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9 Real Estate Agents Who Get Twitter Right To Learn From

real estate agents who get Twitter right

There are a few real estate agents who get Twitter right and who you can learn from. These realtors use the X Twitter network to engage others and generate leads for their businesses.

But most other real estate agents tweet out their own listings. Hence, they treat X Twitter like a billboard for their listings and their branding campaigns.

These types of billboards do not promote much engagement or interest on social media.

And yes, some realtors still protect their tweets. If you are looking to generate business please don’t protect your tweets. It’s like keeping your Instagram account private.

Luckily I have found some great examples of real estate agents that get Twitter today in 2024. (It took a bit of time I must admit.)

Why These 9 Who Get Twitter Right?

The 9 realtors are great examples for you who are using Twitter like the social network is intended for. Most importantly these real estate agents are using Twitter to engage with others and become known as an expert in the real estate field.

Many of these real estate agents mentioned have their own blogs and websites and have been using Twitter for almost a decade.

Here Are The 9 Real Estate Agents Who Get Twitter Right!

1 Bill Gassett, of RE/MAX Executive Realty in MA.

Bill doesn’t just tweet out listings, he tweets out a lot of information and engages with others.

Of course, he has his own blog and posts regularly on it.

He is one busy real estate agent in New England.

Bill has been on Twitter since 2007 – over 10 years – more than a decade of posting on X Twitter.

When you look at his profile and notice, that he posts about every hour and retweets and engages with other users. That shows he is ACTIVE and he is one of the few real estate agents who get Twitter right, year after year.

Bill has over 445,000 posts as shown above in his profile!

Of course, he has a great real estate website and blog to tweet from. Learn more about how you can get a great real estate website too.

Most of all I believe Bill is a great example of how a real estate agent can use Twitter today to market a real estate business.

2. Anita Clark at Warner Robbins, Inc.

She has been on Twitter for 14 years and is consistent with her tweeting but keeps up bio updated. Anita has her own blog called Anita’s Corner.

She does participate in various blogging communities and shares the content with others on her social networks. Furthermore, Anita is not afraid of video and has her own YouTube channel as well.

I’ve met Anita via the Tribber network and over on Pinterest.

3. Shannon Holmes, Great Homes Alabama from Birmingham, Alabama

Shannon is my 3rd pick. I really liked how she shares things with retweets and other content on her Twitterfeed.

She also has a fabulous blog that is becoming known for her expertise in real estate in the Alabama area. The blog helps her be one of the real estate agents who get X Twitter correct.

Being interviewed in Bloomberg BusinessWeek for her expert knowledge of the Birmingham Real Estate Market makes Shannon an influencer in her niche.

Shannon knows how to use Twitter and it looks like she is growing her following. She has been on the social network since 2009.

4. Karl Martone– RE/MAX Properties, Smithfield, Rhode Island

Karl Martone of the Martone Group is newer to Twitter than most of the realtors on this list. But his group is rocking it there from the start.

When you follow Karl and his RE/MAX team you will see they are genuine in each and every tweet. Not only that but they understand the value of tagging others and engaging on the Twitter network.

You won’t see them only posting their listings. However, they do share their Instagram posts on Twitter correctly so you can view the images on the Twitter feed.

That’s the power of social media when you can cross-promote!

5. Kim Starry from Keller Williams in Orlando, Fl.

I’ve added agent Kim recently to this blog post as she has an impressive 40,000+ X Twitter followers. (Do note: They are from a large market!) Kim uses some nice emojis and personal info in her bio. 🙂

If you look through their Twitter feed you will see that Kim shares great information on real estate and mixes it up with quotes, etc.

This real estate agent also has a rocking website with free downloads for information to help other agents market their business that is showcased in her bio above.

6. Lisa Hamilton, of Utah

This agent posts not only about houses but also about home design and tips for those getting ready to sell their homes.

Lisa has been on the X Twitter network since 2017 as you see from the screenshot above.

However, she is very good about sharing others content on the X platform as well. It’s not just about what she is selling.

7. Sherry Chris, CEO of Better Homes and Gardens

I love seeing a CEO tweet. And Sherry Chris surely does! She really gets and understands Twitter.

And, she is not afraid to show us who she is and what she is about.

Sherry has been tweeting since 2008. Sherry has quite a following too. You can tell she enjoys using the network and continually posts.

She shares all kinds of useful information about the real estate market and current events and holidays.

Therefore if you follow Sherry you will be glad you did as she covers quite a range of topics that are interesting.

8. Christopher Arienti, Boston

Christopher is quite active on the X Twitter network and shares others posts often on the social media platform.

As you can see he has over 42,000 posts on the X Twitter platform. He has been on for 14 years and understand how to network.

Furthermore, Chris shares others posts from his RE/MAX group in the Boston area where is the broker/owner. I like that he has his photo on the profile vs. the office.

His profile is personal too and how he wants to help others, that comes across in almost all of his posts on the social platform.

 9. Amy Shair from RE/MAX in North Carolina

I really liked Amy’s profile. She explains what she does and that she is an award-winning RE/MAX realtor.

She includes some of her favorite things that are personal and makes her one of the real estate agents who get X Twitter right.

Amy has a beautiful website that is linked to her Twitter bio and includes an updated blog.

Having this blog updated gives her more content to share out on social networks like Twitter.

What More Real Estate Agents Can Do On Twitter to Succeed:

  1. Engage with others and network. Just tools like Circlebloom and Triberr if you have a blog. If you don’t have a real estate blog, get one! Having a blog helps generate more content for you to share that is helpful to future clients or past clients.
  2. Share relevant content to help buyers and sellers along the way to buying or selling a home.
  3. Be consistent. Use tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, MissingerLttr, or my favorite Agorapulse to save time and yet grow a presence at the same time.
  4. Have a profile picture and use your name. Using your own name vs. a company name gives you more of an authentic profile.
  5. Use Videos. Videos do very well on the network. It can showcase you better or a property you have listed.
  6. Furthermore, just use Twitter. Like the general Twitter population, many realtors just put up a profile and leave it. As the old saying goes “use it or lose it“.
  7. Use Tweetstorms to get your message across on X Twitter. This method is using one post and tweeting from it when you run out of 280 characters. Great for showing off a new listing on the market.

Your Turn: Getting X Twitter Right

In addition what advice would you recommend to realtors on Twitter today?

Do know any real estate agents that should be on this list? 

Lastly, please drop a comment below so we can discuss real estate agents who get Twitter right or not.

9 Real Estate Agents Who Get Twitter Right To Learn From Share on X
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