action can be for readers to sign up for emails or to make a special purchase.

Internal Linking

Do your pages and blog posts link to one another? Many websites I look at do not. This is huge for SEO today.

If your content does not link with others on your website it is called “orphan content” and is not good for your website’s SEO or traffic.

It is a simple tactic that takes time to implement but can be done a little at a time. I’m still working on mine here at Inspire To Thrive at least several times a week.

Today it is much easier with LInk Whisper, if finds the content fast for you to link to. That is for internal links and it also tells you about your broken external links.

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Contact Info

Your business contact info should be on every page of your website even if it is on the footer. If it is a retail business phone numbers and hours are a must. It shows Google you are real and can be trusted.

Have you ever visited a website and were not able to find how to contact someone for an answer? That is a very frustrating experience.

Another popular option of course is to have an online chat today. Many consumers like to have answers right away and having an online chat on your website can provide that.

Is Your Old Website Shoppable and Social Media Ready?

If you are an online retailer, the shipping costs of each product page are another important factor for people making a decision to purchase or not from your website.

Furthermore having a great shopping cart for your website can make a big difference as well. People don’t want to spend a lot of time waiting for a shopping cart to load.

Of course, having several payment options like Paypal and credit cards is a must as well.

Your Checklist for Getting Your Website Social Media Ready

I’ve made an infographic just for you to see if your website is ready for social media! Be sure to check out the handy list here below.

Do You Still Need A Website Today?

Oftentimes, people will ask if they still need a website. Or if they don’t have it if they really need a website since they have a Facebook page.

The answer is always YES. You can do so much more with a website and it is YOUR own digital property.

A social media website is like renting space on the digital landscape. You never know if it will disappear or start charging a high rent!

Having a website is always the first choice when it comes to having your business online. It’s your own home. You can make the rules and do what you want there.

Have you checked your website recently to see if it is ready for social media marketing? I’d love to know more in the comments below if you check these tips out regularly on your website.

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